Sacchan just called you a virgin and dabbed on you, what do you do next?

Sacchan just called you a virgin and dabbed on you, what do you do next?

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Call Saito

I bet the Colors make fun of Saito for still being a virgin

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I dunno, ignore her? I don't like kids anyways, why would I care what one has to say to me?

Yui is literally just a younger Bocchi.

its almost her birthday, what are you gonna give her?

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my penis

mayb i raep

Lose my virginity

A daughter

Her birthday is 7/20?

u ok, user?


Give Colors the assignment of helping me lose my virginity and say this will help save the town

to lose virginity you must give mind body and soul.
i have no brain and no soul
putting one's dick in a 400 dollar hooker doesnt count.
ill ask anyone tell me what to do

Probably cry because I got destroyed by a kid

She has friends though.

hey kid, what did you call me just now?

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it's 4:20 you idiot.

I don't speak japanese so I don't even understand her.

It's currently 7:23 where I live

dumbasses it's like 2:24

proceed to fuck her brains out

I'm with him.

She's 8

I can only get so hard.

>putting one's dick in a 400 dollar hooker doesnt count
Get a 500 dollar one.

Drag her to the nearest toilet and fix my virginity.
