Fuck it.
Just give this the Anime of the Season award already. Hell give it the Anime of the Year. There's nothing this season or this year that can compete.
Fuck it.
Just give this the Anime of the Season award already. Hell give it the Anime of the Year. There's nothing this season or this year that can compete.
Other urls found in this thread:
fire force is better
I dropped this trash the frame that the lion died
>what is Vinland Saga?
Well, you tried.
Why is it always jumpshit when these cretins spout hyperbole?
All of you are wrong
The anime really did botch it.
>screaming retards: the show
>Anime of the Year
Actually MHA's fourth season will be coming out later this year to bully the shit out of shows like this one
>All that hard work they put in. And now it's all mine!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I think Astra no kanata or whatever it's called will be AOTS.
god im so sick of retarded child protagonists. mob was such a breath of fresh air with its characters being dumbasses but at least not retards. and now we're back to this garbage, everyone having a sub-80 IQ and nothing anybody does making sense as everyone stands around with shocked expressions on their faces because of how grimderp everything is
that's the only part of season 4 I'm actually looking forward to, the moment where Shiggy shifts into being full on based as fuck
if only they had shows with characters just as intelligent as you. Go back to flipping your burgers ,fag
I cant tell whats shitposting and it worries me that threre are actually people with ALL of these opinions in this thread.
>Bruh bruh come here
>Come closer
>Have you heard about......... SCIENCE??!!!!!!!!!!
>E=mc2 teeheee
>By the way, can a teenager kid kill a lion with just ONE PUNCH?? The answer is yes! Stay tuned for the next episode when our team of scientists will explain how this is possible according to science.
Bullshit science in Baki is pretty fun.
extending limbs by doing shit like that is 100% real. I don't think you can do it to that degree, but it works
It really is just somebody trying to stir up shit. I don't think anyone who enjoys the show would actually post something like this.
of all the shit in baki you picked something that's actually real
Sorry, but there's no AOTS award. Theres no AOTY award either. All threads discussing that only exist for the sake of shitposting and making pretend fanbase wars, and they never reach an agreement. They're on the same level of shitflinging as any Yea Forums thread. Sorry to break it all down to you like this, but you looked like you needed to learn the truth.
>rick and morty: the anime
have they unlocked pickle tech yet?
>Anime of the Year
nice try bud
I can't be excited about an anime when I know the manga turns into garbage.
At least we can all agree KnY, FF and VS are all better than Weeb and Morty.
Dr. Smoke >>>>>> Dr. Stone
holy fuck imagine being this stupid
No we can't.
Well good thing the SnK manga is still great
>still forcing the unfunny dead meme
cope stonefag
It's mediocre at best.
Oh the irony. Taiju is literally new Asta.
CHAD FORCE >>>>>>>>>>>>>> dr. flop
Based user.
>Imagine being butthurt over a dead meme
I thought stonecucks were smart enough to not reply.
dr stone and vinland are way better. fire force is fucking boring.
The rick and morty joke got too fucking old too fucking fast
Its very good, but the anime hasn't even gotten to the good part yet, so aren't you just shilling it at this point, Crunchyroll staff-san?
Well I personally like Symphogear XV
Where the fuck are you people coming from? These shows have mangas for years and aren't even that good. I hate it when crap becomes mainstream. Yea Forums is full of faggot normies.
>if only they had shows with characters just as intelligent as you
please, I'm not asking the impossible. I just ask they at least be slightly more intelligent than (you)
Still trash no matter how many seasons it gets. Shit show is shit.
If you're going to pick a shonenshit title at least pick a good one
Nice joke.
It is going to get pretty great but we won't get to see it this year.
Fuck off reddit.
Do you know what chapter thats from?
Great bait user, you got multiple people to reply, myself included. Here's your (you).
Based and firepilled
>dr. flop
absolutely based and chadpilled
Looks like the next episode is covering at least up until chapter 7.
>they fucked up his face
Anime is trash, read the manga instead
if a meme anime that was taylor-made for reddit is anime of the season, then anime truly is finished.
How is it taylor made for ribbit? Honestly curious, I love Dr. Stone and I've never been on that site, am I some kind of minority?
He broke the lions jaw or something killing it instantly
dr stone is fun but it is in no way groundbreaking or even especially well-made. its only interesting because the concept is kinda unique
>getting dumb kids to kill themselves punching lions
Why are you trying to stop this? I want to see a news story about this.
I don't follow other anime. Besides reading smug science man I keep with Chainsawman. I have nothing to compare it to and I have no intention to. I just enjoy both.
Apart from the premise there is nothing interesting or good about it.
Bland characters, thinks it's more intelligent than it is, disconnect between taking some things (like science) in a more grounded direction but then have over-the-top elements (ex. feats of strength), nothing interesting going on narratively and the pacing is -sub-par.
fair, nothing wrong with that. but im not really an anime nut either, im comparing it to all media i consume including regular TV, movies, comics, books etc. its fine, nothing special
>in 2019
Enjoy the wakanda mermaid and Jamie Bond I guess. I can't bring myself to watch super serious anime/manga, seems like something an apex loser would do in my opinion. Dr. Smug and Chainsaw are just the right inbetween for my taste.
t. almost 30 y/o boomer
what fucked up amalgamation of different meme personalities have you concocted for this troll? my mind is boggled
It's a false flag OP, we have this everyday, no one cares about these titles.
I wonder if most of the people giving it such high praise like that are manga readers who know, if properly adapted, how fun it's going to be by the end.
I really enjoy the manga, mostly because of the characters introduced later, but I can clearly see that if the first two episodes were the only thing you had to go by that you'd be skeptical if not dismissive in a few ways.
Although I also know OP is not sincere here and just trying to rile up different fanbases for his own personal entertainment. All of these shows deserve better than that.
I'm actually serious, I'm 29, natsoc, centrist-right. Anime seems like a semi safe haven, western entertainment is ruined.
It's just trolls, I've been in every stone manga thread and no one was this autistic.
theres still a lot of good western tv. i still enjoy movies but i like capeshit tbf so thats not a good measure, i mostly turn my brain off for the experience
you should check out some other anime though, its good. almost none of them are "super serious" because its a big anime trope to throw random comedy in where it doesnt belong
Even if Dr. Stone thinks it's more intelligent than it is it's still better than most stuff out there at the moment. Pretty much everything else revolves around either the power of friendship or punching harder in the genre.
I guess, what do you recommend? Just for the record I'm sick of the idiot good guy trope and I suppose I enjoy a bit of a different artstyle. Which is why I enjoy dr. Rock and Chains. So something similar would be great.
You're a national socialist and centre right? How does that work?
If you like sawman have you read Dorohedoro? Artstyle is certainly unique and there isn't a de facto good guy in the story.
Nice bait retard
but dr. stone literally has that exact trope in the secondary MC
regardless, what you described is basically just shonen manga (think naruto, bleach etc). if you look for seinen or other shows you can avoid that pretty readily. personally i fucking hate anything set in high school, which is a lot of shows, but it doesnt mean there isnt good shit out there.
ping pong is a great short series with a super unique artstyle. actually, pretty much everything about it is unique, if it wasn't in japanese it could easily have been made in another country
other great shows:
cowboy bebop
Shinsekai Yori
Attack on Titan (is a bit tropey but genuinely really interesting conceptually)
Steins; Gate
Code Geass s1 is good and the overall ending is good, s2 can get a bit silly though
Samurai Champloo
Ghost in the Shell
Death Note (complete opposite of dumb protag)
One Punch Man (comedy)
Mob Psycho (also pretty comedic)
and finally, not a true anime, but Avatar: The Last Airbender is godlike
>I remember my first anime.
>secondary MC
He disappears from chapter 14 onwards then reappears in chapter 64. This means we won't see him in this 24 episode season again, since it will only cover the first arc (1-45).
Things will pick up really fast after Senku's death
Sure is summer
thats strange, because my impression from the first couple eps of the anime is honestly that he's even more of an MC than the smart guy. smart guy is obviously on the cover and shit but he's less of a character and gets less screen time
He's the protagonist, but just of the prologue. He's the hook into the setting, after the prologue is over they'll restart the entire plot with Senku as MC.
Based. dr. cringe irredeemably BTFO
You need to be +18 to post on 4channel
what shows do you like faggot
A broken jaw would kill the lion as it starves to death, but not instantly lmao
a human still can't break a lions jaw, let alone in one punch
How is heightened reality such a difficult concept to grasp for someone already familiar with anime and manga?
imagine having this shit of taste, babby can't handle anything more complex than black and white 80IQ shit
Let’s be real. The only people who think this show has bullshit science are fucking niggers that never did well enough in school to remember simple shit like physics and chemistry. Literally any high schooler that didn’t sleep through class could understand what Senku’s talking about
>if you don't like SnK it's because you don't understand moral ambiguity
There are a few things like weed for medical reasons that I support. So not fully one or the other. There are things from both ends that I support, but homeland and homepeople always first.
>if you don't like SnK it's because you don't understand moral ambiguity
Chimera Ant arc > Marley arc, unironically
I'll check it out, thanks.
Here's a gorilla for your troubles
Secondary MC fucks off soon for a long time and when he's back he's shoved into the sidecharacter slot
Thanks for your suggestions, love King by the way, absolute strongest.
ah fair
and no problem, post ended up just being an excuse for me to try and list all my favourite shows lol, ill probably keep it for myself as well
im trying the cola trick for the gym today, already opened a bottle last night.
why does this anime look so fucking boring? this has to be the first survival anime I'm not interested in and let's not even talk about that fucking e=mc on that ssj like scientist wanna be shirt, it's so cringy
it is better if you have insomnia and you want something to fall asleep
This. 7 Seeds, as trashy as it was, was at least entertaining. Nothing worse than boring trash.
why are people so assblasted about jimmy neutron: the anime? it is just a gag manga with a few science facts for teenagers, i really don't get it.
the same retards that shitpost over every WSJ series ramping up their shitposting now that it has an anime
>Anime of the Season award
There is no such thing, retard.
holy based dr. trash destroyed
based Aru from the true AOTY
exactly, at least it had some realistic survival shit not some "I'm smart so I'm gonna survive with science instead of hunting and shit"
That was kino though.
This so much this. Everyone hating on this show is mostly anti intellectualism and should be ignored. Just look at the replies they give.