Why are Meltic StAr so good?
AiFure and Prichan thread
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Merumeru is just lovely enough to make up for Sara being boring and ugly.
Didn't really add anything to him and basically was a Kazuki episode.
Just a repeat of Reona backstory, with a small twist that he didn't had a twin sister to protect him.
Yukinojo being hotblooded guy and Minato's family and insecurity were more interesting than that desu.
>I don't know or care about Aikatsu but PriPuz had fun side stories like the Privengers arc that neither clashed with nor took away from the actual show.
Neither did Prism Rush from KinPri, you faggot.
I swear, you're just nitpicking without knowing what are you talking about.
Merumeru is cool. Anna is the lovely one.
Also fuck you, Sara is great.
Sara is boring and I hate her voice.
Ainon being scared of Sara because Yuuki's voice is manlier than his!
>hating prince-like girl done right
>hating based midget that voices her
>it's bad because it told an interesting story about two characters who were already good instead of generic shit about lame empty slate characters
Really? And Leo was good and heartwarming, I'm not autist enough to care how similar it is or isn't to existing stories unless it actually matters.
>Neither did Prism Rush from KinPri, you faggot.
Try reading the conversation.
>I swear, you're just nitpicking without knowing what are you talking about.
I'm not the one nitpicking here lmao, just accept that KinPri isn't good just because you say it is and that you can't nitpick and false equivalence your way into delilegitimising other people's opinions like Akatsukin.