This is what happens when a retard tries to write a character that is smarter than him, you end up with a character that is cringe personified
This is what happens when a retard tries to write a character that is smarter than him...
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The Promised Neverland is another example.
muh fuck-adults guy is also cringe as fuck
and so is the retard who yells at fucking everything
i dont know when they'll wake up the girl but i can only assume she'll be infuriating somehow as well
He's not really cringe though, have you actually watched the series?
ITT: autistic anime-onlys
You've clearly never been around the smart guys. Unlike their representation as weak feeble nerds who spend whole day mugging up textbooks, they're actually pretty damn cocky and have a sharp brain that can get the job done
not even 1 milimeter
dr based is based as fuck. only brainlets will tell you he's cringe.
I’ve heard this said before but it’s supposed to be used to describe a character that uses “science” or “intelligence” to solve problems and perform feats that are more like magic or asspulls than they are applications of knowledge. So like a character being able to survive a very high fall by holding onto a bunch of balloons he inflated because the author doesn’t understand co2 is heavier than air and it’d need to be filled with helium anyways.
Why does Stone trigger brainlets so much? It has a plot that's actually going somewhere and a mangaka that does his research on what he writes about
It's written by two people with degrees in science. One is in physics and I can't remember the other. Who ever told you that is retarded
>Why does Stone trigger brainlets so much?
They're a bunch of trolling tards who haven't even actually watched/read the series, they just hear it's about a smart scientist guy and instantly think it's Rick and Morty and start shitting on it because that's the popular thing to do.
I was talking in general. Op’s criticism has been said before about different shows and has been correct about many of them however to say it in this case doesn’t make any sense.
>t. wannabe "smart guy"
Shut up, nerd.
Never said I was, I only said I am acquainted with them
Why is anti-intellectualism so rampant on this board?
I don't wanna say it but normies are at it again.
Most people with a degree in science wouldn't be able to survive two days in the wilderness nor have any sort of practical engineering and problem solving skills. Fuck most of these retards couldn't design a proper steam engine. Maybe 1 in 100 actually has genuine skills and isn't just regurgitating and memorizing whatever he's been taught. Standing on the shoulders of giants, except these people are more like laying down on the shoulders of giants, or tumbling off of them.
t.someone with a degree in science who has to be around these monkey see monkey do pseudo-intellectuals
I don't understand this argument when all the science he does in the story is legit
>couldn't design a proper steam engine
Well duh the guy who made the steam engine is a genius in IQ. You have to be a genius to be able to casually make a steam engine without looking up instructions.
That never happens. Senku shows off his intelligence by basically being Bill Nye and doing science experiments that you can easily replicate at home, like building a home made radio.
To be fair, Senku hardly made much progress in months without anyone to do labor.
Yes, obviously. Something like the top fourth of the dumbest professions like janitors have higher IQs than the bottom fourth of the top educated. What scientific institutions do is harvest the simple, raw quantity of armies of idiots to keep the process churning.
I'd buy that a natural-chemist sperg with genuine genuis-level IQ who spends all his waking moments obsessing over how to build contraptions that he figure out how to put together on his own - that someone like that would be able to kickstart a all the shit this guy's able to do. Would probably take him more than a couple of years though.
They're clearly still idiots though. They know their science because that's what they've been taught. But when it comes to even super-obvious things that they haven't been taught (like even basic bigology concepts like the process of natural selection) they demonstrate zero understanding of it. They also demonstrate zero understanding of human psychology beyond the everyday interpersonal level (3700 years later, all these 'native' people walk, talk, and act like they're the first-generation of the astronaut ancestors, not the ~150th), though that's hardly surprising for nerds.
What the fuck, do you think they would degenerate into Australopithecus in just 4000 years? Our ancestors were just as intelligent as us for hundreds of thousands of years in the past.
>>t. wannabe "smart guy"
Japanese tongue isnt even 3000 years old to understand how ridiculous it is for them to still speak the same language no dialect as Senku and co, it should have evolved into a bunch of new language families especially since there is no writing system. A language evolves because humans have shit memory so they forget what sounds makes the idea and replace it with a new sound and everyone just agrees on that new sound.
Well how to write an intelligent character without coming of as cringe in a post MR world?
Maybe show weaknesses and him fail sometimes??
This pasta always brings a smile on my face since i never really got why sherlock felt someone off
This is so they don't have to waste time timeskipping the months it would take to learn the language from scratch, plus they maintain knowledge of Japanese through the religiously maintained and transmitted 100 stories, Spee D. Reader.
>muh myths
user the basis of greek polytheism are myths by the Archean tribes that had a different sounding language than Athenian greeks, you dont know shit about how fast languages mutate.
>Well how to write an intelligent character without coming of as cringe in a post MR world?
You write him like Lelouche was written in Code Geass.
Also, should I watch this? I've been eyeing this but not sure if it's worth my time, I still have Mob Psycho 100 S2 to finish.
It’s for kids.
It's not so much anti-intellectualism as the threatening combination of competence and confidence.
I mean, look at this magnificent bastard. Drop all the science. Just drop it for a moment. Look at that fashionable ensemble. All on his own.
If the average poster here had to do that, there's a 100(Hundred Million) percent chance they'd end up with something like a kindergarten ghost costume. Before they fell out of the tree as soon as they struck a pose.
So what do they cling onto to compensate?
>that's cool and all, but the popular equation signed in his own blood makes me cringe so I'm still better than he is
In short, brainlets fear the science samurai.
>Maybe show weaknesses and him fail sometimes??
He actually does fail quite a bit in the upcoming episodes. Basically he knows how to make things, but he sucks at actually making them himself. Not everything he makes works right the first time either.
Did you mean archaic, kid? You ignored the more important point that it's not a manga about linguistics but chemistry/engineering. The scenario was shifted thousands of years in the future so there wouldn't be easy access to finished machines and advanced materials, and the villagers are there to change up the dynamic from just reviving modern people because all of Senku's shit would be old hat to them. Language change would be a useless impediment for the story so they came up with an excuse (100 stories) to get it out of the way quickly. Unless you wanted 20+ chapters of Senku learning basic nouns and verbs and still being barely able to communicate even years later.
Wrong, IQ substantially increased as high quality food became more widely available due to increases in the productivity of agriculture, our hunter gather ancestors didn't come close.
who the fuck enjoys this level of cringe holy shit
is he smart than pickle rick tho
Humans in Eurasia were always smart but it took geniuses to come up with the idea of farming. Hunting humans mainly used their brains to capture food efficiently.
>Bread is "high quality food"
O am I laffin. At least it's better than rice, which gives you vitamin A deficiency if you're a peasant who eats nothing else.
It's pretty nice. It's basically science shenanigans and people coming together to help build and improve society.
yeah, it wouldn't be language. it would be literally everything. from morals, to customs, to world view, even physiology adapted to diet & climate; obviously clothing style and architecture and weapons and absolutely everything you can think of.
their entire culture died and they've had to reinvent it all from scratch in a fucking stone-age environment, they're not gonna be anything like modern humans (even if they might've had the potential to be with the right upbringing)
shit, they don't even have fucking WRITING. their 100 fucking stories are gonna be a 3700 years long game of telephone, they shouldn't be anything remotely like the original stories in any sense. never mind how route repetition doesn't magically convey knowledge. what is a "gorilla"? they don't fucking know. they just know it's dangerous. over generations, what's salient to them isn't gonna be some abstract gorilla=strong animal (that they don't know about)=bad, it's gonna go from gorilla=strong=bad or just gorilla=strong, or even gorilla=bad, or who knows what the fuck they're gonna come up with in the realm of interpretations over millennia.
never mind other shit like, what if at some point somebody's born who disagrees? they come up with a new idea? what if their new idea is more compelling than the old idea, to newer generations? which you'd expect it to since the old idea has them living in dirt huts starving to death. you should expect that shit to happen every few generations at least, and for these new ideas to be more adapted to their environment than the old ideas left behind by austronauts from 3700 years ago and thus for these new ideas to outcompete and eventually drive old ideas extinct
there's so much fucking wrong this this it's unbelievable. that the village would be the way it was was more implausible than being able to punch lions to death
You sound phony m'dude. How can anyone possibly mug up say physics is beyond me
the people who are no fun allowed and serious about stupid shit only have their imaginary intelligence. something they believe makes them better than the chaff and therefore bear a responsibility to be losers who are always right and can't enjoy anything because everything around them is too stupid for it.
when people who are smart also have fun and do fun things it bothers them because those people have what they have but also have the things they always wanted. Things like, a life and people admiring them. this directly challenges both their intelligence and sense of self. as it makes them feel like they weren't smart enough to see that they could be what they wanted.
Basically why everyone shouts hurr rick and morty is because they're trying to convince people that being smart means hating yourself and life. which the anons who scream it at the top of their lungs genuinely believe with every fiber of their being. which is exactly why they despise it as well.
t.bachelor in psychology
Retards will complain about fucking anything
have sex
Oh I'm sure you're a real scientist
I can't take a character with E=MC2 written on his shirt seriously.
From what I'm reading in this thread, this is basically anime Rick and Morty.
I don't like shows that try to be smart and fail.
This kid looks like he could be a Yu-gi-oh MC
How did he get a permanent E=MC squared mark on his animal cloth? Where did he find the dyes?
Its blood.
The first generation WERE modern humans dipshit. The seed of the culture was modernity, and it's not like the treasure islanders would be struggling against dangerous predators on their island. If anything their biggest problem would be lack of competition causing decadence (which is exactly what happened with everything being geared to expanding the Head's harem). They established that Ishigami village was the conservative branch that maintained Byakuya's ideals. And what, is Byakuya going to teach them how to make paper and ink with his astronaut's education? He's not Senku, he doesn't know everything. He can only teach them what he knows.
Give it a try it´s entertaining if you can accept how the characters behave.
> I've been eyeing this but not sure if it's worth my time, I still have Mob Psycho 100 S2 to finish.
Season 2 finale is dissapointing especially compared to the manga do yourself a favot and just drop Mob
oh you’re an animeonly. those kinds of people aren’t too smart so you don’t even know what it means to try to be smart.
t. intellectual crippel
yeah, the manga totally isn't shit unlike the anime
if I had a penny for every time a retard claims this
Rick & Morty is about some dude creating ridiculous inventions that would never work in real life. From what I'm seeing in these two episodes Dr Stone is about using science for real life situations
Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard.
Why do people pretend Senku is written like a smart character?
He is a fairly normal character who loves science and knows literally everything related to it, not a 500+ IQ keikakumaster
Rick and Morty is more the fiction part of science fiction than it is science. It's also focuses on nihilism and jaded characters. Dr. Stone's science is a lot more prevalent and heavily detailed and Senku is a lot more of an optimistic and encouraging character than Rick Sanchez is.
Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard.
Bullshit. Post proof.
His math skills are also fucking insane.
This autist makes me insecure about myself
This is what happens when a retard tries to write a character that is smarter than him (for an intended audience of 15 years old), you end up with a character that is cringe personified (but as most viewers are 15 years old they think he's awesome)
Stop watching Shounen trash.
Reddit tier post
Sure, but being good at math doesn't really factor in that much on what people complain about
People complain about his intelligence but his biggest "intelligent" trait is having memorized everything related to science
The fact that Chrome and other characters can keep up with him outside scientific knowledge or even come with ideas in his place just shows that he isn't as asspull-tier smart as people claim he is
You could replace him with a cocky but normal guy with a really in-depth manual on science and technology and the story wouldn't change at all
i want to fuck senkuu
He also kept counting for more than 2000 years, Jesus fucking Christ.
Imagine thinking being too autistic to accept plot contrivances in a shonen manga makes you more intelligent
Happens a lot in Boku no picodemia too i.e. Deku digging up landmines
>Dr. Stone
Want to know how I know you're a retard. Dr. Stone is pop sci for pseuds.
Fuck off retard, you've probably never even passed calc II
E=MC2 is meant to represent the biggest mystery in the petrification. Senku could keep his mind active for thousands of years with no food/fuel. It needed to get it's energy from somewhere so figuring that out is part of figuring out how the petrification works
HAVE SOME FUN once in your life man
>Fuck off retard, you've probably never even passed calc II
way to prove him right
Yeah bro and Death Note was written by an Interpol Criminologist.
intelligent person above the age of ~15 wouldn't use word like "smart" to describe a superior intellect, kys
dangerous levels of cringe
>Just turn your brain off xD
He has E = mc^2 on his shirt. He deserves what he gets.
seething sperg
this is the problem with all media. Most writers aren't that smart, so they can't write convincing smart characters. But stupid characters are boring.
>He's not really cringe
Notice how Dr. Stone fags never give any logical reasons to defend their show it's all talking points and buzzwords. Pretty indicative I'd say of what kind of retards are defending this shit.
>Dr. Stone is pop sci for pseuds.
No its not most of the science in the manga is shit only STEMfags would think of most of the time.
Have fun
dr. chad is great and hxh is still shit
You know he is smart because he has E=MC^2 on his shirt
It feel like on user is just sperging out against all the arguments made against him but not actually responding to people calling him out
Smart authors don't write interesting stories and create good fictional characters, authors with good imagination do that.
Smart people find ways to prolong getting paid by going on long, constant hiatuses and dragging out their dumb fanbases.
That’s legitimately what you’re meant to do.
It’s a gag manga focused mainly on the situations these characters find themselves in and how they react to these situations. The tone of the manga is meant to be comedic, not serious or sophisticated. You’re not supposed to think too hard about what you’re reading, it’s literally for 15 year olds who’ve just come home from school who want to relax a little after doing their homework.
Comparing characters like Senku to characters from other works of fiction in which they’re actually meant to be taken intellectually seriously is like comparing apples to pears. Like, you’re not proving anything when you compare Senku to Akagi.
It’s a comedic, lax educational shounen manga with light tones of character drama and lots of butt shots of gorilla girls, not some art piece that you’re really supposed to dig deep in and criticize
Boichi has the degree in physics, but Inagaki doesn't have a formal science background, as far as I know.
However, the also have their science advisor, Kurare. I'm not sure on his formal qualifications, but his specialties are biology and chemistry. He's also co-author a series of pop science books.
That's him in the white mask on the right.
Togashi is truly a genius
Except that is not the reason why he wrote it.
>that is not the reason why he wrote it.
That is what makes him so smart
So why were you trying prop this shit up as intellectual again then?
Lelouch is an idiot who only gets by on the strength of mile thick plot armor and everyone else being braindead. He's the prime example of this problem.
Boichi has a physics degree and there's also a science consultant.
The science is fine. The catch is the lazy crutches the author uses to get around some really difficult problems.
Senkuu finds a village of people descended from individuals who managed to avoid being turned to stone and naturally- there's one dude who quite literally just collects rocks and other junk in massive quantities. Senkuu basically walks into a situation where he doesn't have to hunt for 99% of the minerals he needs for his small-scale experiments because the author created one autistic weirdo who basically has every kind of stone he needs.
Then there's a big cave system right near the village that can be an iron mine. And hot springs right near by. And somehow he can use fucking tin-type photos to do aerial recon when there's no fuckin way on earth you'd get a good picture that way (and Kohaku has superhuman vision).
>Like, you’re not proving anything when you compare Senku to Akagi.
That's a real bad comparison considering that's also light reading, just one meant for the rack at the mahjong parlor.
I just want to express that I am really sad with the non stop hate this series get on Yea Forums while my hero academia and black clover gets praised to death here.
I wasn’t retard, but I’m sure you must be pretty smart to make such an irrational assumption and generalization.
You know, it really seems like you’ve just got a huge unrelenting hateboner for this manga and for whatever reason you want to die on a hill explaining why it’s so horribly written. That or you’re just a contrarian
Either way, I really hope you’ve got other things to do or at least some more worthwhile discussions to be had outside of shitposting on Yea Forums all day.
it's ok I don't like MHA at all
all of them get they share of well deserved hate.
For real tho, this series is only watchable if you're straight up dumb or an early teenager
The only reason you dislike Senku is you can't stomach a fucking fictional chracter to be smarter than you.
god if this reaction is visceral for Dr Stone I hope my other favorite manga doesn't become an anime (Among other worries, artstyle, budget, and whether or not the music is unique enough)
I'm fairly convinced the shitposting is basically 3-5 people who just rotate to whine about whatever is getting attention at the moment.
How do you think mineralology got it's start? Some dude collecting rocks and experimenting with them. And the caves and springs are accurate to Japan.
>while my hero academia and black clover gets praised to death here.
kek, stonefags are similar to herofags or coverfags. They are easy to trigger.
i LOVE when characters are smarter than me, it's great because they came up with things you never imagined and that makes it entertaining.
This shit is just stupid, straight up google copy paste data into a shit character that pretend to be smart; the whole appeal is to make the self inserts feel "smart" with google copy pasted info
>I'm only here to cause more shit flinging
Get fucked you autist
I mean yeah that's a given, hopefully, the Dr. Stone hate train can finally give Yea Forums enough breathing room to actually discuss Black Clover and MHA without shitposters. But holy hell
but Yugioh hairs had been tame for a while now
>implying they aren't the same people
>No Hisoka reaction image
Better luck next time
He is the shitposter. Anyone complaining about a series being made worse by shitpost threads like this are always the shitposter
It's normal but the thing is dr.stone fans often fall for the bait. The more they try to explain it makes things worse.
>For real tho, this series is only watchable if you're straight up dumb
Most of the science used in the two episodes were about Chemistry, which doesn't have anything to do with being smart or dumb.
This, don't blame the criticism posts blame the retard who replies to every post with buzzwords to try and dismiss them.
well sadly that's most anime fans when they try to explain their bullshit. You ever hear how Dragonball fans or Naruto fans talk when they try to explain to you the concepts and mechanisms of the upper tier characters.
Ok even if it wasn't you, you're still siding with people who do
What's this series about
Dr. Stone FACTS:
>if you don't cringe when he says the 1000000gorillion% thing, you have psychiatric issues.
>if you think the former sentence is okay, you might have asperger's disorder
>if you think it is cool, then you have TURBO autism
about cringe and edgyness
This is why it's fun to mock stonefags. Naruto or Dragon Ball are magic power bullshit but dr.stone, or what stonefags believe, is about (and for) smart people and science. So it's easy to spot stupid bullshit and make stonefags look even more stupid.
No I’m not, I don’t even think this manga is all that or that it deserves any sort of honorary praise or whatever, and I certainly wouldn’t say that it’s at all cleverly written
I just think it’s genuinely sad that people will spend all their free time shitting on whatever they can just because it’s the next big thing that they can jump on the bandwagon to shit on just for the sake of having something to shit on.
Then again I guess I should consider where I am, I’m also probably in the wrong here for trying to argue back and forth with a shitposter
Stupid people who think (and make the audience) they are smart.
Isn't that also Metal Gear fans when you point out how impractical some of the stuff is?
i've never shitposted in any thread about a series I disliked, just didn't care. Until now, Dr.Stone is DISGUSTING, absolutely cringy and pretentious.
I have the NEED to make fun everyone who dares enjoy it, because they deserve it for having this much of shit taste
>nihilist with a wicked sense of humor
literally me
>if you post on an Indonesian basket weaving forum, you have all three
You know what that’s just epic
How long until the shitposting dies? GS anime shitposting die as soon the second episode aired and the animeonly rapefags were BTFO.
>literally writes e=mc2 on his shirt to let the audience know this is a WACKY SCIENCE show
why do people like this shit? May as well watch Jimmy Neutron
Probably not until village
Jimmy Neutron is awesome
yes which is why you should watch it instead of Dr Shit
well let's see here
>I liked HxH and then those fuckers happened
>I liked BNHA and then those fuckers happened
>I liked Dr. Stone and then those fuckers happened
So my best bet is when Chainsaw Man gets an anime
I hate every shonen out there though
>wants to revive EVERYONE
yea, no
Is he the Carl Sagan of anime?
Why not both?
Plus there are hot anime characters in Dr Stone
I swear to god that the anime about the bimbo girl going to the gym is much more intelectual than this crap
Jimmy Neutron doesn't have a girl with 10 tits though
The girls are pretty hot. What do you fags want more?
Boichi's kawaii uguu faces kinda turn me off though. No complaint for the bodies, of course.
maybe if it got another season and Nickelodeon didn't cancel because they put over 50 million dollars into Ant Bully then we might see some 10 tittied monsters.
And he's cringe because...
Disregarding his ridiculous appearance because that's low-hanging fruit, his permanent arrogant tryhard attitude coupled with the eternal shit-eating grin.
But that's not cringe because you don't want it to be I guess.
nominative determinism at work
How is he tryhard or arrogant? He has the knowledge to back it up.
I seriously don't understand the butthurt this causes. I can only imagine it's a kneejerk reaction to "I love science" reddit type retards, which is pretty retarded in itself.
Just going to say it even though the thread is full of memes.
Character development.
It's probably actually leftists false flagging as the "alt right" or "dumb christards"
Communists think they're clever but they're not.
You can know things without being a fucking cunt about it.
Why do you even bring this shit up here you obsessed mongoloid
I’m not even on any side here but
This is your brain on /pol/
back up kid
>like even basic biology concepts like the process of natural selection
4000 years is a tiny drop in the bucket in terms of natural selection.
This. He's a walking encyclopedia, but he relies on other people to get most things done.
there's no communist plot to take down Dr. Stone
Let's face it, only smart people like me can like this show.
Its the power of animeonly shitposting
he has fucking e=mc2 written on his jacket. might as well just write "smart guy"
He gets less cocky once we ditch Taiju and Yuzuriha for some new characters, especially one who is basically an aspiring scientist.
>character that is cringe personified
I swear zoomers only know one adjective
I didn't realize people actually took the fact that the MC of this manga was a genius at face-value and not simply a plot device to drive the authors inverse isekai.
Senku is no more "cringe" than Ainz. It's literally the same trope.
I though Yea Forums loved madman characters?
It's not a plot to take down Dr. Stone it's a plot to make the opposition look alot dumber than it really is. Do you know anything about subversion?
>Has a shirt with e=mc^2 on it
This is big bang theory level of writing
>first step of intelligence (dumb normie level):
>woah he is so smart, e=mc2
>second step of intelligence(normie level):
>wow, e=mc2 thats so cringy
>third level of intelligence(smart people)
>it's the autor trying to convey that he is actually smart by using the formula that saved him from being stoned lol
>fourth level of intelligence(actual smart people)
>lol dude, its just an anime, turn off your brain
what level are you user? you aint that level two right?
t. never read the manga
Were you pushed into lockers a lot as a kid?
why would the plot to falseflag as alt-right christian conservatives involve pretending not to understand shonen manga
insecure lol
It's just part of his clothes.
You people are reaching hard to find lame shit to associate this with.
That's your main method of attack.
"Eww this is just like that other thing you people dont like" or "Eww look at the kind of people who like what you like. Don't you want to stop liking what you like and start liking what I like?" (usually moeshit)
Get over it.
Is that some projection?
I figured he just put it on there 'cuz it's cool. like he pops outa the stone prison and goes gee wonder where my brain got the energy to keep functioning during all that time from since e=mc2, and then he asspulled some explanation to it like his brain was degrading the integrity of the shell or something through the energy it consumed? anyway then he just thought that was cool and he put it on his shirt since he's a kid
saying projection should honestly be a bannable offense or at least wordfiltered
big brain reply/10
>This is what happens when a retard try to shitpost on Yea Forums.
I hate to take a thread off topic, but Anton Chigurh wasn't smart. He went through a door that had a guy with a shotgun on the other side that was pointed right at him, then walked right down the middle of a street when Lleweln had perfect cover, but conveniently waited until Chigurh could dive to safety before shooting because he was plot armored as fucked just so they could make their stupid movie about the edgy bad guy. People dick ride this movie so damn much but I don't get it.
Do they find the reason the stone thing happened?
typical midwit response. life adapts extremely rapidly to environmental changes. you're never, for example, gonna be able to release lions in post-apoc japan, leave them there for nearly 4000 years, and come back to find lions still there. you'd find some lion-like animal adapted to the japanese climate.
what exactly that means I dunno. but didn't seem to be alotta massive migratory herds of huge prey animals around for them to sustain large prides on so it probably means they're not gonna be living in prides anymore. or if they do, they're probably gonna be a lot smaller, not just because they have less food available but because their prey is smaller as well so they don't need to be as big to kill them
that's not even touching on shit like the domesticated grains still being around and identical to their original state even though all domesticated plants & animals that are released into the wild immediately adapt to its much harsher conditions. like, look at fucking wild hogs or cows in the US. they look and act wildly different from domesticated equivalents after just a couple of hundreds years. 4000 years? that's enough for those changes 20 times over and more
Not yet
>Most people with a degree in science wouldn't be able to survive two days in the wilderness nor have any sort of practical engineering and problem solving skills.
That's something I hate about smart characters, the author assumes that just because he is smart he knows how to do EVERYTHING. And that's why Dr. Stone is boring, because the MC is a fucking mary sue.
Essentially what I find annoying about this series. Try asking the Nobel Laureates (which are deemed to be the pinaccle of human endeavour and intelligence) to try any of the shenanigans in the series and I'd say 60% would die in the first 2 weeks or so.
But Senku DOESN'T know how to do everything. Nor can he do everything.
The author didn't "assume" anything you fucking brainlet. He intentionally wrote Senku as a character who knows how to do everything.
Semku is barely able to make shit. He requires Taiju around to be able to gather materials and can only hobble together a crappy clay still. Senku is a walking scientific encyclopedia that know how to do shit but can't do it on his own. Every character in the series has one superhuman trait, like Tsukasa's super strength, Taiju's super endurance, Yuzuriha's statue crafting, Suika's stealth, Kohaku's super sight, Kaseki's craftsmanship, or Gen's mindraping and manipulation. You're just way too hung up on a shonen not being perfectly realistic.
what if the girls had normal eyes like the rest of the cast??????
It's a simple enough calculation. Someone with an eidetic memory would trivially be able to think it out in a moment. The only reason it takes me any length is because I have to locate and plug in the factors and figures he has at instant recall.
Then they might be able to compete with best girl
It’s not even only about their eyes, it’s about the proportions and the fact that every body part of theirs is incomprehensibly wacky in relation to one another, it’s honestly scary to look at.
For some reason Boichi likes to combine a sort of 00s moe anime structure to their faces together with the semi-realistically detailed rendering of their specific facial features like their noses to create these uncanny valley beast nightmares
t.never had sex
Listen to music
He has Rick hair.
>But Senku DOESN'T know how to do everything.
Well, whenever he tried to do something he succeeded.
Being intentional doesn't make the development less boring, dear user.
So he conveniently knows everything about everything and he conveniently always finds someone capable to do things for him. That's too much convenience don't you think?
This is what happens when a retard tries to make a thread.
>Try asking the Nobel Laureates (which are deemed to be the pinaccle of human endeavour and intelligence) to try any of the shenanigans in the series and I'd say 60% would die in the first 2 weeks or so.
Try asking Olympic athletes (which are deemed to be the pinnacle of human physical ability) to try any of the shenanigans that Tsukasa pulled off and I'd say 100% would die in the first 2 minutes or so.
Why is the science part held to a higher standard? Because the MC praises science? That's like saying that since Naruto emphasized hard work and training that his results should be realistic as well.
Are you seriously bitching about story convenience being a thing?
She's not infuriating.
The retard who yells at everything will soon be a secondary character nevertheless.
The story is about Senkuu, if you dislike him you might as well drop it. Although he's not an edgelord as he makes it look in the early chapters.
is there any fanart/edit of them with normal proportions/faces?
man i just want the AO3 chicks to catch up with this so that i can read 50 smutty reader inserts with best boi
Of course. He makes it very clear many times that the only way to do actual progress is with society's help. That everyone is good at something, and when everyone chips in humanity moves forward.
Nobody here can read that or knows what you want
If some animeonly dares to insult Powers IQ I'll riot.
>Complains about the design
Every anime or manga, no matter how good or bad it is, will have its share of people who dislike it.
>one autistic weirdo
not so hard to believe browsing this place
That's just the way he talks with Taiju. They are friends, so it's ok.
The fact is that out of anyone he could've tried to resurrect first, he did it with Taiju because he was his friend. And that means his second priority was Yuzuriha.
He likes to appear like a tryhard asshole, but at the end of the day he's just another kid who cares about his friends.
I've never seen Yea Forums shit on a show and character so hard and so quickly. It must really be popular outside of Yea Forums
It is. As well as Demon Slayer, and Fire Force. I'm surprised Vinland Saga hasn't been shat on yet.
The anime actually isn't bad, just need ignore a few contrarians on Yea Forums, that's all.
The one thing that pisses me off is that stupid shit happens. You want to have an incredibly gifted teen who wants to work towards rebuilding civilization? Makes sense. You want a guy that has incredible stamina, has an iron will, and loves his waifu, ok that makes sense too. However, having a caveman tier teen who is strong and fast enough to kill lions with one punch is absolutely retarded. If he was one shotting something like vid related it would make more sense.
man i miss the comfy STONE threads
>a character who knows how to apply actual science principles and is confident in their abilities is cringe
what? are you all just fragile in ego?
Been following the manga since almost the start, I'm surprised it's gotten more attention than vinland or fire force. Thought those would be bigger draws since the beginning of stone is relatively weak, but I guess anons can't resist the rick and morty shitposting.
Same, spergs outs give me migraine
Hang around the weekly manga threads like normal then, which were the only threads before the anime began.
>Most people wouldn't be able to survive two days in the wilderness
fixed that for you. funny enough because there's mangakas that write survival situation shit without having left their room except for food in the last nth months but no one says shit about their material
They basically held back all the obvious questions that would have made him sympathetic until the war's end. Like if he hates the corrupt society so much why is he trying to make so much money by being a celebrity (and making money for the bad adults)?
Because to intellectuals, intellectualists are retarded.
cringe reddit -tier anime and character design. Wonder why it won their popularity chart
Is it me or vinland saga is boring as fuck? People were hyped as fuck and its a snoozed-fest
there's actually nothing cringier than people who use the word cringe to describe things they don't like
3 episode rule
Cringey shit
am scientist, can confirm
Anons I'm just casually watching the anime and it looks like it will be alright or just plain awful. Should I just drop it?
Give it until around episode 5
I mean they found hot springs where Japan would have hot springs and found oil where Japan had oil fields.
>series is just manga
>threads are chill
>series gets adapted into anime
>10 shitposting threads every day like fucking clockwork
could we just ban anime and make this a manga board?
Mangafag here, the story is only just picking up so the anime will be shitty and boring for a long as time.
>the story is only just picking up
how did you get so far if you thought it was so boring for so long? the end of Part 2 was kino
>it g-gets good later on, I s-swear
Not doubting you, but I've been burned by this promise a lot of times already (HxH, Kimetsu). They do improve mind you, but not even significantly that it transcends its shounenshit roots (and I've read a fuck tonne of shounenshit)
Knowing how to do everything and being able to do everything are different things. He's literally just there as the catalyst to ramp up the tech tree because the fun is getting form zero to space age and experiencing various humanity fuck yeah moments along the way.
It's not for you if you can't focus when something isn't blowing up every 5 seconds.
it made me cringe/10
Oh yes user you are so mature watching your Japanese cartoon with sword fights. Do you realize how stupid you sound making that comment you just made? Yikes.
It gets better once he swaps Taiju for Chrome. And then better again once Gen joins in.
Not the same guy, but it's a very particular kind of story. If you're into the sort of story it is then you could dig it as early as episode 3. The plot and mystery aspects ramp up pretty quickly. I'd try to give it until around episode 5 or so.
Why would you read a shounen manga not expecting it to stick to its shounen roots? It seems like you want to torture yourself or something
Looking forward to the porn
why does no one know how to criticize anything without repeating "cringe cringe cringe" like a retarded parrot
upboated sir, now go back. >>>/reddit/
you first, buzzword-spewing retard
first day here on Yea Forums?
Stop trying so hard to fit in, you’re giving me second hand embarrassment and I never get that on the internet.
This is just Vandal Savage the anime. But vandal savage works better as a villain.
Not as new as you summerfag
yep, this ones going in my cringe compilation
This anime is boring if you don't science. E=mc2 is the gateway equation into higher Physics/Maths. When he asked about the 4 uses of sodium carbonate I knew them instantly and was able to follow along with what the author wanted. I knew the secret was Nitric Acid due to the damp and dark conditions they ended up in over time. If you paid attention to your High School Chemistry class you would have figured it out easily. Counting for 3700 years if a huge feat. I've counted for 36hrs one myself.
Did you accidentally quote yourself? Anyways, suck my cock
How’s that for your cringe compilation >:)
So I'm just one of the few people who likes this series? It's kind of inoffensive, really. I love how chill it is, with the smart guy and the yelly guy just working together to invent stuff, and the villain seems cool too. It doesn't feel plot-heavy but I imagine that'll change later since they have to figure out what caused the big stoning. I just like the feeling it gives off, and the OST is really nice too. Sucks to see so many people write it off.
are you pretending to be new or?
Your mom was last night
Have sex
>im only pretending to be retarded haha get trolled dude
first day here?
ooooh, someone forgot their pills!
Pretty much sums up the series. Tries to use science to explain what is just real magic (physically impossible) with people killing lions with their hands by throwing them, counting 3000 years in their head with no frame of reference, having said lions even survive in japan for 3000 years when genetic bottleneck says nope, tech tree is screwed to hell, can't do 4D chess at all, ignores all of research on human isolation which would make everyone still thinking petrified go absolutely insane given they also mention you can count in real time 3000 years so no time skipping occurs when stoned.
Your mom was acting pretty retarded last night
Creampies, gangbangs, ntr, age difference, breeding....think of the possibilities, user!!
It is a pretty low bar to say it has a plot and the author tries to research stuff. Doesn't mean it isn't shitty research and a cringe plot.
don't you have facebook/twitter posts to retweet?
>Boichi has the degree in physics
>gets a degree in physics to write bullshit about tuna and aliens
>everything else is just WHOA MUH SOCIETY AND HUMANITY
What the fuck is wrong with this guy
its for a younger audience you fat fucks
Yeah of your mom’s nudes
Watched episode one and it was just too cringe worthy to continue, so a hard pass from me.
Dr. Stone is fun
at least apply yourself a little
What did he mean by this
Your mom applied herself to my dick last night
fr, they expect 20 minutes worth of thoroughly researched scientific explanation for some insignificant shit. They just want to look smarter by people enjoying the show and earn internet points
That's the way hes used to posting on youtube or facebook, so just give him time to adjust.
If I write e=mc2 on my coat does that make myself intelligent?
Your mom had to adjust after last night
>people killing lions with their hands by throwing them, counting 3000 years in their head with no frame of reference, having said lions even survive in japan for 3000 years when genetic bottleneck says nope
>tries to use science
user, it doesn't explain these things precisely because it knows they're not scientific. It was never a 100% scientific series, so I don't know where people have gotten this impression. It's always been an adventure series with concepts and progression based in scientific advancement. The tech tree is also screwed because they're building based on what the situations are calling for, not in order of materials.
cringe character design. Mangaka
shouldve tried harder.
i certainly hope you're not insinuating that generic brown loli is somehow a step up
>if i keep posting this it will cover up my original stupidity.
nice dmg control
>generic brown loli
Counting 3700 years is physically impossible when you have no frame of reference your going to be off by -3699.99589 to +infinity there is no actual way to tell if you didn't die or get transported to a different world as you had no frame of reference and can't prove continuity of consciousness even to yourself. It would be far more intelligent to look at the trees holding people you know which they already have one example and just estimate off that as it would be a more accurate clock than trying to count in your head. But no the author just goes with pure magic answer of he just counted ~116,700,000,000 seconds vs your claim of reference based 129600s of counting of who know how accurate/precise you actually are.
It is annoying/cringe worthy when characters claim to be using science on one hand and then have two people type on the same keyboard to increase hacking speed. The show is -100% scientific because it is just using magic magic with a thin coating of science to get retards to think it is smart. I'd prefer if a series just went with magic is magic so whatever. It plays into the hated trope of mine of sufficiently advanced technology can appear as magic but it is actually just magic (the petrification wave) as the main character says he will use science to solve what appears to be fantastical. But in reality it is just fantastical magic plain and simple.
Your mom had to take some
control after last night
Have you actually read the manga though? Answer honestly. There's very little "fantastical magic" about it, past the initial stuff established in the premise (Senku counting, characters not going insane, Tsukasa's strength). Everything Senku does from that point on is based in generally accurate science.
>cant even greentext correctly
hello, newguy.
Why are you expecting people to read on after the first chapter/episode is full of stupid writing and inconsistencies?
Because in any series you must suspend for the plot to happen. Of course there is nothing realistic about a wave that turns all of humanity to stone, or a guy who counts every second in his head for over a thousand years. Like I said before, this series firmly establishes that it is still in the realm of fantastical, but just uses concepts based in science. There's nothing inconsistent about that, because it was never trying to be 5000% realistic in the first place. If you set yourself up with that notion, then it's not really the series' fault that you're disappointed. It's an adventure series with some pop sci. Like it or don't, but don't act like it's dumb because things weren't want you expected.
This is assuming the show is actually intellectual which is isn't when shills are saying it isn't 100% scientific and constantly ignoring the fact it is just a fantasy plot with a veneer of science on top. Trying to shill fake sci-fi that is just fantasy with crappy coat of paint is arguably anti-intellectual itself.
>cant even greentext correctly
At this point you’re only nailing in further the fact that you’ve been here for six months
Also ask your mom how much of a newguy I am
I can only hope all this shitposting dies down in a few episodes. These threads are like a timeloop.
>so assblasted he stopped with the mom spam
did i hit a nerve newfriend?
Marry me
This isn't just me not suspending my disbelief user. It's just me not having high hopes for a series that starts off like shit. Of course I don't care if there's fantastical elements on manga sometimes, but I can smell shit when I come across it. The whole writing was shit, every character interaction at the beginning is shit and cringe as fuck.
Cause nobody on this planet ever wears some cringy t-shirts, you cracked the code my dude. Character design=writing
You're going to need to elaborate on what you mean by "shit and cringe", then, because while I'm sure you have genuine complaints, I can't really tell you apart from shitposters when you talk like that.
Absolutely true. Dr.Stone, more like dr.Stoner. LMAO!. For a true 140IQ ubermench protag read dungeon defense.
You know you could just go back to plebbit and then you could get upboats for your epic trolls and failed meme arrow attempt, right?
Nice arguments here
If you wanna defend your opinion try using an argument other than "ITS SHIT CAUSE I SAID SO, CRINGEEEE"
You're just as bad as a Youtube video comment section
I think you guys care more about reddit than redditers themselves.
Cringefest: The anime.
Not that user, but how are those inconsistencies? It's like complaining that titans aren't biologically possible or that mechas defy physics. Vinland Saga isn't 100% historically accurate, and nobody cares because it makes the story more interesting. The list goes on. The premise of Dr. Stone is just an extremely knowledgeable dude who works with other extremely talented people to rebuild civilization after a giant disaster. It could've been a SoL about how Senku studied for years to become an astronaut, but that wouldn't be as interesting of a story to most people.
You can't get upboated on this site. Did you forget Where you were?
As someone whos all caught up with the manga hes a good character with no major character flaws that make me want to cringe because of his personality.The one thing that makes me switch from liking him to fuckin hating him is whenever he says 1 billion.I swear everytime he says that I want to dip his head 1 billion times in sulfric acid
>doesnt even know how to use meme arrows so just resorts to writing barely a sentence to not get in embarrassed any further
Explain further
I don't really care much for this series, tried it and it just wasn't for me, but i feel sorry for the longtime fans since these are the threads they get
>expecting generic battle shonen shit to be good
When will Yea Forums learn?
>Source material is shit
>Anime is shit
>Fanbase is still pretentious
Its like a recipe for shitposting
>back to covering up his newfaggotry with with youtube comment-tier defense mechanisms
I see myself in you
Notice that most of the times he says it is when someone is uneasy. He says something that retarded to calm people down when something goes south; IIRC it never comes up when he's thinking to himself.
I'm smart look at me schrodinger's cat
Cringeshit anime for delusional pseuds.
You wouldn't know bad writing if it hit you in the head, stonecucks.
Senkuu is an obvious Gary Stu and what a stupid person would imagine a smart guy to be, see >he writes e=mc2 in his fucking clothes
>he bets 10000 yen against 1000 yen that his buddy will get the girl
>he gives poison to his buddy to drink, and when his buddy doesn't drink it he says he was "one billion percent sure he wouldn't do it"
This isn't how a smart person acts, this is how a brainlet thinks smart people act.
>Yea Forums hates him
Learn how this teenager solved the secret of the petrification with one simple trick
Senku exaggerating things is his schtick. He's not necessarily supposed to give off the impression of being hyperintelligent. He'll say "one billion percent" in reference to something. And the E=MC^2 thing is explained later - he wrote it for a reason. Hell, there being an actual in-universe reason for E=MC^2 being on something is actually more than can be said for most uses of it in fiction.
Has any anime been hated this much ever before?
I feel like people overexaggerate how highly Dr. Stone fans see themselves, and hell how the manga itself sees itself. I think they know it's just an adventure story with some "FUCK YEAH SCIENCE" moments baked in, and I think the author knows his MC is not the pinnacle of intelligence. It's just way easier to create and attack a strawman and rile people up in the process.
It’s not really hated outside of Yea Forums
Yes. Every anime that gets popular every new season.
>Waaah everybody who criticizes my pop sci series is a shitposter
>Just turn your brain off
Yep, Stonefags are cringey retards
violet evergarden
They are clearly projecting.
This isn't even that bad, it hasn't gotten popular enough to be really hated.
Don't generalize poop-eater, only the bad popular anime
My sentiments exactly.
This whole show is fucking cringey.
ok fair enough
This anime aint popular, all the posts are autists sperging out of how bad it is. which is true
clearly user didnt expect sherlock to have hologram technology.
Or the ones that rile Yea Forums's autism enough.
I went and read the manga because it was shit I skipped to the latest chapters. It does not get more scientific not even remotely. General accurate is stretching things by a lot. They keep throwing out random science facts but get it all wrong and take the general accurate for use magic to fill in gaps. We get magical crystal radios that would never ever work and so on and so forth.
The key to production of massive amounts of nitric acid is not to get platinum which contrary to the latest chapter does not actually enable "make all the nitric acid we want" as catalysts while not nominally consumed in the production process do wear out and get contaminated. With their primitive level of technology using other readily found catalysts (Copper/Nickel are far easier to isolate but in a city ruin isolating/finding platinum isn't going to be very hard either) makes far more sense than going to "science war" with magical going to be explained with garbage science stonification weaponry. Platinum is only preferred today because it wears out much slower than copper of nickel would but they could have started mass acid production a long time ago which is why their tech tree is screwed.
Senkuu living rent free in shitposters minds
Smart characters have contingency plans, user. They know never to be "one billion percent" sure of anything, they always plan for the worst so they're never backed into a corner. A smart character wouldn't risk their friend dying from drinking gasoline or even losing a lot of money over a stupid bet for no reason other than being cocky. Being smart doesn't make you able to count to 116427065520. Extremely smart people also tend to be awkward and underperform in social situations, which doesn't seem like Senkuu. They also tend to not give a shit about morals and acting righteously, which also doesn't seem like Senkuu.
In other words, most of them.
there was a specific reason why they didnt make any nitric acid before this, in the chapters you skipped
so good job
They explain why they didn't start acid production a long time ago, but you skipped it. Jesus.
It’s obvious that the same two, maybe three people are the ones samefagging and bumping the thread over and over
I’m not a stonefag but it’s easy to tell
If a show can't stand up to criticism on it's own then it's simply not very good
Well, the manga artist's work is trash so what would you expect from this anime. Inagaki can't write for shit, so drop this while you are ahead.
I don't care about the shit plot just how the shit science talk exists even in the latest chapters contrary to the previous posts claim of "generally scientifically accurate" which is like saying your adhere to good manufacturing practices while you pump literal shit into drug capsules.
>extremely smart people are awkward
dont mix up socially inept with smart people. often times those socially inept arent smart enough to realize they need to shut the fuck up about how "smart" he/she is.
it's easy to tell this thread is mostly damage control by one anal hurt stonefag
what the hell are you even talking about anymore, dude
He should go back to drawing hentai, at least he's good at that.
>we won't get to see Chadsui until like two seasons from now
Hope you’re having fun
Huh? It has nothing to do with that, user. Smart tend to be more anxious than other people, so they socialize less because they enjoy their own company more.
If you have reading comphrension skills you can see, where the post makes the claim that there is very little fantastical magic and it is generally accurate science. There is no need to read the entire thing to just skip to the latest chapter check on a stupid science example find it is using fantastical magic to make it work with a thin coating of science and call it a day as that is what is happening at the start contrary to the post's claims.
What the plot is in between I don't care.
what fantastical magic besides petrification
youre just spouting nonsense, dude
you could write this story referencing wikipedia
Are there people actually watching
this trite? Yikes.
Does he actually have e=mc^2 written on his clothes?
That's ridiculous.
You’re like that guy who kept spamming FLCL threads
>we won't see bestgirl
It's not fair
If you understand how a crystal radio actually works you will know the "crystal radio earpiece" shown is physically impossible and wouldn't work ever and requires fantastical magic to do anything. The petrification is clearly being setup to be explained with garbage peusdo science and is pretty much the premise of explain fantasy with science. Reminds me of other shit shows like Revolution which went with the ""science""explanation of its nanomachines son just with none of the intentional hilarity and all the cringe.
I'm sure if I bothered to read it entirely countless examples are going to be stretched super thin and would require fantastical magic to work.
Saying something is nonsense without actually pointing out what is nonsense is nonsense.
To be fair it is very stupid to put that on your shirt.
>ip count goes up
>everyone is the same person
first time here newfag?
You're missing the obvious petrification doujins.
Every single thread
>no argument
Why even bother replying?
>he has never heard of static ips
>he gets triggered about shitposters getting BTFO
>inb4 he's the shitposter
It's ironic that it's the assmad stonefags who can't count
Do you really think everyone checks the IP number whenever their page refreshes
>newfag just learned what a static ip is
Because we explain it to you in every thread. Go read the archive.
It's hilarious how he introduces capitalism to the society so he can be the megajew then gets jewed hard by Senku and Gen. Well as long as he doesn't introduce usury he'd still be based.
>t.triggered shitposter
Go restart your router
are you so upset you can't even reply to the correct person?
They even use the same Senku pic over and over, it's kinda sad.
different user, watch ip go up
his shirt is fucking retarded and i dropped the anime because i saw it, rick and morty tier actual cringe
No one needs to read or speed read this shit. Sampling the start and end to confirm shit science exists at both ends is sufficient to contradict the retarded claim of little fantastical elements and generally accurate science latter on in the series.
The ray is a sub quantum distortion that affects the strong nuclear force turning the people into stone by modifying their atomic nuclei.
who hurt you?
>lmao he replied to the wrong post, I’ve NEVER done that before! HE must be the newfag here!
>i'm not a stonefag
uh huh
Who is we like two people? Explain how the series has little fantastical elements because I doubt it and can't be bothered to read anymore of this shit and find it more enjoyable to shit on the series here than to read anymore of its garbage. Premise violations annoy me greatly where main characters constantly talk about science solving fantasy when in practice it is just fantasy beating fantasy with a thin coat of science talk.
>"I'm a different person u guise, please believe me"
>gargles the same memes for the 50th time
Post more smug science man
Nice job proving his point, newfriendo.
Imagine if a magical wave went across Japan and froze all the schoolgirls, and the only way to unfreeze them was to cum on them
>resorts to passive aggressiveness
>he double downs on the speedreading
ultimate tinfoil, you are watching garbage for children
Anyways how will the mangaka explain stone age morons using an alien device?
>defense mechanism activated
Go read the archine, don't feel like explaining the exact same thing every thread to the same shitposter even
If you can't argue with the specific point that user brought up and your only response is "speedreader" and "check the archive", then this manga really is for brainlets.
Double down on not reading.
You’re playing me like a fiddle queen
Even as a fan of this series I can't really refute any points made. I don't know jack shit about science, so honestly if someone points out an inconsistency I take their word for it. It's not really damaging my enjoyment.
Why are you upset about people liking the things you don't?
[seething intensifies]
Assuming every shitposter is the same person is a very tenuous assumption. If you do linguistic analysis or just bother to read how people write on the archive you can probably find me too way back about how the lions are physically impossible for a multitude of reasons (genetic bottleneck, they would all die before that point anyways)
Its shonen so yes its for brainlets but it teachs young jap boys simple scientific facts.
i'm 140 iq (tested in a psych eval) and my favorite anime is hidamari sketch
so youre an animeonly too
Well there is your problem. I'm not saying you can't enjoy it I'm just saying it is retarded and it is reasonable to see why people cringe at this show.
Keep repeating the same thing queen
How did they outrun those lions?
>same OP picture
>same memes
>same points that are explained every thread
Not rocket surgery
absolutely seething
He isn't smart, he is knowledgeable.
Pretty sure the source material has the same shitty examples and fantastical elements as one shill claimed that it gets more accurate with time and the latest chapters don't. So I'm anime only + the latest 3 chapters because I just want to shit on the series more.
>Well, whenever he tried to do something he succeeded.
Was it because ep 1 too fast for your brain? It took him months to be able to create the right formula to unstone people because he kept failing.
Well that is also impossible too, along with the jumping with a person made of stone, getting a free turn waiting for the impossible muscle man to kill a lion with his bare hands by throwing it. So extreme movie physics is on which isn't very conducive to science.
>only just picking up
The fuck are you saying, retard? Manga started picking up after chap 15 so around ep 7-8 for anime.
You do know the OP shitposter can be different than the shitposters that appear below it right? It isn't rocket science.
And you were expecting him to do it in one try? There's limits to how much of a Gary Stu you can make your character...
He did it in the end which is what matters, of course it'd take anyone multiple tries to come up with a cure for anything.
>shitposters below OP post the same arguments every thread
Stonecucks proving time and time again they could only obtain a GED.
Maybe just maybe have you considered it is because the series has flaws that many people are seeing? Do you think it is reasonable that 99% of the thread is shillposters and 1% is shitposters?
>he should've failed at everything he does
Why? So you could selfinsert better? Kek
Why do we never see carnvores attack Ishigami? In the stone age you needed guys to watch the huts during night time because all sorts of wolves, foxes, wildcats would eat them while they are asleep.
>muh shitposters
>ctrl+f 16 matches
It's the same stonefag seething
Based Firechad
>written in the same way every thread
At least get some new material next thread
Retard, self-insertion isn't about who you actually but whom your inflated ego thinks he is or could be
Like democracy, bread is better than worse alternatives. Unless you're eating meat you killed literally minutes ago with your bare hands, carbs are the most nutritious foods you can eat in terms of energy content and efficiency.
stonevirgin is way too assmad
Shinra belongs to Hibana
>he should fail sometimes
So his character isn't a Gary Stu, because that's lazy writing 101. And you're eating it all up based retard
>eating meat you killed literally minutes ago with your bare hands
Guess what cavechads were up to. Farmers only surpassed them because 20 low iq manlets with rickets beats one virile cavechad.
>he tries to divert now
I'm just here to post gorillas
Where is Senku sailing to?
If this was Yuzuriha's design instead of the retarded one we got with her headphones? then maybe I would've watched more of Dr. Stone honestly.
So you wish you could be a failure?
But he does fail, all you need to do is read. He just doesn't give up till it works out.
Not that user but I can vouch for this early arc in Dr Stone being much worse then what comes after.
This first arc is basically a battle shonen set in the neolithic period, but after that ends it shifts more towards being "primitive technology: the anime" where it's more about finding ingredents and resources to use in experiments, building things, and using that stuff to win people over.
>Guess what cavechads were up to
Subsisting on roots and berries?
Divert what? One minute ago you were complaining about shitposters and now you're trying to pretend that you're only here to post pictures all along! Compulsive liars like you are disgusting.
This is the girl that comes after, granted at the start she's a brute so Senkuu has to groom her.
She'll be bere around ep 8, when the other 2 fuck off and the story gets comfy.
I doubt your evaluating this situation objectively. Define "same way" show examples. People have tendencies when they post and me especially like posting long posts so you should easily be able to run linguistic style analytics on all the posts in the archive related to this series. So provide evidence that matches my writing style to every single thread (which by the way is always going to paint yourself in a corner). I have given you two ground truth examples that are certainly me the lion impossibilities (Where I talk about how enclosures would kill them at length and genetic bottlenecks, ...) and these long posts in this thread.
Consider the logistical problem of if there was just one shitposter in existence how it is even possible. That would mean every single shitpost is by me and only me which would mean every ip tick is faked by me and the rest of the posters are shills like you. The truth is obviously in between there are some number of shitposters and shillposters.
At a surface level it is plainly clear that your being unscientific about your claims just like the show so it seems like for one shills are attracted to the generally unscientific show.
What? Where did I imply that take me through your thinking process
Except the series have never been about how smart he is or he ain't, but about how much he loves science.
>This is what happens when a retard tries to postulate something smart, you end up with a thread that is cringe personified
Why can't I do both at the same time?
>Fails to prevent Tsukasa from discovering the miracle cave
>Fails to capture Homura despite using his flashbang device because he's a weakling
>Fails to protect the Perseus' crew from being petrified
And I'm pretty sure the initial design of at least one machine ended up being a total bust. Besides, you're ignoring the fact he relies on others for almost all of his real successes. Without Kaseki to make complicated machines and Chrome's knowledge of natural resources he would've been steamrolled by Tsukasa's army, which isn't even getting into Koharu's eyes, Gen's tricks, Ryusui's navigation, Suika's stealth, etc.
The same manner of writing as the shitposters in every stonethread to date.
So this is Yea Forums being contrarion again. This shouldn't have gotten an anime
Wait, Yuzuriha and the loud dude fuck off from the story? Guess I'm giving this a shot in the end if there's no more Taiju.
wrong. I've shitposted in at least two threads and my style is very different
You want him to fail, shitposters like yourself keep calling it a self insert isekai. You obviously don't like him succeeding and so you don't like it as a whole cause that's not what you want to be isekaid into.
And pray tell, how many wild animals can you kill in a week with a spear? Hell, how many can you FIND and TRACK in that time, while your stomach's rumbling? Hunter gatherers often resorted to eating fruits, roots and whatever they could scrounge, because of how difficult fresh meat is to obtain. Also, you underestimate the value of extra time and security agriculture affords you. When you don't have to worry about starving to death tomorrow, you can think about better things like how to build an actual society.
Repeating the same statement over and over again doesn't count as an example. It does however show how ironically a shill poster is guilty of calling the kettle black with no ability to defend a series other than every hater is exactly one person in every thread.
I've never read Sherlock, is this a meme? Wasn't A. Conan Doyle supposed to be really smart?
you sure have a lot of unwarranted self-importance
By ep 8, gone for the rest of the adaptation. At least in the manga. Senkuu implies they need to fuck off, very based moment. People were clapping
He's talking about the shitty but popular tv show.
>When you don't have to worry about starving to death tomorrow, you can think about better things like how to build an actual society.
Funny part about that though, if you don't have any need for a society to solve any problems...
How did they manage to make this such s steaming pile of shit?
Pretty sure by the end of the series almost everyone thought it was shit.
what makes you say that? comes kinda outa nowhere? it's just a post bro chill out
Go read the archive, you'll see my point.
>implying you're not pretending right now
>what makes you say that?
>"I've shitposted in at least two threads and my style is very different"
>"I have given you two ground truth examples that are certainly me the lion impossibilities (Where I talk about how enclosures would kill them at length and genetic bottlenecks, ...)"
nobody cares about you, dude
You can get away with a lot when you make shows that appeal to brainlets absent of standards other than boost my ego
Its literally japanese rick&morty. People hate the show for the same reasons. Its trying to appear smart and is mainly watched by le smart r*dd*tor gentlesir.
yeah that was the other guy man? come on now
Your point has already been invalidated. Dump the archive for examples if you want to appeal to the masses.
>calling other things cringe
>Asking to be spoonfed
I just caught up on this series the other day and it's honestly looking like a favorite
The only people calling it "cringe pseudo-intellectualism" are either shitposters or never actually got into the series and are just taking the e=mc^2 thing way too seriously
Why does Yea Forums hate this based show. Is it because it's not another cute girls doing stupid things show?
Sure whatever you want to call it if you want to prove your point show an example. Problem is simple statistics are against you. If posting anything but a deflection is all you can do as a shill then clearly your not shilling very well.
Seek help. You are a pretentious pseudo intellectual.
From what I'm understanding, people think it comes off too pretentious so it's cringy instead.
There's plenty of cute girls in this series tho
You and a couple discord autists don't count as "people"
People hate it for claiming to be scientific while doing the exact opposite all the time sprinkling in wikipedia examples then doing it wrong and calling it a day.
The fact that I post using caps once and without them a second time totally makes me a different person. I-I'm not samefagging at all, Anons.
Even if you were someone else, though, that user was right. An idiot who says that you ought to recognize his every post in a board with thousand of daily (anonymous) users and dozens of thousands of replies everyday DOES have a lot of unwarranted self-importance.
>people think it comes off too pretentious so it's cringy instead.
How can anyone think that? Is their brain just so unga that any talk of science makes them mad?
I think you have your definition of people a little messed up. Autists, shitposters, shillposters, etc... by definition are people/anons/ips/... neither is a singular person.
Name examples.
>inb4 nitpicks and lies
Every time. You faggots are desperate to be the smartest guy in the room but are never willing to do the legwork.
If you think this manga is pretentious you clearly didn't read it.
You may say you don't like it, that it's badly written, that it doesn't make sense, that the faces are weird, that the MC is a dick, that the plot is bullshit... there are a lot of things you can complain about with this manga. But pretentious? You either didn't actually read it or you're a raging retard.
Autistic "people" are subhuman creatures and shouldn't talk so nonchalantly with actual human beings.
I'll let this one slide for now.
I love the series user, I'm just saying what seems to be coming up with this thread. I don't actually think this series is pretentious at all, but I'm guessing this impression comes from how smug and self-satisfied Senku comes off as early on, and the general premise
I want to say it's a general bad taste left in their mouths since shows exist which bank on appealing to pseudointellectuals like Rick & Morty and The Big Bang Theory. I've never gotten the impression that this series was anything more than a love letter to science in shonen form though, honestly.
Faggots is plural so you admit that shitposters are not a singular person. Also last time I checked nitpicks/lies are a very broad range of posts.
Your really digging yourself a deep hole.
>I want to say it's a general bad taste left in their mouths since shows exist which bank on appealing to pseudointellectuals like Rick & Morty and The Big Bang Theory.
Senku is super smart but other than that he's nothing like the pseudo-intellectuals from those shows. He's basically Hiruma 2.0 and Hiruma was an incredibly popular character during es21's run
>stonefag having to pretend it's only one person cause he's a NPC afraid of not being in the majority
>y-y-you NPC!!!1!11!!
Isn't Senku basically Hiruma and Ken combined?
>I've never gotten the impression that this series was anything more than a love letter to science in shonen form though, honestly.
That's what many shounens are. It's as simple as that. The manga is a device to talk about a subject that the author is passionate about. There's nothing pretentious about that.
I don't understand that just because some people hate something another might like doesn't shouldn't matter. It is subjective if one where to hate something or not. To fear being in the minority opinion is cowardly. Plenty of things I like people hate it is normal. Defend it if you want but randomly lashing out like a wild animal is not a good defense.
You can’t say that here user
>Stonefag so retarded he can only read one word per line
Congrats OP
>People were clapping
I can confirm this.
It is obvious that the shitposters are three obsessed idiots, tops.
I always liked them though.
Heroes in shows usually are the most opposed to the majority and try to prove them wrong
Thanks. I made this thread because I was bored and I woke up to it having 300 replies. I don't even watch the show, lol.
See there is progress it is some non singular number of shitposters that exist in a thread. The number range is still screwed up but baby steps.
>I'm the cancer ruining the board lol
Congratulations, user.
Who cares how many they are?
>hurr durr cringe
>hurr durr pretentious
>hurr durr not completely accurate
When that's the only thing they can come with it doesn't matter if they are 1 or 100.
Well at some point it does matter. If say you have a GoT situation where shitposting reached such levels it became news that is when you have a real problem.
I wish that you’d just admit that you’re 15 so that you could get banned
With a random shonen? That'll never be a problem. Many in 50 or 100 years, who knows. But right now there's too few people giving a shit about them.
mad newfag is mad
* Maybe in 50 or 100 years.
>hurrrrr ur ruining the board
>i-i came in 2017 i-know what im talking about
You did well at promoting it at least. Look at how no one give a fuck about FF lmao
Taiju is too much of a yes man to have real chemistry with Senku. His rapport is better with colleagues.
Yea Forums has been cancer since at least 2008, and probably a year or two before.
anyone insecure enough to lecture on chanhistory and "the way we run things here" should be sent to the gulags
>"I'm gonna keep calling it shit no matter what"
They are reintroduced much later with actual characteristics and uses
That's when Chrome comes in, the much much much better Taiju. Actually comparing Chrome to Taiju is an insult to Chrome.
I think you might be projecting there.
It's just a statement, not a lecture. And I don't run anything here.
It's a presumptuous one that clearly attempts to throw around oldfag weight, and you should castrated for it
Implying actual oldfags didn't leave years ago
t. eternal 2008 newfag
I implied the exact opposite, but whatever as long as you get the message