Episode 2 preview is out.
Rip church. F
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The church had soul
The manor sucks
Question: What's the point in preview's for native isekais, they're all the same anyways.
>all this hestia
Absolutely fucking disgusting.
stupid brat poster
Not Ryuu.
you will not like the first half of the season, since Hestia will be everywhere.
forbiddened to help, even when the rabbit knocks on the door. What to do? Just use the other door.
>more bell bullying
I like it
why did jc choose to adapt apollo as a massive pervert whose looking to rape bell instead of a passionate god whose looking to spread his pure love?
>confession attemp already
Not Hestia.
Why though?
Any good starter to get for Memoria Freese?
Thinking about starting it to read/play the Arognaut story so I may as well get a good start.
Because in the LN Hestia called him that in Heaven since he's Bi. He had asked her to marry him twice and she turned him down becasue she knew he could never be faithful. Apollo was not happy after that. It's the whole reason why Zeus called her the Virgin Goddess and made the the Goddess of the Hearth and Family.
>native isekais
there's no such thing.
You can leave. Exit is that way --->. Don't let the / hit your ass on the way out.
Because I just like seeing Bell suffer trials for his inevitable comeback which is always glorious and somehow done properly
didn't buy this swimsuit
Does Aiz get any character development this season?
Only thing she does this season is help train Bell some more along side Tinoe.
Bell belongs to Lefiya.
Bell belongs to Freya!
Lefiya belongs to the garbage dump
t. ottar
Hestia found him first. Finders Keepers!
Didn't shower Lefiya with love
Ryu belongs to Syr
So Loki family saves Bells ass... again. W'hen is Loki going to start charging Hestia for their services?
You mean Tiona.
Soon. Either they'll take Bell alongside them in their expeditions or just him again as a portable one shot kill nuke
Its both actually
I'm seriously tired of Loki Familia to be honest.
I rather have Freya take Bell to expeditions.
Lefiya belongs to tentacles
Local boy gangraped by 20 Minotaurs. In other news outbreak of level 10 Minotaurs
It's funny how much of an asspull the Loki Familia is all the times
You wish you could pull this ass
Refresh me this because i totally forgot about of lot of shit from S1.
Does Hestia know Bell loves Aiz?
Why are these sluts always barefooted?
yes, and she's one of the three great seething cucks of danmachi
Yes. It's obvious from the get go.
Because their soles are rough are hard.
Who are the other two? Lefiya, and?
I'm pretty sure the first scene with Hestia is her finding that out
>Hestia will remain a virgin forever
What a waste.
Reading the spinoff and I feel like author is setting up for Zeus and Hera to make a come back after 15 years of being kicked out of town.
I know it is hard to level up outside the Dungeon but it is Zeus and Hera after all. Their dead familia members may have at least got knocked up and given birth before they got killed by the Black Dragon.
Why I think this? Because the author keeps writing how everyone's familia members keep getting killed like Hermes and Ganesha and not just fodder familia members but even Level 3 and Level 4 members. It kinda feels like enough people died that every familia besides Freya suffered losing a lot of manpower.
Just watch. Zeus and Hera come back to town and start declaring War Games to get back their original seat of Top 2 familas in the city.
>unchanging goddess-body
Literally a virgin every time you fuck her
>zeus and hera familia didn't actually wipe
>it was some next level keikaku they formed up
This, the church was a diamond that only need a bit of polishing
Has an elf worm parasite attached to her colon.
Question: Was there even an eyewitness that saw Zeus and Hera familia members all get wiped out? You think Zeus would look depressed but Bell never mentioned his Grandpa being depressed at all. It's not like Gods have no emotion. Take and Miach said Apollo gets super depressed every time a familia member of his, dies from old age, for example.
Also, you think Zeus and Hera familia members would have gotten at least some statues for their achievement in killing Behemoth and Leviathan but nobody even mentions their graves or memorial sights in town.
How is a Hero and Legend Geek like Bell unaware of the Zeus and Hera familias. He knows about every famous monster so surely Bell would know about the heroes that killed Behemoth and Leviathan and try to visit their memorial in town.
That's what I been telling everybody for a long time already. Apollo's mansion sucks and the church basement was way more unique.
I rather Bell and Hestia personally design their own house than move in to somebody else's house, instead.
No personality at all.
Elf goddess
I need these thighs all over my face
Last store bonus image for the new danmachi game release date November 11 2019 Ps4/ Ps Vita / Switch / Pc
Bed time. see you all in the morning my fellow Hestiabros!
So is MC still into her later on in the series or does it go nowhere?
Is she pressing her hestias on his back and lifting one leg above his shoulder level? In that dress? L-lewd!
I want to start reading the LN of the series but don't know any good sources to do so. Do any of you anons have good sources that you would recommend to me?
I agree
Always check Nyaa first
Nyaa is the first place to check for anything that's officially translated. Look for torrents by ganba
"You cheater!"
and she didn't mean the numeral growth, but the cause.
The manor's also way too big for a familia of 5 people.
Loki has a better ass.
It wasn't important for the story.
>Villain this season is a creepy gay guy
What is Abe trying to tell us?
The movie has been out for a while now. Do we have actual human translated and proper subs now?
i love hestia
I wish this faggot would stop pushing his dumb political agenda in my anime. I won't ever fuck a girl. Not because I am gay but because girls are gay.
>tfw no Aiz that will try to keep you from others
so what you're saying is:
>s1: soul
>s2: soulless
I love Lefiya!
Late reply, but yes he's still into her up to the current volume, its just she isn't his sole motivation to grow strong anymore (but still a big factor in it).
And while it isn't as apparent in the main series (especially in the anime, because JC plays up the "emotionless doll" part too much), but the spin-off shows the feeling is pretty mutual. She's just too much of an autist to realize it most of the time. But there's some moments like SO volume 9 where she knows she feels jealous because of him, but doesn't quite understand why.
>this is what megane girls deserve_1.jpg
>this is what megane girls deserve_2.jpg
you monster
Doesn't cuck Hestia enough
>because JC plays up the "emotionless doll" part too much
Tbf it's easy to write in text how she feels even though her face doesn't show it and she doesn't say it, it's harder to do that in animation.
I hope they don't fucked up Bell and party's blitz raid
Thats what internal monologues are for
The fact that Aiz's monologue about Bell are gone and her autistic confusion why her doll-like heart is beating again
Lv 10 bump, the destroyer of the archive menace
Eventually those two will be lv10, if added together. Not quite yet.
autistic and ugly
Pretty sure they actually are level 10 together now.
Did lefiya get to level 4 after butchering her supposed best friend?
Level strength is exponential, not additive. A level 6 + a level 4 isn't equal to a level 10. It's closer to a 6.02
She was already eligible for a level up before that but apparently she decided to do it afterward.
I want to cum into that glove and pour it over her head and tongue.
It's odd how the only character in that image that isn't a piece of shit is Ryu.
Ryuu a best
Except you're not accounting for synergy and force multipliers of having a frontliner and backliner ranged dps.
Did JC Staff slaughter this like they did OPM? Because I liked the first season and I would rather not watch it if they butchered it.
>native isekais
kill yourself zoomer
What's wrong with Syr?
Manipulative bitch.
>type Hestia
>autocorrects to Bestia
Did she ever harm Bell or Hestia with her plotting?
Well you could spend 20 minutes of your own time and find out.
First episode looks pretty good so far.
Yep, she stunted Bell's growth by repeatedly making him waste all his hard earned income at her pub plus tip.
Even browsers know Hestia is bestia.
user pls. All I want is to know if it looks and is animated as poorly as OPM season 2.
They cut out a lot of lore and as usual inner monologues are gone
Thanks friend. I'll give it a fair shot.
It got decent animation since they have that movie money to waste. Not that I can judge yet since they might thoroughly fuck up the chase scene, the blitz raid and Bell firebolting the second floor of a castle and the battle that would ensue
who are they kidding.
Their A team clearly focused on Danmachi instead of OPM
Probably because people were going to shit on them for not being madhouse anyways
I want to fuck this
If author decided to write a spinoff about Danmachi 10,000 years later with Artemis as the main goddess, do you think he would still approach the medieval world or a modern/futuristic world?
She would treat you like a piece of meat.
Are we getting a new event every week? I don't feel like spending Iris on boosted support.
She pulled some pretty shit and made Bell's life harder thanks to Hermes so I can only agree with him.
>caught up to the latest volume
holy fuck why do the Adventurers and Gods seethe so much knowing that Bell isn't as edgy as them?
I want her to use me like a meat dildo
>ANIME in giant goddamn gold letters
Also how in the hell are you still playing that shit?
I started last week. And I like the character interaction so I'll keep playing it until I've read all CP stories.
Calm down, Hestia.
They're equally shit so remove both please.
>tangled nappy bed hair
anyone else think this is fucking disgusting?
>anyone else think this is fucking disgusting
There are plenty of homosexuals in the world, your'e not alone.
It's not really an every week thing, they just shoved a bunch in because of the anniversary, and now to celebrate season 2 airing. There's usually wider gaps in events. Iris is pretty easy to come by, so it isn't that big of a deal to spend it, but I wouldn't bother with that banner personally.
I just play it to get the events and the stories. Grand Day was superb and way better than the story that actually got an animated film. And they adapt and translate some of the short stories that will never come westward into the game. So its worth it for that alone.
As an actual game its pretty meh, but seeing characters that don't get much attention in the main series or spin-off have their chance to sign is nice too.
Why is Appolo Gay Sadist Dionysus?
Oh, my bad. I wasn't asking about events in general but specifically about this anime thingy. Since it seems to end with the airing of the second episode but I remember them saying we'll get weekly free gacha while the anime is airing so I was simply wondering f they would, maybe, change the gacha to something else every week.
Here's the thing though, there were countless examples in both season 1 and the spin-off series where the novel clearly does describe her expressions? Like her blushing, fidgeting, getting pale, or showing shock. It isn't just the internal monologues telling you how she feels, there was plenty of physical signs of that. Yet compare those scenes to the anime and JC instead just has her with the same braindead look on her face no matter how it was originally described.
Hell, even the dance in the first episode of this season (while they made her a bit more emotive than usual) doesn't really live up to how expressive she is in the novel during that moment. Hence why so many people tend to recommend the manga more. Since it does a good job of showing her expressiveness, while JC just doesn't really do any of that for some reason.
LN readers, does Bell really turn into an edgelord?
No. But he does develop a very serious side.
Edgelord is a big exaggeration, but he does his naivety does take a big hit as time goes on. He is still an optimist, but he has gotten a big dose of reality of the kind of world he has found himself in.
So like Kaneki Ken with way less crazy?
Not really a good comparison. He's still very much himself, and isn't going crazy or killing people. He just went through a bunch of stuff that made him not as super bubbly about being an adventurer.
Such as him getting into conflict with what is a monster trafficking ring, learning that sentient monsters exists (with all the doubts about being an adventurer that brings about), having a real fight with Aiz where the two were exchanging serious blows against one another, and essentially becoming the most hated person in the city for a good volume because he did what he thought was the right thing. He just had a bit of a rough time, but he didn't go full edgelord like Kaneki did.
>less crazy
more like less autism.
>having a real fight with Aiz where the two were exchanging serious blows against one another
How badly did he lose?
It was basically her just humoring him and telling him to stop, but at some point it actually broke her guard and landed a scratch on her armor then she just immediately kicked his ass
Top kek.
It was pretty sided, but while I did say "serious blows" they were still holding back against each other as much as they could. But Aiz still beat his ass pretty soundly since she knows everything about how he fights. To the point where she even accounted for his weird talent for knowing where blows are coming from that he got from Freya's constant stalking. She curbstomps him once he gets a good hit in.
With that said, that conflict was more of an ideology fight between the two than an actual "fight" fight.
well, they will do something special for another 3 months, including the end of the Argonaut story and probably some scenes from the anime (only one with Apollo at the moment).
>was pretty one-sided
I assume the later ones will probably be events/banners introducing the Ishtar arc characters to the game. Bunch of people have been waiting for the horny fox in particular.
Because he's a beta but preaching about justice.
Kill the bad guys, there is no worth in keeping them alive, they will just come after you and your friends later on.
Hopefully dies to teach him this.
Most likely whole second season scenario as well as Aisha, Haruhime, Cassandra, Daphe, etc. Wargame Ryu.
Let's hope.
Isn't Wargame Ryuu just her normal self, except wielding Magic swords?
Though getting Cassandra would be great. But I feel like she might get passed over until a later date.
She's also "in disguise" but all of her disguises seem to just be her wearing the exact same outfit with the mask up to me
True. I'm just hoping for a new Ryu is all.
>Bell will nerver crack his fingers while he looks with disdain at his enemies.
That's a shame.
idk man, i just wish there'll be more exposition on them. even loki says that finn, gareth and riveria don't measure up to the zeus and hera familias
>How is a Hero and Legend Geek like Bell unaware of the Zeus and Hera familias. He knows about every famous monster so surely Bell would know about the heroes that killed Behemoth and Leviathan and try to visit their memorial in town.
I haven't seen anything about him keeping up with current events. He just knows a lot about myths and that sort of thing. Most of his specific monster knowledge he gets from Aina. As for the Zeus and Hera familia being run out of town there's just a lot of details surrounding that we don't have.
15 years should be enough for a comeback. All we know is the Zeus and Hera survivors got kicked out of town by Loki and Freya.
Those survivors could have a grudge to be honest. We haven't had a real turf war since Hestia and Apollo after all.
Imagine Bell being forced to choose between his Grandpa and Hestia. I wonder who will he chose. Choosing a family member is much much different than choosing which girl you like.
Amazons. It's what they do. And god bless them for it,
What survivors?
Unless Zeus is cool with Hestia in general like in mythology
They KNOW what we want.
i wasn't really feeling much for ais until i read her manga and ln, but i actually love her now
Some anons in the last thread were telling me how the anime producers are huge Hestiafags. So apparently they might have made Aiz as boring as they could so that Hestia would stand out more.
Not sure if that's really the case, but that would make sense. There's a pretty obvious divide when it comes to her character between people who only watched the anime, vs those who read the LN/Manga. So its pretty easy to think it was an intentional decision.
I know some people don't like the SO art since it is pretty different from the main series' style. But I think the artist does a great job of making Aiz more expressive while still maintaining the "doll" look.
as far as art goes i think it goes
main series manga > main series novel > so manga/ln > anime
the anime designs are just so bad
So when is Volume 14 in english coming out?
Everyone seems hype as fuck with that
Apollo is so fucking cartoony it's distracting. Literally mustache twirling tier.
>grand day
>norsecucks STRUGGLED against a baby behemoth
>mediterraneanchads obliterated the real deal
when will they learn?
God, I like how Aiz is drawn sometimes
>be Bell-kun
>find your face in Aiz's ass
realistically speaking what do you do?
Enjoy the squishyness for a few seconds before feigning ignorance
Bell and Ais's past incarnations were rivals, then?
More like hardness. Aiz is ripped. She's have buns of steel.
She still looks feminine enough to retain certain qualities
A woman who is ripped is true Feminine.
Fit as she may be, her body still looks soft.
Nah Bell is so autistic about minitaurs that he developed a skill to make himself stronger specifically against them at level 4 even though he was able to take on a group of them at level 2
>How is a Hero and Legend Geek like Bell unaware of the Zeus and Hera familias.
There was supposed to be a conversation about this between Bell and Hermes before his dance with Ais in S2 episode 1. It got cut out for some reason. Probably because it hasn't been important to the main story so far up to the current volume, although there was the bit about the scales of the one eyed dragon in the village outside of Orario that Bell and Ais were stranded in.
>Vol 12 of Oratoria
Ais leaning on Bell who was sleeping against a wall was nice and sweet. Though Im seriously thinking about that 'they are childhood friends' parts to be true now
>childhood friends
They are half brother and sister. They have the same mother.
Nani the fuck??
>Omori dropping an Evergreen.
That would make the Lefiya endgame meme a little more realistic though.
shes good without the SHITTY twintails
Well it's not confirmed yet, but there's been subtitle hints dropped in both LNs about it.
One of the biggest When Bell wakes up in Aiz's lap after going into minddown from using firebolt too much for the first time, he looks up at Aiz and says "Mother?" (this is show in both Dnamchi FM and in SO animes. Another hint is that when Bell has a small flash back, the silhouette of his mother looks identical to Aria. there are other smaller hints, but you'll have to read the LNs to find them.
Their interactions are going to be a little more awkward considering how much wet dreams he may have had about her.
Probably not since it was made clear that they weren't part of the Zeus or Hera family nor near Albert and Aria. Bell's bloodline is still unclear and vol10,11,12 dropped hints that Aiz might be older than she's believed to be and is one of those kids who hibernated and woke years later after the tragedy happen and the spirit blood fiasco
>tfw after volume 14 we're gonna have to wait till volume 16 before we get back to the main story.
It'll probably be 2-3 years from now before we get volume 16 out in english.
I just want volume 14 since I want to read it instead of relying on jap to chink translations
Nips truly want us to suffer.
you are now aware that she's wearing bells on her wrists.
And Bell is wearing her.
The minotaur stole their shoes
Brainlet here. I thought the last two episodes of season 1 were truly fucking awful, does it improve or just keeping going downhill? Also why is huge tiddy goddes just watching him get BTFO? Didn't they show that she's really powerful?
>Didn't they show that she's really powerful?
If she uses her kami-sama powers without authorization from Ouranos she gets sent back to Heaven immediately.
Is this bait?
The gods are playing a game. The game is “live in the mortal world and raise up mortals as part of a Familia WITHOUT USING YOUR POWERS and survive for as long as possible.”
All the gods are that powerful but they’re playing a game where their abilities are supposed to be sealed. Hestia broke the rules but since only Hermes was around to notice and he didn’t care she doesn’t get game over’d and sent packing back to Heaven
Good night everyone on this sad day in anime history.
Uh, what?
They died, man...
I would have been sadder if they were going to make haruhi s3 and aren't yuri niggers
She would have been better with blue eyes.
>broke the rules
She didn't use her arcanum, she just opened the seal a little and revealed her godly nature. It was enough for the dungeon to drop an over leveled floor boss on their heads.
Also Hestia and Hermes got a strict warning by the guild, and everyone had to keep silent... all 100 or so adventurers. Obviously, it didn't work.
Did KyoAni have anything to do with Danmachi?
J.C. Staff
Then I have no reason to be sad.
>proceeds to become the bestest bros
>first to defend Bell
Mord is alright with me