Evangelion Rebuild

Is anyone still looking forward to 3.0+1.0?

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I will watch it, but I wouldn't say I'm look forward to it.

No one on Yea Forums is but we are going to watch it and shit on it anway just like 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0

Nope, but I'll watch it anyway.

The only rebuild I care about is Madoka Rebellion part two.

Sure. It's gonna be great.

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Yes, a lot. That preview looked great.

You're all a bunch of plebs.

why, so you can have an excuse (not) to watch it? Grow up, thumbsucker


No, but might as well watch it since I've seen the previous ones.

Not really, the last time I watched something Eva related was like 7 years ago with 3.0 and that shit was garbage so I don't have high hopes.

I dread it

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I'm looking forward to the threads

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I'm looking forward to having a full year's worth of maxed out threads (IIRC they got around the 900s) arguing about it here, like I did with 3.0

Pretty much the same as everyone else here (and pretty sure everyone else out there).

Not excited but may as well watch it.

After Relapse of Eva I cannot be assed to give a fuck about it.
There's literally no way for the series to end in a satisfactory way that isn't a massively retarded asspull.

Yes but only in hopes that there's a Shin Godzilla reference

I used to dread it, but then I realized that the original/EoE are still there.

Now I just want Anno to get off of his own WildRide™ and make something new (or adapt the Nausicaa manga)

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**"new, and has passion behind" is what I meant

Shin Godzilla was kino and proved that he's still got it.

Desu. Evangelion needs to go so The Master™ can create more kino. Shin Goji 2 or Shin Ghidorah would be nice.

Also Gunbuster 3 needs to made, it's been 16 years since the second one and 32 years since the first one

Let the man make something new that isnt based off of anything else. He has to have some ideas knocking around that he hasnt had the opportunity to shell out. Although honestly, I wouldnt be surprised if he was sick of the industry after this.

I am. I unironically enjoyed the Rebuilds. Obviously NGE is superior but Rebuilds are fun and have interesting lore. I also like the whole meta commentary that 2.22 and 3.33 has going on because Anno is butthurt people rejected his original message from NGE

It's been a whole 10 years in the works so it's impossible for them to fuck it up.

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100% certain 3.0+1.0 will be the last anime related thing Anno will ever be involved in.

please let it be done, kamisama

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Only out of morbid curiosity.

Its clear Anno doesnt give a fuck about the series anymore, but he always bring to the screen some crazy bullshit that is just stupid enough to not have you bored out of your mind but not crazy enough that it takes you completely out of the movie. Basically
>okay Anno, show me how much you can shit on this characters and story

I'm looking forward to it like I look forward to a trainwreck. You know how some people only watch nascar for the crashes? Yeah it's like that.

But he fucked up the other three Rebuild movies

One thing's for sure. The music is gonna be good shit.

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>Selm now has white hair and is voiced by Akira Ishida

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I mean if 10 years pass as I take a shit, my shit will still be shit and not some masterpiece.

I hope Misato fucks the black guy.

It has the potential to be like Coppola's Dracula; Anno needs the constraints of a prewritten narrative to work within to create a last masterpiece.

Many a small bird drive away a hawk.

Many a small bird bumble into each other's face.

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*raises hand* Here.


that last part looks so lazy and repeated
i doubt anno had any hand whatsoever in this flick

>looking forward
Nope, but at least it'll be (probably) finally over.

I'm hyped for more Spanish Guitar. That shit fits perfectly for any sort of fighting, lifting or physical activity. Fuck I LOVE Spanish Guitar

oh wow did you guys see the lances? Maybe the 4 lances werent time looped but copies?

God no


needs more beep beep posting

Imagine unironically believing that.

>anno: did I mention how much I like ps2 tier cg?

I do. Give me my promised Rei end. I count on you Enokido.

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pfft, you know what you get posting this shit in Yea Forums people will say , nope, but i still watch it, it will suck.. fucking pleb Yea Forums

>I count on you Enokido.
Is the guy even still working on the rebuilds?


Maybe I remember wrong but I thought the first two had way better cg than 3+

Never did.

No, you just enjoyed those movies better. The CGI is mostly awful in all the new Eva movies.

Yes. He is one of three people that remains on board. I believe that he finish what he started at end on end of second movie.

Was that a real song or just guitar background music?

Rebuild has officially reached trainwreck territory for me, so I'll enjoy it the same way I would enjoy Vulvarape.

beep beep

The only plot point I expect to be addressed in 3+1 is Shinji confronting his father in one way or another. Anything past 2.0 is such an utter narrative mess and the preview hints at 3+1 learning nothing from 3.0

Same crappy stuff for anything rigid and mechanical.

There was some neat use of it like Ramiel but that was about it.

Rewatched for the 3rd time
Call me a brainlet but I still don’t understand this scene, and why asuka is there

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No; not even in a trainwreck way. I just want it to be over.

They were less in your face with the CG than this movie seems to be.


Why are Shinji's eye's red? For a second there I thought he had some Kaworu in him.

Anno made it on purpose to leave the interpretation to the viewer.

Ramiel was the only thing i liked about the rebuilds. The CGI was actually used creatively and i loved it.

Too fucking bad khara was lazy and used it shitily everywhere else in the rebuilds

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It's up to your own interpretation, there is no right meaning to that scene.

>(or adapt the Nausicaa manga)

Miyazaki won’t let him. He could do his own version of Solaris, Lem is dead.

It is honestly one of the most straight forward scenes in the movie for me.
What else are they supposed to do?

i'll watch it out of a sense of obligation and morbid curiosity

The rebuilds are garbage and i only watch it as a fan service

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I want him to make a Nadia movie

Why do you guys hate Mari?

Mari does nothing but take lines from asuka and rei

I'll watch it, but after the absolute shit that was 3.3, I am not looking forward to it. I just want it to be over.

there is a penis hidden in the background stars

Character was literally thrown in for merch sales.

Why do people want a rebellion sequel?
The ending was pretty conclusive

>Shinji becomes not-real when saving someone who's not real
Makes sense.


Wew, now I see!

Judging from "until you come to me" short Enokido clearly plans resolve whole Shinji x Rei issue somehow in important way.

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Anno can't even stick to the end previews.

Whole Anno's issue with Rebuild is that he is unable stick with one plan. Essentially after premiere of each movie he always throw away current story draft for following movie and start from start from scratch, feeling that he need go bigger and greater with each movie. Not even 2.0 and 3.0 are based on what Anno originally planned with them.

If only for the trainwreck factor.

What will be bigger? This or Rise of Skywalker?

You kids need to stop taking seriously Yea Forums.

Asuka is there because she rejected instrumentality.
You can interpret the actual scene in number of different ways, from shinji checking if he's actually out, to him being crazy after being all alone for at least weeks, to it reinforcing how fucked up shinji is

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At very least Evangelion trainwreck has always bigger chance to be fun, than expected SW "damage control" episode.

They said that about Samurai Jack. The show was beautiful but the ending was rushed as fuck for some reason and wasn't as good as it could have been.

Despite all Anno is still a great director, he just doesn't go all out with Eva anymore. And why would he? He said what he wanted to with the TV anime and End of Evangelion. It's just that Evangelion is guaranteed to print money. And who could blame him? Eva isn't the only thing he's ever worked on, he has other creative outlets. Instead of caging himself into one franchise, he just uses his most successful one to get money.
So no, I don't really look forward to it. I am mildly interested.
What I do look forward to is the complete meltdown that Yea Forums will experience next year.

This. After the maximum suffer and rock bottom he indubitably hits in 3.0+1.0, he needs some happiness that will stay.

>Misato and Ritsuko are leading a civilians' resistance against Gendo, rather than just doing his bidding
>Shinji fucked up the world like in EoE, but this time people are still around to punish him for it
>A third Rei got wheeled out, but Asuka is kicking her towards finding her own identity
I rewatched 3.0 for the first time in years recently and I realised that, despite its seemingly more fatalistic direction compared to 2.0, the new storyline is still Anno giving everyone a second chance to symbolically right the wrongs of the original series.


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So liking Kaworu is masturbation?

It's selfcest.

I don't see the appeal of this theory.

It's not about appeal, it was confirmed by Anno in '96, Rebuild started heavily hinting at it, then ANIMA confirmed it too

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I look forward to seeing what new accessory best girl will be wearing this time

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A strapon

I had a dream last night that I was watching the next Eva rebuild. All the characters had an organized plan to take down Gendo, the children were overcoming their internal conflicts to share their emotions and grow as a team. Mari developed as a character and actually grew emotionally. The Eva battles were intense without being too over the top.

Then I woke up. It was all a dream. I was back in the real world where the rebuilds suck ass.


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It's stupid and unnecessarily convoluted without really adding anything meaningful to Shinji's character arc. I don't get how anybody could be excited about this. The movie would have to go deep into time traveling shenanigans to make it worthwhile and I don't see any situation in which it would be a satisfying reveal given the time we have to conclude the whole story.

3.0 and a 4th rewatching of the main series made me lose all interest on the franchise future movies
Yeah Mari driving the eva like a truck and foderizing angel planes is cool and shit but for some reason Broly movie happens to be cooler, it feels like it lacks impact or something
Then the plot, 3.0 teached us that it doesn't matter
but I will watch it anyways, Yea Forums losing its shit is always glorious

I just want it to be over.

I just want Mari to NENENENENE all over me

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I want Mari to be as irellavent as she was in 2.0 and 3.0. I have no idea why they keep pushing this character. I don't give a fuck about her. she has no sway or character development and is only there because she's le quirky glasses girl with big tits.
If they gave her EVA character development and make her flawed like everyone else than she would fit, but she doesn't so she's shit.

Mari is a slut!

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I want Mari to die, EoE Asuka style only even worse.

Mari is a shitty waifu.

He really looks like his mom. That means he has
most his father's persona being a closed bitch boy.

do explain in detail how thats a thing

I can't get behind his reasoning of that CGI shitfest he showed off with Mari.

I like Mari because she's just plain fun. Everyone else is freaking out over all the drama and Third/Fourth/Fifth? Impact and she's just chilling out in the background, going "Well I'm still having a good time."

mios dio...

She has 0 appeal. Dunno why they even bothered with her.

Do you know your ABCs?

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That's the exact reason I don't like her. "Fun" was only ever applicable when Shinji was out doing stuff with his friends, not when some literal who joins the EVA shit and has tons of fun being the exact opposite of what I've come to know EVA as.
that is why I said she needs problems. Realistic problems that fit in with the rest of the cast.

In the 3.0 preview at the end of 2.0 that what it seemed like it was going to be, but look where that went? spoilers it went nowhere because that 3.0 preview and the footage from it don't exist.

You mean the preview that showed her naked with a bunch of loli Reis
Does turbolesbo Mari have no limits?

>thinking the third and fourth impact are something to chill out during
this is why people hate her

She's actually like 50 years old and doesn't really care anymore

No, she was wearing something other than a mocking smile and seemed to be somewhat depressed.

Depressed because she had to settle for Rei and not her true love

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Not only does that not make it better, it makes it worse because she still exists without any explanation.

It explains the time traveling shenanigans on Kaworu's end.
Rebuild is literally just Shinji/Kaworu timelooping to make himself happy.

You're entitled to your opinion. I consider Rebuild more a fun what-if romp than anything really serious.

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Reminder that Anno told Maaya Sakamoto that Mari is exactly as she appears and has no hidden agenda

>fun what-if romp than anything serious
3.0 is fucking stupid but at least it's the only part that actually felt like it was trying to be EVA again.

Plebs. Being able to laugh off the apocalypse is a pretty admirable trait in my book.
Like, what's even the point after whatever happens at the end of Rebuild 2? Who cares? Everything's fucked anyway, might as well have a good time without however much of said time is left.

At least it seems we’ll be getting some Mari backstory. The question is, is she somehow the same Mari from the manga.

Yeah, and as you said, it was still fucking stupid.
Laugh it off, user. Your beloved franchise has gone in strange directions that are pretty dumb, but don't let that stop you from enjoying it.
Probably should have saved for this.

I'd unironically like Mari more if she was in something other than EVA.
Thematically to me she does not belong in EVA and feels disingenuous to it for the sake of luring in people that didn't like the original TV anime to watch these movies.
In fact that's exactly why she was created and why she's always the face of the movies.

She's wasting screentime by contributing nothing of substance to the plot or character dynamics. She's pure filler, an actual animated piss break. There's no time for her irrelevant shenanigans in a time constraining format of a movie.

I don't mind stupid, but I do mind consistently.
Shinji having a fucking meltdown while Mari is having fun doesn't make for very good tone consistently.

Was there ever fanart of like the 3.0 poster of Shinji and Kaworu except it's Asuka and Mari or am I imagining things

She's a maniac who enjoys the smell of blood


Everyone keeps saying Rebuild Kaworu is the time traveler looping back, but what if Mari is too? Could explain a lot.

She's not just lolsofun she's unhinged lolsofun

This opens up so many plot holes and invites such questionable logic I don't even know where to start.

Okay. Why?

old eva
>dude here's these huge ass robots but it has all this infrastructure, support staff, launch and operation procedures and all that shit so it actually looks and feels like it could be real!
rebuild eva
>dude what if did neon genesis gurren lagann?

i'm not even mad anymore

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Why are you asking that kind of question before the series is even done

Mari doesn't need or deserve a backstory because she's wholly irrelevant otherwise so what's the point of giving her one? It's as if we got backstory of the pink hair octo lips all of a sudden.

Did you completely miss the Wunder launch scene or what

Nigger we are TWO MOVIES IN with Mari and we don't know fuck all about her.
Fuck off "It's not done yet".

And the space battle scene

Fucking cringe edge for 12 year olds.

Only a redditor could be this impatient

Don't be an idiot, user. Mari exists. That's all anyone can really say about her for certain other than and have also said.
She has no clear story reason to exist.
It's time for Poochie to be either written into the story proper or for her to go back to her home planet.

Agreed, but for different reasons. She should stay the fun side-character. If the final scene of 4 is Mari watching the dust of Eighth Impact with a big smile on her face, knocking back the last beer on Earth, going "Man, what a ride," then I'd be happy.

>Like, what's even the point after whatever happens at the end of Rebuild 2?
This is my thought as well, 14 years have passed, the pilots aren't aging, world is largely fucked and uninhabitable, what possible ending could be satisfying now?
Sure, we see WILLE can magically wash away the red gook over Paris and make it look good as new, but the city looks like there isnt a living soul in it. And it also confirms that the 3rd Impact disaster is not just localized around Japan if it is in France too.

They can stop Gendo, and then what? They already got the bad ending, any "victory" will feel hollow.

Couldn't be more indifferent to it and the first 10 minutes were just the same whole shit of the movies.

Imagine if Mari was in EoE.
All the destruction and death going on around her and she'd probably be happily singing to herself the whole time, and compliment everyone else on how good they smell as puddles of tang.

Nah man, the series knew when to make you care about its characters. If a character was meant to have a significant emotional arc later on, it was made sure that groundwork was laid out right from the get go. Case in point, the original Fourth Child. Mari is like a theme park attraction, casual entertainment for the masses.

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You mean happily singing like the happy song that literally plays during 3I

I’m just glad it’ll be over. It’s been an oddly fun ride even if the movies haven’t been great.

>and she'd probably be happily singing to herself the whole time

Mari sitting on her eva, big smile, idly kicking her legs, humming to herself.
>Hmmm, hmhmmm, hmhmmmHM. 'omes tumbling down, tumbling down, hmhmhmhmmMMMmm~

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I'm looking forward to seeing Poka Rei again.

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I look forward to torrenting it and not giving a single cent to these fucking hacks

If the original Rei soul comes back, its probably going to be as serious Lilith!Rei like Rei-III was.
The poka poka is gone.

That Rei is dead though user. What’s left of her will probably just be Lilith.

Rei III never acted like Lilith until she literally fused with Lilith's body

It’s gonna end with Asuka strangling Shinji on the beach that will lead to a 12 minute graphic sex scene narrated by Anno.

Maaya Sakamoto speaks pretty good English actually

Maybe in other series, but this is evangelion, the series known for not giving you what you want

It's been too long since I saw the others and I don't believe that statement based on the one line from the preview.

>sex lasting longer than 2 minutes at most


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Finished the series and EoE yesterday. Any reason to watch these? From the clips I've seen it's all just fanservice that ruins all of the characterization of the original series.

He's 14

I hope the theatrical run leaks again, movie leaks are fun as fuck to watch along with


>how, sweaty sex
>roll off each other, exhausted
>shinji's head lolls to one side
>Mari was watching the whole time
>smug smirk, you know the one
>roll credits

Have you heard of puberty

Still haven't even watched the first 3. I don't want it to ruin Eva for me.

You honestly think Asuka wouldn’t force him to keep going? She’s 30 in this continuity and best friends with an actual deviant. She’s learned some things.

Yes, what does that have to do with Shinji being a dicklet?
Even if he tried to fug a girl she wouldn't feel anything, look at this pathetic stub he calls a penis.

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Honestly? The first 2 are fine as is but the climax of 2.22 ruins one of the best moments in the original series by making Unit 01 going berserk and murdering Zuruel flashy and full of action rather than horrifying and unsettling. It’s honestly just disappointing.

>what does puberty or lack thereof have to do with being a dicklet
Are you genuinely this dense

Do you know how a penis works?

This entire scene is so unbelievably dumb

God I hate Anno

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Seething dicklets

And also reducing Rei to muh pokapoka damsel
It's a shame because there are a lot of small details in Rebuild that I like, like Rei ramming Zeruel with a missile and unit 01 kicking the elevator button

Leave Shinji alone, he's a cute girl

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sjw pussy hat

>Rei is damselled in 2.0
>Ikari is no longer Yui's name
Why does Anno hate women now?

how does that invalidate my point? it's a literal gurren lagann spaceship, loook at old eva shit, they at least tried to be kind of realistic with some of the stuff

Most the revamped Angel fights were really good. Hell, before Zeurel got that hot body the fight was great. It just seems Anno wanted everything after to be super goddamn flashy.

Mogudan's Rei doujin? Yes
Dumb CG movie? Nope

Anno send me the script
Asuka/Mari are going to be a couple
Shinji and Rei are going to sacrifice and the last words of Shinji are going to be Kaworu related

Because it's a fucking angel mate
And the launch sequence is pure infrastructure technobabble

And this is the last scene

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The Yui thing may have been to subvert expectations or something. Didn’t make it any less stupider but that was probably the reason.

What Anno is doing right now?

Sucking off his wife

That piece of shit manga should never be adapted again

Shinji would literally die, Shikinami is too strong for mortal men.

Getting abused by his Asuka-proxy wife

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She rips his head off and uses his tongue to eat her out

>publicly calling your wife fragile and weak

>unit 01 kicking the elevator button
That's just comical that they'd have a giant button to be pushed by Evas that Shinji has to hit with his foot because his hand is full. Especially when they still include the aside of Shinji roaring at Misato and her immediately understanding what he's trying to do and ordering it, but their elevator button has 2-step authentication. They left out grinding the angel's face into the wall, that was the coolest part.

You are married to Hideaki Anno. This is the least you can expect

Okay that is kind of embarrissing, Anno is acting like a waifufag toward an actual person.
Wonder how much of what he says about her is bullshit, or what the heck she'd see in him (it is probably the money)

You mean Misato-proxy wife

I don’t really see anything wrong with what he’s saying. I think it’s sweet that he’s devoted to her.

No. I don't look forward to things. I live on hate and disgust at everything.
Oh and coco pops. I live on hate, disgust and coco pops.

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She's a Shoujo/Josei Mangaka. She had fame and money before she even met him.

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I think it is a bit strange, but I am betting its a cultural thing. What he is saying probably sounds like the norm in Japan.

This. Yea Forums doesn't like anime. Anime a shit.

Ironically they have the same last name as well. It seems like fate made them meet due to the coincidences.

It'll just be two hours of Anno laughing and calling the viewers stupid otaku.

>name is mayoko but stylised mayoco
>women in shin godzilla was named kayoko but stylised kayoco

Remember when this was a legit, real TV commercial for Evangelion?


Good times.

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true rebuild villain revealed?!?!?

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Remember when Anno was single

Good times

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>Ironically they have the same last name as well.
are you having a laugh?

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>i-its not like we want to watch your next anime or anything anno-san

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Before they were married you imbecile

I meant before they got married user. Her maiden name is also Anno.

So... they're likely related?

So if Moyoko leaves Anno is there a chance he will rewrite Final from scratch and make End of Evangelion: End Harder?

Anno is a common name in Japan iirc. It’s like the Smith or Jones of Japan.

Asuka isnt gonna make it this time around

I'm pretty sure if Anno faced that he'd suicide on the spot
Which would leave the other writers free to go crazy because, believe it or not, Anno was largely keeping their shit in check, and we will get something worse in a much different way.

117% chance if his wife left him

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I thought that was Tanaka.

This is Eva not Gundam

>End of Evangelion: End Harder
This needs to happen

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Too much CGI shit, I had to shut my brain down during any Wunder segments


What do people even find attractive in Mari? Her hairstyle, plugsuit color and glasses are all so meh to me. I find Asuka and Rei infinitely cuter than her.

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>people think wanted to help protect and love your qt wife is cringe


Oh yeah I just remembered we're on Yea Forums, now it makes more sense

Same. In a setting where everyone is miserable and upset all the time, how can someone not be drawn to the ONE person having a good time? The sintular person who stands out the most?
and are just assmad EVAfags.

That's sort of the point. Mari's never NOT come off as an unhinged lunatic, but she's always been one of the most functional characters. If EVA is all about how humans respond to trauma and stress, Mari is the one who snapped and took the Geofront sized black pill.

Fucking shivers just seeing that page again. If it was done properly, a no-holds-barred, full-length adaptation of Nausicaä would be one of the greatest fantasy works of all time, certainly one of the greatest anime series. People who've only seen the movie don't have any idea what they're missing out on.

Pretty sure Miyazaki explicitly said that Anno is the ONLY person he wants to adapt the full manga, if he were to get around to it. It was an off-the-cuff comment at an unrelated press conference though, and years ago. Anno is the son Miyazaki wishes he had instead of Goro.

>functional characters
She's not a functional character, she's barely a character to begin with. She has no character outside of the Eva since almost all of her scenes are inside the Eva. She's a glorified bridge bunny.

I wonder who will get more in this the will when he croaks. Goro or Anno?

Apart from Shinji, Mari has the highest count of getting shit done out of anyone else in the Rebuild movies. If nothing else it leaves the other characters open for more of the naval gazing you people seem to like.

got it in one, user

Anyone but Goro. The sons of the producer/executive-cofounders at Ghibli will probably get more than Goro.

This. Looking forward to 3.0+ with some mild anticipation, but EAGERLY awaiting more shingoji.

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I wonder if some of the angels in the Rebuilds were more of a proof of concept to him since a lot of them have very similar abilities to Shin Goji.

They escaped instrumentality. The "Disgusting" line is either about Shinji Masturbating becoming known to her during the time in the LCL or something else, for me it took me back to that bit in the DC version of Episode 22 when she's complaining about sharing the same water as Shinji and Misato.

That's arguable but getting shit done is completely irrelevant to the narrative. The people who actually get the most shit done in the Eva universe are the nameless, faceless mooks from NERV, but we don't think they're relevant because they don't matter, to Shinji, or any other major character, or the plot. Little would have changed if you shuffled Mari for some other character, anybody really, because she affects the narrative and other major characters in zero ways. There are zero stakes for this character, she has no personal relationships on any meaningful scale, If she died nobody would even notice or care. That's why the audience doesn't care either. She's just awkwardly tacked on.

The butthurt in those threads is just too good


>Some angry fag post "Cope" to anybody who laughs at him for getting mad at Anime.

Return to Yea Forums, where you belong.

>Mari has the highest count of getting shit done

She killed a half-dead Angel and some disposable Eva units and failed horribly every other time.

>being an adult an offering constructive criticism or critique without getting emotional and calling everyone a faggot is coping

Whew lad

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The anticipation for 3+1 is exactly how I remember the anticipation for Revenge of the Sith over a decade ago, with everyone promising that the director will definitely fix everything in the last movie

Look at the topics in this thread, or any thread for that matter. People obsess over who's going to fuck who and who hates what in a giant robot fighting alien show. That's fine, everyone can like what they want, but that doesn't change that the show is still about giant robots fighting aliens and you can't just cut that out. Rather than re-tread EoE, you have the characters focus more on their personal drama but you still need someone fighting aliens.
Enter Mari.
That's still totally ignoring the whole thing they did in 3.0 by having the Children go rogue against each other so they can have a real EVA vs EVA fight.

To be fair, Revenge of the Sith is not a movie I would pick if I wanted an example of hype not paying off or a sequel being worse then its predecessors.
It's definitely the best of the prequel movies at least and actually good desu.

>having the Children go rogue against each other so they can have a real EVA vs EVA fight.
And all it amounted to was Asuka uselessly slapping at Eva-13's flying AT Field projectors until she ran out of battery, the fight was terrible from an action perspective

>everyone can like what they want, but that doesn't change that the show is still about giant robots fighting aliens
You could probably condense all the Eva action in NGE into 40 minutes

NGE was never about the robots

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>NGE was never about the robots
Would anyone watch NGE if it didn't have robots?

If anything, compared the anticipation to that of The Rise of Skywalker instead.

I have no anticipation for (((the rise of skywalker))) if anything, I am looking forward to seeing the massive shitstorm that will follow in its wake.

As a depressive SoL show? I would argue yes

The problem with that comparison is that the makers of the new trilogies are different between each movie.
So even if the guy that made the 2nd one had ideas for the third, there is no telling if the new guy will use them.

>Toasted an Angel in a skunkwork EVA
>Charged Zureal head on, beat through multiple AT field layers, bit through the last one so Rei could deliver the nuke
>Provides sniper fire for Asuka in space
>Covers for Asuka again along with spare batteries to her dumb ass when she tries to stop Shinji from removing the spears
>Literally stops 4th impact by pulling Shinji from Unit 01

>Call me a brainlet but I still don’t understand this scene, and why asuka is there

Shinji rejected Instrumentality, i.e. the loss of all human individuality. He returned to the world. It seems that Asuka decided to return too. He strangles her, likely thinking she is an apparition of some sort like before, but she caresses his cheek. He then stops as he becomes aware she is real. She says the final words of the film, which are pretty controversial/debatable, namely something like 'i feel sick' or 'disgusting' mirroring a line elsewhere.

They all have a choice now on whether they wish to return back to the fucked up, presumably doomed planet and retain their individuality, or stay as orange LCL tang goop.

Watch Lily Chou Chou to find out.

Yeah, for budgetary reasons. Look what happens when there is a budget, you get 10 minute scenes of robot alien fights. Clearly that's what Anno wanted from the original series and that's only supported by how much marketing is based around the robots.

As I said she got her fucking ass handed to her in everything but the encounter at Bethany Base, and that was a half dead angel

Charging Zeruel did nothing, sniper fire was useless and she failed to reach her orbit, and in the last two instances she is a glorified water-boy

Does Anno actually think the the CGI monstrosities of Rebuild look good? They just look like bad ps2 cutscenes.

>Look what happens when there is a budget
He makes a series of garbage movies that are all style over substance?

The first episode doesn't have any robot fight.
Which should show that it isn't the main focus.

Are you stupid or just disabled? Every character since the original series was subservient to Shinji save for Asuka getting eaten by MP angels and Rei blowing herself up, and both of those killed them.

Yeah, neither did Gurren Lagann.

>that Sahaquiel CGI

Attached: [tlacatlc6] Evangelion 2.22 You can (not) advance (BD 1920x1080 x264 DTS) [C40932BA].mkv_snapshot_00 (1920x1080, 192K)

I'm sorry are we talking about NGE here? I was under the assumption we were strictly talking about Rebuild.

Well by NGE standards she is even more useless since the original pilots took down what 15 Angels?

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There is. They fight that skull mecha that comes to their village.

Are you high?

I'm excited to see what happened to Toji and if he'll finally reunite with Shinji.

so, AsukaxMari is a thing, huh
really sad

She has no relationship with any of the characters in the series and movies. She has no character development. Her character is as generic as it gets. She is completely useless both story wise and screen time.

I liked how Sahaquiel had a true body in the center. It was a neat change.

I am excited to see him happily married to Hikari with a baby or at least one on the way.

At this point after putting up with the Rebuilds, the only thing remaining that Anno could do to genuinely anger me is if timeskip Toji and Hikari are not together.

>rewatching the show for the 3rd time because I'm strangely optimistic for 3.0+1.0
>get to this scene where Asuka is talking to Hikari about the three boys
>she is sitting completely still until she starts talking about Shinji, in which she starts swinging her legs back and forth while complaining about his inability to connect with people

Yeah no, there is no way Asuka didn't have some sort of crush on him with body language like that. Plus there are so many scenes between the two that straight up mirror Misato/Kaji. I was a fence sitter on this for the most part but this has to be in here for a significant reason.

Attached: swingin.png (1365x767, 698K)

Its a popular idea simply because they spent 14 years as the only 2 pilots together.

But in 3.0 we still don't really see them interact that much.
Mari teases Asuka over seeing Shinji again and they use nicknames for each other, so they are on some level of friendly terms.

Her feet are touching the ground, how is she swinging her feet?

Rei will win.

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if you watch the scene you'll see what I mean. I just took a snip. Her feet were firmly planted like Hikari's and then when she brings up Shinji she all of a sudden starts swinging them back and forward from where they are in the picture to near beneath the bench.

>thinking Shinji and Rei will ever be a 'couple'

Considering Anno tries to symbolize Rei as a mother figure and forms many parallels between her and Instrumentality/God there is no way this will ever happen since it completely goes against the themes in Eva.

Just rewatched the scene on Netflix.
Hikari is the one who brings him up, a full few seconds pass by before it cuts to her feet.
They're not swinging, they're just twitching a little.
She says: >"He doesn't know how to act around people"
I think her feet movements might imply she subconciously knows she's the same way, but won't admit it.

We don't really see much of anything in 3.0

We see a lot of Shinji and Kaworu

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Oh yeah you're right, my bad. She mostly is just twitching her feet. Either way, that body language still has the same implication as I originally stated. You can see before they start talking how firmly placed they are until Shinji is brought up.

Also agreed. I guarantee part of it is because both her and Shinji share that same issue. Kind of like how you would feel when you realize you're projecting your insecurities. Although it also makes a lot of sense that she did it because of her teenage hormone crush on Shinji considering it is also hinted at pretty evidently throughout the series. Probably a healthy mix of both.

Even then it's completely botched because Shinji doesn't kill him and there's ulterior motives to Kaworu pushing their relationship.

I'm with you two. Wow, incredible that there's more of us. Was pretty disinterested but then the khara leak happened. Literally the only thing they could do to yank on my chain was to tease Toji and Hikari in some way, and here we are.
>the only thing remaining that Anno could do to genuinely anger me is if timeskip Toji and Hikari are not together.
Literally this. The first three movies plus marketing were throwing some subtle positive hints but I won't believe it until I see it. I don't think they would be bringing back Hikari otherwise though, her connection with Asuka is purely hypothetical and the last person she's seen with in 2.0 is Toji. At this point it would do more to the story if she was connected to Shinji through Toji to serve as very empirical example of his friends actually moving on with their lives. If I were to expect some underhanded bs from Anno it would be them no longer being together or something, but then there's no room or time for periferal drama like that with enough plot points to tie up. For the time being I'm definitely betting on some kind of involved relationship between the two.

This clip is honest to God, the dumbest fucking thing I've ever seen in Evangelion. I will never not hate Mari.

>knew how Hikari, probably her dearest friend, felt about Toji
>knew that Toji was a dear friend to Shinji
>didn't go crazy and somehow saved him from 03 so that he wouldn't be crippled or possibly killed
Why is Asuka so incompetent? Absolutely worst pilot, at least Rei got taken down by crazy Angel fuckery.
Based fellow Tojibro. I mean, if his sister is alright, and there was that little tease in 3.0, we have to see Toji somehow in 3.0+1.0. I read a long time ago someone saying that the shirt thing meant that he died during the time skip but that's just dumb, seems to like he grew up due to not being affected by the curse, and this is his old shirt, which he could possibly have donated to Shinji a long time ago, knowing that he'd come back one day. I'm actually pretty excited at the idea of a adult Toji.

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Yes but in a resigned sort of "ah it's finally going to be over" sort of way.

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The difference between Rebuild and the TV show is that had there been a character like Mari in the original, whatever she did would have a meaning. You would know who she is, she would have some kind of meaningful relationship with Shinji (since he's the central character in the show and the more a character involved with him the more impactful they are) and character development. Everything Mari does exists in a vacuum. It's as if somebody spliced random scenes from another show into Eva. And that is why it's impossible to CARE about whatever she's doing. She could kill a hundred angels and it wouldn't really leave a greater impact. You can claim she's "fun" but to me she's as fun as a commercial break during my favorite show - no matter how fun it is whenever it's on I just want to go back to the stuff I actually care about!

>one of the most profitable franchises in Japan
>going to be over

I don't want to get ahead of myself, but what could possibly lift Shinji up from his catatonic depression even a little bit if not seeing his friends again? It would give him so much to reflect upon. If there was a kid in the mix that would really give Shinji a stop, because if he really gave up or continued to do stupid shit then now he'd know he's dooming not only his friends but their innocent child as well. For Shinji it raises the stakes again because as of now he literally doesn't give a shit about the world or any of the people in it. It's also very helpful for Shinji because although his friends struggle they are still trying to make it in the harsh reality they live in.

Shinji kills him indirectly and the only ulterior motives Kaworu has is to make Shinji happy

This is a great idea, and not what a lot of people are expecting.
I hope Anno doesn't pussy out of doing Toji related stuff like he did in EoE and does something interesting like this.

Was there anything with Toji and Hikari in Rebuild, though? It's never mentioned or hinted Hikari has a crush on him like in the original, right?

It'll be over for me, I'll watch one more rebuild just for old times sake and that'll be all the canon Eva I'll deal with. It already seems pretty creatively bankrupt, it will just get more and more shit if they keep forcing it.

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They're going to keep milking the cow Evangelion has become until either it stops printing money or the universe implodes, whichever comes first.
Even then no guarantee there won't be some kind of advertising brand crossover for the post-universe cosmic horror otaku.

Only hinted at through a scene or two where Hikari is giving him some longing looks in 1.0. In 2.0 the whole thing is telegraphed in the last scene they appear in where Toji is embracing her and shielding her from explosion in the Zeruel fight. It's not much but it could serve as a tiny bit of foreshadowing, like it wouldn't be completely out of nowhere. Dunno, when I first saw it I did wonder why would they put it there with no other development. Maybe things are actually making sense and this whole thing was planned since the beginning. I went through some reactions for 2.0 and noticed people were complaining why was the so much Toji if he wasn't going to be the 4th, but maybe they were planting some kind of plotline for the finale with those bits.

This shit is gonna be awful. lol

o boy

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RIP Evangelion, eh was a cool dude and didn't afraid of Angerus.


It can go dumber.

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I'll watch it for the visuals, I hope they use less cgi

best part of the rebuilds tobedesu

Looking forward to it? Not after the letdown that was 3.0
>pleb filter
It was overall shit.
I'll still watch the next one if it happens.

>R is Rei, A isn't Asuka, M is Mari and not Magi
>H isn't Hedgehog, D isn't Dillemna


How about a live action?

Gendo is the donor of the genetical material used to create Kaworu

they're finally working on 4.0? it only took them a million years, jfc imho
too bad 3.0 left a sour taste in my mouth

I just finished the series and EoE.
What is Rebuild and who is Mari?

I can't believe they destroyed Tokyo Tower

That's exactly what makes her hateable, you fucking nigger

Rebuild is a confused series of Eva remakes. The first one is basically the first 6 episodes with a budget. The second keeps adaping until episode 19, but changes more things and borders on fanservice anime. The third one takes a huge steaming pile on the second one and just scraps everything in favor of telling you what Eva is about. God knows what the fourth one will be like.

Watch it be the most loved one of the whole series. Watch everyone praise it on Yea Forums. I feel like Anno is gonna just fuck us all up.

>make a shit pile of a third movie
>release a terrible trailer for the fourth
>actually make it the best entry in the series
As expected from the master

Why is it so choppy?

We saw Young Gendo and he's so fugly fag, not Kaworu, while Rei is identical to Yui except haircolor and eye color.

Reminder these movies are another hate letter to the fans by Anno and he's giving you what you unironically "want" (Shinji being decisive, Mari the perfect waifu, etc) as a form of mockery. The fact all of the eva pilots are literally staying kids forever is a blatant commentary.

>eoe was a hate letter to the fans maymay

>Anno tries to symbolize Rei as a mother figure
Only in original. Poka Rei in Rebuild is pretty much your traditional love interest.
>there is no way this will ever happen since it completely goes against the themes in Eva.
Themes of Rebuild are actually very different in comparsion to original and some of them going against it seems as pretty intention.

Anno doesn't try to symbolise Rei as anything, he stopped caring about her after episode 6

You Can (Not) Go Back to That Hooters in Shibuya

Once again. Doesn't matter in Rebuild continuity. And even if Anno doesn't care, Enokido does.

I have all 26 episodes in dual audio along with EoE on a hard drive but I've never watched any of it. I'm honestly kind of waiting on the last of the rebuild movies to watch all 4 stoned out of my mind one day, then watch the OG series after

That's an awful idea

honestly I ditched the idea last year when I realized 4.4 is never coming out, I just haven't gotten around to watching this slow ass shit that everyone says is a contender for GAOAT


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Legit cute.

I'm excited to hear Seki use his adult voice for him. His voice changed so much since he first voiced him in Eva. Now both the character and the actor have properly aged into the role together.

Just give me some more pirate-eyepatch Asuka

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Isn't Seki a known asshole in the industry and that's why he doesn't get much work?
He was in Rakugo, but so were 3 other Eva seiyuu.

No idea about that but he has a shitton of roles, like over 220.

>Draw Shikinami
>Call it Soryu


Mari is the perfect daughterfu.

Weird. I read that he got blacklisted after some scandal with the Mai-Hime staff

Should I watch previous Rebuild movies before watching this?

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Is Mari Anno's way of telling people not to take Evangelion so seriously?

Yeah. You can potentially skip Rebuild 1.0, since its basically just NGE episodes 1-6 with some tiny cryptic changes that really didn't matter in the long run with where 3.0 went, so really the only detail to know is that Rebuild 2nd Impact fucked up the Earth's ecosystem and oceans way worse than NGE's 2nd Impact did.

Doesn't 1.0 have a new scene at the end, though?

Man, it really should've been Toji.
Damn you, titty monster, damn you...

I'd watch 1.11. The animation is nice and the Ramiel fight is legit a 10/10 improvement. Plus there's a small scene added at the end.

If anything though, watch it for Ramiel.

Don't be a fool. The rebuilds are fun! Give em a watch

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Not at all. I hate the shitty cgi and mari is a cunt. I actually liked 3.0 too.

>Toji was a better Fourth Child
>Kaji did his motivation speech better
>Asuka was a better Red Oni
>Hikari wore the twintails better
Man, what a shitty counterfeit character she is.

They're better than the original tv.

God I hope they kill Mari off in 3.0+1.0.

Shinji hates humanity. Utterly hates them. And yet it showed him kindness in this scene, making him tear up.
Also, it's a reality check. Plus, an instinctive continuation of what he did the last time he saw Asuka.

I don't get how her boosters are supposed to work. They look like they should be propelling her the opposite direction.

Are there even any characters in the 3+1 snippet we have seen that have been in the original series, other than Ritsuko and the short namedrop of Misato?

I started watching NGE because I thought it was about robots

I'm looking forward to it

I wanna see how he bridges the gap and comes to a conclusion about what happens when you don't avoid reality and try to escape your problems

maybe this time the world won't end

you stfu, samurai jack was great

Maya, and maybe Hyuga but I'm not sure if that glasses guy was supposed to be him.

T'was him.

I don't know what the hell is going on.
I think Paris Syndrome reached a new high, they want to invade the city now.

The trailer looks like shit.

>baby Kaworu is raised by his lesbo moms Asuka and Mari

I've rewatched EoE couple of times over the past few years, but yesterday was when something finally clicked and Misato turned out to be the best of the three. jfc.

I started watching NGE just to see Asuka screaming in pain. Her screaming after she lost her left eye gave me boner.

Attached: asuka bleeding.gif (400x225, 1.58M)

first you have to consider the theme and character motivations and allegory that is presented in evangelion
the whole series is about escapism, shinji feels lonely and disconnected from people, he hates himself for his inability to connect and trys to escape his feelings by doing what he thinks will please others even when it is not what he wants

his desire to help others and gain approval from altruism is a half hearted attempt in the hopes that people will love him back and it will give him meaning in life and remove his loneliness but if you go back to before the final scene when he had the dream with asuka he showed the truth of his feelings where he would be willing to love anyone as long as they love him in return and there for he actually loves no one, he simply uses others as a means of escape from his inability to love himself, in the dream he lays down his feelings as he has nothing to offer but just wants anyone to love him to connect himself to the world so he can justify being alive even when he has nothing to truly give in return

asuka refuses, thus removing shinji's justification for existence, consumed with nihlism and destructive impulses shinji strangles asuka, if people are unable to love or be loved then there is no point to life and they should all just die...

instrumentality grants the ultimate wish fulfillment fantasy of being understood and in embracing his desire, shinji dooms all of humanity to destruction and the barrier that protects people from revealing their true selves to others to which they can escape to, is removed

shinji wants instrumentality to merge everyone into a single soul, shinji then comes to the realization that his desires are not rooted in reality, by removing human boundaries anxieties and rejections would end but at the cost of being alive, escapism and dreams are not good because you do not actually exist in those dreams, you can only exist in reality (will continue)

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escapism can only act as a relapse, they are illusions and not a means of living, identity can only be found by existing and accepting reality

so shinji seperates himself from the collective, caused by instumentality, he accepts his loniless and the possibility of suffering, he realizes that mutual love is ultimately based understanding one another through mutual misunderstandings and even though ambigious, love is still possible, (then you get to askuka laying down in the final scene you asked about), mirroring the dream shinji desires to form a connection but he is still unable to show his true feelings, he strangles asuka because he wants validation for his existence and asuka understanding that shinji wants to be accepted shows compassion for shinji's loneliness and aknowledges his existence despite hating him (in shinjis dream he felt that no one would validate his existence if he had nothing to offer), shinji begins to cry as he realizes that people can not be honest with each other but that forming relationships is still possible and worth pursueing, even if some pain is involved, the following overview sequence further reinforces the themeatic overview, all the main characters desire a way to escape their loneliness and hate reality, as a result they all live unfufilled lives by relying on others or running away to escape pain, by accepting reality they can find happiness, without fully embracing reality and standing upright and declaring ''I CHOOSE TO STAND UP FOR MY RIGHT TO EXIST, TO VALUE MYSELF AND TREAT MYSELF WITH RESPECT'' no one can truly live or find happieness, the end served as a warning to the audience to not indulge in escapism and to embrace reality (which is ironic because the series it's self is a means of entertainment)

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The trailer just continuous the rebuild tradition of shitty looking 3D CGI mess.

>Asuka’s seiyuu is certain Asuka Langley Shikinami will have a happy ending in Evangelion: 3.0+1.0.
This had better be true.


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>Mari’s seiyuu claims that it is possible to figure out where Mari “comes from” just by viewing Q.
Any ideas?

My prediction of a big reveal:

>FAR is more or less Founders from DS9, they have variable AT fields, so they can free switch between hivemind mode and powerfull autistic warform mode
>Angels are Jem’Hadar and Lilim are Vorta, both stripped down slave races meant to serve their creators
>Earth was not accident, instead it was deliberately sabotaged for some political or whatever reason, Dead Sea Scrolls are full of lies in order to set mankind on the path towards instrumentality
>post-instrumentality, humans become just like their creators, but human minds aren’t good at handling this leading to endlessly recreating the world that was and redoing the events leading up to third impact
>Yui has different name, because every iteration, different soul get to LARP as Shinji’s mom and get ejected out of Earth in giant robot in the process. There might be quite a lot of EVA-01 units floating in space by now. Same might be true for Asuka, for reason discussed bellow
>Mari is FAR send to resolve this bullshit. This is why she fits so poorly into the story and acts like a cartoon character, alternatively, she is awakeden original Asuka, who due to the events of the End of Eva became mindbroken in the right way to be functional FAR.
>Further evidence: In the last scen of End of Eva, Shinji and Askua are clothed resp plugsuited abd bandaged instead of butt-naked depite the fact that they just emerged form sea of LCL. Well, they are butt naked, they just so strongly see tehmselves as clothed creatures they formed abodies coverd with fleshly growhts resembling clothes/plugsuit and bandages.

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I think she's not necessarily lying herself and it's plausible for her to have been told that while directing her.

Looking at Shinji's mom gives me a hard-on. I'd kiss her and have sex with her.


rebuilds > og for me so yeah i really do look forward to that

Just looking forward to the ending being Anno telling you all to fuck off once more.

At this point I literally just want more Mari. I don't care about the original cast or story but Mari's design appeals to me.

It's just been so long that the only thing that remains is the power of the boner.

wow i watched this shit years ago and it didn't make sense and now it does thanks user

I can't look at this and not imagine the Eva pilots trying to move a couch or something. It's a fun image.

I always assumed Shinji chocked the kraut because he just came out of his OMEDETO self-gratifying shoulder pat all ready to be a better and improved me ! only to look at Asuka and be reminded all at once that he's just trash that masturbates to comatose girls.
He gets pissed off and wants to remove Asuka to remove that taint from his new life, then he stops and realizes he's done absolutely nothing and he's just as disgusting as before.
Always assumed it was a parody of the NEET cycle of "Tomorrow I'll do it !" only to be set back at every single thing and blaming it instead of oneself for being worthless.
The entire internal monologue is senseless and awkward because that's how is supposed to look like from the prospective of someone other than Shinji, we're looking at a clown stroking himself to some stupid realization but in truth is literally nonsense.

Did Yui breastfeed Shinji when he was an infant?

he fully explained his feelings in his dream prior when trying to connect with asuka, but in his mind there was no chance of her acknowledging his existence which is why he felt nihilistic in the first place but when he merged with everyone and was talking with rei he realized he was going to just face the pain of possible rejection and loneliness for something real because at least it was real

when he separates from instrumentality it's just him and asuka on the beach and he wants to live up to what he felt before and exist, so he chokes her to because he wants her to acknowledge his existence, it's what he wanted before in his dream, when she does he crys because he realizes he was wrong and even though she hates him, she still validates his existence, the movie then ends with her saying something along the lines of ''disgusting'' to show that both him and her can't be honest about their true feelings with shinji only being able to choke her just to be acknowledged even though that isn't how he feels and her having to disparage her act of compassion even though it isn't how she truly feels

if you watch NGE you also get more pieces to this sort of puzzle but the end brings it all together in a more complete summary

They spent 10 years ensuring that they fuck it up in the worst way possible. That's the point.

It's stated that Asuka's mom hanged herself. Does it mean that she defecated and urinated herself after dying?

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it'll be great when the tweeest that she's the original shinji doing newgame+ shit hits

I just want to hate fuck this cunt.

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Why though, she's pretty ugly imo. Rei and especially Asuka are immeasurably hotter

Green plugsuit made her look so much better.

Glasses, attitude.

Well, her first name says it all. Mari-sue.

She looks like a disgusting ayylmao

Is there decent quality video of the 10 minute 3.0+1.0 preview anywhere?

I could only find the shitty camera version.

So what are the chances the movie is delayed another 2 years so that Anno can add his anti-otaku metafag commentary from the recent Kyoani fires? And better yet, what crazy shit will Anno do to fuck over otakufags this time? Kill off all of the waifu characters for good?

Let's be real here, we all know this is going to hapen.

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Waifus become adult women and they all get pregnant. This would be unironically the happiest ending.

He's going to give the middle finger to all the waifufags and make Shinji go gay for Toji, and then make his waifufags Asuka suffer more because he loves seeing his favorites suffer

>instead of Asuka's beach scene you get pictured
>instead of "kimochi warui" you get "nante suteki"
What would be your reactions?

Attached: 52b.jpg (600x775, 193K)

Make his waifu Asuka*

>i'll watch it out of a sense of obligation and morbid curiosity


I want to bathe together with Yui

>Shinji go gay for Toji
Decent outcome.

>i'll watch it out of a sense of obligation and morbid curiosity

Mr. Anno has the best business plan ever. A true master!

>age gap between Toji and Shinji is now the same as between NGE Shinji and Misato
Feels weird man.

Attached: 846745.png (1920x1401, 3.5M)

This weirds me out but also makes it seem more possible somehow.
Maybe Toji in 3.0+1.0 is gonna take on Misato’s original role.

It'll probably be a mix between Misato and Kaji. Although unlikely that Toji would take it upon himself to "raise" Shinji. I think (hope) his role would be more about giving Shinji some hope and showing him that his friends survived and are doing relatively well.

Shinji gets Toji, military nerd gets the class rep

Hikari is for Toji, no exceptions.

Attached: The Lovers.jpg (1400x2836, 1.3M)

3.0+1.0 is going to be garbage just like the other rebuilds, so I'm not looking forward to it. However, I am looking forward to the threads it will generate.

>asian female drivers.webm


>military otaku
>occasionally clashes with the male protagonist
>voiced by Asuka's VA
Basically Asuka mixed with Kensuke

Attached: Ritsuko Inoue.jpg (225x350, 40K)

nah ill just wait for the re-re-re-remake

But I am actually looking forward to it

>or adapt the Nausicaa manga
Not before the Ikuni collaboration,you fagbois.

If that happens it would barely resemble Evangelion by then, and there would be 5 more pilot characters like Mari running around

Yeah, I'm looking forward to it.

3.0 had its flaws, but I still mostly enjoyed it.

>dat webm

Looks like she's rotating a steering wheel while backing up her car before she gets t-boned by a crane.

I'm pretty sure that people will accept 3.0 more after final movie will be out.

Majority of Yea Forums was still unborn when the original Evangelion came out.
Many of Yea Forums were still also unborn when the first rebuild came out.

>Majority of Yea Forums was still unborn when the original Evangelion came out.
Thank God tha I'm older...
>Many of Yea Forums were still also unborn when the first rebuild came out.

>didn't happen in the anime
>didn't happen in the manga
>or the spin-offs

This is the last chance. But it ain't looking good, bros. Least we got those post-2.0 vanilla doujins of them, I guess. Shame the Eden - Rei series petered out.

>Eden - Rei series

Attached: bucket (1).jpg (319x400, 36K)

Still out of all incarnations of story Rebuild has greatest setup for that to happen. So you must believe.

Attached: 14.jpg (1280x1823, 310K)

I just want Anno to go crazy like he did with 3.0.

I don't care if the plot is necessarily that good, just take me on Anno's wild ride one last time.

It’s not happening because Rei has been absolutely destroyed as a character in 3.0.

Rebuild Rei got confirmed a clone of Yui right in Shinji's face.
They might have a platonic or brother/sister like happy ending together, but do you really think they'll go openly incestuous as a canon ending for Eva?

why not

He doesn't have a motherly relationship with Rei, so there can't be any moral objections.

Anno might make last minute changes due to the arsonist.

Looks like they are playing with time/loops



lol, I read that comment too boy

When did you become an Asukafag? For me it was only a few days ago, after rewatching the series once again.

Attached: 1x22 DC- Don't Be [1080p][x265] (1)-00h20m44s451t.jpg (1440x1080, 144K)

Is this from the original series?

nice legs

It's literally in the filename, anta baka.

Asuka looks like a man in the picture


Attached: 1x22 DC- Don't Be [1080p][x265] (1)-00h20m45s452t.jpg (1440x1080, 136K)

Her left eye is so pretty. A certain spear wants to say hello.

I was Reifag when I was a depressed teenager who was fat and unlovable.

Then I rewatched Eva again a few years ago as a relatively successful adult and couldn't stand how boring Rei was and absolutely adored Asuka. Haven't even been close to thinking if changing since then and after 2 more rewatches

Attached: 1471926502008.png (1024x1113, 832K)

Hands off pal she's mine

Is that you, Alicia?

Attached: Alicia.png (250x417, 95K)


Attached: cBo0fLi.png (1920x1080, 1.71M)

This is a Rebuild thread, we worship Shiki here.

Attached: 1525662744823.gif (500x213, 1015K)

This is a Jewish thread, we worship G-d here.

Most don't like Rebuilds and the final film is likely going to flop in the west, Japs will eat up anything related to Eva.

I'd eat up Rei if you catch my meaning

We know Zeruel

When I read Retake.

First of all, if you watched scene properly, Shinji absolutely not cared about what Rei is, but rather got totally BSOD due learning possibility that Rei Q is not poka Rei.
Another thing is that their relationship at this point is not a typical romance but rather some kind of soul-mating, that rather than ship romance fulfillment will primarily work as main narrative device for Shinji's character development.

>that pic
He should work for KyoAni.

Asuka is a bitch

Attached: bitch.jpg (725x1202, 236K)

as long as it has domestic violence asuka, ill watch it.

Attached: lewd in the hat.jpg (373x388, 36K)

This is dumb shit, the mind rape explicitly showed shinji replacing kaji

How is she a bitch for being loyal to her husbando?

Attached: Shave and get bitches.jpg (1920x1200, 1.74M)

Besides which it's supposed to be the person they care most about not a dumb teenage crush so it should have been her mother

You're supposed to see the person you romantically love, notice how no one else saw their parents.
Even Shinji saw Kaworu, which was an even dumber teenage crush.

Its the manga, Asuka and Shinji lacked most of their romantic development.

Which is weird since the ending promotes them, since everyone got their memories retconned and all those who died before 3rd Impact are implied to have stayed dead (note manga Asuka never died)

The person you see has to be dead.
Shinji was alive and her mom was technically still alive.

That bit was added as an afterthought -- it wasn't in the as-aired version.

>When did you become an Asukafag?

A few weeks ago when I watched the series for the first time. Now all the memes make sense.

Attached: 1551387060148.jpg (379x379, 45K)

No it didn't you retard, she's literally crying for Kaji right after the mind rape too.
And that scene with Shinji wasn't even in the original TV airing.

Attached: Save me.png (500x375, 203K)

>You're supposed to see the person you romantically love
Wrong, you're supposed to see a person who you want to connect to, hence the lowering of the AT field. It just so happened that the only examples we saw were romantic. For example, supervised by Anno NGE2 has Toji getting tanged by his sister.

Director's cut is more canonical

>you're supposed to see a person who you want to connect to
where is this ever stated. All the examples we see are romantic so we can assume it's romantic.
NGE2 was not supervised by Anno, he only supplied information via the classified info and helped write certain scenarios. It's not said which ones, so Toji's might not be canon either.

Last year when I finally decided to see what the fuss with the series was all about. I thought Asuka was cute beforehand but thought she might be a generic tsundere, and instead when watching the series her character really resonated with me.

It didn't exist in the original version of the show, it was only added because Anno was inspired by some fujoshi's doujinshi

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I guess EoE isn't canon too because episode 25 and 26 were made first then.

what is this thing from EoE? it shows up when komm susser tod begins

Attached: wat.jpg (1920x1080, 231K)

A neck being strangled

Shinji strangling dream Asuka for rejecting him.

>rei will never protect you

Attached: 4FPNz.png (768x576, 730K)

That shot specifically is a flashback of Naoko Akagi choking Rei 1

Attached: 36y.jpg (464x255, 54K)

all makes sense now my mind is blown

Attached: 3r32rt240t.png (319x101, 29K)

Who even thought this could have been cool

Attached: AD2FFACF-F4BF-4E11-BD4B-E907280A4E72.jpg (1872x1389, 931K)

I want to play Animal Crossing with Rei

Attached: geimer.png (1047x626, 591K)

NGE: Rei>Asuka
Rebuilds: Asuka>Mari>Rei

It doesn't even have two entry plugs

Toji is a siscon. Prove me wrong.

Why is the the waifu war between Asuka and Rei when it should be Asuka and Misato?

Hint: Asuka wins either way

He added it in because it fits and explains the canon he wanted to go for. So it's actually more canon then the original.

>Kaworu didn't get a single battle where he's fighting seriously in all of NGE or Rebuild
I understand he's hella overpowered, but christ let him fight something for once before you kill him off.

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Can he shoot lazers?
Where do the lazers come from?
All angles have lazers...

Attached: large (1).jpg (500x500, 74K)

No but I'm still gonna pirate it.

Damn, the hell is that from.

That is a deep insult to both Asuka and Rei, implying Misato can hope to compete with either.
Horrific taste.

Attached: 113.jpg (1442x787, 504K)

Contrary to popular belief most Angels, in fact, can not IMA FIRIN MAH LAZOR

Pachinko or something

Yeah, it's exactly because he's so OP that he'll never get to go all out in canon.
It's either the plot makes him give up to Shinji or shake uncontrollably until the collar activates to kill him.

Attached: 1563172923914.jpg (1920x814, 89K)

Attached: sw.jpg (1119x1010, 390K)

In fairness he had the Lance so he didn't have to do very much

Attached: 1447555095838.jpg (2500x3500, 2.46M)

What Manga is that from

Legend of the Piko Piko Middle School Students.

It has an odd sense of humor.

Attached: Neon Genesis Evangelion - Legend of the Piko Piko Middle School Students v01 (2017) (Digital) (danke (1025x1450, 413K)

Soryu has a way more fun and interesting character
Shikinami has better PLOT

Don't know why this artist called this asuka soryu, probably a brainlet gook

Attached: 1561722908202.png (960x1143, 1.16M)

Someone call the motherfucking MP Evas for them to do to Mari what they did to Asuka in EoE.

What a garbage character.

I'll call the head office

Anno has said he tends to write his favorite characters suffering the most.

Therefore, Mari is guaranteed to come out without a scratch, all smiles.

Attached: so long gay Evas.webm (1920x818, 2.9M)

what happened? why the cg?