What's with the flu in Japan?

What's with the flu in Japan?
Is it just some shitty trope or are they all really that weak?

>sleep outside of bed
>get water on your shirt
>get the fucking flu
I dont get it

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It's influenza.

>be a mother
>get flu

Insects have lower immune systems.

tamagokake gohan poisoning

You don't get the flu, japanese or otherwise, from being cold, but it's a hugely common misconception that you can get the common cold by actually getting cold. Influenza's symptoms are similar so the misconception it carries over. Anime is often trope-y and derivative as fuck so it pops up constantly.

promiscuity, you retard

What's with the delivery Trucks in Japan?
Is it just a some shitty trope or do they all really drive blindly across 2 lane roads.

>go outside
>get truck-kun on your shirt
>get the fucking die
I dont get it

youre right that cold doesnt cause the flu, people being in close proximity do. The ironic thnig is that the cold makes people stay indoors in close proximity to each other.

what about truck kuns feeling? He has to clean NEET off his bumper

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You don't get the cold virus from being cold but being cold for extended periods of time may suppress your immune system, so the virus that would have been deflected by your body's immune response before you were cold, is now infecting you. It doesn't always happen though. The whole 'fall into the river and catch a cold' trope wouldn't work if you aren't even exposed to the virus

What about that one seiyuu that actually died from a cold

That has nothing to do with how you contract the virus and come down with the disease.

Onions Sauce

But it does demonstrate that it happens irl and not just a trope in anime.
Japanese people seem to have poor immune systems in general since that wasnt an isolated case.

Thei race hasn't been mixed enough.

It's code for cancer and they have a weakened immune system. They tell the children that it's a cold.

Some anecdotic cases arent prove of anything
The facts are this: cold supress your inmune system
The virus is passed down by air and drops of saliva that comes out of people
Obviosly if you get wet and then you stay at home whitout proper ventilation and probably acompanny by family or people that want to help this is a perfect situation for the virous to atack

It's just the same as old Looney Tunes 'toons, dude. Watch them - sure as eggs is eggs, Coyote or Tom or whoever gets caught in a storm, next scene they're wrapped in a towel, shivering and with a bursting thermometer in their mouth. Just a trope.

She was also severely overworking, not sleeping, not eating right, and IIRC let it develop until she had pneumonia.

overworking and undersleeping destroys your immune system. Add that to the close quarters Japs live in and it makes sense how badly they get fucked by diseases that are a minor annoyance in the west

>but it's a hugely common misconception that you can get the common cold by actually getting cold.
There is also a misconception that you can die from being shot. You actually die from the blood loss and organ damage!

Attached: cr3n6ndlyb731.jpg (750x710, 86K)

go back

Imagine actually dying from doing your job haha


People don't look both ways when crossing. It really is crazy how often kids just run it instead of checking foe one second.