
"Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven."

Let's pay tribute to our bossu in this thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:

this is now a kingu thread!

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Gonna miss him, 2bh.

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I always thought Diavolo was one of the most underrated villains in the series. Glad to see the anime's giving him some time to shine

I love him so much.

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Cute smug bossu

He deserves happiness.

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Sorry but i prefer Doppio

He's awesome.

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Doppio is great too!

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You ever fully marked out at anything in JoJo? Just lost your shit and felt your heart start pounding like crazy from the adrenaline rush thanks to how excited you got?

Diego using The World was it for me, back when that page first got spoiled I damn near had a heart attack.

That's not how you should treat your father!

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How did Valentine become so beautiful, Yea Forums?

And how will the anime handle it?

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>only decided to stay and fight because his daughter called him a pussy
>literally begs to win
>starts using playgroud taunts when he thinks hes about to win
How is the boss so cute?

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Who knows?

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And he used to look like this

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Diavolo is a tranny

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No he isn't.

Diavolo's lasting contribution to the world was making a hot daughterand making the groundwork for Giorno's flourishing more successful organization. So, he's second only to Dio in terms of main villain influence after death

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Prove me wrong then fag

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I wanted more scenes of them.

That's not Diavolo on the left.

>There are actually people who somehow find this attractive

>cenosring tranny nip as if it isn't the same as a dudes

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>r63 Diavolo
It's like a joke with setup, punchline and everything.

Baffling, isn't it?

too bad everyone dies like 5 years later in part 6

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The entire survivor part from the start until Jolyne beats viviano.

Bucciarati! Yea Forumsirgins are not worthy to possess the arrow!

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The virgin Bucciarati vs CHAD CRIMSON.


>no u


So fucking smug.
And sexy.

I remember when he was fat lol

>Bucciarati will never be able to stay in Diavolo's body and raise Trish as his daughter

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best anime mom of all fucking time

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Bruno would be a terrible dad


araki just felt like it