>Shows empowered woman killing white-nationalists
>Has a main character that is half-indian
>Main villain loves war
ITT: shows that would have been considered 'PC' or 'SJW' if they came out today
Fuck off.
Every SoL that writes men out of existence.
I'm right. Yea Forums would hate Hellsing Ultimate if it came out today.
All of them.
>'PC' or 'SJW'
I know that Yea Forums discusses everything that aren't video games, but next time at least check which board you are on. Kindly kill yourself.
We are talking about anime. We're just talking about an aspect of anime that makes you feel uncomfortable.
>finished airing on 2012
>We are talking about anime.
Nigger, if you really think it's ok to use Yea Forums speak you should get the fuck out of here, it downright invalidates anything that you had to say.
I hope you get mauled by a pack of pitbulls
Last I checked it's 2019, not 2012. Calendars are great. You should learn how to use them.
Pitbulls are adorable, what are you talking about?
I see you use Yea Forums memes too. Also it finished on fucking December, almost 2013. You are basically admitting to be a disgusting newfag by defending OP and thinking that isn't close to "today".
No, you're wrong for two reasons.
For one thing, SJWs HATE characters/people that they think look better than them and/or make heterosexual men get aroused. (IE Everyone and everything.) By that logic, Hellsing Ultimate would get dismissed right off of the bat because everybody's designs are "Too sexualized for their own good". (With the exception of maybe Zorin Blitz, who still has a body type that would be considered "Fetishistic" despite everything else about her.)
Second, Alucard, a cis-gendered white male, is the lead character of the series. That alone is enough drive for SJWs to hate/denounce the series and Anime in general. I mean Jesus fuck, they tore the live-action Battle Angel Alita movie apart because the character's body wasn't completely plank-of-wood shaped.
>Has a main character that is half-indian
Integra was half Indian?
>Has a main character that is half-indian
Yeah, didn't you notice how she's noticeably darker-skinned than the rest of the cast?
Even with /pol/ faggottry, she would still need to be a lot younger.
Oh wow, a british character is a mix with an indian, what a surprising turn of events.
It's almost like India was part of the empire, makes you think.
yeah but I thought it was a stylistic choice
>Alucard, a cis-gendered white male
Alucard's genderfluid.
you could also say that it offends sjw by portraying organized religion as the good guys, the author being a gun fanatic and Alucard pseudo raping a woman to death so stop trying to extrapolate everything to retarded american identity politics
>main villain makes valid points that the good guy can't refute
Well, still, considering that India was a colony, she's a mixed race woman in a position of power in the country that was the empire's center. Mixed race is something that triggers the "everything is SJW" crowd so much, even if, as you say, it's quite normal.
>Alucard's genderfluid.
no, he turns other people into gender fluid
>SJWs HATE characters/people that they think look better than them and/or make heterosexual men get aroused.
Lmao. Rent free.
>I'm right. Yea Forums would hate Hellsing Ultimate if it came out today.
If by Yea Forums you mean /pol/ then yes,now go back
I need a point of reference.
>considered 'PC' or 'SJW'
>came out today
Name five.
>Pitbulls are adorable, what are you talking about?
And all races are created equal, australian aborigines are the epitome of beauty, trans women are women, peace is war and 2+2=5.
But it's true.
>invincible vampire
>uses guns
Anime which air in the morning.
Because it's cool.
He can literally do whatever the fuck he wants.
I dont even watch anime
I don't know what you're getting at. It sounds like you're just trying to be racist and transphobic.
it depends on who is the biggest meme today, but sjws used to like lots of things with rape or rape undertones, but if they like it they would hoop through any loop to justify why it's ok
I don't blame you. The community around it is very hostile.
Name five.
A phrase like 'pitbulls are adorable' is just not true. They are the furthest thing from cute - huge, disproportionate with distended muscles, disgusting-looking faces, hair so short they look naked, a known violent temperment, and not a shred of elegance. There must be some sort of sick fetish or twisted satisfaction in forcing yourself to believe the opposite of the truth.
My earlier post was just a few common examples of this phenomenon.
Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Madara Uchiha? Let alone defeat him. And I'm not talking about Edo Tensei Uchiha Madara. I'm not talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara either. Hell, I'm not even talking about Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano'o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju's DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu. I’m also not talking about Kono Yo no Ky?seishu Futarime no Rikud? Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan (which is capable of Izanagi and Izanami), his two original Rinnegan (which grant him Chikush?d?, Shurad?, Tend?, Ningend?, Jigokud?, Gakid?, Ged?, Bansh? Ten’in, Chibaku Tensei, Shinra Tensei, Tengai Shinsei and Banbutsu S?z?) and a third Tomoe Rinnegan on his forehead, capable of using the Infinite Tsyukuyomi Genjutsu, Katon, F?ton, Raiton, Doton, Suiton, Mokuton, Ranton, Inton, Y?ton and even Onmy?ton Jutsu, equipped with his Gunbai(capable of using Uchihagaeshi) and a Shakuj? because he is a master in kenjutsu and taijutsu, a perfect Susano’o (that can use Yasaka no Magatama ), control of both the Juubi and the Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA and face implanted on his chest, his four Rinbo Hengoku Clones guarding him and nine Gud?dama floating behind him AFTER he absorbed Senjutsu from the First Hokage, entered Rikud? Senjutsu Mode, cast Mugen Tsukuyomi on everybody and used Shin: Jukai K?tan so he can use their Chakra while they are under Genjutsu.
*Integral (インテグラル)
I thought it was just a tan
especially since you know, you can't have blonde hair and blue eyes and be half Indian
Really, any shows where a woman has power and there are nazies (totally drumpf supporters) are enough to make your pants wet? Well, I got two things for you:
1: more than half of white women voted Trump.
2: you will never be a woman, no matter what you do.
Shaggy Blanco.
Pretty Cure
Inazuma Eleven
One Piece
She was a Nazi so he gets a pass.
Cringe and irrelevant
Makes me wonder if responses like these are scripted
And now you show someone actually complaining on Yea Forums about One Piece being SJW
I will wait.
No. You have to make your own bait material. Good luck watching 700+ episodes.
As it turns out, the people who pushed the NPC meme do nothing but spew NPC-tier responses
Unironically iron-clad arguments.
>its ok to rape as long as the woman suscribes to a fascist ideology
wtf i love sjw now
Please refrain from using Seras for SocJus shitposting.
It's funny because I've maintained OP torrent with uniformly good quality with subs in my native language up to 560-something episode.
So you can't. Have the last (You). Good luck shitposting.
Literally never seen anybody complaining about any of those series being sjw
Did anyone even expect this thread to turn into anything but utter shit?
Why do retarded ideologues have to constantly shit up places to put their mark on them?
Why is this thread still up if it's obvious political bait?
I bet OP makes a lot of posts about how /pol/ is shitting up the board
I've you've been in OP threads lately there was a brief shitstorm after the last chapter revealed a trans samurai
That's because /pol/ doesn't watch kiddie anime.
No evidence that pitbulls are more violent
Black Lagoon
>main characters include a black man and a jew
>comedically stupid neo-nazis as villains
>many of the strongest characters are female
I don't think they watch anything other than SJW cringe compilations, political youtube ideologues and those History Channel shows about secret Nazi weapons
>not reading the manga
People like OP are also the ones who then complain about muh politics on an anime board
I don't know they did have those two trans kids as villains.
Why is this shitty thread still being bumped?
Birduly Mighty
Might as well have somewhat of a containment thread like this
I'm surprised it hasn't been nuked
have you been to the threads mate? /pol/tards were seething over the line about opening Wano's borders and the reveal about Kiku's gender. It's a good thing the fishman racism analogy was before these newfags migrated here
mods are useless faggots, even if they delete the thread they won't ban OP, probably wont even give him a warning
>ywn rape a nazi qt
male (female) in general absolutely triggers both /pol/ and SJWS
Containment does not work. /pol/ should have taught you that.
You absolute drooling retard, letting threads like these exist will just encourage retards to make more of them.
I think most people just think trannies are obnoxious freaks regardless of your politics
People being annoyed at you bringing up your freak lifestyle every chance you get is not the same as being "triggered"
containment is a meme. Yea Forums wouldn't be in the utter state it's in if moot actually kept his promise and deleted /pol/
male (female) has always been part of anime and Japanese culture. If you hate it so much, I suggest you pick a different medium
Traps have nothing to do with your disgusting bullshit, trash.
This is exactly why people hate you, you injecting your bullshit everywhere.
The actual problem is that 3D trannies are trying to inject their mutant lifestyle and mental illness into 2D traps.
/pol/fags apply. Cartoons are not for you.
What language user?
>kept his promise and deleted /pol/
Did he promise such a thing?
I'm not a tranny you dumbass. Why do /pol/tards always jump to this?
Because mods are fags.
Anime traps aren't irl trannies
Because you are being a whiteknight and conflating traps with 3DPD freaks, that's why.
Containment works for the kpop fags on Yea Forums, sadly /pol/ is probably considerably more autistic than adult male kpop fans
He never did as far as I remember, /n/ and /new/ for sure, after he remade /new/ into /pol/, any time he mentioned that board in /qa/ it was in defense of people screaming about removing it for being raysis and meen.
Because nobody else would care enough
He did /pol/harbor but didn't finish the job. Also
>not saging or reporting this kuso thread
Almost 100 replies and counting.
>two trans kids
>he was definitely talking about 2D
End your fucking life.
I never did. You're the only one who did that
You're free to spam it.
It's still a long way to bump limit, I just wish mods to do their job.
Yes, I was. People were calling bullshit that Kiku is a dude, then somebody posted the picture where they are younger and he is less feminine, then somebody said that that's probably wonders of makeup.
I can't remember even one SJW comment. I think that these comments are mostly done by the shitposters like OP. People generally don't give a fuck as long as the content is entertaining.
Also Yea Forums loves Bon-chan.
Выкачал разадачу Куска, тогда еще он только перевалил за 300, на одном из маленьких трекеров, качество местами говно, рассинхрон, софтсаб на хардсабе, но само аниме мне зашло. Сказал автору пофиксить эту парашу, он мне сказал что тебе нужно, ты и занимайся. А я возьми и запили как надо. Единственно что так и не смог найти 257 в нормальном качестве.
that wasn't me. Notice how that user was replying to my original post
Canaan. It was a pretty shitty series indeed, highly forgettable.
Ah yes, because you branching off from that post with this isn't conflating the two things, disingenuous fuck.
What's worse you even doubled down so I don't even know why you are denying anything.
original series >>> shit >>>>>> ova
No. I rate it 7/10. Brilliant action scenes. Great seiyuu work. Cool chara designs.
I want to have sex with that seras crossplayer.
I hated ultimate when it first came out, just like I hated brotherhood.
>guy A talks about how 2D traps were always part of anime and that /pol/ hates it (?)
>guy B says that 3DPD trannies are not 2D and that they should fuck off
You retards are actually talking past each other, I'm fucking amazed.
Where the fuck are the mods?
Are they too busy sucking cock to take a look at this shithole of a board?
No one actually cares about an anime being 'PC' or 'SJW' as long as it's good
I see, it's indeed a pain to find everything on good quality.
>Punched Naegi in order to defend his bro
>Knee'd the fuck out of Anxiety fag because he knew that he was the traitor all along
>Had a misunderstanding with the Gozuboys
>Saved Hinata from getting killed by HPA
>The master of chair throwing, that one miss on Kirigiri was because he was a merciful hero, and not just to flex his muscles and check dat ass (because he only wants Munakata's ass)
>Went full ham on the evil old man mastermind and crew to save the FF
>Roundhouse kicks the everlasting shit out of Monaca's puppet in order to stop the second coming of Junko Enoshima
>Unable to stop mentally deranged kid from blowing up half the school because he was too busy being a hero
>Had a misunderstanding with the donut but spared her
>Survived 2 missile barrages by an evil robot bent on destroying all hope
>Called out Monokuma's bluff with his cameras, recording his mad-ass pecs and didn't give a fuck in general about any of these plebians
>Became the world champion in boxing, becoming the undisputed best with bare hand combat before even leaving high school
>Too Alpha to mess with the bitches and instead neglects his own feelings as being the third wheel to protect his love no matter what
>Only took a 2 episode rest before kicking the shit out of everyone again
>Took a fucking spear to the shoulder, impaled into a wall and shrugged it off like it was just a mosquito bite
>Was not seduced by Ruruka's sweets because he was so loyal to Munakata
>Has enough consideration to the normies to use them as a coatrack
>Even at the world's end, he was still gunning for a piece
>Such a straightforwarded bro, he bends his own sexuality
>Saves the manlet when he's in need, cutting of his hand to be the savior he truly is! Saving everyone with the power of determination
>Single handedly stopped the killing game, physically and literally
It's not like Japanese would be so strict with that kind of stuff. Also, blue eyes are quite possible, blond hair I don't know, probably that almost white blonde that Integra had it's too much for someone who's not russian or nordic, or from any other place where you barely have sun.
If you were in the threads you must remember all the dumbasses being upset at Oda's "Western pandering" and how One Piece has gone "SJW"
A request thread got deleted, so either this thread is being protected or they are not paying attention and being too busy shitposting.
Yeah I just realized that, somehow I mixed the chain reply with other, my bad.
Say something nice about Angelo.
You forgot the part where the user calls anime characters "trans kids".
>doubled down
Do you think male (female) = Western transexual? Don't tell me you're one of those retards who enters trap threads to seethe at anons for their fetish
Cowboy Bebop
Yes, that too.
They weren't even trannies, they were children too young to have overt sexual dimorphism that crossdressed for diguise purposes.
This is a /pol/ rec thread.
and Samurai CHamploo
When was the last time we could have comfy threads without /pol/ butting in?
It is.
So as I pray,
2016 and it's just gotten worse since then
Utena would be hated beyond belief if it was made today. and many of 80s shows too. People would bitch at every go nagai work.
Are you seriously calling this pile of feces for a thread comfy?
The thread was dead on arrival though, literally starting with Yea Forums memes and /pol/ idiocy.
This anime was kind of shitty but I liked that it went all out with the revenge aspect and didn't pussy out with the mc suddenly becoming a moralfag
5+ years ago, we did discuss the political aspects of things same as today, the difference was that people didn't force it down our throats at the tiniest provocation and there was a bit less hostility towards people on the other end of the political spectrum.
Speaking of SJW, how can one forget No. 6.
>lol mate bees
>get out or get bee'd
>OP literally starts with political bait
>b-but /pol/
Literally asking for it
All I remember from this show is that scene where they made a baby suck from a female dog's tit
the funniest part is that I think this "SJW" user was trying to point out having "trans" kids as villains would be pro-/pol/
I honestly can't wait for this political plague fever that infected millions of retards to fucking die, I'm sick of this garbage.
this post would have some merit if /pol/ comments only showed up in political bait threads but that's not the case
I don't even remember that scene. Did it trigger you or something?
I'm not mad, though. I've learned a lot about video codecs, containers and ways to fuck up the video stream. Sometimes I even managed to unfuck it.
I'm still a bit salty that I didn't manage to get 257 in good quality. It's been years, though, so it's most likely widely available by now.
Oh, *that* I can believe.
Gintama is the most SJW anime I've seen.
They show up as responses to political bait posts as well.
If people weren't retards they would know to report and hide, but sadly they are and thus SJWs and /pol/ will continue to fight their cultural war in every place they find themselves.
>Also Yea Forums loves Bon-chan.
any fag who hates bon0chan needs to be shot in the head.
they are the same retards who still didn't get that one piece tells a story about how the 1% of population with the help of corrupt government across the world erased the history of the world and still hunts down every descendant of the people who fought against them. they never bring this up. and also deny how One Piece shows people being pieces of shit across all parts of society. but only the gay shit and borders issues is relevant to them. even worse when japan was literaly hundreds of years behind everybody else in real life when they closed their boards with the world thanks to Portugal exploiting the shit out japanese people just like how Kaido is doing
So guys how you like Ojamajo Doremi?
they also show up completely unsolicited in any thread about a show with a gay or non white character
Are you implying that people like it solely because it didn't come out recently? If so that's retarded, because you can look back in retrospect and dislike a show based on present values.
That said, you're literally wrong. In fact It'd be more likely that Hellsing Ultimate would be framed as some nazi anime bcus it features nazis (even as villains). That's usually the case. Just look at AoT.
Very SJW.
It won't, you know.
No I just thought it was weird
I mean, how would you feed the baby? The people outside were so poor they couldn't keep livestock.
Not to mention that the nazis in Hellsing are clearly portrayed as "cool" and the Major basically wins at the ends
BTW, Makishima did nothing wrong.
>Australian Power
this always gets me. I am an ausfag after all
There are many other breads right now where you can be comfy, but you chose the one with the political bait
What's the edgiest manga you've read? For me it's Litchi Hikari Club.
Yes, I know, but a man can dream of a better world.
The rate of that is much less than when it's actively provoked though.
Political bait garbage always invites political shitflinging, shitflinging in normal threads is sporadic enough that it can be effectively ignored, hidden and reported.
Death Note.
Light did nothing wrong
*tips death note*
>I am an ausfag after all
Ichi the killer.
Misa Misa pls
>makes blatantly political bait thread by asking what anime are sjw
>gets surprised when the thread turns into shitflinging
I'm usually all for discussing the political aspects of certain shows but the dumbass dichotomy of you're either an sjw or a nazi just makes it impossible
OP and me here are not the same person.
>he doesn't know that Yea Forums celebrated the holocaust
Great fucking show
Would you?
I think he means YOU GUYS would consider it SJW. Do you got a reading comprehension? Or are you in that big a rush to spew that angry nerd shit?
Why don't you guys try be normal people for once. I don't mean women worshipping onions boys either. I mean just regular normal people
Yes, of course, ironically, haha.
170 replies and this shit thread is still up, mods retain their status as fags eternally.
>Why don't you guys try be normal people for once.
>asking people to be normal on Yea Forums.
Mods like funposting too.
Mods should take the jobs they do F O R F R E E more seriously, this is extremely poor work ethic.
tokyo akazukin and the one where the maid is immortal
those were edgy. I don't get suprised by anything after reading that shit. it was back in 2009/2010
less moderation the better, unironically
fucking westaboo
Go back to where you came from, faggot.
Mods be like
>celebrating something that never happened
wew lad
Who was in the wrong here?
Trash is the edgiest thing I have ever read since its just cute girls getting either raped, tortured or killed (or the 3 at once), shame that nobody finished translating it
>killing white-nationalists
The only people this hurts is /pol/
GC was the second anime that I had such a hatred towards it. it was when I started to noticed the cliches and how they staff wasn't even trying. I told a friend that gai would come back alive as a villain judging at how bad that thing was and shu would go full edgelord
the first one was shukufuku no campanela
Which trash?
/pol/ is filled with spics, just like Yea Forums
Being anti/pol/ isn't a bad thing, being an SJW ideologue shitting up Yea Forums with political bait threads is, and that's what OP is.
Get a proper trip, impostor.
and guess who shit up boards to complain about /pol/?
go the fuck back to >>Yea Forums with your autistic feud you retarded cock sucker
Say something nice about Shinn.
Shinn should have died on the moon.
Just Trash
The manga is titled 'Trash'?
stick to your containment board, Yea Forumsermin
I was unironically agreeing with you and you're screaming at me over semantics, calm the fuck down.
OP is a drooling retard that should've gone back to Yea Forums since it's a cesspool of retarded threads like these.
plot twist: OP is actually a mod
The only games I 'play' are VNs.
It is titled Just Trash I belive