One Punch Man

Does Murata draw OPM hentai for his personal use?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I've never met an artist that masturbated to their own work.

I would do it

And how many artists have you met?

As someone who draws porn from time to time, yeah, I don't jack it to my own stuff but it's great practice for both anatomy and the physicality of how fat and muscles move around
Murata absolutely has a stash, maybe not fap material but at the very least nudes

>Murata absolutely has a stash

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Why do Americans assume japanese manga they like draw hentai for their personal use? All competent manga artist has to draw naked people to practice poses gestures and its easier to draw naked people than with clothing so they don't account for clothing folds..

Fuck off to Yea Forums you meme fucks

Why do you assume everyone who posts here is fat Murican like you?

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>imblying I'm american

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i think that's the greatest hypothetical meat sack i ever did see

god i can't stop saving every single page that has fubuki in it.
murata should draw her less beautiful

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Get well soon ONE.

Attached: e0cacdb819307bd038aa37d992250503.png (534x367, 140K)

I'm North Korean, not American.

The Black Sperm fight was better than the Homo Emperor fight.

the HE fight has just started though


HE didnt even finish yet

Saitama is a good guy but he probably murdered more people then most of the monsters he killed

>Homo Emperor
Haven't caught up yet. Is he really homo?

like who?

like the residents of city b

Yup. He killed Zombie Man by sucking his dick off so fast he couldn't regenerate.

He didn't

I've done it. It's no different then masturbating to the images in your head.

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>ywn see all the lewds murata draws of sonic, tats, garou and fubuki

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I liked Garou but being in these threads made me hate him
Same shit with Bakugo

Pro tip, only surf the threads for the images especially of Garou

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>letting opinions of random shitposters influence you
You are not based.

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Black Sperm is the shining star of the Monster Association, no shit he's gonna be better. Homeless Emperor really only has his initial design and his godscene going for him.

>actually liking bakugo

I don't hate Garou but the shitposters and fags are really annoying. You just need to be able to divorce the two things from the character.

I liked his hero suit design and his quirk
His character is pretty shitty though

Murata draws some semi-lewd sonics.

Attached: murata04.jpg (564x790, 123K)

that's fine then, move along

Post semi-lewd Sonics.

Is Genos supposed to be red? Looks better IMO.

no, he only has one (or i guess 2) upgrades that have red and we only see them in this kind of stuff

The rest are in the manga desu, and the few cat-sonic scribbles.

Attached: murata02.jpg (513x680, 110K)

No. This is Vol. 2 cover.

Attached: One-Punch-Man-Graphic-Novel-2-primary.jpg (667x1000, 685K)

>some slant has the high res, nude original

You must have not been browsing Yea Forums then because the majority of Garou shitposters are garouhaters.

I've always liked Garou and the threads made me like him even more

Attached: WHOLE MENU.png (1600x1150, 2.6M)

>Tatsumaki is not uru-d
Fix that image imidiately.

Well I always to create a comic of my own because no one would do it.

>majority of Garou shitposters are garouhaters
I never said otherwise.

I'm sorry for your weakness and shit taste. Please refrain from comparing OPM with BNHA as well.

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Thank you based user
Saved the image
I'll keep posting away until people see the light

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What do you think they're gonna rename black sperm to for the anime?

black jizz

My love for my husbando is neither raised nor lowered by these threads. 100% is the only option. Cant relate to garoufags.

goddamn why is he such a snack

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Nigger Sperm

Negro spunk.

Am I missing something? Why would they rename him?

MA arc isn't bad by any means but I can't help but feel I still like the webcomic's version of it more still.

black cell

I always liked Garou and will always like him.

Based and carbonated.

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Would any of the S Class accepted a surrender like this? I think Metal Bat, Darkshine and Bang might on account of her being humanoid, but that's it.

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i want him to drink more coke

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because viz

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Why is there shit in his mug?

He lives with his wife and two children and he works a mangaka schedule. Murata probably has no alone time to masturbate even if he wants to

it's one of those big jugs of water you get for a table of people that has fruit in it to change the flavour


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African american ejaculation

Oh wow

I thought it might've been because the word sperm is too lewd for shit like crunchyroll.


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nope, just viz being garbage translators as per usual

A simple but effective design. Soft but edgy. A beautiful man.

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Why does everybody who works in manga can't go a day without 11 illness plaguing them?

>that chad guzzle
Garou is truly best boy.

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why does can't you into english?

>stay in a close environment for 7 hrs
>don't move at all in those 7 hrs
>eat uncooked things because you don't know how to cook
except these things, anybody gets sick at least once a year.

alright lads post your favorite panels from the manga

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define "sick" because if you just mean colds and the like then i rarely ever get sick

GOD imagine Lily and a cute boy her age Holding hands

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Get well soon ONE

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Sweet Mask is gay for not breaking her from a monster into his wife

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Reminder that Murata gave this secretly to a fan so that it wouldn't be copied or something

I love this one as well

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it wasn't secret and it was just a gift because the guy was such a big fan and also helped murata with stuff

Dunno about OPM but almost every artist has a spank bank. Even Tezuka had one.

Fubuki is modeled on JAV actress Julia if you really just want nudes. Different hairstyle of course but the body is her's.

Does Murata ship Saitama x Fubuki?

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Why yes, Garou is my sensei. What gave it away?

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It's annoying that his dick riders can manage to ruin any given thread and circle jerk to back photos incessantly. Fun character though despite his autism.

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Pic related so far.

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absolutely seething

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Imagine passing on making the crazy whip girl into a domestic whip girl

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Supposedly his wife looks like Fubuki, so technically he has no need.

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That whole Garou shack battle had a lot of great panels/pages.
Favorite OPM manga chapters in years.

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>He has still very cautious of FF in this form

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Flashy is so based.

You got a source on that? Making your wife into an OC for your buddy's webcomic is pretty based

This. I've written plenty of porn stories in the past and never fapped to my own work.

The entire S-Class wanted Garou dead, can't see why they would treat Do-S any better.

>written plenty of porn stories
That would explain all the fanfic posts appearing in these threads.

its a bad feeling that is isnt canon

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>Sweetmask mating pressing female metal bat


fem mb is for Garou

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You tell me

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Wasn't that due to the way he dominated them all? Idk if they'd care as much about a weaker monster that surrendered

They kept boros alien crew guys alive until sweet mask killed them. Anons writing fanfictions again.

Murata gets it.

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Honestly, The greatest work of modern art.


mostly fake, they love exaggerating in that shit

>posting the edit

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No it's not. Sometimes it worse.

What kind of porn stories have you written user? I need to know.

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That's some 4Kids One Piece tier shit there.

now that i think about it garou really had some shit motives

he didint even got bullied as a kid

He had shit reason to be a monster too.

t. sheep-minded faggot

When kids in college can do a better job than professionals.

thats kind of the point, it wasn't until Saitama school counsellor'd him that he realised that fact

Kid Garou did get bullied and wrongfully blamed and ostracized. Also having an “unorthodox” monster image or rather wanting to be a heroic villain is more interesting than being another run-of-the-mill “hero” who does bloody nothing but kill monsters on autopilot and never even questions the blurred lines between a person and a monster in their world.

He never realised your retarded fanfiction headcanon nor did he change his opinions you dicksucking retard. And Saitama didn't lecture shit, he simply demonstrated an unbiased outside of the box approach.

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you garoufucks are obnoxious as hell, you're the one with the headcanon

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Show me where Garou realised your undefined bullshit or fuck off with your fanfiction.

Individual thinking above the dumb herd mentality. Honestly, if Saitama and Garou with their cool antics and blatantly heroic passion didn’t exist I’d give even less of a shit about HA. Tareo has more personality than most of these characters and gets saved in more ways than one.

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That is what you think because it only lasts like 1 week. And 1 week is nothing in a year so you forget it if it isn't severe thinking you never get sick.

He can’t. Because Garou never admitted anything except Saitama being unbeatable, which is a fucking duh and even made Garou want to sudoku for a moment because he realized there’s no way to surpass that obstacle on his way despite all the blood and sweat he shed to become the strongest monster to oppose everyone.

>posts shit that has nothing to do with his claim
It's time to ky.

I have--I've only made one doujin, but that was out of necessity: Tokyo Ghoul has a bunch of top tier girls, yet no one ever draws stuff of them.

As far as we know Murata doesn't ship anybody. ONE seems to like Saitama x Tats though

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Post it.

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Is Garou lefthanded? He holds both the fork and the water jug with the left hand.

no i mean like i never get sick like that, i just don't for some reason. anytime i get sick it's something more serious like tonsillitis or something


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Maybe you're so shitty at writing that even you couldn't get off your own work

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I want a fucking Saitama chapter again

>tfw no cute vanilla saiko doujins with handholding and lovey dovey baby making sex

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As someone that draws porn the way it works is basically you have the concept in your head and you might Jack off to that but once you go into the progress of sketching, doing lineart and coloring you lose interest in the idea once is finally done

Is a vicious cycle

Gonna be a while for that.

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What a worthless arc

Then jack off to it days after you finish drawing once you're horny again.

Which arc? Saitama is barely in this one in the web as well. We won't see ehim until he meetsnup with flashy.

You get a pass

I've tried. I've really tried. I can masturbate to the IDEAS of my pictures though.

I see this actually happening

Because lots of Japanese houses do not have good or any insulation.

>His symbolic mask shatters
>But he didn't say "Mea Culpa! I've seem the error of my ways, I am deeply regretful for my actions and it was thanks to your words, kind sir, that I am henceforward capable of turning over a new leaf" So it didn't count!

ESL posters really are fucking stupid huh

Saitama pounding Lin Lin!

Attached: linlin.jpg (576x617, 158K)

>ONE BTFO's Fubuki shippers and then pic related happens directly after
>Romance themes with the N-city gang

Attached: opening up.jpg (1198x5235, 1.73M)

Such an underrated character

where did you get this?

without seeing the original there is no way to tell which translation is "better" you fucking retard

Post more.

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Do you really think Saitama would use gradeschool age bad words when he gets mad?

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Enter Homeless CHAD

I need a source

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I have, but I am only good enough to draw stick figures

He also holds a knife.

Fat woman samurai.

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I haven't had sex in 5 years.


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why does he believe he can do it accurately?

Why does ONE have a Ninja bias?

Attached: The_Strong.png (351x286, 86K)

Because he uses math and pseudoscience and thinks he's right about everything

it's okay MB has two hands,
unlike Blue Fire who only has one

literally beating a dead horse

I actually think Lord Boros was incredibly strong, prob would have beat some of the S ranked heroes. Would like to know the author's opinion but who knows if he even cares.


That's probably why you don't get a cold. People who hardly ever get a cold usually fall victim of other, more serious, illnesses during the year and live less on average.

Murata is gay and enjoys drawing muscular men

VIZ is a politically correct company, if you lurked the HxH threads you would see all the changes they made to the manga
>tfw no NIGG

Darkness Semen

Murata is enlightened and enjoys drawing muscular men and hot women alike

>inb4 he uses only the anime for his bullshit

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>Sonic and Flashy look badass in the webcomic
>Murata makes them gay twinks

Lol what did they use in place of NIGG?

How does ONE feel about this?

He has a wife and kids. And nothing wrong with appreciating the human form.

Where does S2 start compared to the manga? I don't feel like watching that shit.

I wonder if he ever paid for the food.

Hoping that one day well get maybe even a glimpse of it is what keeps me going

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Quick rundown??

You're better off just reading the whole manga or webcomic. S2 didn't handle it's arcs so well.
I can really only praise jc for Sonic's ass.

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why is there not more fem metal bat?

>I can really only praise jc for Sonic's ass.

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I masturbate to my own writing.

It's no different from masturbating to your daughter .

Can you draw a vore doujin of Big Madam and Urie? I'm so mad they cheapened the scene and didn't even animate Madam grabbing Urie's ass as she shoved him down her throat.

please draw a Garou X Fem MB doujin

Saitama is in the web chapters plenty right now what comic are you reading

I fap to mine while I'm writting.

Sonic looks the same in both minus the hair which he lost and now looks like his webcomic self. Flashy doesnt look like pajama sam which makes sense because he has to go fast. Also bishounen are better.
ONE approves of course.

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I've only ever been able to get off to one of my drawings years ago. Perhaps itll change, but that seemed like a fluke.

please draw Fem MB

If this thread is still around i might bang one out.

Am i the only one who thinks Sonic's short hair makes him look a little milfy?

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>Homo Emperor
the worst calamity, God level threat

What the fuck

>modeled on JAV actress Julia
I knew I knew that body from somewhere

I dont see it. Wouldnt that imply he looks motherly?

Attached: z3.jpg (646x1045, 289K)

kekd hard

best fight in the series hands down


I live like that and I haven't had a flu in like 2 years

Please dont stir up the delusional hornets nest.

I mean i don't see why not.
He's a great cook, It's implied he can sew well (the vol 3 DramaCD where he made an exact replica of Saitama's costume), and He's clearly protective and caring towards Ino. I think Sonic would make a wonderful mother.

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I do all the time. I barely ever finish my drawings though.

I hate this horrible image. But yes he has many comfy qualities to contrast his being a villain and a bit of a freak i suppose.

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At the very least he can cook
On the other hand he got dick punched twice so the possibility of any kids is nearly zero

He didn't even get punched. He landed on saitamas fist balls first. Then got elbowed. Im sure people take a lot worse.

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Men have been masturbating to drawings since the beginning of time; so Murata is pretty cool. I just use my imagination.

There goes any chance of me buying from Viz

Has Murata drew lewds of the older sister yet?

be prepared for 103 degree fever.

Soon. next year

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That you can never defeat me panel is kino

Imagine being so retarded you actually can't follow a shonen homage/parody manga.

Saitama calls Garou out for actually wanting to be a hero and his words get through to him and ends up reversing his monsterification. If they hadn't resonated he would have just continued sperging out as a monster.

Saitama probably would have.

So Tats has something of a respect for Saitama after that, but she still is even further from him than just his acquaintance.

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Seriously you could just call it trash or something.
What the fuck were they thinking.

Those are some brilliant tits

Boros would have wiped the floor with all S class heroes. IIRC Boros was stronger than Garou.

For sure

Have sex

bait, Boros would've obliterated the S class without shedding his armor. He withstood Saitama for a while ffs

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So this is why Murata says Fubuki is best girl.

He's still around? I forgot his ass existed.

Armored Boros: kill every S class in 1-2 hits, but Tatsu and/or Metal Knight can handle him, freaking his armor.
Released Boros: kill the whole S class in 1-2 minutes, Tatsu and MK included.
Meteoric Burst Boros: everyone is oblitered in 1 hit, few seconds to kill the whole S class.

I want one of Black Sperm having the powers to gender bend men into women and then impregnating them increasing his numbers.

you undestimate Tatsumaki, I think she could fight his released form.

Attached: OPM - Boros Chest Blast 2.png (1720x1236, 969K)

too fast and far too strong

>Metal Knight
it's like with Genos, an individual strong enough is beyond machines

yes, but she would lose

debatable. Feat wise, Tatsumaki did casually stuffs that aren't far from released Boros' attacks, so I believe a serious Tats would have her chances.

Meteoric Burst would be definitely too much though.

Attached: One-Punch Man v6-180-181.jpg (4074x3056, 3.09M)

What chapter is that?

God I would lick fubukis breast sweat

it's an unreleased chapter that Murata posted partially.

Cursed image.

It might actually not be long, he should meet Flash soon enough.

We might get next chapter hobo story and maybe a small allusion to the other fights before Saitama meets flashy.

Attached: x8.png (860x1236, 659K)

I guarantee this was the result of some boomer exec's meddling.

tell me, what did Fubuki see?

>hysteric women aren't fit to be top
thus tatsumaki isn't.

>not wanting to let bakugo fuck your girlfriend
You are lacking in enlightenment, my friend.

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She's not hysterical jus strong.

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a shame we never got Garou vs. Suiryu
garou would have fucked him up, probably

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We don't really know what suiryu can do - he fought with oponents either immesurably stronger (Saitama Gouketsu) or much weaker (Choze and rest) so fuck knows if he knows anything akin to the fist of water polio (defence/counter).

>She's not hysterical jus strong.
She's both. However she is far more hysterical than strong.

Hysterical how? Fubuki has shown to be hysterical while tats really isn't. At best she's very arrogant and worst a child.

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He got fucked up by Gouketsu while Garou fought stronger opponents and did better

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Her enter arc after the MA was just her being a hysterical cunt and then revealing she's always been that way.

>Garou fought stronger opponents and did better
when? Orochi, yes, but Garou was several zenkais later and still got shitstomped

>implying Garou would've fare any better against Gouketsu

Garou had to get beat like 3 times before he did anything spectacular compared to Suiryu and even then his best achievement fighting a dragon level threat was surviving an energy blast and getting slammed around.

Attached: garoufagsbtfo.png (188x147, 12K)

Not really hysterical just straight forward in her arrogance and crazy ness. Also she only turned this way due to influence from Blast.

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>he doesn't know
Somehow this made me remember that user that masturbated to his own mom's NTR

>Hysteria, in the colloquial use of the term, means ungovernable emotional excess.
Also see how she acts towards both Fubuki and Psychos.

>Hysterical how?
Do you even know what hysterical means?

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Get good fucker

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Fubuki she just overprotective. Psykos is just any ole monster/enemy she has to kill.

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You’re retarded. Garou was already shrinking because his willpower to defeat Saitama began to dwindle and then Saitama’s words made Garou feel completely hopeless / suicidal. The only thing that “resonated” with him then and that Garou actually admitted was that Saitama is unbeatable.

>the romper is two different colors

I hate garou, but this is pretty cool.

Garou was already doing spectacular things compared to Suiryu when he redirected S classes’ ultimates with a flick of his hands and could actually fight in a very injured condition. He always fought multiple demons at once and the dragons Garou fought and actually face-tanked later in succession are some of the strongest in the entire MA. Garou is a better martial artist, and a much more resilient and versatile fighter.

>. He always fought multiple demons at once
RR & BG was litterally the first time.

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we see highlighted here the origin of mans boner

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I want to slap Lin Lin's Lin Lins and hear them jingle!

Garou also fought three demons at once afterwards.

I said "the first time".

Tatsumaki deserves to be put down. She's unironically trying to kill humans just because they annoy her.

Psykos deserved it but anyone else doesn't.

Attached: OPM - Inferior Race Shot 1.png (800x1150, 828K)

Imagine being such a fucking moron, holy shit.

I understand. And the point was exactly that - Garou always had to fight more than one demon at a time. The only exception was Ripper, whom Garou basically just annihilated because he was extremely angry at the time.

Imagine not having a single fucking argument and making up shit as you go. Don't put words into characters' mouths, you actual retard.

fuck off liberal

imagine having zero reading comprehension
I get it though
english isn't your first language

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Chapter 37 user.

I'd rather braindead waifufags not respond to me, thanks.


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she pleases my penis

Imagine writing fanfics because you're butthurt that Garou's character literally NEVER realizes or admits anything except for Saitama's unbeatability and his own defeat at the hands of it, which made him feel hopeless to the point of not wanting to live anymore, which crumbled his already shrinking monster facade completely.

Saitama accused Garou of shit he didn't do and Garou didn't even bother trying to argue because "not like it matters" and "everything ended the moment he failed to defeat him", you fanfiction writing mongoloid.

Attached: kick.png (800x1150, 484K)

they kept that in the bluray tho

the top feels like an actual description of a game set

>Boros loses and quietly accepts that he was outmatched
>Garou loses and spergs out about how unfair things are
Fucking manchildren

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already on it

I wouldn't have called Choze much weaker. Weaker yes but they he took some damage during that fight and had to bring out the big moves.

Puri puri prisoner, Pig God and King would let her go.

Metal Knight would take her to his lab for "experiments".

It was an even encounter. Suiryu himself stressed the injuries he got from Choze, said it was really close and that if the other monsters were stronger than Choze he'd be in trouble.

Garou was overpowered, kept coming back with powerups, AND never surrendered. This isn’t even comparable, retard.

Oh shit its so easy to forget that Boros is over seven feet tall

How do I achieve her body?


kys and hope for the best


Watch dumbbell anime.

You don't

Attached: OPM - Rocket Punch.png (860x1236, 1.14M)

Holy shit does Garou actually start to transform to a monster? Wtf

Yes. Read the webcomic

I've always wondered when do mangaka find the time to find inspiration for their work when most of their time seems to be devoted to it.

I tried in the past but could.nt understand it. It was all a clusterfuck

I like to think every artist does it. And I hope someday Yabuki's secret portafolio will be leaked someway.

Well, I don't think they draw it to masturbate at it, but they probably draw it for the fun of drawing it or to practice.

>Garou always had to fight more than one demon at a time.
After he got his first powerup.

Sort of, his strongest form ends up ultimately being when he is full on barely identifiable due to gore, dirt and all sticking to him. The moment he turns further he actually got weaker.

Attached: 81de29308a05e44522b90f4a65bf558501867cd8_hq.jpg (1024x682, 92K)

I wish that was me, I've never had sex

One's art doesn't improve until around the MA arc and Garou fight.

Attached: Web OPM - You Chicken.jpg (600x848, 100K)

Just a kid playing pretend. Its a really good end to an arc.

>letting Yea Forums threads influence your opinions
>liking bakugou in the first place
that's two counts of faggotry, user
how do you plead?

Asthma fucking blows tho

wow no kidding

Don't you reply to me or anyone ever again

What "first powerup"? We're talking about his accomplishments in general compared to another character (Suiryu). The fact of the matter is Garou always had to fight multiple demons, has been redirecting S classes' (who could also fight and even one-shot demons) ultimates since his introduction and the dragons he faced and face-tanked in succession were literally the top of MA. Even the A classes Garou fought were actually fully equipped and aimed to kill him, unlike the A classes Suiryu faced in a tournament environment.

boy, I sure was THIRSTY

Attached: 012_1547911050.png (1515x1080, 1.43M)

Not precisely. Garou is in-between. He doesn't actually turn into a monster because he never abandons his humanity and his image of a monster itself is something personal and humane, and it's stated he was in the process of breaking his limiter.


Attached: poison.jpg (800x1138, 343K)

I learned how to draw anime (I draw other things for irl monies) just to draw porn for my own personal use I’ve never posted elsewhere. Or will, because it’s all elf lolicon beastiality.

how is it that genos can rock literally any outfit

checked and based

No point in it given how he can just visualise what he wants in vivid detail

I love how this guys "super power" is just having a poisoned knife

Attached: The Hero Yoshihiko - Poison.jpg (960x810, 116K)

I still will.

Attached: D_U3USTUIAAmTrI.jpg (960x1280, 187K)

The food doctor also have him a nice cyborg body and face so he could go into modelling if the hero job doesn't work out

Probably not. The moment you start drawing porn, it drags you into it deeper and deeper and you start losing a great deal of motivation into drawing anything else.

Attached: cola.jpg (957x1050, 273K)

Yeah, it nicely rounds it all up. Garous great as it is already, but the conclusion of that fights just overall the best part of it all.

Attached: 12.jpg (600x848, 148K)

At least it seems Bang is going to get new students, right?

I dont like garou but its a great arc.

Yeah Garou is interesting, like a hybrid of sorts. He is closer to Saitama or heroes who manifest 'weird' abilities that ultimately change their appearance than any monster.

Kek no

You just know Rize would have ended up a single mom if Furuta hadn't thrown her into the jar. Big bro always knew best.

Attached: 50952497_259970011584748_1461326860654029516_n.jpg (900x650, 67K)

He reflects OPM's narrative about desires and humans having ability to change, pretty much. Garou is quite literally a human who wants to be a monster, he never actually becomes estranged from humanity and always remains human.

Do you guys think ONE is out of ideas and stuck in a corner and thats why hes pretending to be sick?

No I think he's just suffering from a case of summer: he wants to actually anjoy himself, go to the beach and maybe sleep all day.

I think it shows very clearly that Garou is so human because he can empathize with monsters
He feels bad for them which is a very human emotion

Murata is a Fubuki fag. As detailed as he tends to draw her, It would not surprise me at all if he has some borderline hentai drawings of her.

Why would he?

left handed people use a knife with their right hand

What even is ONE's work schedule, dude just has to make two not very well drawn comics and cash in on Murata and and the anime creators' work

Actually you can switch the fork to the dominant hand when you're done cutting but Garou never cut the meat just ate it with his left hand holding the fork. Then the jug as well. I was actually so bothered by this I went to check it out and in quite a lot of scenes he uses his left hand like a right one.
However my theory goes into the water because he uses the pen with the right hand. Oh well.

Attached: left hand cola.png (800x1138, 310K)

mob psycho manga is already done and I think the regen spin off also. The web is just his hobby while the manga is official.

Fapping to the things in your head and fapping to the things you've put to paper are completely different feelings.

Maybe he's ambidextrous
I think Bang is also ambidextrous
They sure have a lot in common for two people who aren't related to each other at all

Does anyone but Saitama know that King is actually weak? I think it was implied that ENW could tell but then again he wasn't really sentient anyway.

>I think
>they sure have a lot in common
Where does it say Bang is ambidextrous? In fighting they're probably both ambidextrous due to training and precision necessity but by nature one side of the body and brain is more developed than the other.
I think it was just a stream of errors during Murata's drawing.

Bang knows now. ENW just hasn't felt any killing intent from King, that's a bit different. Anyway, who's up for King breaking his limiter via training?

>They sure have a lot in common for two people wo aren´t related to each other at all.

Arguably due to obviously Garou having been at the dojo for a few years if we consider the anime only flashback. The ambidextrous i wouldnt be surprised given that both are highly talented, making it probably more likely.

However im also not fully convinced they arent somewhat related until its fully deconfirmed that Bang never got around when younger.

Attached: yeg9or31tt511.jpg (917x517, 35K)

I thought Bang believed he was just being humble

Garou can be ambidextrous purely due to his natural flexibility - an ability to pick up on things instantly and very quickly adjust his body to use the new style. It really shouldn't matter to him what hand he holds a pen with.

This, Bang straight up refused to train King because he thought he was just asking out of humility, and that it would be a waste of King's time learning his style since he's already strong.

It's just an error on my part. I was observing the dining scene and a few others where he holds a paper with the left in the Sitch meeting, the cola, and some other junk I forgot. But when you look at all the real giveaway scenes he's right handed: holds a popsicle with it while eating, writes, holds Psykos' letter, points his finger, etc.

Where can i find more things like this ?

Most skilled people in the comic are ambidextrous then. Given that and how murata draws them

I don't think those actions are any way to indicate that he's specifically right-handed or left-handed. You yourself saw that he alternated between hands to hold objects.
Garou doesn't prefer any arm over the other when he fights either and the overall control he has over his body is much higher than what you need to have to be called ambidextrous.

Attached: m24.jpg (800x1138, 394K)

Poor guy

It's something that could be chalked up to at evolution but when I read the manga Garou's eyebrows seemed less wild when he met those dojo crashers
Then we see young Garou he always had those wild eyebrows

Murata didn't finalize Garou's design when he first drew him in the extra chapter with Bang. That's very obvious. His eyebrows were always supposed to be wild and bushy to give him a wolf-like image.

The fuck are you talking about you uncultured mutt? Fork is always designated for the left hand, spoon and knives to the right. Fuck! I'm so mad!

You are always supposed to hold it with your right hand, what the fuck are you american or something?

Only when cutting then you switch. No need to pretend to have courtly manners user, only blue bloods like Garou have them.

Attached: pinky.jpg (381x455, 55K)

>this gif is animated better than the entire JC staff season

Attached: 1563200402487.png (127x103, 36K)

She's 100% my type.

I masturbate to my own body, which i have crafted by lifting weights, thus it qualifies as art.

kill yourself anytime

Did you not see the manga commercials they did? They were advertised in this similar animation in the gif and looked better than s2.

Attached: 1556869025481.webm (640x360, 2.99M)

>motion tweened flash animation is better than the actual anime
what a weird timeline we live in

that webm reminded me that Metal Bat has some of the best pages.

Attached: Metal_Bat_Nice_Guy.jpg (1066x1600, 215K)

>*Breathe in*
>*hold it in*
>*just a little more*
>*almost there*

Fuck I need the sauce

genos looks like leon kennedy


Attached: ppp.png (711x706, 486K)

That's how right handed kids are taught as well. The idea is that the knife benefits more from being in the dominant hand than the fork ever could.

A fan did a remake of the flashy flash fight agaisnt octopus and it looked miles better than what we got. Hell the Suryui kick this fan did is so much better. I didn't want to blame fully on JC for this until I saw the tweets of the freelancers they hired and how JC "corrected" them and took away parts of their initial cuts that looked better than the final draft.

But yes Metal bat had good pages.

Attached: 1558570042001.webm (628x704, 2.89M)

Attached: 1521161339481.jpg (250x250, 5K)


Nah, this is my first time seeing it. That's pretty nifty.
It's seriously disappointing to me these days how many animes are coming out with truly low-effort artwork and animation. ESPECIALLY this one, given how solid s1 was. you'd think the more popular series would have gotten more care in this regard.

Classiest motherfucker in OPM weighs in on the debate

Attached: 39.png (835x1200, 873K)

Why is everyone in OPM so cultured?

The problem is the anime industry is in shambles. Too many anime adaptations are being produced in such a short time its hard to keep up. I mean majority of every season has like 6 or 7 low effort iseakai's and slice of life anime, 1 or 2 long running shonen, and a small percentage of actual good anime or series being adapted. S2 was a result of the committee seemingly impatient plus other studios already having their schedules busy. The first staff that did s1 was already doing othee projects with the director doing Boogiebop around the time it was still in production. Which wouldn't be a problem is they hired Kubota who was animation and art director of s1 who was available yet they had him only as character designer and drawing for ads for no fucking reason. Add that with JC staff not being the type of studio or having a staff that can produce quality work and then walla you get this. Also the director was not good and only been a main director for this ecchi show nobody knows.

Aoki and the freelancers tried their best.

Attached: 1561489150986.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

the problem with tripniggers is that they exist
go kill yourself, faggot

not everyone
garou will just eat it raw if he has to

Sanic loves watching gordon ramsay-san. Probably.

Attached: 41.png (835x1200, 717K)

He'd try, but I'm not sure he'd be able to stop the King engine.


Attached: m20.jpg (800x1138, 421K)

>how mosquito girl should've ended

No, the unofficial translation is better (in that panel) besides that.
The text is much more readable.

I see youre a man of culture as well

Post Sanic's cute smile

or bulge

>Amai mask:exterminate all monsters
>Saitama: except the cute ones, and the sexy ones, and those couple which are actually kind of okay
>Amai mask: where have I lost you?

Attached: 658a9934a15fd13cda2ccc33ff33fd2f.gif (540x509, 25K)

I would lick her foot sweat desu

Will there ever be another character as sexy and beautiful as fubuki?

Attached: 4ED8773A-9143-43DF-B861-C396048E4D0C.gif (450x986, 2.23M)

Idiot. Have a cute upside down sanic.

Attached: tumblr_oq0hxlY9kU1vy2tgqo7_250.jpg (250x250, 21K)

Pretty jobber.

Attached: x17.png (860x1236, 1013K)

there's Garou

Attached: moregarou.jpg (691x1040, 174K)

my personal favorite translation for this one is "Sonic got the runs"

Attached: 1558306690179.png (216x184, 103K)

I'm really starting to wonder where Murata will fit the scene of Garou onepunching Puri. If the next chapter is Hobo's story and Amai facing Fuhrer then DS talking to an already defeated Puri comes next. I guess he'll just integrate is as a flashback, I'm not too fond of that.
The charm of that scene is the fact he comes out as a monstrous silhouette and auto crushes the fag just like in a horror movie, feels more effective and terror inducing that way.

Attached: horrorshow.jpg (600x849, 199K)

Same here. I just pulled that one off mangadex, though.


Attached: OPM - This Is Terror.png (800x1138, 1.73M)

They draw inspiration from their childhoods when they had free time, that's why 99% of manga is childish shit.

that's what I'm talking about. Garou has never frightened the S-class, despite being more powerful. The powergap wasn't this big compared to Saitama

>has never frightened the S-class
Please tell me more.

Attached: shitting himself in fear.jpg (600x1281, 385K)

Fucking what? Garou made the entire S class in the final showdown desperate, trolled Tatsumaki, scared BS and made Darkshine literally piss himself.

He did to a few it just wasn't until his awakening and him getting stronger. Orochi just didn't feel it because he's never been matched until Saitama.

Attached: OPM - Giga Orochi.png (1600x1138, 1.41M)

>literally a strong guy who could be a bouncer AT BEST
c'mon there's a vast difference between him and warriors (Bomb, Bang, FF, AS), psychos (AM, Tats, CE) bona fide courageous people (Genos, PPP, PG). Also desperate =/= fear

>desperate =/= fear
You blind and illiterate? It spells out "fear" in black letters and in more way that one, DS curling up in a fetus position, his horrified face and shivering. How delusional can you be?

A lot of the S classes felt fear again while facing regular dragons in the raid. Darkshine is the sturdiest of them all and he was literally pissing himself because Garou broke his skin and rushed him without rest.
All of them also fell for Garou's bluffs in the endgame and they felt fear mixed with desperation because there was nothing they could do to contest him even though Garou deliberately refrained from killing them and even left most of them conscious.

How can other girls even compare?

Attached: tat.jpg (604x768, 55K)


Attached: 1547067575903.png (1440x1864, 845K)

Lame, doesn't even look like her, it looks like your average thot. You can tell the artist is a woman

I just want saitama to meet up with flash already. My favorite part of the arc.

Who built that shit it doesn't look like abandoned human city.

The subterranean king and his people did.

the fuck you on about? I told point blank that yes, Darkshine was terrified but he is a pussy, or just a regular guy unlike the rest of the S-class.
show me another S-class expressing fear. Not anger, not despair out of helplessness. FEAR.

All 12 of them?


Attached: 178261417864.jpg (236x212, 31K)

You forgot the parts where user was such a disgusting degenerate, that he actually drew porn of anons cucking him from his own mother

not if you're left handed, retard.

Attached: 1556813538439.png (1496x6209, 2.04M)

how fucking dumb are you?

The monster association killed most of them to take their base as you can see their corpse at the bottom of that waterfall child emperor fought plus the ninjas said they did. We can assume those 12 were the survivors as the big ones Saitama fought in his dream did exist but they were dead already.


That's some fucked up everything right there.

another race extinguished

goalposts moving faster than flashy flash

S classes looked desperate while they fought some regular dragons but the narration made it explicitly clear that they felt fear. There's an entire sequence of S classes expressing fear during the raid even before enemies leagues below Garou and they scrambled to kill Garou ASAP out of fear too. Look at Child Emperor. Garou terrified them with his power.

Darkshine is an S class and the sturdiest of them all. Garou made him piss himself and even quit.

Dude, if they were half as strong as in Saitama's dream ("the big ones"), MA would've never started

>Yea Forums cucked a guy with his own mom.
>He drew it himself.

Attached: 1542462302936.png (774x547, 599K)

He said big ones, not strong ones.

>goalposting this hard
So your first argument was that he can't scare the ass class. Then when proving what an imbecile you are you moved on to "lulz but darkshine is a pussy lel doesn't count kek". Now I suppose ONE should have literally pulled the same trope he did with Darkshine and Fubuki on an entire cast of characters just so one idiot can be convinced. That's not how storytelling works manchild-kun.
The rest of the S class didn't meet Garou one on one in an isolated area like Fubuki and Darkshine did. They felt fear but the situation was not of such a nature that they'd behave the same way as the other two also due to the fact Garou was casually talking to them, making a mental connection through communication which has a fundamentally different effect than a raw face off like in the other cases. He never got close to finishing them off nor behaved in a genuinely threatening manner due to Saitama interfearing and due to the conversation. If he did their reaction would have been the same.

CE with Brave Giant was able to handle those, its fair to assume that Orochi+Psykos can handle them just fine.

Attached: 17.jpg (800x1138, 282K)

Didn't help Saitama killed their king so I'm guessing the little ones got killed. There's also the mural of the subterraneans worshipping Elder centipede.
I think Orochi probably dealt with them or the executives. The association has been there for a while.

Attached: OPM - Brave Chase ver 1.jpg (1600x1138, 713K)

I'm smug glasses kid

you have outed yourself, Garoufag, now gtfo and kys

as an artist i spent so much fucking time doing figure drawing and drawing naked bodies that it does nothing for me so i wouldnt be so sure about that, drawing pics like the op ones are way more fun than just drawing nudes

>one (You)
You missed again shitposter. Now kill yourself and make sure to do it before Darkshine pisses himself in the manga. The sooner your life ends the better.

Here's the mural

Attached: OPM - Subterranean Mural.png (758x1080, 1.01M)

elder centipede was probably a terrible god, it was a good thing he died now they can have a new god- oh right they're all dead

they aren't exactly "worshipping" them you know. At least in the mural.

It doesn't look like Subterraneans are worshipping centipides it looks they're glorified as weapons or servants in that mural.

Attached: 1511796752011.jpg (387x452, 121K)

I still have no idea how Saitama was able to dream up all of them so accurately

Probably wasn't just him because there was the others and also those other insect monsters with human faces. They probably used to be around a fuck ton pike dinosaurs before humans showed up.

Attached: OPM - Magicicada Nymph.jpg (1720x1236, 789K)

They´re meeting a new god in the afterlife now.

Attached: God_appearing_in_Homeless_Emperor's_mind.png (600x848, 190K)

I'm assuming the subterranean invasion of the surface was just them getting pushed out of their city by the MA.
Also how many cadre level mysterious beings got one punched by saitama just trying to find their way to the hideout?

>subterranean king
>sea king
>sky king
>extraterrestrial warlord
>and then theres just some fucking human shit head who wanted to be a monster because Monsters Rise UP

>190711209 (You)
Fucking pathetic.

Attached: disgust.png (1479x1035, 2.69M)

all those kings get blown out by a simple human
>what's a monster to a human?

Hi Alucard.

>Orochi Sama would like to live under your location.

Attached: OPM - Orochi v Saitama.jpg (1520x1080, 440K)

>doesn't even look like her
it does..

>Request: Denied.

Attached: 35.png (1600x1138, 2.97M)

ONE even had the same narration about fear when Garou cornered the S classes by himself.

Attached: he's like a mastodon.jpg (600x848, 117K)

>implying this wasn't just Fubuki pissing herself

It was used as narration and its timing is literally paralleling Garou cornering the S classes who have no hope of defeating him with numbers or anything else.

The only thing I would fear for when facing Garou is my fragile heterosexuality.

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sensible chuckle

Attached: Maiko_Plasma_S2_full.jpg (1281x1071, 698K)

Attached: 1556811541491.png (420x291, 180K)

Everything has a limit user.

Attached: 1545963846718.jpg (3455x2434, 2.99M)

How many women could Garou bang at once?

Attached: with his feet.png (787x866, 668K)

Sounds more like you're already in the closet and just one step away from coming out. Don't try and project your weakness onto others.

Attached: 1556807077691.png (575x783, 393K)


No probs. Anything to encourage people reading the excellent manga.

kengan asura

>Tatsumaki deserves to be put down. She's unironically trying to kill humans just because they annoy her.
Genos kinda does the same thing.

>just one step away
I don't think I'll live to see immersive VR or full body prosthetics like GItS has so, that's a big one step user.

Attached: 1557369530700.jpg (699x1200, 115K)

is this about Genos and Charanko? teens bitching with each other is hardly worth it

Garou demolishes an entire table of dishes in an instant and moves at inhuman speeds. He can have an orgy and bang a countless number of chicks at once. If the women are superhuman themselves, make that number even bigger.

he would make muteba look like a shut-in virgin

>implying Garou isn't a permavirgin because he's too shy and autistic to ever use his undeniable advantage

Everytime I see a pic of Garou I get depressed knowing there's no man like him in this world. Why can't you fat bastards ever lift, be rebellious and based?

Attached: hanblush.jpg (695x295, 38K)


Everybody knows Current Garou is stronger than Suiryu, they compare Garou as of his introduction/pre Bang and Bomb to Suiryu.

Introduce him to Sayaka and I guarantee you he'll lose his virginity and have a cute, outgoing girlfriend. That is if her brother doesn't try to kill him and fail constantly

Attached: Astounding.png (847x1200, 495K)

Because individual powerlevel is, so far, limited in our world.
E.g. one rebellious idealist would need a lot of comrades to make a dent in establishment and establishment similarly relies on numbers, not on individual powerlevel.
TL;DR: It's because there are no supermen IRL user, transhumanism might change that but this would be technological advantage and not the romantic Canon the Barbarian stuff your gay ass is loking for.

Attached: 1560805070560.jpg (669x336, 53K)

Are you sure your not just mirin?

I can't be sure until you tell me who that is.

Attached: 1558330596150.jpg (720x1037, 201K)

And with Garou's stamina the orgy can go on all day and night long

Attached: 1558989595367.jpg (1400x2100, 725K)

Your fantasies are only a single rope trick away user.

They usually masturbate to the idea while they draw it. But once the lust is gone, the drawings become dull to them.

I would still like to see them fight against each other
maybe once Garou clears his head after a few more months under the waterfall he can participate again in that contest

Attached: dontaskme.jpg (600x847, 145K)

The guy I was originally replying to was talking about all of Garou's accomplishments in the manga so far. I stressed that they're far more spectacular than Suiryu's run.

I hope this is a bad joke. Also if your looking for something to satiate your lust for muscles and boobs there's the patrician choice.

Attached: fit.png (356x911, 191K)

Actually individual chadlevel, not powerlevel, is the base of progress since it unites other males under a strong leadership figure and ambition is also part of the same package. Every real warrior leader started off as Garou aka individual strenght and then had betas flocking to him out of awe.
He doesn't need to be a superhuman just strong enough to beat up 10 bitches like you at once and wreak havoc on the streets. And Canon the Barbarian is a fucking cuck bitch compared to Garou, fuck off.

>mosquito girl surrenders
>forced to be Saitama's maid
>Genos actually learns and trains instead of cleaning the apartment 24/7
>Doesn't always job

A dark future indeed

We've hit the bump limit. New thread.

Garou is an ideal. The achievable mode is actually Saitama. Fit, bald and apathetic.

Too bad his ego got crushed by saitama

>bad joke
Feel free to drama queen away, I'm just going to die oblivious and you'll be the one to blame for it.
>muscles and boobs
Eh I mean she's great but not as great as Garou's back.

>Canon the Barbarian
Fuck both of you

Now there's no point for Garou to participate in that circus tournament he breezed through already, let alone fight someone like Suiryu. He's learned the best martial arts, faced some of the strongest people and monsters in the whole world and has a much higher standard at this point.

>chad guzzling

Mosquito Girl didn't end.

Attached: 1547201186560.jpg (1920x1080, 882K)

>Garou takes over the dojo and becomes a hero
>because he has to pay child support

He got a lesson in determination and humility. Mask was right: he'd be a far graver threat in the future when he sorts his motivation out. Easily an equal to Saitama.
He was already superior in Speed and Tecnhique, he just need a spirit not to get disheartened in the face of Saitama strength and eventually he'll figure out a way to defeat him.

Attached: 1537241713244.png (205x350, 102K)

It means to admire the aesthetics of another persons body in a non sexual way.
And sure Mizuki isn't going to beat Garou when it comes to back muscles but Garou is for mirin, Fubuki is for fapping and Mizuki is for both.

A 18yo'd ego doesn't get crushed so easily, especially when he's in top condition after all that. Seethe harder.

>Easily an equal to Saitama
Sent my sides into orbit with that rib tickler.


He didn't exactly behave humble nor humiliated, just disheartened which is understandable in that situation. After he gets somekind of mini character development arc he'll just end up going in the same direction as before but with stronger determination.

He realized he's an ant next to saitama and will never achieve his goal no matter how hard he tries. He's the exact same as the high school football player who's peak
in life is winning the state championship

This. He was just confused about his priorities.
Typical kid that wasn't let in on the game and acts all bitchy like he wants to destroy it while he actually wants in. One he sorts himself out - he's not going to lose to Saitama anymore. He might not win, but he would not lose.
> admire the aesthetics of another persons body in a non sexual way.
Yes and there's a limit where a body is so perfect you cannot enjoy it in a non sexual way anymore.

Attached: 1560573662505.jpg (600x849, 53K)

Attached: descarga.jpg (210x240, 7K)

>all day and night long
Not that any woman would survive him for that long. I'd die of a heart attack in the first hour if I'd even last that long.

Attached: hanekawaheat.gif (540x227, 2.91M)

This. At this point Garou can pretty much track down the most murderous monsters without any rest and - if Bang and Bomb weren't old as fuck - bother them daily so that he can perfect his techniques even faster.

>high school football player
Dumbest parallel I've heard so far. Must be some flashback of yours when you got your face bashed in by the highschool jock.

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we already know that garoularpers identify with him because they all got bullied and wished they could have fought back. No need to project that onto others faggot.

>Yes and there's a limit where a body is so perfect you cannot enjoy it in a non sexual way anymore
Whatever floats your boat user. Doesn't do it for me but it's defo a body we can all mire at the very least.

>Typical kid that wasn't let in on the game and acts all bitchy like he wants to destroy it while he actually wants in.
Could you falseflag any harder faggot? He never wanted to be part of the hero game, it disgusts him and he'd never accept it.
His priorities are clear and well defined, he doesn't need to achieve them all on the first try.

Garou is built for efficiency. Dude would blow his load in seconds flat and move on to playing monster again.

>He never wanted to be part of the hero game
Holy kek did you speedread AND speedwatch? The alphafag in his class was always the hero that's why Garou turned out this way.

>could have fought back
I'm very confused by your choice of words. Are you saying you never actually fought as a teenager or aka "couldn't" fight back? Nice excuse faggot, I'd beat you up too if I ever met you.

>did you speedread AND speedwatch
No but you obviously did fucktard. Yes, Garou never wanted to be hero or play hero, get your eyes sorted out and read the manga again.

Garou has absolute truckloads of pent-up energy and is built for stressful attrition battles. Dude wouldn't blow his load until he's gone through dozens of women and knocked them out with how hard and unrelenting he's going.

Not him but I did and every time I got my ass handed to me. Pretty sure that's how it usually is too.
>Garou never wanted to be hero
Stopped reading there.

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>I'm very confused by your choice of words
I understand you probably have a learning disability but please read slower and maybe you'll figure it out.
>I'd beat you up too if I ever met youi
Look out, we got a bad ass over here.

>every time I got my ass handed to me
Well that explains everything. I rest my case.

if only metal bat was a girl she could probably keep up