ITT: Childhood faps

ITT: Childhood faps

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Other urls found in this thread:

Begone zoomer

>being a child in 2007

What am I still doing here?



Best sailor prove me wrong.

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I was seven in 2007, so I wouldn't even have reached puberty at that point.

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Attached: Aisha Tiddies 2.webm (960x720, 2.8M)

Kill yourself, redditor.

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n-nineteen was still a pretty young age, right guys?

Plus most of the Tenchi Muyo girls

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good taste

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bless toonami

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I won’t argue there.

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bible black was like the first thing i saw when i googled hentai. good times

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>that artwork


I remember when I used to be into tentacles.

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my pure virgin waifu

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I fapped to Blair so much.

>start watching soul eater in this, the year of our lord two thousand and nineteen
>hey it's not bad, but
why isn't there more blair in this?

Both of the announcers were super cute

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I always thought Sailor moon was the hottest and finding that Sailor moon and the 7 dragonballs hentai was just great

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She had some good official art

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I was finishing college, fuck off.

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and the bug lady

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Muh niggas

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i think love hina was some of my first anime faps but I was already in my 20's when it came out.

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For some reason, I always felt she was too basic.

r8 pls.
She was my first anime crush. It wasn't weird back then though because I was only like 15 or 16 myself. I was watching every week, imagining what it would be like to have her as my girlfriend and making up all kinds of scenarios in my head of us making out or going on dates... good times.

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>It wasn't weird back then though because I was only like 15 or 16 myself.
Isn't she like 9 years old?

Koshka make my dick go hard.

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Maybe i'm too old for this place.

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How the fuck did she manage to be unsoiled goods?

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Yeah but I was basically a kid myself so it's ok. Still kinda like her though desu

>age gap date fantasies
hot desu

This tbqh fàm.

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jesus christ

It's the best. An older guy with a younger girl who has a crush on him is SO CUTE! It's so pure, warm and nice. Truly the best kind of love. It just feels so right. It makes me feel all soft and good inside.

How is retirement gramps


Mahoro had a bunch of lewd moments, though I might be biased since the first episode I saw was the beach episode

Kids these days will never know what is like to navigate a shady market to buy a hentai VHS and the tension of your parents ever finding it even if is well hidden.

Found her show way back when it first aired late night in TechTV, I became a fan overnight.

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what would people born after 2000s fap to?

How shit was the job market graduating right them?

how does it feel to waste your life old man

I didn't start watching anime until my teens and GuP was my first. Anzu was the first anime girl I really found attractive

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Shit taste desu

Why? She looks like a child.

Not OP but I was like 13 when I was watching TTGL when it came out in 2007 and I still consider that being a child, I'm 25 now. The show was 12 years ago.

She looked like the girl I had a crush on at the time

giv yoko

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Yoko is the worst Gurren girl

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You shouldn't have a crush on child when you're a young adult.

she was the same age as me

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Your mom.

Just admit you took the lolicon bait user


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Is 13 y-o still childhood?

everything before you graduate college is childhood nowadays

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If you were to look at my google searches when I was like 13 it would look something like
>naked Pokemon girls
>anime boobs
>big boobs
>red hair anime girl with sniper
>Yoko hentai

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Vandread for sure


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Either Slayers Naga or that muscle gorilla fem MC from Shadoe Skill


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While I didn't fap to Usagi, I did literally lick the TV screen since that was all what my prepubescent brain could come up with.

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LMAO he thinks he's better because he was born sooner
Have fun dying sooner oldFAG

This beauty.
She is my favorite waifu.

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where is the cunny

she's still the best fapping material

this qt

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>muh memory erasing clit


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Yoko had a hard life

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Nigger I was 17 when ttgl aired
Also Yoko a shit Nia a best

Original season BDs when?

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Yoko was a cunt

Yoko did nothing wrong ever and life screwed her over anyway

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b& or b8?
we’ll let mods decide

Anyone born in born in 1998 is old enough to drink now.


Something are so high quality that they make current things looks bad. BB was one of them.

Kite and Mezzo Forte was the older version of that phenomenon. Literally bought Kite at a Blockbuster video as a kid.

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Nia is fucking garbage
yoko was always better
she was literally found in the garbage where she belongs

was looking for naruto pokemon bleach and dragonball hentai
i first searched naked sakura pics or naked pokemon girls

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>did nothing wrong ever and life screwed her over anyway
That would be Nia

I remember thinking Yoko was the hottest bitch ever when I was 10 years old watching Gurren Lagann on the Wii using that fucking Netflix disc...

dawn from pokemon

I prefer the sister. This manga has the best drawings of women and tits that I have seen, even though later the story gets a bit wild

you mean knowing right?

I'm not THAT old, but thank you, I strive for perfection.


My "job market" was athletics. We didn't win, but I was paid anyway. Later, turns out people still listen to the radio and want hosts and news anchors.

Married, kids, and I've never stopped having fun while still having it for a long time now. I still would rather everyone not have cell-phones like it's unfathomable otherwise.

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>Married, kids
>Posts on Yea Forums
You were believable before that last part

dawn from pokemon

Of course. Nia a shit. How could she just dip on my boy like that?
enlightened individual
I had it in VHS. I remember vaguely that there was a scene with the mini fairy I really liked back then.

I didn't want any anime at the time, but once I started to read those titles I started to search them too.

Who else is with me?

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Yea Forums is 16 years old
what do you think people do, leave?

this was my first exposure to hentai.

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wrong pic heh

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>nobody posted La Blue Girl

I'm old bros..

I was born in 1998 and I can't drink for another 5 months

This is my jam. Fuckin classic.

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god i want to molest rukia

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You're so old that you're going blind, grandpa.


yeah okay

lmao same

My dad was so proud to introduce me to Berserk but he didn’t know I was fapping like crazy every night thinking about Guts

2007 truly was the start to Endless Summer.


They don't remember caturday, dude

Retarded American laws don't count.

>ocean cruise
>star mission
>secret agent
Absolutely unforgettable.

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So I'm not the only one who fapped to those flash games? Good to know.

Detective, Star Mission, Ocean Cruise all made up 90% of my time on the internet as a kid

Heh, sorry fellas.

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Midori no Hibi was actually watched by good amount of people if tracker stats were to be believed. Not obscure in the slightest.

I still remember the glorious day I discovered what R34 is
>Rules of the internet, wow sounds interesting lets check em out
>"Rule 34: if it exists, there is porn of it"
>Hol'up, so if I put in the name of an anime girl into google and add "R34" to it...
It was a whole new world

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So which country's laws DO?

Any actual 1st world country

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I remember. Off of some bootleg H-manga site which I don't recall the name of.

You are banned sir

Are you going to define that, or is it just going to arbitrarily mean whichever countries you want it to while excluding the ones you don't?

what the fuck get this shit outta here now MODS

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No I just dislike America lmao

You'll find out for yourself eventually

I doubt you're actually the same user I asked, but I'll humor you.
"What exactly did we do that made a bad impression on you, my humble aquaintence?"