Dark elf > elf
Dark elf > elf
go on...
Then what?
All elves are for rape
Math checks out.
> Marry elven princess
> Get paizuri from dark elven princess on your wedding night
Has there ever been a dark erufu with tan lines
Now that I could get into
Yandex told me it's "How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord". Good lord, it has a load of lewd illustrations on the LN
Rotte no Omocha has a half-elf / half-darkelf character with "mottled skin" that appears as if she had tanlines.
boobs too big
Blue elf> all
what are you, gay?
Was always curious to see what a elf/dark elf hybrid looked like.
Why not both?
Holy boner, why even live
Me on the left.
Me on the right and bottom.
You're very flexible.
No lies detected
>a bigger, blacker elf
>Dark elf
That's just a tanned elf
Dark elves are sluts though.
>implying that that's bad thing
There may be rare exceptions, but that's generally true.
Dark elves are only fit for slavery and rape
They're not even fit for housework like regular elves.
>Dark elves are fit for marriage and procreation.
>They're perfectly fit for housework and child-rearing.
You all have shit taste. High Elves are best elves