why does this shit have a movie and a season 2 coming up? I swear to god this was the most half assed piece of shit i've ever laid my eyes on.
Why does this shit have a movie and a season 2 coming up...
yet you felt the need to make a new thread for it
he's not wrong though. this is objectively one of the worst native isekai, pretty much on the same trash tier as overlord
At this point I'm pretty sure Hestia carried that shit because its pretty abysmal
Hestia is bestia girlia
Hestia is cute.
Maybe the time for native isekai is finally over? Could that be it? Is it true?
Are there no mirrors where you live?
It's a web novel, isekai or not they all have shitty writing.
>Coming up
Nigger it's already out.
that's also not wrong
thank you user
im genuinely curious
>native isekai
retards should not be allowed to breed, please seek sterilization immediately.
big tiddie barefoot loli
you do understand that as long as faggots like you get triggered by the use of a fun term, that term will continue to get used, right?
>getting triggered by fun words
>Hestia is the only reason anyone has heard of this shit
>Not the main girl
Does the writer hate money or something? Literally who cares about the rest of this shitty story?
Nope, you're still a retard for using an idiot term. You can't pawn off your stupidity on others.
>an idiot term
only an idiot would say such a thing
Because it's warm, lighthearted and genuinely fun to watch. Your'e just way too bitter of a person to notice it.
Stop beign such a sour-inside incel user, world isn't so bad afterall, and you really could just smile sometimes.
I read for Bell because he's a cute and nobody can stop me.
Suck a dick OP, Danmachi is great.
Stay mad faggot, the world doesn't revolve around you.
>genuinely fun to watch
I almost fell asleep watching it
That doesn't make any fucking sense you retard
>You're just way too bitter of a person to notice it.
I'm not bitter I just thought it was boring
Minoutaurs doujin.
If the MC wasn’t such a faggot then maybe this would had been good
Surprised that's not isekai.
Look at who is on the committee staff and you'll have your answer. This is a HUGE money making franchise. The mobile game is somewhere in the top 10 for all mobile gacha games in terms of revenue and the fact that the anime's main gang are just a tiny part of a larger world mean there are ample opportunities for spinoffs as long as it keeps selling.
>I swear to god this was the most half assed piece of shit i've ever laid my eyes on.
You haven't seen shit.
black clover
dragonball super exist
Because japan's shit taste