>Girl finds herself naked in front of the MC
Why do the japanese like this shit so much?
Girl finds herself naked in front of the MC
Evan Wilson
Gavin Garcia
I love Kagome!
Austin Collins
t. Everybody with a brain on Yea Forums
David Ward
>Girl finds herself naked in front of me
>I wake up
Why does this always happen to me?
Hudson Reed
If it aint broke don't fix it.
Carter Baker
are you gay or something?
Jose Long
>girl squealing
We like that in America as well.
Charles Young
What was the last anime that had this kind of situation? It's a pretty old trope
Ayden Wood
I once walked into a room where a friend was changing to tell something and _he cried as well and made a small jump. It was only a few seconds later that I realized I shouldn't have done this because other gender etc but it was important.
Chase Bell
Sango was better.