This isn't fair at all. How are other shonen supposed to compete with this amazing character development and relationship?
This isn't fair at all...
Other urls found in this thread:
Sell me on this 'amazing character development and relationship'
Because to me this translate as purely 'edge meets selfless good girl and that opens up the door to humanity within him.' cliche.
190666639 is bait
Always see people complaining about Komugi's snot but I think making her unattractive was to emphasize that Meruem's feelings for her beyond skin deep.
Meruem can't be considered edgy because he was genetically predisposed to act the way he did at the beginning of the arc. Edgy characters have no reason to act edgy. You are right about the cliché part tho.
That honestly makes it even more illogical, to be honest.
If he's genetically predisposed to act the way he is, then are you telling me the relationship he develops with this girl is going against his genetics? Feelings (i.e edge) can be influenced and changed, but genetics cannot, he should not even possess the capacity to change in that regard.
In my headcanon genetic predisposition is like a default, it's possible to change it.
>it's possible to change it.
I love the fact that she's unattractive. Really tells you that meruem's feelings for her run deeper than sex. Why is the "ugly girl x Popular boy" trope so rare?
>ugly girl x Popular boy
Literally the biggest Shoujo cliche so ugly girls can self-insert.
In Shonen however, the girls are always attractive, that's why you dont see it. If girls were unattractive in Shonen the target audience (young men) would lose interest.
>I want to kill all humans
>now I want to... kill most humans
holy fucking based Togashi
genes express themselves differently depending on the environment.
go learn biology and genetics somewhere else
its alright but the ants lose any sort of threat when you realize hisoka could've solo'd them all
>Literally the biggest Shoujo cliche so ugly girls can self-insert
I dunno but for some reason boys rejecting beautiful/ bitchy girls for the ugly/shy MC is a really interesting trope. Since men are shallow creatures and usually think with their dicks, shoujo boys feel more human compared to the shounen boys
>Literally Piccolo x Gohan
She’s not even unattractive literally has an hourglass figure just a little sniffly
Unfortunately the Shoujo shit doesnt stop at the 'guy just likes ugly girl for her personality' its stupidly unbalanced as in the guy is wife-beater levels of dominant. Shoujo readers dont want a healthy relationship, they want to be dommed by the bishonen hottie. Shonen on the other hand is the opposite, they wanna be the powerful crybaby MC and dom the hot heroine.
You kidding me? This shit was weak.
"Edgy guy meets meek but determined girl and she changes his mind" BS
>its stupidly unbalanced as in the guy is wife-beater levels of dominant
Yeah, that is a real turn-off
why do people always describe things that happen in HxH and then say "it's bad" or "it's a trope" without actually explaining why it's bad.
there's a few people doing it in this thread.
I'm explaining to you that Shoujo boys definitely do not feel more human for that reason.
Are you gonna point them out or continue throwing shit mindlessly into the air?
no because it's completely fucking obvious who's doing that you moron?
>I'm scared of confrontation
>Shonen on the other hand is the opposite, they wanna be the powerful crybaby MC and dom the hot heroine
I don't think shoujo vs shounen is a fair comparison. The main premise of a shoujo is that boys are chasing after the girl so it's antithesis would be girls chasing after a boy, which is technically a Harem.
Most Shonen are a harem.
The hunterchad meme is the gem of Yea Forums. It's hilarious how buttblasted everyone else gets and how you guys never break character. Keep it up bros.
Doesn't that make it self-insert as well? At this point both shoujo and shounen are equally guilty of being aberrant
>Doesn't that make it self-insert as well
Yes, that's exactly the point of my post here
We call those "people" brainlets.
Because the argument of the thread is "how can other series compete" and the example they give is something very ordinary.
well the problem is that whether or not a trope is unique is irrelevant to its execution. you won't find many shounen or actually any show that does anything completely unique. you can easily pick out any arc or scene considered great in the industry, summarize it in a few words, and say "heh pretty ordinary".
This is just Beauty and the Beast 2: electric boogaloo. Nothing special.
>well the problem is that whether or not a trope is unique is irrelevant to its execution.
Have you ever heard of originality? Creativity?
The fact that a trope sells doesnt mean that you need to use it for its 1000th time, strive for something new. With your kind of opinion no wonder the creativity in the market is nearly non-existent at this point. This is such a cancerous mentality.
>fags that always spam HXH as a series that subverts tropes and is better than other things for it are now arguing that following tropes isn't a bad thing
Can't make this shit up.
Meruem is born to rule over all things in every form (this is important) like the monster animal he is. But he got mixed human soul in his creation recipt, so when he mets the first human he can't beat he starts to question his purpose. He is already failing to be the being avobe all that he was made to be. As time goes by (he keeps being defeated time after time even when trying to achieve wins with threats. He experiences humilliation.) He starts struggling with who he actually is and what he can do with this world that contradicts his very existance by not letting him reign supreme. Its too late though, time only helps his human side polish emotions, admiration and beauty for his opponent. He is no longer able to behave like a superior being. Like a human taking pity from an ant, instead of crushing it like a child would do. His human side triumphed over his monster side. But too late since everything he set in motion when he was more of a monster, caught to him and caused his death. He dosen't care about being a ruler in the end. He keeps playing with Komugi just because he believes she made him truly start living in the real world, a world of awareness that he is not avobe anyone. And he is so grateful for her, he is so grateful for being awoke that he just wants to spend his remaining time with her even if it means betraying his royal guard.
Its a beautiful story and its amazing to watch everything fall apart from the moment those two meet each other.
>Have you ever heard of originality? Creativity?
very rare. you can boil a lot of things down to tropes that have existed for decades or longer. and pointing out that whether or not something is good isn't tied to whether or not it's original isn't the same as saying shows shouldn't try to be original you retard. nice pivot.
anyone claiming hxh subverts tropes is an idiot.
He had too much human biology and it started influencing him just like the other ants. Think of a toddler running purely on instinct becoming a self-aware adult.
Fuck, sorry. Tried to fix my dyslexia but the above went over my radar twice.
It is beautiful, but I have to say that it's kinda childish and very one-sided. Maybe that was the intention, but I still see it that way:
Let's divide it to black/white.
He started out black with his vision, power is all that matters, humans are hypocritical shits (He's 100% correct about humans but I digress) and all that jazz.
So he meets the opponent that he can't beat in Shoji and then he starts to change until he eventually sees the world as just pure white, i.e, all that matters to him now is her company and that it's the most important.
While beautiful, that's highly idealistic, and idealistic is childish.
Where's the middle ground? If he was smart, he should have realized that while she's very important to him, power STILL needs to be the main goal to keep her safe, now. Not to discard it completely like he did according to your explanation.
this shouldnt be allowed
>after 2006, every off hiatus run is conveniently just long enough to fit into one or 2 volumes
really makes you think
>people shouldn't try thinking about original themes because everything has been done before!!! it's too hard to think of something new, now!
If I could, I would have strangled you in your seat, user.
yea that's exactly what i said.
I know that's what you said, that's why I want to strangle you.
since when did meruem reject that power can be used to protect the weak?
Did he not? I responded to the user explaining their relationship and that's what it sounded like.
>and that's what it sounded like.
So you're commenting on someone's analysis of a series instead of having any actual familiarity with the series yourself? Do you hate HxH that much? My god.
Well if you put things just in black and white, you miss all the grays.
He was smart, but he lacked experience (also he was born before he was supposed too, so I guess you can call him a brat, yes) but he did tried to use power to (in his words): "keep those humans who are worth it" he just still didn't know how powerful humans were collectively (after all, he did grow in NGL a place remote from the world and moved to a republica ruled by a dictator that had no connection to the rest of the world). When meruem nuked him, it was the first time in his life he felt fear. With Komugi he just felt awkward, uncertain, and eventualy learned love. With Netero he felt confident, ceratin, and eventualy learned fear.
It probably its a simple story of dualism and paralelism if you strip it from details, but the execution masks the lines tha holds it all together and make it enjoyable. Well at least I felt it that way. You also have to give credit for Togashi's way of making the panneling, its no joke. Its true everything is in a good place. I haven't seen that kind of composition in most manga.
> introduce a 4channers female form into an anime (autistic chess savant)
> everybody claims your shitty drawn manga is a masterpiece
Why is it that when anyone talks about 2011 hxh it is 99% of the time only within the context of the chimera arc? is the rest just trash?
I literally told people to sell me on this entire subject, of course I haven't read it, dumbass.
chimera ant is the only part of HxH that's unique or particularly interesting. The first 4 arcs are a decent but not really special battle shonen, and Greed Island is complete fucking trash
Yes but no.
The rest range from mediocre to good.
It's not worth discussing, just your typical shounen adventure arcs.
aren't like 3 out of the first 5 arcs tournaments of some kind?
Ah yes the old "irredeemable piece of moral fucking garbage isn't entirely a faggot toward a single character so that makes him have a heart now" trope.
This arc was so shitty.
The chimera arc is dragged down by being way too fucking long. Everything with pouf/youpi should have been cut in half at the very least.
the Hunter Exam and Heaven's Arena are both arguably tournaments, but the Hunter Exam isn't really a standard shonen tournament outside of the final two or three episodes. some people say Greed Island is a tournament, but it's more like an isekai
his entrance might be the most poorly written, edgy pile of dogshit in anime history
If it isnt the pot calling the kettle black
>the Hunter Exam isn't really a standard shonen tournament outside of the final two or three episodes
but it then ends in a literal tournament bracket
yeah that's what I mean. The Hunter Exam has a tournament, but it's incredibly short and doesn't matter except as an explanation of why Killua doesn't get his licence
That might be the edgiest thing I've read recently.
All of this shit boils down to
>she had something he was lacking and he had something she was lacking
Which is still a cliche. But I have to admit it's a whole ass more creative than the Beauty and the Beast shit I thought this was.
>in the final scene, both of them are blind, dying, and completely equal in body for the first time
>the only thing either of them can do is play one last game of Gun-gi
>the king spends his final moments losing to the human at the only thing he can do
>for that one brief moment, she was objectively superior to him in every way
Holy shit is this real? It sounds like a parody.
it's entirely accurate. It gets worse too, after that shit he flies to notNorth Korea, takes it over, monologues about how humans are scum because economic disparity exists, and then starts killing people for losing to him at board games
there's a reason why it's got this hyper autistic following now. Being marketed towards literal children they misconstrued it's hilarious overuse of violence as maturity and "deep complex" plot. Especially on other sides like reddit. For a good few years when anyone new wanted to know how to get into anime they were basically told hunter was the end all be all of anime. It served as a lightning rod for newfags
>A grotesque looking monster falling in love with an underage handicapped girl
Oh god, now I love Isayama even more.
Well, HxH as a whole is a good series. You can't say that it's not good.
THIS however, is probably being praised far more than it should. It's kinda ridiculous. Let's draw the line, at least.
The saddest thing is, that even this pile of edgy garbo is still better than all of BnHA has to offer, and I'm not following either of them currently.
Honestly I find it to be mediocre.There's nothing in the anime that really stands out and the characters are average at best. It's not bad by any stretch of the word. But then retards come in claiming it's a masterpice and it all goes to shit
It's average at best
>b-b-b-but what about MHA
rent free
I gave a valid example, I'm not an avid fan of either, but come the fuck on, you're not really thinking that BnHA is a good, well-written series, now do you?
I find it genuinely baffling so many people got Togashi's commentary mixed up. All this talk about how infantile and edgy the King is as if he was meant to be the commentary at all. Or the fact he is a child with childish thoughts was just lost on people.
I mean when a blind peasant girl gets it quicker than you do, it's kind of embarrassing isn't it?
You just answered it. If we were to talk about anything before CA we would talk about 1999 HxH and if we were to talk about anything after CA we talk the manga.
>How are other shonen supposed to compete with this amazing character development and relationship?
They simply don't Shonen peaked when Togashi wrote Chimera Ant arc.
The character of Meruem is a cell ripoff perfect being who was born to rule the world. He's introduced in the act of killing his own mother by forcing himself out of her belly and immediately after that starts beheading his own subordinated and literally eating children's brains. Out of boredom, while his royal guard are preparing a mass genocide, he starts killing time by ordering famous board game players into his throne room and defeating them to hone his tactical skills and prove his intellectual superiority. There he meets a blind snotty girl he can't beat because she's basically a savant. At first he considering it a challenge he must overcome via intellect, but as he keeps losing he starts to develop as a character because he notices that he's enjoying and looking forward to the games despite constantly losing. This makes him question his own nature and the nature of dominance and superiority, and he develops a sense of humanity and appreciation for various people of different skill sets. to much the dismay of his subordinates, he goes as far as to recognize that one of the children he killed and ate at the beginning might have had the potential to surpass him in some way. He becomes humble and starts to care for the girl and by the time the heroes arrive to kill him, he has developed into a person who acts not out of violence but out of love to defend the girl from the attackers, and the heroes are befuddled. After he is reluctantly defeated, he simply goes to spend his last dying moments with the girl and the two of them play board games until they die of radiation poisoning.
He is most amazing as a villain because of the sheer magnitude of slow and detailed development he goes through as a character in the time the heroes don't see him. They go in to kill a monster and they just find a guy who wants to protect his beloved.
Hisoka will die of old age.
How did the chimera ants know about the darkside of the NGL and why didn't they work together with human criminals?
King and Komugi are cute.
does anyone likes chimera ants? (species)
Yea but then why are you even here? What the hell is the point? Go away.
>h-hunterchad meme is the gem of Yea Forums
>i-it's a character i swear, we're only pretending
woah dude so deep bro
just edgy shit that hunterfags like to spam
can anything ever come close to the heights of the Chimera Ant arc?
>Have you ever heard of originality? Creativity?
A good writer knows when to remove, subvert, or keep a trope. A bad writer either fills their works with dozens of tropes and keep them at default blandness or avoids them like the plague because they fell for the "tropes bad" meme.
I remember my hate everything popular phase, glad I grew out of that. Looking back it was a shitty way to live.
I've read a few manga that had higher moments yeah. Nothing in the CA made me freeze up in shock staring at the page for several minutes. Nothing in it made me change my perspective on real world things. And i'm more or less over my fanaticism of HxH in general where as I can still get a hard on for other manga.
Homunculus arc
Revolution arc
I didn't say tropes need to be avoided like the plague, I said that with THAT kind of mentality you wouldn't even want to create something new and you'd always fall for the blandest of bland cliches.
No people would still create new stuff just because they want to see it
Do you honestly believe everything new at any point was only made to subvert something already existing?
Like. Just give your villains a love interest and relationships to non-villainous characters?
Maybe treat your antagonist characters like characters instead of obstacles for the hero?
>I didn't say tropes need to be avoided like the plague,
Then what was all that you hating Meruem's development just for being a trope and not caring if it was done well or not? You don't always need to subvert a trope to make it good. They aren't a zero sum game, its possible for one anime to do a trope good and the other to fuck it up.
>in the end...
based Pouf
>east gorteau got btfo
>Homunculus arc
>Revolution arc
dunno what that is but it's probably also mediocre
There's little details like this that get cut in the anime and I don't get why. I'd like to have known this.
I though I was the only fool/piece of shit who noticed that. They cut the casualtie report but then again, they cut alot of things in the anime, so this doesn’t surprise me in a fucking bit.
It’s on the par with Yorknew and half a step below Chimera ant arc.
>So he meets the opponent that he can't beat in Shoji and then he starts to change until he eventually sees the world as just pure white, i.e, all that matters to him now is her company and that it's the most important.
The point is that he realized how pointless it was because the humans could nuke him to kingdom come. Meruem understood he was no match for humanity (this was why Netero told him he understood nothing of humanity's potential for destruction) and that he was going to die, so he decides to spend the rest of his time doing what he enjoys with the one person he cared for, and could never defeat either.
Also Meruem never suddently turned around like you imply, he was ready to kill her just before the selection/invasion. She just made Meruem rethink his perspective, he realized wasn't as supreme as he thought if someone like her could best him even if just at a board game and that he too could catch feelings like a little bitch.
Of course it's going to sound childish and idealistic if you take out the entire context, you can do that with almost anything. But it's the exectution that makes a story good, not the premise.
Imagine Meruem was a normal chimera ant, he would have never met Komugi...
Lmao based.
So what's a not mediocre series to you?
HxH haters never answer this because they know they'll get ripped to shreds.
THIS. I've met too many HxH haters that give harem or moe slice of life a 10/10.
Who the hell would call Komugi unattractive? Bitch is fire, just get her a tissue.
Whoa, such depth and maturity.
It really comes to preference and the best of the genre overall.
I gave hxh 8/10 but gave koe no katachi and 3 gatsu no lion season 2 10/10
That doesn't mean they are superior to hxh but they are the best at their genres and gave me what I wanted from them.
Greed Island really wasn't my thing, the wosrt arc in the series in my opinion.
>not a single chapter for almost year and a half
lazy bum
What heights? The arc fundamentally undermines the whole series.
I forgot how gay his character was starting off. Too bad he got nuked when he became a great character.