Why is it that whenever an underage person in anime is offered alcohol...

Why is it that whenever an underage person in anime is offered alcohol, they decline and say that they're still underage, or alternatively, they want to drink alcohol, but everyone else tells them they're not allowed to?

We all know that underage drinking is a thing in real life.

Why does anime pretend that it doesn't happen?

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As a German, I did not drink until I was legally allowed to.

was that when it was 16 still?

There isn't as much underage drinking in Japan and production company's have no reason to promote it. They drink on the ship in One Piece though. I know because the duck gets drunk

I remember going on a school trip in 4th grade, around age 9-10. And the fat kid in our class smuggled beer on the trip. We tasted some, and agreed it tastes disgusting lol.

Why is that people keep asking this question like once a week when it's been asked and answered a million times before?

As an American, I didn't either.
Now I'm an alcoholic ;_;

It's technically 14 if your parents are present while you're drinking.

>We all know that underage drinking is a thing in real life.
Yes, sadly it is a fact that minors sometimes drink alcohol, but it is in a special case, thank God, you could say that perhaps 20 or 30 percent of the adolescents do it, but that does not mean that it is well seen by the public in general. That's why it remains tabu yet.
>Why does anime pretend that it doesn't happen?
Because it does not really happen, in excess.

Mexican here, we are given small samples of alcoholic drinks by family members, mainly pulque since it's mainly sweet.
I have issues with hops so I never got into beer.

Are they even allowed to air underage drinking?

>he didn't smuggle his parents vodka at sleepovers with his friends when he was 15

it's illegal to depict that

>a german is a bootlicking wimp

whoa total shocker

I'm almost positive they either can't or won't

Haruhi had all of them getting shitfaced on wine during the island arc and they literally removed that in the anime

imagine living in a conformist society that blindly accepts whatever the government tells them is right

No, which is why they "accidentally" eat alcohol-centered chocolates then "act drunk".

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As a Slav, I have been drinking since the age of 12.
Fuck the laws

As a slav, do you even have laws?

the japanese don't even pirate 30-40 year old manga and video games, they've completely bought into the government spook. I'm fully convinced if the Japanese government made it illegal to be alive most Japanese would organize to kill themselves as quickly, quietly, and efficiently as possible.

>the japanese don't even pirate
The nips pirate constantly.

Same but at that age it was just a single time, I started doing it periodically only at 14

I want to go balls deep on her. I'll regret it later, but I wouldn't pass the opportunity.

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If you stuck your dick into her, she would purify your lust out of you. Your dick would go limp immediately and you would just feel very embarrassed about the whole incident.

Yes. But you can avoid them if you are rich enough or if nobody gives a shit

Nice blogpost faggot.

Japs have the best audio vst cracking group

Alcohol tastes like shit.

I remember when I drank beer for the first time and all I could think about was, this smells and tastes like rubbing alcohol.

Why would anyone want to be reminded of rubbing alcohol when drinking beer?