Is Spear Hero a pedo? Why does he keep hitting on Filo? She's a bit young for him

Is Spear Hero a pedo? Why does he keep hitting on Filo? She's a bit young for him.

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whole show is a lolicon power fantasy

He's clinically retarded.

No one can resist the bird loli.

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sometimes people just find lolis cute and want to pat and protect them, stop projecting your Americel fantasies

He's so fucking loveable in his spinoff.

If that were true Raph would have stayed a loli

Firo reminds him of a character from a not-disgaea game he used to play.
Also, "a bit young" is a gross understatement.

Yes he is and a furry on top of that.
But both are also applicable to the protagonist.

I read a spoiler that He only sees pigwomen

After a certain event in his life happens, yes.

why is he a pedo?

people say that because firo is a little girl. Though they seem to forget that firo is a monster.

I don't thing being a zoophile is much better.

True that. Though lately motoyasu isn't so much into firo right now because he can't divorce the idea of a yandere firo he met a timeloop ago from the firo in the timeline he's now.

I read the WN, is the LN close to ending and does it deviate a lot from the original story? And why is the valentine story not translated?

>I read the WN, is the LN close to ending and does it deviate a lot from the original story?
indeed it does., there's parts where it's mostly the same but the endgame's different now

>And why is the valentine story not translated?
i wish i knew the answer to that conundrum. Though for that one you need to have read the spinoff up to a certain point to know what's up in that one.

No he's a Filophile not a pedophile. Filo just happens to be queen bee of filos.

His filophile shit gets really intense after he gets betrayed by a certain bitch making him hate all women.

How can that stupid bird say no to this sexy body?

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I wish, but the faggot author had Raphtalia grow up.

Where did you get this?

Blame the polls, they wanted raphtalia to keep being an adult.

she does become loli again, but for a short time.

every women has a pig face except for the captain knight lady and loli birds

>except for the captain knight lady
What's special about her?

he doesnt know

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Well he got an army of chicken lolis now.

And they are the most powerful force in the world.

Will she accept his Filorial daughters?

Why do you care so much about age? Cute things are cute. Is it wrong to like cute things because they're young?

She's well regarded by Raphtalia and Naofumi so Motoyasu doesn't see her as a pig. One of the titles motoyasu considers her is bing "The fiance's bodyguard" which means she's melty's bodyguard.

>he got an army of chicken lolis now
And shotas. The Filorial Lord does not discriminate Filorials.

>And they are the most powerful force in the world.
Until the wave they run into

Colonel Sanders the Kentucky Fried Calamity

>He's so fucking loveable in his spinoff.
Does that include the parts where he kills ren and itsuki just to test his spear?

Very much so.

gas yourself pedo trash

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lmao he does that? What a madman

Sadly main girl is a generic adult, what a waste

Yeah, in the first loop naofumi died and his death sent motoyasu back to the start. So motoyasu killed ren and itsuki to confirm that killing heroes resets time.

It's not considered pedo when it's a demihuman.

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She's not demihuman.