Buyfag thread

I can't believe buyfagging is dead.

Attached: 739758.jpg (533x800, 157K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Read the guide :

>I can't believe buyfagging is dead.
Everyone's holding their breath (and wallets) for WonFes.

I have pre-ordered maybe 1 figure in this calendar year, and it's a re-release at that.

I can't believe I'm fucking dead.


1/7 vs 1/4 for Shishou bunny?

Attached: __scathach_fate_grand_order_and_fate_series_drawn_by_haoni__20b914fb27b62a79f47842fa63e099be.jpg (1200x849, 184K)

Big figure gets big delay.

Attached: 010c86027ec47a2222fd7a322465d7f1.jpg (550x800, 198K)

does that have a weld? if not thats a nice set of hooters

Probably pretty close, but the prices will be in usd.
I really haven't looked into it yet.

Just let it die for now. No point in creating threads if there's nothing to discuss.

Ginko scale announced this WF for sure.

Attached: D244D8IU4AApoex.jpg (773x524, 61K)

FOTS is the hero buyfagging needs!
First for FOTS is saving the figure industry!

Just looking at this hurts my wallet

Boy am I glad I'm not into Fate sometimes.

Alter's sculpt is better so the 1/7, but if you already have 1/4 bunnies then get that to match em.

Attached: 002s.jpg (558x834, 79K)

What a perverted cat.

Waiting for wonfes

I want to believe

I want this Elin, I'm willing to pay good money

Attached: 197320.jpg (600x901, 88K)

buy from e2046, get some nerd to paint it

Post a pic of one your most anticipated pre-orders

Attached: Siona1536984047.jpg (800x600, 129K)

Attached: 50288957_2233689626682703_4904843838759108608_n.png (1000x790, 766K)

get the better one

Attached: 233067.jpg (530x800, 86K)

Cute cat!!!


Attached: Figure1548382939.jpg (480x720, 92K)

Attached: 675949 (2).jpg (600x900, 84K)

Shoot me a MFC link I dont know who that is!


>I can't believe I'm fucking dead
Carry on my wayward son, they'll be peace when you are done, lay your weary head to rest, don't you cry no more

Attached: 1563071928730.jpg (1188x956, 389K)

Uhh, that was not it.
I found it with google image search tho

U gay? 1/4 of course!

It does. Not the worst thing ever, but present.

Since I'm lacking the room for vitrines or similar stuff, I can only place my figurines on my shelf, which tends to collect dust a lot due to my ventilator whirling every single dust particle in my room. What other ways are there to prevent figurines from collecting dust? I am forced to use canned air or a cloth to clean them every month?

Can anyone recommend some freelance artist that sells prints?
Most of the 'well known' that I can find on my own doesnt seem to have any kind of store? I guess they don't like money...

It's called emailing them about a commission. Why would they have stores of pre-made drawings?


The kind of stuff they bring to conventions etc?

How much space between figures you guys have in your cabinets? I'm going to have a carpenter make me a cabinet for my figures.
Is 8 inches for each figure enough? I have 40 figures, so the cabinet would be 320 inches long of space for figures. It's going to be two shelves, so 160 inches long.
The cabinet will be 1 foot deep.
Figure take a lot of space.

Those are some thick thighs.

yall niggas have any good suggestions for a display case/shelf meme
im not looking for anything specific i just want something that looks good for putting anime girls on

the guide

Some figures you can put closer than that. Especially if they fit the same theme, it looks nice if they're close to each other, like swimsuit figures for example.
Depends a lot on your collection in my opinion.

I pray we don't get another surprise delay.

well yeah, you can also buy a glass bell or something but i dont think it will look good

I'm expecting another delay. It takes time to sculpt perfect asscheeks.

Attached: FIGURE-040356_04.jpg (800x650, 108K)

Attached: CC6C1681-BEBF-4AD4-BD89-E900D4169819.jpg (650x766, 157K)

>you can also buy a glass bell or something
What options are there really to put a figurine into a shelf besides just putting it in there?

>looking at 2 bdrm house to rent because ran out of figgie space
Why and how has buyfagging slowly turned me into a normalfaggot? I have a decent management job and everything, even a gf. I was a NEET four years ago. Fuck you all.

Attached: 605215.jpg (574x814, 147K)

Fuck, I forgot to preorder this. Now it's not available in the shop I always buy, fuck me.

They finally came!

Attached: 20190715_232234.jpg (1024x606, 237K)

>having a gf
Why would you do that to yourself?

>I have a decent management job and everything
So you got a stable income to continue buyfagging.
>even a gf
This is where you have fucked up.

Reminder to buy a plushie of your waifu along with a daki

Humans are stupid

Attached: DWU.jpg (3000x1000, 1.5M)

Cute Blavatsky

It’s still up on amiami and hobbysearch if it helps

Unfortunately they don't undervalue. I fucked up.

Thanks, I originally was going just for Megumin but when I saw her I just had to get her.

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These aren't those garage kits?

So flat

Q-six is making them

Attached: D45zpDgU4AAiMDW.jpg (1200x1200, 125K)

Does she still make any content anymore? Seems like there was a big drought of things.

Her characters is flat even in her summer version so it's all good.
She has a nice ass.

Attached: 20190716_002658-censored.jpg (1024x2602, 611K)

black hair best

her last video was two weeks ago but she's still involved

Attached: D_S1Eo_U0AULjfj.jpg (1295x954, 148K)

fuck fuck fuck how do I cancel pre-orders?

You ask nicely and explain that instead of that figure you will buy something else from their site.

Nice purchase. Confident flat girls are so hot. I've been wanting to get my first daki recently and that cover just stimulates my urge.

Attached: 1804.jpg (512x724, 302K)

This was 100% to be expected but I'm still sad.

what if the truth is that I'm just broke, sooner than I had anticipated, and I can't really buy any figs this year

What did you preorder? I might buy it off you if I want it.

Be sure to take pictures once you are done

This got delayed, right? Amazon says it was delayed until January, is that correct? MFC hasn't updated, yet.

Attached: -OJ-1527413480.jpg (1920x1280, 620K)

Help me with deciding how big it should be, then

I see. Kind of like all of the three showed off so far, but I need a bit closer shots on them at some point.

No word on Jalter yet, but it's safe to assume she'll be delayed another month at least.
No idea why Amazon US is saying January 2020 though, it still says July 2019 everywhere else including Amazon JP.

Give it a shot and see if there's more, the daki is rather softer than normal, she's IMAGINE size in the print with the waist being on the thin side that it feels that if you could hold her close she would break.
As a matter of fact Megumin feels like she's a little thicker compared to her.

Attached: 20190715_232405-censored.jpg (1024x2307, 672K)

alter already confirmed their release for this month at the begining of the month so its almost sure that she is delayed to at least next month

How many times do we have to explain to you degenerates that it's not ok to have dakis of anyone but your waifu?

reminder that there are people in these threads that claim they have multiple waifus

Attached: 1523344146167.png (1280x720, 620K)

Bitch, try to stop me, besides I have more dakis of my waifu than the other girls.

Cab still get on amushamush

Yeah, the cute pastel hair of the other 2 really clash with the dark outfit, only the Stocking-esque hair looks good with it.

Attached: FIG-MOE-5217_16.jpg (600x525, 48K)

Instead of turning your girls into sluts with the womb tattoo decals, turn them into tomboys. I assume the scale of the bandages goes from 1/12 to 1/6.

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The other sets were 1/4 - 1/7 and 1/8 - 1/12.

Attached: waterslide.jpg (1000x750, 248K)

Never could find those in stock

backorder on amico

sorry user, it's dead because any lewd figure I get my hands on I cum on it immediately.

>haven't gotten hit by customs for months despite my packages getting bigger and bigger every months
>order a smaller package with some small figures and some plastic kits
>$50 CAD customs
What the fuck? The size of the box is literally less than half the size of the boxes I have gotten for the past few months.

Drown in your shit taste and die.

Customs agent had a bad day.

is there a list of all the gk circles at wonder festival?

Imagine being canadian.

I have the best taste.

yeah well be glad you even have the chance to get ignored

Control your autist rage.

Was this on Amico? Did I just completely miss her?

Hi fellow yuropoor buyfags

I'm considering buying a nendoroid directly from Japan (no, I can't get it imported by a shop because reasons)

I am worried about CE marking; apparently customs is very strict on that

law states that are exempt
>Products for collectors, provided that the product or its packaging bears a visible and legible indication that it is intended for collectors of 14 years of age and above
none of that is on a nendoroid box am I right? And I see EUR versions on sale for some nendos, assuming they have to go through some BS process to qualify

How screwed am I?

Attached: 3xtimesthelaugh.jpg (259x272, 27K)

What shipping method did you use?

Why haven’t you?

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Every day until WonFes is agony. I can't dial in my preorders until I see what does or doesn't show up on WonFes and every day I fear I'll be too late to get what I want only for nothing to then crop up at WonFes.

EMS like I always done.
I used to be hit all the time until a few months ago in which nothing happened and I have just been riding that.
Maybe, hoping it doesn't happen again.

It just happened along the way towards being a normalfag.
>need money for figs
>get job
>need more money
>get nicer haircut join gym to look better at interviews
>get nicer job
>meet girl at a AA
>get better paying job
>now looking at houses because too many figures and art on display
I went from literally my grandmothers basement for half a decade to working wage in the machine in four. Thanks to buyfag.

Kinda ugly. Doesn't even look like an anime girl.


I live in Ontario and almost every package I've ordered with EMS has been hit with customs. It's about 50/50 with airmail, and RSAL not once as of yet.

Attached: 1552992946319.jpg (919x618, 183K)

Just make sure your gf understands that if at any point its her or the figs, the figs win.

Perfect for hotglue

Attached: 1563106693359.jpg (883x1500, 395K)

I also live in Ontario, maybe I will try RSAL next time.

she was exclusive from HobbyJapan, maybe somewhere else dunno, had to proxy her, waiting impatiently for her to come

If only I could find the plush and could commission a good artist to get a daki of.

she also collects, mostly magical girl scales
I’ll stop the blog now though my bad. I guess I go on Facebook or discord now?

Now this I'm interested in

Heads up it can take awhile and can end up in a in and out of sorting centre loop. I only ever use EMS and AirMail if I'm leaving somewhere and need the package before then.

How long does it take you?

Edgy waifu reporting in.

Attached: 10593824a11.jpg (820x800, 112K)

At most a month Usually 2 weeks.

I'm bothered by the fabric and hair flowing in different directions despite a clear direction of momentum given in her pose.

I'm in Ottawa and my RSAL packages this year have all taken three weeks, plus or minus a couple days.

I might do it next order then to test it out. See if it's worth saving the cash.

One thing that is lost a little is that her demon arm like explodes out of bandages so there would be a bit of a "gust" of magical bullshit that would also affect her clothes.

Or i'm just overthinking it

So what are those actually for? Because you can't your phone and the ass at the same time which seems pointless.

Hotglue, I just said it

How up to date is the guide? It looks like under $800 the packages entering US are allowed to go through without any checks/duties, but the guide says that packages above $200 might be checked and dutied? Not sure whether I should lower the declared value or not, since I'll be right around $300.

>International Postal Service: Merchandise shipped through the international postal service is forwarded upon its arrival in the United States to one of U.S. Customs and Border Protection International Mail Branches for clearance. If the item is less than $2,000 in value and is not subject to a quota or is not a restricted or prohibited item, a CBP official will usually prepare the paperwork for importing it, assess the proper duty, and release it for delivery. This procedure is generally referred to as a mail entry. Packages whose declared value is under $800 ($100 if being sent as a gift to someone other than the purchaser) will generally be cleared without any additional paperwork prepared by CBP. However, CBP always reserves the right to require a formal entry for any importation and generally exercises this option if there is something unusual about the importation, or if important documents such as an invoice or bill of sale do not accompany the item.

They're for your phone. If you want ass and a supported phone, you could always buy two...

You missed a zero, nigga. $2000. Under $2000 is fair game for "personal use." I guess if it's over $2000 they think you're buying supplies for a company or something.

They're significantly larger than I was expecting.
I don't have it set up on the desk because it's just in the way.

wasn't doomposting not allowed? i got warnings for bumping threads on page 10

I missed my chance to get this. Anyone have any good ideas on where I can still get it? I already checked the guide and the only place I could still find it was yahoo auctions but at a markup of course. And incomplete.

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The only things I've gotten are keyrings. Hard to believe the figure industry could shit the bed so hard.

Did you bump with content or just say "bump" like an idiot?

>I can't believe buyfagging is dead.

Judging by this thread's quality standard, the average day dreaming poorfag that never posts any content of his own(since he doesn't own any figure), and what gets made nowadays.

I can believe buyfagging is dead.

>one-piece swimsuit tanlines
Dick status: MUH

I stopped posting my own stuff after photo critic user and that image is too big user ripped me to shreds.

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oh hey /ona/, so you want Kisaragi Sayuri tanline version?

Yo I want those B1 tapestries. Do they come as a set? If so, anyone want to split an order?

Instead of stopping, why not post better pictures based off the feedback you've received?
Oh wait, then you'll complain about not getting any (you)s being your reason for not posting.

Can any one help? My sweet boy needs a scale

Attached: Saichi_Sugimoto.png (500x800, 834K)

My June order came! I was a bit reluctant about unboxing Sakuya after hearing about others' impressions, but she looks nice- not spectacular, but a good figure to have with OLs and other teachers. Putting together her hair parts with the glasses was a nightmare, though.

Attached: June1.png (1216x934, 1.81M)

Actually I want both but if I could only get one, I was leaning towards Misa.

Well the problem is it's no longer available for order.
Here's the original listing:
They actually just came out recently but I guess there aren't too many in the wild.

>stop doing something because someone on Yea Forums told you not to
and if I tell you to kill yourself, will you?

Also very happy with how Rockman turned out.

Attached: Tony upskirt.png (703x935, 677K)

How long until the delay?

Attached: FIGURE-040367_01.jpg (533x800, 82K)

Gross looking floor.

>tfw my room is too lewd

Sakuya's cleavage doesn't look too bad unless viewed from the right or head-on; her hair was the only thing that had less detail than the prototype. Necklace looks cheap as hell and I might remove it. Lastly, she can actually stand on a flat surface sans base.

Sorry, meant to post this with the downsized image.

Attached: Tony Tawawa.png (710x936, 939K)

I vacuumed it as best as I could this morning. I blame housing.

fucking kill yourself for posting the same crap twice.

Floor looks fine to me. Carpet wears out.

That isn't acceptable either, you're beyond stupid.

>reduced file size by only 42%
>pixel count is 7% of the original
A new level of disgusting.

My Sakuya arrived today too, and I wasn't even expecting it because the tracker hadn't updated since it left Japan on the 5th, so it was a nice surprise. I also got the Yorimoi Hinata nendo and Bring Arts Martina action fig.
Here's Sayuri tanline ver. You might have to eat the 17k JPY aftermarket price for Misa tanline ver. on Yahoo Auction though. No luck on finding the tapestries if you wanted them as well.

>He doesn't subsist on the anger of anonymous strangers on the internet

I stopped since most times you get none or barely one or two (You)s, meanwhile falseflaging, stolen photos from mfc and shitposting, bullying, size-retards get a shitton of chan, replies.

my lancer

Attached: D_lvNHsUIAEiww_.jpg (1955x1660, 290K)

Attached: D_lv5nzVUAAqkf7.jpg (2500x1668, 196K)

Attached: D_lvuC9UcAEHZ-J.jpg (1668x2500, 240K)

doesn't look that good, more like a design stolen from taimanin asagi

I think the face needs a little work but everything else is solid to me

Get a load of these professional photographers.


are why people don't post their stuff.

You can't shit on newfags for posting their shit then expect them to stay.

Alright, here.

Attached: Tony Tawawa 2.jpg (1512x2016, 767K)

user, they're all good. Ignore the photo critics.

Nice figgies KayLevee.

She's very pretty

Got this cool one of a kind Aina drawing today. Will go nicely with the new figure of her.

Attached: Aina.jpg (908x1356, 285K)

...On the opposite side though, it came packed with these fucks. Japan: killing the environment with all the plastic since WW2.

Attached: JapanWhy.jpg (980x1200, 295K)

All the figs are literally PVC bruh.

Thanks user. I really appreciate it. This might be the beacon of hope I'm looking for.

I think Amazon defaults unknown release dates till the end of the year or something. I've seen them do that before.

No shit retard.

I'm so fucked up

The artist is Kanno Hiroki btw.

I'm aware. That's part of the joke. But seriously, Japan is obsessed with individually packaging EVERYTHING. You buy some cookies and each one will be wrapped twice. They waste a LOT of plastic.

>complaining about decent packaging

Nice combo.

Bitch you could combine four of those together and it'd work just as fine. Not everything has to be manlet size.

>buyfag on life support, but showing signs of recovery

Attached: 1556377243315.jpg (274x309, 31K)

Where did you get this

Buyfagging's not dead, it's just hard for a NEET to consistently buyfag.

Lucky bastard.

>He's worried about a tiny plastic bag
Build plamo, and enjoy your endless sprue trimmings

Get on the neetbux, it'll make your life better.

These two go really nice together. Makes me wish I had bought the Tony slut

Isn't caring about (you)s just caring about you?
Posting a picture and getting no response means you've checked enough boxes for it to be acceptable.
It's part of what makes receiving a compliment here having a tiny bit of value.
And seeing your pictures reposted is nice too.

Attached: DSC03162-01-1000x1500.jpg (1000x1500, 194K)

Haven't three of the last five threads died early?

Is this a Odin's Sphere thing because why the fuck would you do that and not have it look anything like Kamitani's art

nigger it isn't about me, people posting their collections either none or barely any attention or they're bullied to leave

Now you made that scale weird.

Why else would people post their photos if not for attention?

>Putting together her hair parts with the glasses was a nightmare
Me again, just finished putting her together. Really? It only took me a minute or two. Compared to casting off Ais Wallenstein bunny, it was a piece of cake.

not him but I like when anons tell me to kill myself because it gives me an excuse to do it and feel guilt-free.

(You)s aren't bad as long as you stay anonymous, don't be retarded.

because i hate people and this is one of the few social interactions i choose to have

through dick unity

Not much of an interaction if no one responds to your posts.

Neetbux are a myth, user.

SSI isn't a myth although you can barely live with 850usd a month.

What is unemployment benefits

Post what you're eating right now.

Attached: image.jpg (960x720, 49K)

>Delivery Attempted: Action Needed
>Notice Left (No Authorized Recipient Available)

Attached: 1558611936595.png (500x425, 155K)

These posts are the cancer which has destroyed buyfag threads.

Get a hepa air filter, a good one and not some chinkshit. They cut dust down a lot and I only have to dust 1-2 times a year.

>nigger it isn't about me
>I stopped since most times you get none or barely one or two (You)s
These comments seem to conflict.
Some of the other concerns are valid, but you're making them irrelevant.

>These posts are the cancer which has destroyed buyfag threads.

What else do you expect from an unpainted prototype of a three-dimensional rendition of 2D artwork?

Attached: Devochka1549815900.jpg (440x658, 42K)

can't unsee the cat's eyes

>implying i have a waifu

Attached: 1562369276129.jpg (842x1045, 269K)

too big?

Too dumb.

Attached: bedc722302d6ac56eb102e9906987443.jpg (1282x2047, 262K)

God I wish that were me.

No such thing.

My grail, part 2.

Attached: grail2_1.jpg (1600x1055, 738K)

Gotta love the packaging.

Attached: grail2_2.jpg (1600x1041, 635K)

here we go again with more than 5 photos for s shit figure, retarded fuckface

Attached: grail2_3.jpg (1081x1600, 742K)

Attached: grail2_4.jpg (1600x1284, 568K)

eat shit

keep going

I see Nipako

Attached: D-HDHxtVAAA1Y92.jpg (1536x2048, 377K)

Shut the fuck up stop complaining.

Attached: 1560291848404.jpg (1184x1031, 129K)

>tfw the grail has been obtained
>tfw nothing to search for anymore
It's a complicated feeling.

Attached: grail2_5.jpg (1037x1600, 683K)

>painted skintone on area that's part of the suit
Looks nasty there.

See how many you can spot.

Not even that rare but expensive, I've seen it at least three times at manda.

Current state of the collection.

Attached: 201907.jpg (1600x1146, 881K)

>translucent parts of the suit
>skin tone
Not seeing a problem?

>constantly whinging about buyfag threads being ruined
>complaining about Muv-Luv user out of all people
You are part of the problem.

Disgusting, the fully clothed one is nice, how much does it cost opened?

Still hung up about a watermark?
It was a reply to a request and quality content.
I don't watermark, but even without that, it isn't hard to find the source for photos.

Attached: 365.jpg (1080x347, 70K)

The wrinkles look nasty and you can tell it's just a repaint/variant of something that was meant to be fully suited, which you show here

Nice collection. Not my taste, but very nice nonetheless.

Toss them out and start over?
Start buying everything for whoever is this season's 02?

Maybe you're just using the wrong word.



Looks good user congrats.


Attached: 7766.jpg (745x1200, 91K)

>I stopped since most times you get none or barely one or two (You)s
How pathetic, maybe you should try another website.

I'm not bashing you for getting it since you want to collect everything of that series, just saying it looks creepy and they should've made a mold for the translucent version to not have the suit wrinkles, assuming this is an official variant.

Wedding Porkchop delayed to august. That's a total delay of 10 months now

Not him, but not getting (You)s is a valid reason to stop posting. When you don't get (You)s it's safe to assume no one cares about what you're are posting you should therefore stop.

You're entitled to your opinion, sure, but how many people disagreeing with you would it take for you to be wrong?

The answer is, of course, build more FAGs

Translation when?

Looks like one of those badly done lewd customs/mods.

She's too fat for them to finish all the painting and shipment plans.

You're not replying to the poster of the pictures.

The (You) isn't a like, fuck off mate.
You really expect everyone to reply
>Wow, good job!

Who cares? is just one user samefagging pretenfing to be many shitting on his grail.

Late October

Nobody talked about likes, go away.

Says the guy talking about it as such.

Banana dick

Why'd she have to be so lewd bros?

user please. Just accept it doesn't look that good and there's at least 2 other anons agreeing. Kudos to you/the owner for collecting things you like but it's not a good paint choice. Looks fine at a distance I guess.

I agree with this user

Attached: 1555991071207.jpg (1426x958, 300K)

What is that bit coming off his dick? You're right you can see it as buyfagging, churches and politicians commissioned their favorite heroes/religious figures to be made AKA buying sculpts of characters you love.

Are you this much of a attention seeking faggot?

>not getting (You)s is a valid reason to stop posting
Maybe for you.
>When you don't get (You)s it's safe to assume no one cares
Why should I care that others don't care about every picture I post?

After editing, I usually post images here before uploading to mfc. I've probably posted more photos here than most (at least in the last couple years) and stopped caring about replies some time ago.
There are other places to post if you want internet points. I post there too, but the points are just as meaningless as (you)s.
Especially when compared to what else ends up being popular there.

I'll admit though, I know it's hypocritical of me to still want to get a picture of the day.

Buyfaggotry and /buyfag/ are not the same thing.

Gamestop currently has some nendoroids for $20, quite a few overwatch ones if you're looking to finish the set

Attached: b7fb43929a83fb35d7abb50d4fdfbc2f.jpg (800x550, 133K)

you are correct

they are the ONLY thing

Attached: A0896BA8-5C22-4C03-A6F6-517ACF24449B.jpg (2805x3479, 2.21M)

i think it makes more sense if you see the pose as having a twisting motion

I was thinking the same thing.
Not so much a dash, but rather a spin.

Which are you getting? I'm feeling 2nd ver. Do we know if they're fully castoff?

Attached: deep web.jpg (600x600, 87K)

black gal


Cute. Good taste user

The one on your pic.

DWU is perfect the way she is so 1st version for me

Attached: 58fce4f24de8e76303407fbdb7c76905.jpg (636x900, 89K)

The first painted teaser of them was showing off that they're castoff-able

Attached: 3421456207.png (1902x1500, 3.34M)

Got more witches! Now only Shirley is missing

Attached: witches.jpg (720x1280, 331K)

do you even know where you are?

Attached: dilemma.jpg (693x172, 20K)

Didn't think there'd be a pic in this very thread, saw them go up and went here immediately. Thank you user! My purchase is sealed.

Modern art gets BTFO.

Her MG42

Attached: Tina 1.jpg (1280x720, 353K)

Cute Romagnian

Attached: Tina 2.jpg (720x1280, 212K)

Attached: Tina 3.jpg (720x1280, 247K)

Cute pantaloni rossi

Attached: Tina 4.jpg (720x1280, 176K)

Attached: Tina 5.jpg (720x1280, 157K)

DWU respects your dick purchase

Attached: D9e_0qoVAAAfNY-.jpg (2048x1690, 816K)

Shitty witch

Attached: Hikari.jpg (1202x720, 295K)

Is it hard to find the cover?

The base is really cool

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she comes with a womb tat already

Good god is she ugly.

aren't these cheap as fuck? I mean 3-5k

She came protected in a lot of plastic and tape in coparison with the Strike Witches. Also, it feels like a little plastified.
>look me crash a whole franchise

The old strike witches go from 3000 to about 6500 with the exception of Heidemarie, Trude v2 and Jet Striker trude.

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Body pillow:

It was on amiami but it sold out. You can still get it from amazon but you also need the special dakimakura that comes with legs and onahole slot.

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She can be rotated the striker unit connected to the base

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Now we wait for Nipa ;_;

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That's going to be a long fucking wait.

really interesting and affordable, might watch the show first once I'm done with finals and a cert.

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Daki was in the artist's booth and in another site in English by the same artist.
I can't remember but reverse searching the daki should lead you to the guy's booth.

i know

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But where do you put the phone?

WTF did you do?...

>coal burner

This is what happens when you are too horny and lonely.

oh man, I like N-Y packing
they are so precise and practical

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Does gettting a figure's base signed by its manga author will ruin its resale price? also it should be signed on the upper side or beneath?

I know they get shit for not having enough packaging but the couriers in my country don't routinely destroy packages so I'll take this shit over AmiAmi's 5 metres of packing paper and unnecessary forced EMS for a single 1/7 any day.

Of course, the problem is N-Y overestimates shipping costs.

what is /buyfag/'s worst purchase decision?

I've bought pic related for 215 bucks and now it dropped down to 155.

a lot of people disliked the face and the pose, I just fell for the bunny meme.

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price will eventually rise, trust me

That's just asking for problems almost anywhere, it doesn't matter where you live there's always the chance that boxes get slightly crushed on transition and with packaging like that the figure box will be damaged as well.

Yes, Something Awful.

What's the most outrageously expensive buyfag item you'd buy if your dad was a billionaire?
Asking for a friend

Everyone's bought shit that tanked in the aftermarket. That's the nature of pre-ordering. You win some, you lose some. Don't worry about it.

The real sting is when you buy something for way more than retail and then a re-release is announced.

Most recent one: Not buying Binding Misa-nee when she was 29k opened(right now is 50k sealed)

that 1/1 Lala figure.

are opened figs the same as pre-owned?

I'd commission a 1:1 Strike Freedom.

02 user, what do you think of Zero-One?

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Why not an actually good suit?

1. I like the design
2. (you)s constantly and forever.


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>25k usd

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Why they don't make sexdolls like this?

They do.

Link pls.

There is no one link, you have a journey of discovery to embark upon. I think Yea Forums has doll threads too, but, y'know...

I've seen some

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I know about sexdolls, I'm asking for one like the lala statue.

Nope, this looks ugly and cheap.

Split some FLCL buyfag shit with my friend and the decals are already rubbing off :( made me very sad

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You can customize a number of them and Lala's aesthetic shouldn't be hard to get close to.

I haven't seen any with anime proportions or detail definition like the Lala statue, they all have realistic proportions and poorly sculpted details with no shading.
The only good anime faces I've seen is dolls wearing kig masks.

This. People complain about bad photos for entire threads but ignore good ones so what’s the point?

I'm not a dollfag so you won't be getting any more out of me, but I've definitely seen some reasonably well sculpted details. Proportions and faces are a matter of taste, but there's a decent range out there. If you're legitimately interested, it's probably worth your while to dig deeper.

the sexiest part of this is her tummy pooching out just a little

I've dug to the depths of hell and haven't seen any good enough.
I don't know where else to search, boomers only get ugly tranny dolls and Yea Forums-/jp/ only get pedo dolls.
The best ones are from jap tweets, but still no good anime ones without kig masks.

>what is /buyfag/'s worst purchase decision?
My first figure.


Unf and oof.

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Notice how this gets more responses than most decent photos. The responses are correct though, Yea Forums is no longer a place for discussion or to respond to images posted, but a place to retardedly shitpost with nothing more. It’s not even fun shitposting but angry zoomer lark.

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I was too stupid to wait for WonFes so I forked out 24K for Saber Alter Dress Version when her aftermarket was fucked. You can guess what happened next. Also, I paid around 20-somethingK each for racing Saber and Rin, the former getting an unprecendented rerelease by Stronger pretty much a few days after. That was pretty bad.

If we're talking actual figures, the Scathach loungewear was pretty bad. But then again, I didn't expect Alter out of all manufacturers to fuck up that badly.

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imagine the cleaning

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I can't believe figures cost so much now.

>delayed AGAIN
What was the initial release again? January? Fucking hell.

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get a fabric doll

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>still no Lee Enfield or Lee Enfield Bridal
It hurts.

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good looking out user, mei was available for local pickup and is a perfect gift for a friend in november

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>post my purchase at night instead of mid-day
>come back later
>people pretending to be me
>uncultured swine shitting on Type 99 fortified suit of all things
/buyfag/ sure is different at night.

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I’ve been to allot of the Yea Forums and /jp/ doll threads but never heard of this. The face is nicer.

Damn, you made me jump out of my seat. At this point I've given up all hope for anything Mushishi related.
There are homemade aren't they?

wtf... I wish I could get a cute weeb gf...

They're made out of completely different materials, why would they sell a rock hard plastic doll?

Nice butt

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Indeed nice butt

Ok user, You have my attention. Who is this?

Looks like a tranny with those butt implants

Is the full art of this anywhere online?

what country are you from?