
Not gonna lie wamuu was one of the few antagonists who felt real. the rest are just so textbook anime, kinda annoying. dio, kira, and diavolo are always "impossible", "how could this happen to me?!?!!?!" and so on... while the main characters are obviously super noble. it's just super bad writing.

Wamuu was the only one that remained the same character even after losing, and the only (or at least one of the few) antagonists araki didn't butcher into gross caricatures of a character. Kinda tired of how every single jojo villain is like that... Think up some new characters for once

Also im only talking about the anime villains, since i dont read the manga

Attached: wamuu.png (587x591, 427K)

Other urls found in this thread:

But then he would transform into viewer interest and eventually become a positive character, no?

In the end, he sorta did.

if he wasnt such an honorable warrior, wahmu would have easily ended the jojo bloodline from ever continuing. He spared Joseph to give him more time to train

>watching/reading shounenshit expecting deep antagonists
retard, just enjoy this shit for what it is

actually I guess Dio would have still probably gotten someone pregnant with Jonathon's seed so maybe not

Only on Yea Forums could you find faggots that are contrarian enough to think the pillar men are good antagonists

Wammu is indeed the best jojo "villain", also being voiced by based akio helps.

Attached: [RH] JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken - 23 [92F3E09C].mkv_snapshot_07.21_[2019.05.07_15.28.04].jpg (1920x1080, 207K)

it's not contrarian. everyone loves the pillar men (and especially wammy cause he's the bro bad guy)

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When does the Jojolion preview usually come out?

Wham is the only major villain who had some code of honor, it makes him very unique in a series full of weirdos.

The only villain I feel was butchered was Kira, who turned into a Dio clone right at the end. Diavolo was always a Dio clone though, even spouting "Kono Diavolo da" in the last episode.

I'm not sure what to make of Pucci.

>The only villain I feel was butchered was Kira, who turned into a Dio clone right at the end.
Also Araki's constant autistic need to give the main villains time/space related powers after 3 is really infuriating. Did his shonentard editors spoil him over the years?

>he hasn’t read part 7

Kira always referred to himself in third person before the end.

>Kira, who turned into a Dio clone right at the end. Diavolo was always a Dio clone
One guy just want a quiet life and the other doesn't want people to know his identity, saying they turned into "Dio" implies that they wanted to rule the universe. Pucci and Kars end goals are more inline with Dio than Kira and boss.

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>Valentine has dimension fuckery
>somehow not time/SPACE related

ACDC and Whammu are fine, sort of simple but fine. Kars is the shitty one

Jobin >>> Valentine >> Pucci >>> Kira >> Diavolo > Whammu >> DIO > dio >
This is irrefutable.

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what about kars?

Attached: kars-jojos-bizarre-adventure-2012-7.49.jpg (210x240, 11K)

Is it really that difficult

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>that pic
oh shit

Araki launched Kars into outer space because he knew that no Hamon/Stand user could ever defeat him in a straight up fight, he was too strong even by Jojo standards.

Attached: 36 Kars.jpg (600x528, 131K)

The Hand and Vanilla Ice can turn him into nothingness

i prefer bruford and tarkus, even if they were only around for like 5 seconds.

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found the animeonly fag

He says that in the OP birdbrain

Okuyasu, Vanilla Ice and Kira could all kill Kars

Do non stand users just see a floating head when they look at Cream when Vanilla Ice is inside of it?

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>Buford and tarkus
part 1 has some really nice stuff you don't see in any other part of the series.

I still have a compulsive need to make fun of him.

their fight sucked and was drawn out for too long after bruford, literally a chore to get through. Only dio fights are good in pt 1. They're the epitome of jobbers. S

Okuyasu could kill Kars, but he would not. He's too stupid to properly use his stand.

probably invisible unless he's revealing his head

too stupid
>Vanilla Ice
pillar men eat vampires
hates fighting self admitted to Josuke before they fought

Kars solos all 3 of them at the same time.

>hates fighting
Nigger that doesn't mean he wouldn't defend himself, He'd literally BTFO kars

>pillar men eat vampires
but they don't eat black holes, Cream still kills him

Fighting against Kars is like fighting a DBZ character, Kira wouldn't be able to keep up with his super speed and super strength.

Attached: 36 Kars on Mars.png (720x1140, 1.51M)

>hamonfags can't accept that stands can bend the law of physics even reality
>lole he's to dum to use stand

Irrefutabley shit

ACDC is also pretty cool, and if you compare them to the villains of the week that Araki shitted during the first 3/4 of Stardust Crusaders, the Pillar men come out as literary masterpieces (except Cars, though I kinda liked his "he's the weakest, but he's the leader because he has brain, and then he turned into the strongest"). Bruford is kinda memorable, even if Araki, in pure Hokuto no Ken style, made Jonathan almost cry over his death after gaining mutual respect.

Dio without the Joestar bloodline would have wrecked chaos until his band of faggots clashed with Diavolo's band of faggots, I guess. Who knows what would have happened in Morioh.

Araki said he believes time/space stands to be the strongest, so it would fit the main villain the best

and how's joseph fight him

>throws American flag at you
>traps you in an alternate universe
>you encounter your alternate self
what now?

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It is actually a running joke that Okuyasu has the strongest stand in part 4 but is too retarded to use it properly

>Fighting against Kars is like fighting a DBZ character,
I don't watch that shit
>Kira wouldn't be able to keep up with his super speed and super strength.
Joseph could, and he didn't have an invisible cat with A in power and speed

It was a thing in Part 2, you could know that Wham and to an extent, ACDC, weren't that bad because they had honor. Same with Stroheim, he was a nazi but had sense of honor, which made him sort of good in a story about a guy trying to become the pinnacle of creation. Cars, on the other hand, was treacherous, and even after achieving his objective he tried to kill Joseph with his newfound OP powers, when he had absolutely no need.

Not an asspull, he activated it with the stone, and it was implied earlier the stone was the key to defeating the pillarmen too

he's not any faster than kars and yet kars didn't manage to kill him, so no

KQ is better

He didn't have such levels of super speed, and stands can achieve bullshit levels of strenght and speed. If Star Platinum could catch bullets, he could definitely parry with Cars, who wouldn't even see what's parrying him. Although that wouldn't apply to Kira, his stand was slow and he himself was too cocky to use it effectively, after trying to blow Cars once, he would learn enough to deal with Kira.

It was just natural erruption.

>what is heavens door

Jesus christ he's not the fucking flash he's only slightly faster than a normal human, so he's still slower than star platinum/the world
He gets btfo by a lot of stand users including the hand, cream, killer queen, sp/tw, ger, tusk 4, mih, c-moon, and tons more

>invisible cat with A in power and speed
Wasted potential because Kira hates fighting, if Killer Queen's user were anyone but Kira she would've been Star Platinum/Gold Experience levels of broken.

Attached: killerqueen.png (450x450, 212K)

I think he meant part 8, as... we don't really know the main antagonist yet except maybe Jobin, who has temperature related powers.

>"Jojo subconsciously held up the stone"
As much as i love part 2 this was prime asspull

Vanilla ice
GER would be a draw if he couldn't undo ultimate transformation
Magenta magenta is a draw

>yet kira still fights in part 4
what's with these "don't wanna fight, too dumb to utilize stand" arguments?

Sheer heart attack

>if Killer Queen's user were anyone but Kira
That's missing the point because the stand IS the user. And of course Kira hates fighting, but as he said, if he's forced into a fight he won't hold back

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Are you serious? Kira beats almost every stand user with his strong stand and realistically high intelligence.

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He fought when he got cornered but every other time he runs away like when Josuke caught him saying his name out loud.

Jobin is pretty much confirmed as the Final Boss of JJL on the latest chapter.

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The manimesubhuman delusion in this thread is unreal.

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>dio, kira, and diavolo are always "impossible", "how could this happen to me?!?!!?!"
Dio at least had enough presence of mind to deal with Jotaro getting timestop in a calm way. Kira was a faggot that claimed that his stand was invincible despite the fact that he couldn't possibly have fought a stand before. Diavolo was screwed so hard by the author that I'm not surprised that he acted that way.

Valentine is better, because he actually has a rational reason, not like the 99% of antagonist in mangas or animes.


>I just kill waman to please my hand fetish, why they are trying to kill me?

so let's just assume that kira will fight him?
look that guy was saying that kars has superhuman ability and yet there's other abilities that could possibly beat him, so he's literally not invincible
and what could be possibility of kars going on morioh city and find kira then fight him? what would be his reason to go there just to fight him?

>muh country

Kira's goal is understandable from his perspective, but not rational

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>trying to help your country is somehow equal to kill women for pleasure.

Isn't that what America is doing right now


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'Murr*cans helping their country

amerifats btfo

Literally nothing rational about Kira.

>Its light skin is marked by horizontal stripes of roughly an inch's height, with "GΔCT" (after the four nucleobases of DNA) repeatedly written on every other stripe.
>The delta (Δ) sign that replaces Adenine in the pattern on Whitesnake's body may hint at a "missing gene", or Whitesnake's incompleteness, a foreshadowing to C-Moon and Made in Heaven.

>Dio is british
Weird that I always forget that.

It's the different types of nucleotides in DNA. Cytosine, Guanine, Adenine, and Thymine. I'm not entirely sure what it has to do with Pucci, but I think it has to do with his ability to mess with people's discs.

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Pucci is a fan of Gattaca

Pillar men eating vampires means fucking nothing. Vampires are no more disadvantaged against pillar men than a non-hamon using human against pillar men

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you'll have to wait a while then user

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They are nucleotides, the monomers which make up the polymer that is DNA. A is adanine, C is cytosine, G is guanine, and T is thynine (this is replaed by a nucleotide called Uracil in RNA, which is a single stranded relative of DNA).
Those letters are repeated on White Snake because he can steal the stands of users, which is kinda like stealing genes I guess.

recently jsut watched bazaar adventure and im on stardust crusaders, and i really miss the episodes without stands....
and yes by far wamuu and edideshi seemed like awesome villains, i hope later in the season they are able to put as badass moments like these but i doubt it with the "stands" thing...

stands only get interesting until part 4
users utilizing their stands to whatever araki can pull is neat and you'll realize hamon fights are too generic

Can someone post the imgur album of the nude trish edits? I lost it

When do the last two episodes air?

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Funny Valentine was a real american hero!


July 28th.

>not liking the pillar men
>calls others contrarian

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When a JoJo actually came off as the villain in a fight


read ringo roadagain's arc he's a good boy

Giorno would still wipe the flor with ultimate kars using GER tho

Guys i was chilling in my home when some blonde haired faggot poofed in my kitchen, stole my beer and poofed out while saying its for the greater good

Everyone likes whamuu


Ultimate Kars can learn skills like hamon and stands by just observing them once or so, he would get GER over heaven and win.

he can learn what is from earth origins. If i remember correctly stand arrows are made from extraterrestial materials

I always liked how in part 2 the majority of antagonists were very straight and honourable, while Joseph, the main character, was a tricky cheat who didn't give a shit about playing fair.

People who aren’t manimesubhumans don’t.

>Morioh with no Joestars
Kira would probably live his quiet life

Leave or ill kick your ass

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Did Diavolo and Valentine really deserved their fate?

Super manly noble warrior villain is hardly more original or intelligently written just for that, these types of characters are just extremely likable and respectable is all.

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Valentine yes, Diavolo no.

well yeah,i think thats obviously pretty much the appeal of Josephs character for most viewers

Why there are green versions of jotaro?
serioues question

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post stands that would btfo """""ultimate""""" Kars. I'll start

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The absolute state of the jojo fanbase

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She should’ve used her stand to mix sissy hypno into the music he listens to.

*takes away your 400 IQ*

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>Also im only talking about the anime villains, since i dont read the manga
opinion discarded


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Post fugo

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Araki made a cover where he's green and people liked it

So... Are we going to post naked Trish again ? Pls

USE CODE: tfue
>USE CODE: tfue
USE CODE: tfue
>USE CODE: tfue

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Kars would lose to the Green Baby

We don't even know if Jobin is the main villain yet.

cringe mangafag

The recaps are the primary reason

I refuse to believe Jobim is the main villain


>laughs in Part 8

GER wins against ult.

>Jesus christ he's not the fucking flash he's only slightly faster than a normal human
He's not fast enough to blitz stand user, but he could react to UV light and cut a shitload of bullets.
>Magenta magenta is a draw
do you consider his fight against Wakapipo a draw?


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Pucci just wants to spoil everyone about their future because they're faggots who didnt read the manga

Why is leftist humor so bad?

Right wing humor is also bad.

Cars respected Joseph for using trickery and deceit to defeat superior opponents like ACDC and Wham. Once Cars started employing his own trickery, Joseph got pissy and then Cars lost all respect for him.

We just need to outlaw humor

Wammu > AC/DC >>> Kars

(Are we even gonna count Santana?)

Stand Name - Undecided
Stand User- Hirohiko Araki

all humor with a political agenda is bad

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Cream, The Hand, KQ, GER, Heaven's Door, and maybe Sethan could all beat him. Basically any stand that could instagib him would win, since he can't even see them in the first place.

I may be pulling this out of my ass but couldn't the infinite rotation fuck up literally all of his abilities even if it doesnt one shot him

How does one obtain themselves a Fujojo gf?
Without having to ship characters together by the way.

Why did she like Gappy so much

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>Without having to ship characters together by the way.
You don't then

Most stands are light speed level

go masturbate to children more moefag

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There’s more than just manime and moe in the world, but you’re a manimesubhuman, so you’re incapable of seeing anything other than black and white.

You obtain a Fugogo by teaching at a university

He says as he posts an image that has Pedo Rohan on it

>when you see it

the ending of part 1 where Jonathan holds dios head is one of my favorite parts of the series

Wamuu is the only good thing about part 2. Without him it would easily be the worst part.


Made me chuckle. Could of been way more in your face about it.

Please if you're listening David Production. Never animate Part 7. I don't want it to be ruined with CGI horses, and I don't want all the animeonlys to ruin it like they did with Part 4.

If it wasn't for the ghost street, how would of they beaten Cheap Trick?

Attached: Cheap_Trick.png (143x185, 66K)

They just die I guess.

cheap trick forever living with a blind person

who are you wanting to be with

jolyne a cute
That is all

>hurr sounenshit
Fuck off, moefag. You don't even like stories.
You're not fooling anybody.
Go to fucking 8ch already, your kind is numerous there. That's all they talk about.

A cute fujoshi who likes jojo
is it too much to ask for?

do you not know any of the specific girls there

I do know them
But I'd want any as long as she's cute, I'm not picky
Talking to Jojo with guys is boring, it's all partshitting

the only cute one is nurancia

He's picky, he's whiny, he's an asshole, he's a wimp, he's a fedoralord, but for some reason I can't help but like him. Why?

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>Made from meteorite
>Kars is a meteor
You dun fucked up, boy


She is cute, but there's also asukafag, fugonarafag, fmanon and I bet the other girls are as cute

What are you talking about

Fujoshi jojo threads on /trash/

I love Manime.
I love fun shows with cute girls, but not every derivative CGDCT like 90% of Yea Forums mindlessly drool over.
CGDCT are the Jordan's (Shoes) of anime. They're made by corporations with lots of money, with nothing special about them except the brand name, but subhuman filth will trample over each other to get some of it.

Manime are more diverse in themes and characters than CGDCT shows, which is why they don't get mass produced, like your generic battle shounens like Naruto, Black Clover, Bleach and HxH to name a few. CGDCT have been done a billion times over and the only things that change are the setting.

Cope pedoshitters.


Those threads are unironically more fun than any Yea Forums jojo thread

Jolyne looks like a tranny.

Because Fujos have a higher IQ than the average Yea Forumsnimeonly jojo fag

Redpill me on each of the girls

So stay there.

I hate most manime and I still love the guy

Jolyne is hot, so is the latina and corpse

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I just finished rewatching Part 1 and one of the things that stuck out to me in the anime and the manga is that it doesn't have at all an issue with unresolved plot points that everyone always bitches about in every Jojo part. It feels like the only part that Araki actually planned the beginning, middle and end (and he said as much that Jonathan was always going to die and Dio was always going to survive for another round). The middle does sag a bit but, even then, nothing is really wasted. Even seemingly pointess shit like Dio's mancats and Jonathan's fight with Doobie serves a purpose and tie into something that happens later.
The only issue related to it that people bring up is Dio's coffin, but that's on Part 3.

And I think it's a very underrated quality in storytelling to have your story go on exactly for as long as it needs to and don't waste a second more.

I love Phantom Blood a lot but I think in most ways it's more comparable to the stuff Araki was doing prior to Jojo, like Baoh and BT. Stuff where he was testing the waters and already showing promise before he could really find his own voice and style as a writer (which I'd say only really happened in Part 3). I like revisiting a lot because it's this glimpse into young Araki, bursting with more ideas than he knows what to do with, cramming all his favorite musical references already, making everything super dramatic in his big death match between the ultimate champions of good and evil, with a whole bunch of Victorian drama and medieval fantasy and martial arts manga and horror movie stuff crammed into the ride.

It has this old-school purity to it that I think Jojo as a whole doesn't have, but Araki's early works do, and that's part of why I really love it.

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Wamuu is too pure for this world

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Reminder that Kars is the best Jojo main protagonist and if you disagree you probably squat under 3 pl8

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Jolyne has an outie vagina

I think Kars gets too much a bad rep.
He may be less developed than the other main villains but I don't think he's a bad character at all. None of the Pillar Men are (except maybe Santana but not even his compatriots cared about him)

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To this day I still think Magenta Magenta is SBRverse Kars. Similar design and similar fate.

Imagine if KQ was that big when compared to Kira

>that hand


>Cars, on the other hand, was treacherous, and even after achieving his objective he tried to kill Joseph with his newfound OP powers, when he had absolutely no need.
I mean, was Kars wrong though?
Yeah the narrative obviously states he's a horrible guy, but the thing is, he wasn't trying to kill Joseph just because. He was trying to kill Joseph as revenge because Joseph killed his fucking family. He says as much that he's out to avenge Wham and ACDC before he takes flight, and it's a repeat of when he came after Joseph earlier at Stroheim's base, when he said he was just trying to eliminate a threat and Joseph called him on his bullshit and spelled out he was obviously wanting vengeance for ACDC. Those honorable principles Wham and ACDC had that Kars betrayed were the very thing that got Wham and ACDC killed.

It's not like he went after the Hamon users in the first place, Joseph provoked them first, and everything hostile Kars does is more or less a reaction to being attacked or to people trying to prevent him from achieving his goal, which isn’t even (intentionally) harmful to others - it’s not like his plan was to attain absolute power and enslave the world or anything. He doesn’t even care about all the crap people are pulling - he doesn’t care about poison challenges all that, he just wants his damn gem so he can finish his quest from the beginning of time.

I'm not saying he's angel, he's obviously not, but Kars is arguably the least “evil” of all the villains considering he didn’t even want to bother fighting or causing carnage or taking over the world or anything like that, and he has no reason whatsoever to care about the humans he steps on in the way to his goal and every reason to despise them.

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Part 1 is great though the middle does drag. I wish we had more Van Helsing JoJo adventures.

I feel like the reason Phantom Blood drags in the middle in the anime is because the first three episodes start off moving unbelievably fucking fast (especially compared to modern anime), and the core of Phantom Blood is the dynamic between Jonathan and Dio, so once the following episodes separate the two and instead focus on Jonathan's warrior training vs Dio's minions, it breaks the pacing and it's not as interesting as when Jonathan and Dio are directly against each other.
The manga has this problem but to a lesser extent, because it takes it's time a little more in the beginning, particularly when it comes to Jonathan (the anime cut out plenty of things related to his childhood that expand on his character)

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Post results

Have some more stands that can BTFO ultimate Kars
>Thoth (detailed instructions on how to send Kars to space) teamed up with a generic power stand like SP
>Justice (Forces a draw)
>The Lovers
>Bast (forces a draw)
>Surface (forces a draw)
>Heaven's Door
>Atom Heart Father
>Highway Star
>Cheap Trick
>Gold Experience
>Purple Haze
>Kraftwerk (forces a draw)
>Man in the Mirror
>White Album
>Notorious BIG
>Green Day
And that's coming from an animeonly

But it's the eyesight of everyone around Cheap Trick's host that matters

>Justice (Forces a draw)
Kars would just chop off the limb under control
>The Lovers
Kars ejects his brain (and The Lovers with it) and just grows a new one. Or just fucking kills Steely Dan anyway because he'd survive whatever pain he could inflict on Steely Dan
>Bast (forces a draw)
If fucking humans can survive Bast just fine, Kars would have no problem. Just contort and split his body to avoid being completely crushed, or hell, be completely crushed and still kill the user
>Surface (forces a draw)
See: The Lovers. There's nothing it could do to Kars that it wouldn't survive or incapacitate him from killing the user
>Atom Heart Father
Yoshihiro could trap him but do nothing else, and Kars would find a way out in no time
>Highway Star
Yuuya dies because of all the energy he can absorb while Kars stays just fine
>Purple Haze
If Kars survives being melted by a volcano he survives Purple Haze
>Gold Experience
What the hell would it even do to Kars? Give him a beatdown he could survive? Give him another animal friend?
>Kraftwerk (forces a draw)
Kars ditches the Metallica controlled limbs and deals with Risotto safely.
>Green Day
See: Purple Haze

>And that's coming from an animeonly
Yeah, no fucking shit

Nobody else in her family talks to her or spends time with her. They're also probably somehow responsible for her blindness and don't want can't really face what they did to her
Gappy is a new face in their home who understands what it's like to be an outsider so she quickly befriends him

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The art from the season 1 looks so fucking weird

>quickly befriends him
She tried to jump on that amnesia dick as soon as possible, the other stuff is right though

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she could sense his natural chadness and lept on his dick as soon as possible. That's how "Gravity" works, user.

So question about Diavolo, so he's dead in the actual world but in another "reality" he's trapped in an endless death loop right?

does gappy have autism, bros?


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>Kars is arguably the least “evil” of all the villains
He literally wiped out his entire race, aside from his "family" of sociopaths

>Kars ejects his brain and grows a new one
Not how regeneration works user, Kars IS his brain. If he survives removing his brain then it would have to grow a new body, Lovers included
>he'd survive whatever pain he could inflict on Steely Dan
Fair enough actually
I never said anything about crushing Kars to death, just let the magnetic force increase indefinitely until he's immobilised. Or better yet, attach him to a rocket and send him to space.
>There's nothing Surface could do that Kars wouldn't survive
That's why it forces a draw, Kars is immobilised until Rohan-sensei comes along to finish him.
>Yoshihiro could trap him but do nothing else
He could destroy the photograph and Kars wouldn't be able to regenerate, because the ability dictates that Kars' real body must replicate his body in the photo.
>Kars would find a way in no time
If Yoshi learned from his past mistake with Jotaro then he could fix it so there's literally no way out
>Yuuya dies because of all the energy he can absorb
Mere speculation, every living being needs nutrients to live and Kars doesn't have an infinite amount so there's no telling whether a human could theoretically drain him and survive
>If Kars survives being melted by a volcano he survives Purple Haze
Except Kars would never make his air shield in time. The PH virus kills in a matter of seconds and there is literally nothing Kars can do once he's infected.
>What the hell would GE even do to Kars?
Punch his soul out of his body, make him feel more pain than he's ever felt, repeat ad infinitum until Kars' brain can literally take no more. If he fights back then Giorno can just make him attack an animal and reflect all the damage.
What the fuck is Kars going to do when his entire body is affixed to his surroundings and every limb he severs meets a similar fate?
>Kars ditches the Metallica controlled limbs an-
and loses all the iron in his body, causing him to go numb from hypoxia and lose control of his body.

>Green Day
Is a massive AoE ability. By the time Kars even realises he's been infected it's already too late for him to avoid it. His only hope is killing Cioccolata which is impossible if he happens to be at a higher altitude when Green Day is activated.

>accidentally clicking the name field and not noticing the autofill
Fuck me

he's dead but his soul will never reach heaven or hell or reincarnate, condemned to never reach truth (reality)

I think you're super retarded.

That's not very nice.

When Araki colors, he's kinda nuts. He's got an incredible inuition on theory, so he literally choses whatever scheme he wants and still manages similar levels of contrast, mood and complement.

It's also why the Anime has such a varied palette itself: They're emulating his unique coloring.


I wouldn't have even noticed if you hadn't said anything, Cameron.

>He literally wiped out his entire race
Because they tried to murder him in the first place, even though his research was ultimately intended to be for their benefit. What was he supposed to do, lay down and accept his death?
And you could argue Kars only wanted for himself to become more powerful, but if that was true, he wouldn't be searching for the Red Stone with two other Pillar Men, one being his lifelong companion and the other his "son". Kars isn't Dio, he isn't incapable of empathy.

>"family" of sociopaths
What even makes them sociopaths? They are demonstrably capable of empathy, even towards humans, whom by all means should matter less than cockroaches to them. They are immortal demigods hellbent on perfection and yet they demonstrate more empathy to each other than any other main villain in the series has ever showed anybody (with the exception of Pucci, and Jobin if he is the endgame villain by the end).

Again, Kars is not an innocent angel. I never said he was. I'm not excusing the barbarities he's done or the fact he's a treacherous scumbag with the highest bodycount in the series which includes children. What I am saying is that he is arguably the least evil main villain because his desires weren't intentionally harmful to anybody and he had no intentions to rule the world or kill everybody (even if that's what he ultimately would have done as a side effect of being the ultimate lifeform). He wasn't a serial killer enslaved by depraved fetishes, he didn't try to rape a 14 year old, he never tried to doom an entire planet to despair just to cope with his own guilt, or abandoned his lifelong companion to gain enough power to maintain a drug peddling empire, and he wasn't Dio. His only desire was for himself and his companions to be able to see the sun without turning to stone.

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How did Kars do that, by the way? Araki sets Kars up like he's the weakest fighter and has to rely on cunning/trickery to win fights, but then at the end he's like "oh but he single-handedly committed a literal genocide with his bare hands". It's like, jesus christ, if he's that fucking strong why even have the other guys around at all.

Esidisi helped him, and the other pillar men seemed to be at Santana's level at most.

Pillar Men are terrible main antagonists. Wamuu was cool regardless.

Kars, now THAT'S a shitty villain.

>but then at the end he's like "oh but he single-handedly committed a literal genocide with his bare hands"
The manga and the anime state very clearly that the Stone Masks he created brought increased power, and also increased his hunger greatly, which is why his race decided he had to die. Kars is evidently much stronger than the usual Pillar Man, and so were ACDC and Wham (Santana is likely the usual standard).

The manga doesn't show Kars with the Light Blades in his backstory, or ACDC fighting alongside him, but it does focus on the Pillar Men dead, impaled with their own spears, which implies Kars just used his bare hands and the spears of his race to massacre them.

> if he's that fucking strong why even have the other guys around at all
He didn't have the others with him because he was worried about losing. Ripple users didn't become a thing until much later, and even then Kars and co. were surprised to see they were still around, given they massacred the clan long ago.

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He was infinitely stronger than the rest of his race because both him and Esidisi used the mask while everyone else were vampires
It’s the equivalent of Dio wiping out all those cops in Jonathan’s mansion

What are the odds Kars would just straight up manifest a Stand once he knew about them? Being as he can emulate any living creature, could he just emulate the space virus?

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>the rest are just so textbook anime
I do like Whammu but he is as well just a textbook "honorable warrior" who just wants to fight a worthy opponent whom he even honors in death.
On a different note, what do you think about my theory that Dio would have won in part 3 if he hadn't awakened his stand and consequently those of the Joestars (and company)? Because the main reason Dio lost to Jonathan was even mentioned by Straights at the beginning of part 2: He wanted to test the limits of his powers and got careless. And this is exactly what he does throughout is entire fight with Jotaro. If the Joestars had to just rely on hamon to fight Dio it might have ended very differently.

>Being as he can emulate any living creature, could he just emulate the space virus?
Maybe not since it is a space virus and Kars's abilities seem restricted to evolution on Earth.
But that doesn't really matter since organisms on Earth can develop Stands and be born with them even without the Arrow. It shouldn't be hard for Kars to replicate that process.

He has the power to imitate any natural ability, and stands are supernatural. Even then, the space virus isn't stands, it simply brings your body to a point where you can awaken them.

>Because the main reason Dio lost to Jonathan was even mentioned by Straights at the beginning of part 2: He wanted to test the limits of his powers and got careless.
I mean, Straizo lost because he got cocky and kept relying on the Space Ripper Stingy Eyes, which gave Joseph an opportunity to defend them, while Dio was constantly pushing his own limits and survived specifically because he knew his own powers really well (see: fusing humans and animals together so he could later fuse himself with Jonathan and have it work).
Dio got careless and cocky, sure, but testing his powers is exactly why DIO lived 100+ years to fight and nearly kill the Joestars again while Straizo died the night he went up against an inexperienced and untrained Joseph.

>this is exactly what he does throughout is entire fight with Jotaro.
Only at the very end when he goes High DIO and figures dropping a steamroller on Jotaro is the way to kill him.
But otherwise, DIO spends the entire fight being extremely careful. He basically keeps his distance and keeps throwing stuff like Jotaro is a horror movie villain ready to spring to life and kill him throughout the entire fight the second he learns Jotaro can move, and by all means he should have won if Jotaro didn't pile bullshit a mile high to keep up with him.

>Dio would have won in part 3 if he hadn't awakened his stand and consequently those of the Joestars (and company)?
Maybe, but then pretty much any Stand User with a mildly good at combat Stand at daytime could have beaten him easily and he'd have no way of gaining control over any of them unless he turned them into zombies.

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I miss this art style.

Holy shit

Diego is actually a better version of Dio with an actual understandable background so you can kinda understand why is he a dick.

funny valentine is decent but is full of contraindications to his goal of "justice" and i feel like he's no different than dio in sense he desires power or domination but he masks it as (or deludes himself) "make ameriga great again :DDDD"

diavolo started out nicely but at the end chapters he pretty much ends up being another DIO clone of "IM GONNA RULE DA WORLD" i wish araki explored his multiple personality illness though, his background also didn't really convince me enough to understand why he has multiple personality disorder since multiple personality disorder irl stems usually from childhood trauma and is completely environmental condition. while diavolo seem to be "born" with it.

jobin is turning up to a be promising villain though

as far as i know he can ONLY emulate living creatures from EARTH. stands are gained by arrows made from rocks of a meteorite which is not of this earth so i doubt he can suddenly manifest a stand as he needs to be stabbed first of all.

He definitely could, seeing how some people could just bring out stands naturally without arrows.

>Because they tried to murder him in the first place, even though his research was ultimately intended to be for their benefit.
No, it's what he SAYS is for their benefit. Maybe they just didn't want it.

>What I am saying is that he is arguably the least evil main villain because his desires weren't intentionally harmful to anybody and he had no intentions to rule the world or kill everybody (even if that's what he ultimately would have done as a side effect of being the ultimate lifeform).
That makes him pretty evil. Excuses like "Oops I waged a campaign of genocide by accident" and "It's just a prank bro" or "I just wanted the best for others" don't really mean much for proving lack of intent. He still did it, it wasn't some convenient plot device that nuked the species out of existence. He did it himself from start to finish knowing exact how it'll end and succeeded. Since he isn't a mindless force of nature or an unfeeling robot, that automatically makes him evil.

Kars is a character where he says one thing about noble ideals, happiness for all, blahblahblah, but at the end of the day, he's just a narcissist/autist who thinks that being right in his view is all the justification to do whatever the fuck he wants. Normal people don't commit complete genocide because they tried to stop him after he ignored them when he was told "Hey, stop that awful thing you're doing, it is bad". He makes a big show about how sorry he is and saving Wammu was a token of his atonement, or how he cares for puppies kicked around in the streets but at the end of the day, he's just a dick with powers doing whatever the fuck he wants to get his endgoal.

He's just MCU Thanos in a different shell. Rather, MCU Thanos is basically templated off of Kars.
He just wants to win, because he thinks he's right, and damn the death and destruction he'll cause along the way. He doesn't care. He thinks it's their fault for getting in the way, not that he should stop what he's doing.

people who have never encountered an arrow in their life can manifest stands. the chef and the stylist both just got supernaturally good at their craft, and SBR had plenty characters who hd stands prior to encountering the corpse parts



Formerly Chuck's

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Wouldn't it have made more sense to escape underground? Oasis would have the advantage ground-level too which makes it a deadly combination.

What the fuck was Araki thinking when he wrote this shit?

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His name is Wham, retard.

>Also im only talking about the anime villains, since i dont read the manga
>240 replies

>Excuses like "Oops I waged a campaign of genocide by accident" and "It's just a prank bro" or "I just wanted the best for others" don't really mean much for proving lack of intent.

the heck you talking about? he laid out his plans to the mob (that's out for his blood) about conquering the sun and they still viewed him as too dangerous to live. you're making it sound like he killed them off THEN made an excuse why he did it.

I went through the same thing. Halfway through the stands get more interesting, and as long as you keep in mind its just a big road-trip between bros and not a huge complicated story it gets way way better, and every part after 3 has a much stronger start and more interesting stands right out of the gate

>childhood trauma
diavolo's mom got out of prison when he was a child so there's that

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hoe tf can Giorno breathe on mars?

t. coping Standfag

JoJo died after part 3. Admit it. It turned into the author's coming out of the closet confession.

Araki forgot ;-)

Nah, everything after part 3 is better than the first 3 parts.

Wham should've been the main villain to differentiate the Pillar men from Dio.

Kars could literally tank the average punch ghost and go for the user, you'd probably need something like Star Platinum to actually strike him.

>The Lovers
Couldn't he like make his brain attack lovers? He can freely control every cell in his body, right?

only stands can touch stands

Kars can fucking fly, the low altitude shit means nothing to him. He fucked up a plane, pretty sure a helicopter isn't going to be difficult.

Why is JoJo so cringy?

Anyone else feel like Dio should've been the main villain of the entire series with the parts inbetween the beginning and final either having some bit of him in the background or being about some shit he's indirectly related to? I know the rest of the parts are about his followers but goddamn do they lack the CHARISMA of DIO.

Also, Ripple should've remained a thing that could work alongside stands. It'd give certain ones an edge, like Joseph's Hermit Purple, and also work as a soft defense for stand users against actual stands.

This honestly. They're a good foil for Joseph but that's about it

Have yiringelate

Jolyene should have learnt the Ripple off some new age hippie everyone else thought was full of shit

Season 2 is the Super Metroid of Jojo

Not a Yea Forumstard, what does that mean

It means it's shit

Post yfw DP makes the part 6 cast all black to make the setting more realistic

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Okay explain me how the fuck is Weather Report white if he's supposed to be Pucci's twin.

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They're both Italian or Mediterranean or something, and Pucci just happens to be olive colored while Wes is lighter. The woman who's child died goes out to swap her child with Wes. This woman ends up marrying a black man, which is why the KKK assumed that Wes was mulatto (despite him being white).

Kill me now

>Pucci just happens to be olive colored
Is he one of those Southern Italians?

heteropaternal superfecundation

pucci probably has some sort of skin disease

where can i find jojo memes that are not shit tier?

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I fucking hate araki's style as the years go by.
His designs used to be manly as fuck but pretty wonky as well with proportions and poses.
Now everyone just looks like post-surgery koreans with the same face.

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1he's right and it's way fucking better than most shonen "i punch harder" crap

Jojo made me religious

So now thats its finally over, did the adaptation do the manga any justice?

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It's not over yet

His name is Wham.

>le pucci is charcoal black
When will people stop doing this?

Guess I'll break down into flesh cubes.

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It's gay tumblr sjw fanart what do you expect?

>spends an entire chapter trying to convince Johnny that he's not taking it personally and will do what he can to help out.
>johnny throws him a gun
>that panel happens
>next spread shows the 2nd gun in his back holster
I never believed in Valentine but that chapter is amazing for it's buildup and anticipation

>>Purple Haze
>If Kars survives being melted by a volcano he survives Purple Haze
What the fuck, how are a volcano and super aids supposed to be the same thing?

there is a cure for magma, there isnt a cure for super aids. oh wait

it's magic super aids though and Kars is all-natural

JoJo is the most intelligent shounen ever written. Can you name a better shounen than this? The answer is no, you can't. The fight scenes are so much better than any other shounen fights. These fight scenes are written with brain and intelligence. They're very original fight scenes and don't follow a traditional fight scene formula in any way. Dragon Ball can go fuck itself. Also, the JoJo fanbase are some of the nicest and most intelligent people you will meet on the internet. We just want to have fun and share our fun little memes. I want to marry Araki, but that's muda for me unfortunately. Also, I like gay guys.

Most of those wouldn't be able to beat Kars. Here's the ones you didn't mention:
>Anubis (under the right conditions)
>Sethan (with a lot of help)
>Osiris/Atum (under the right conditions, maybe)
>The Hand
>Boy II Man (under the right Conditions, maybe)
>Gold Experience Requiem
>Made in Heaven (can easily just launch Kars to space)
>Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
>Tusk ACT 4

Kira has never experienced fighting another stand before the events of part 4, he used his stand to murder women thats about it.


femenin cat penis

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Kira is literally a tranny.

His swapped chunks of his face, not his genitals.

that's what tranny means you dumb fucktard

>After escaping the mansion, he goes to investigate the information the monk gave him, swearing to kill her if he finds any errors. He wonders if her arm would stick in place of his lost one.
DMQ 2 will be about Kira replacing his body parts with female body parts one by one.

It means "Transexual".

Plastic surgery alone doesn't make somebody a tranny. By your logic, every person with a nose job is a tranny.


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This goes for all of you.

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If a snake can survive magic aids, then Kars sure can, despite the disadvantage he takes for being gay

Kira is a FtM.

imagine being lesbian

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I really enjoy the concept of stand with levels like echos and tusk. Wished that there were more of them.

When are we getting the anime adaptation of the jojo novels

As long as they don't evolve in the middle of a battle they're fine

As if this would hardly matter, every fight in jojo is just asspull after asspull.

nice meme, tell me how a fight like Polnareff vs Ebony devil has any asspulls

Polnareff won

This shit's from reddit, isn't it?

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Begone moralfags

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Bros i finally understand the mystery of Diavolo's origin:

A child is born in an all female prision, and it took like almost 2 years to be born, this child contained two souls, a normal child soul known as doppio and the soul of the devil himself.
Doppio since the beginning was possessed by diavolo but he didn't have a body of his own, that's why Diavolo look exactly like doppio in the flashbacks, he only could possess dopppio but not change his form, only after getting stabed by the stando arrow he could get powerful enough to have a body of his own.

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fucking retard doesn't get it

Yes, through good tacticks and trickery, not a single kill


>calls other things reddit
>posts a frog

he has an entire proxy stand fight against the MC that serves as foreshadowing, his stand power still hasn't been fully revealed, and he just made a speech to his wife about what lies beyond good and evil. You sure?

Characters that would have been better final villains than Diavolo

>Punished Leaky Eye Luca
>Truck driver
>Pistol no 4
>The Fly
>The gangster from Giorno's backstory
>That one guy Abbacchio/Mista/Narancia beat up for no reason
>The female prison guard
>Solido Naso
>Reincarnated Janitor Mario
>Punished Polnareff
>Another Jojo
>Some random faggot from a gang members backstory
>Another one of DIO's sons

Would S&W actually be capable of that?

If Araki wills it

Araki made up a better reason why Jesus is in America then the mormons did.

If only Jorge Joestar was canon...

>muh frog
I couldn't care less, it's a reaction pic
normies stolen it like everything else

Of course he did

Attached: God_Araki.png (1076x1105, 2.66M)

retarded frogposter

>Virgin Star Platinum
>Chad Soft & Wet

Attached: SoftAndWetCovers.jpg (1550x626, 960K)

I love when Gappy's sailor suit is the brown/orange color

Kars is good because he's presented as terrifyingly powerful since he's leading ACDC and Whammu, with Joseph being afraid to fight him. Then Kars reveals he's more of a cheap fighter than Joseph, and Joseph just uses a hamon punch and blows his arm up, blade and all, and it's revealed Kars wasn't actually very strong. Joseph and Kars are the same unlike Jonathan and Dio who are opposites.

how do you make images like this?


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By being far left-leaning on the political spectrum

I feel like Araki would actually enjoy that movie.


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This is so fake, obviously made to trigger that falling for it is just embarassing.

Why are 6,7,8 stands so hideous? The only ugly ones in part 5 where Gold Experience and Moody Blues.

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>Gold Experience and Moody Blues
Shit taste

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>Not gonna lie wamuu was one of the few antagonists who felt real
>Muh honoraburu worriah on the bad guys' side

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damn part 8 is waaay better than 7, its good to see Araki giving a damn about the characters again

that's ur mom

Part 7 had better characters

D4C > Every stand in part 5

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>The only ugly ones in part 5 where Gold Experience and Moody Blues.
never post again

people keep posting this guy but I have no idea who he is

why not?


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nvm I found it, it's Kaiji

oh yeah good presentation but then they die after a few chapters with no consequence in the story at all, oh yeah yeah


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atleast they die instead of just disappearing forever

>spin is so OP that renders everything else pointless

that has to be the worst power introduced in the series ever, and one of the most boring ones too, yikes

Attached: XqLT.gif (500x500, 476K)

Ignore the butthurt, you're right


Part 8 isn't over yet.

that has to be the best power introduced in the series ever, and one of the most interesting ones too, based

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this, fucking garbage

cute edit

im certain that 100% of the people shilling part 7 are in the US, theres no other reason to shill something so blindly like that, its their american indoctrination kicking in because they see their flag in the manga.

>imagine bothering to do something after 4 minutes
i'd understand if you posted this within the first 20 seconds.

Part 7 contains the best characters in Jojo and the best characters of all time. Gyro qualifies for the latter. He's hilarious, but he also has a tragic backstory that offers him plenty of motivation while keeping him a mystery. Diego is a unique spin on Dio from Part 1, and his Stand Scary Monsters is awesome. Lucy and Steven are a great duo. Steven is barely in the story, but he's a well written and unique supporting character. While Lucy doesn't come into play until the finale, she is still compelling. Wekapipo is one of the finest side protagonists and works well as a foil to Gyro. Part 7 also contains my favorite side villain, Ringo, and though his time spent in the story is brief it is arguably the pinnacle of of the entire series. As for the Jojo and main villain, they're unquestionably the best of the best. Johnny is a tragic lightning rod of Shakespearean proportions. It's not only impossible to not root for him; it is immoral. He possesses one of the greatest and most significant character arcs I've ever experienced, and his Stand Tusk is awesome to boot. He is my favorite Jojo bar none, despite being one of the most depraved ones. Johnny is immoral and sinful and honestly can be considered the villain of Part 7, but he is still a compelling force of nature. Valentine can be considered the hero to an extent and is one of the most sympathetic villains to grace manga. In fact, it's no secret Valentine is my favorite antagonist ever. He's like an improved version of Ozymandias from Watchmen who takes pride in his actions rather than cry in secret. A true patriot, Valentine will stop at nothing to make America great again. As said by the man himself, his "heart and actions are utterly unclouded. They represent those of JUSTICE.". D4C also has one of the most insane and unique powers of any Stand and makes for a more than satisfying final fight.

ok retardkun

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I only saw it then, it took me like 6 seconds tops desu

he was right.

god this pasta is almost as good as the rick and morty one

For sure
It's better because you don't actually see people unironically shilling r&m

Part 7 and 8 are my favorite parts and I'm a Europoor.

Attached: perplexed_Gyro.jpg (128x456, 45K)

Yeah right, as if I'd belive that

>I erased everyone's gender to get rid of gender binary
>number of genders goes from 2 to 0
>more restrictive than ever
Okayasu you dummy.

Waarom wil je me niet geloven user-kun?

Attached: hold_on.jpg (439x425, 115K)

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Przepraszam, nie mówię po debilnemu

Lesson 4: Pay your respects.

Attached: sbr_color_v11_005.jpg (1520x1200, 855K)

Proved my point

Stik in je eigen stront pool


Google translate didn't handle this one well, unless you told me to knit in my own swimming pool

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Posts that would've been better than this one

>Absolutely fucking anything else

seething fivetard

Blue Anasui

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>Kira didn't feel real
Bro what, Kira is literally written like a real narcissistic sociopath just with superpowers. I've met people exactly like him.

Those people don't act comically evil in public.

way better than pink, only the kind of trannie that wants him to be female in the beggining would disagree

Neither is kira, he was only comically evil when everyone cornered him. He acts autistic in public

Your translation is funnier than what I typed, so let's keep it at that

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I also know tons of grown men who torture school kids and date hands in plain sight

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this isnt comically evil?

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Damn that's hot.


not like he's doing it in front of anyone but Hayato.

Why is Kira so retarded?

I'm glad stands dont exist in our world

He's a narcissistic asshole in a small town who has been playing with a handicap in his favor most his life.

It is a .gif

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I prefer this. Pink Anasui looks too much like Diavolo

Soft, but also: Wet

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It can either mean its amazing or, if hes being a contrarian, shit

>using quar and mai
portuguesean avistado

What even was its actual power? How would it fare against DIO for example?

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Kira had said his name in the timeloop before, he was fated to say it again you brainfuck

Dialogue wasn’t consistent between the loops.

Dio would get his ass beat. What the fuck are you smoking?

Only the dialogue that changed scenarios like whether Kira was able to sneak up to Hayato to put his school hat on, whether Stray Cat was in the scene, etc. The rest like mocking Rohan and saying his name were all fated to happen.

what did they see?

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Then why didn’t he say his name in the second loop?

Based and Karspilled.