why are anime girls with an original personaliy so rare?
Why are anime girls with an original personaliy so rare?
Nice feet
Because it's easier to write tropes, and that's good enough to sell? Why bother putting in the work to write complex characters when a copy-pasted tsundere will sell just as well? Pic related.
are japs suppose to be smart?
stop it, Biri is a good character
She has great design. Too bad that whole To Aru franchise is giant piece of chuuni shit. I do not even know why I liked it when I was younger
Most characters in general aren't original. People just care more about waifus.
Yea, as simple as the characters may get this series is blessed with great designs.
>I do not even know why I liked it when I was younger
Its fun. I dropped it at some point too but my memory of it is that its always been a fun clusterfuck of a billion autistic characters wielding that many chuuni powers brawling left and right.
Because commercialization eventually leads to stagnation. It's why Hollywood is full of reboots and mediocrity; or why YA novels and LNs are mostly very similar. People want to make profits with low risks, so they go for things they know to be popular.
Pic unrelated.
Bein a whore is not original.
Do Korbo and Lawrence get married in the novels?
Because you haven't watched enough anime.
They do in the manga.
>copy-pasted tsundere
She's not even a tsundere anymore.
I don't know much about that series but you are fucking retarded, and I don't say it in a joking way.
>I don't know much
Should've stopped here.
>original personality
See the problem yet?
You cannot say "she's not even a tsundere anymore" in any sentence you moron, a tsundere is a character that goes from tsun to dere, she never stop being tsundere.
Not many men in anime have original personalities either.
Post girls with original or at least not that common personalities then. I swear this was the only fucking girl in this series with an ounce of originality.
What was so original about her personality?
They even had a daughter together who seems to be the mc of the light novels sequel
What the fuck is original about Nico?
Tomato = Tsundere
Honoka = Genki retard
Eli = Serious School Pres
Kotori = Moeblob
Hanayo = Moeblob but with autism
Rin = Catgirl tomboy
Nozomi = Nee san personality
Nico is more of a weird comedic relief character that has many aspects from different characters, can't really come up with many characters that act exactly like her compared to the other girls that are basically clones of characters from other franchises with nothing of value added.
Honoka and Kotori don't follow any standard personalities, not even partially. Do they?
Nozomi is the sage mature type, Umi is the serious hardworking type, Rin is an insecure tomboy, Hanayo is the tryhard otaku, Maki is tsundere ojousama, I just can't group Kotori with anything, same for Honka. Actually, I could probably put Nico in the competitive and bad mouthed category, or the gairu if she were blonde, her personality would go perfectly with this.
Name a couple of characters with a similar personality. You can't.
>Honoka and Kotori don't follow any standard personalities
stopped reading there
best feet
The only remarkable personality trait of hers is the interest in commerce. There're plenty of anime characters inspired by kamisamas like her.
Such as?
>original personaliy
There is only one thing that is more original than Hitomi's personality. And that is the meaning of killing bites
Anime is the only source of human contact for Otaku.
Because you watch bad anime
because once something is successful, everyone rushes to copy it
The fox and the wolf kamisamas are used a lot in Japanese folklore anime and manga, there're also male versions like Tomoe from Kamisama Kiss.
How will railgunfags ever recover
Recover from what? This anons bad taste?
>there're also male versions
I refuse to believe that. My kitsune should be female-only
Kamisama I wish that were me.
Fortunately it's very rare. I'm a fan of fox girls myself, especially the small ones who are good at stepping on my back.
pic unrelated?
I believe teddy bears existed for decades.
I don't know if "original" is the word you're looking for considering the utter impossibility of writing a truly original, never been seen before personality. Such a character would be genuinely alien.
Maybe you mean girls that can be described (in a basic, limited way) with tropes and conventions but are not defined by them. Girls who are the products of good writing instead of the results of a personality quiz.
Senko is a treasure.
so you weren't talking about the personality
tfw not licking holos feet after she's walked all day