Girl finds herself naked in front of the MC

>Girl finds herself naked in front of the MC
Why do the japanese like this shit so much?

Attached: Inuyasha_3_10.png (640x480, 484K)

I love Kagome!

t. Everybody with a brain on Yea Forums

>Girl finds herself naked in front of me
>I wake up
Why does this always happen to me?

If it aint broke don't fix it.

are you gay or something?

>girl squealing

We like that in America as well.

What was the last anime that had this kind of situation? It's a pretty old trope

I once walked into a room where a friend was changing to tell something and _he cried as well and made a small jump. It was only a few seconds later that I realized I shouldn't have done this because other gender etc but it was important.

Sango was better.

Attached: sango.gif (500x300, 689K)