ITT: Wasted Ending
ITT: Wasted Ending
Show was a cocktease from the start.
Explain why
dropped it when I foud out about the ending, did the same for the manga with the guy doing make up for the gal
can't tell what's the deal with japs and shit endings, it's like a racial trait
Ending was very consistent with the rest of the manga.
They want to suffer as much with unresolved lonely/cucked endings in their fantasy worlds as they do in real life.
They're either too pussy to actually 100% confirm the premise of what the show has been building up to from the start or just shit at following through on what may have been a decent story otherwise
What did you want? It was a 100% the MC is going to end up with Hotaru, that's not even debateable. I'd like to read about them doing cute couple stuff too, but then again it was never a romance manga.
*a 100% guaranteed.
mangaka didn't even try to compete with Pochi
He knew he couldn't win.
>it was never a romance manga
How is something not a romance manga when the romantic feelings of a character are a driving force for every chapter plot?
The driving force behind the plot were Hotaru's explanation for the particular candy they were shilling that day, and Coconut's journey to become a mangaka in an overarching sense. Hotaru's presence and his relationship with hwr was just the igniter for him to actually try instead of half-assing his act and to look for excuses.
Should've shown a Ring Pop as the last Dagashi chapter. It would've been ten times better while keeping the dagashi theme and covering the loose end.
Maybe they are trying to let the readers fill in the rest with imagination?
The makeup one pissed me the fuck off when I heard about the ending
This, Pochi just can't be beat. She should make more endings to other manga
>porn artists makes a sweeter than honey ending page for a doujin
>mangaka throws a shitfit and makes the ending reflect his own life of forever alone
I got perplexed a minute with you mentionning the make up gal manga cause I thought you meant the doll maker guy with the cosplay gyaru, which i didnt know ended, but turns out you're talking about hoshino.
we all know the canon ending
That's a big ring.
It's a Ring Pop.
agreed, it's almost comical how mad people are at this. no one else was even close and the implications are pretty fucking heavy
Oh, this shit ended? What was so bad about its ending? I remember reading it time ago but lost interest
Nakadashi (Kashi) is the only real ending.
Why do people always talk about how Manga is superior to western media because it has an ending, when most manga endings just randomly wrap up in one issue nonsensically
I get your point but manga endings are at least mercy killings most of the time and western media just ends with nothing to show for it.
>The driving force behind the plot were Hotaru's explanation for the particular candy they were shilling that day
This. People keep judging Dagashi Kashi as a romance story when it's not really a romance story. It's just a dumb slice of life story about candy.
So what happened that got everyone mad?
Problem with western media is that it's almost always predictable. People in the west like happy endings where hero defeats the villain or guy gets the girl.
Eastern media especially Chinese media more often have outright tragic endings or bittersweet. I honestly believe that Shonen is so popular in the west because it always has positive endings.
does it end like the anime?
I was just reading it and while I like the candy shit, I want to drop it
Apparently best girl asks mc to marry her and it's implied they get together. Maybe fans of the girl with degenerate earings didn't like it? Who cares, it was a fun summer sol and the s1 ed was funny.
fuck that
>Apparently best girl asks mc to marry her and it's implied they get together. Maybe fans of the girl with degenerate earings didn't like it?
Actually, no, MC and "best girl" getting together was not implied. Which is also why you get all the butthurt from the Hotaru fans, not from those of the " girl with degenerate earings".
Just look at which side desperately clings to a doujinshi as a "canon ending". It'd be rather comical if it wasn't so sad ...
Granted, the doujinishi ending was very good
Actually, it wasn't. It was pretty generic.
Better than the manga's at least
Dropped this fairly on, can anyone describe how it ended? Were there any big plot progression or was it just candy of the day every chapter?
The manga didn't even have one.
But the doujinshi was just cheap fanservice wishfulfillment.
>just candy of the day every chapter
Last two pages.
>Coconuts: "I'm already a third-year, huh..."
>Coconuts: "*bored* It's already summer huh..."
>??????: "Excuse me~"
>Coconuts: "Welco- *notices*"
>Hotaru: "*sweats* Haaaaaaaaaaaah~ I finally arrived."
>Hotaru: "It's been a long time, Coconuts-kun."
>Coconuts: "*smiling* Welcome in, hotaru."
is that it
It's the same for any show that's supposed to be long-running. They milk shit for as long as possible, then rush an ending when it's about to be dropped.
In the previous chapter, before she leaves again, she asks Coconuts if he wants to marry her whenever she comes back and she says w=she will be waiting for his answer because she was serious. Then this happens.
What? Really?
That's not a non-ending that's pretty straightforward.
You fuckers lied to me I'm reading this entire manga when they finish scanlating the damn thing.
>Woman ask man to marry
Cucked nation
>manga about SoL dagashi hijinks
>want some forced romantic end
Why are people dumb
Is it as bad as the Tomo chan ending though?
Well, he didn't say yes. And it's very likely that both have moved on. The ideal ending, of course, would have been to show the shit-tier MC with a completely different girl, thereby BTFOing all shippers on both sides. But the author chose to take the very safe route by not committing to anything.
>implying people actually cared about the candy
it's an open but implied ending.
>mentally ill shippingfags need to project their self-insert fantasies into a literal candy advertisement anime
It's not too bad an ending, I mean I love the ring pop doujin ending too but the implication is pretty much a sure thing if you ask me wtf.
Candy is literally the only thing it had going for it. In fact if you were watching it for anything BUT the candy then you’re pretty much retarded because other series does everything this series does, but better.
Ah yes, no wonder I go into pixiv and see hundreds of pieces of fanart of the candy and not Hotaru.
Yep. At least Saya's fans didn't suffer a collective mentel breakdown over this non-ending.
>fanart of the candy and not Hotaru.
Hotaru is the "candy", fool. Nothing more and nothing less. Just as bland.
>muh ship didn't happen the way I wanted and I'm so buttblasted about it I'm gonna tell the internet, also I never gave a shit about the manga, only muhship muhshipmuhship
I have little doubt that the authors end their stories in such ways to spite the self entitled morons who reduce their stories to pairings. See Bleach.
>Drink Bleach.
Ftfy. Watching Bleach would be too brutal.