Ao No Flag Ch. 46

completely useless chapter
this manga really took a nose dive into the dumpster

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they just set up what's coming, still, nice cover.

What dumb fanservice and what a really fucking boring chapter. I think I'm dropping this until there are a lot more chapters so that I can read it all in one go.

At least Touma is back and the next chapter even moreso but.. this was just a completely useless chapter overall. Even though the last chapters haven't been that great, AT LEAST something happened in those chapters. This was just useless dialogue that went nowhere. The way Futaba and Taichi didn't even talk about the confession, even if they brought it up. Futaba was just like nah let's talk about something else.

I also recall several people making a comment about how the dialogue is often preachy and how real people, especially teenagers don't talk like that. That was really apparent this chapter with that mushroom-headed uggo laying his truth on Futaba and how she shouldn't care about Touma and the situation. That was kinda cringe.

That cover is so bad.

the author is obvs either a fag or a woman

it's very cringy and unnecessary too. Was that supposed to be some sort fo women empowerment BS or something?
Underage girls dressing like this? Really?

Pretty sure it’s just fanservice

even with the "be what I want to be" message?
Regardless, very tacky.

fanservice to get people to read it i guess

Really dragging his heels to the finish line huh

Like that's going to solve the the main problem ie the writing going to shit

this was really the only noteworthy thing in the entire chapter

'' make myself hate '' WHAT exactly? Touma, Taichi?

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Mami isn't sexy enough for that cover.

I think he's talking about releasing his frustration on something? I didn't really get it either.

>That cover
I just wanted cute romance and homo suffering, what happened to this manga?

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I mean Touma is suffering and Futaba and Taichi are having a '' cute romance. '' What more could you want.

A cover that actually has anything to do with it.
A couple that actually makes me care about them.
Not wasting five chapters with characters acting like they are the ones in the dumpster.
Am I asking too much?


Also, Taichi looks so fucking cute in this panel. This kind of a boy should only be embraced by another boy!

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The most annoying thing about these past chapters is how everyone is disparaged about how Touma being outted is so tough on THEM while Kaito continues to completely ignore the fact that this happened completely against Touma's will and he had no control over it. Nobody seems to fucking care about how in the shit he is right now and all the shit kaito's been focusing on instead of it is just boggling.

Well, at least next chapter we'll get some Touma content, though I feel like it'll be another episode of TOUMA IS IN THE WRONG.

I would love if after all this drama Touma came back and everyone realized he was the least affected by all this and how much of a drama queen they are. A shame no way something this good will happen.

How would that even work, especially since Touma has been upset that everyone thinks he has it easy, he is doing well and everything in his life is going well because he is a nice Chad.

It's definitely slow right now.

I'm just waiting for whenever Taichi and Touma talk it out. But it's definitely taking it's sweet time.

Technically nothing has changed for him, he is gay and always has been, but people found that out only now and that turned their life upside down for some reason.
Everyone is wondering what to do, and it's them that had a bigger change in their lives, not Touma.
I swear it makes sense in my head.

I get what you are saying but

even if you are right that Touma comes to the conclusion that he is the least affected by his coming out, the fact that others were affected negatively by his sexuality, his feelings for Taichi and the gossip surrounding the whole situation, don't you think that'd send Touma off onto a crisis by itself?

Then there's the potential that he might lose his best friend and his family might disown him. Touma isn't out of the dumpster yet. Thankfully, he has friends who accept him but nevertheless.

I think the better route would be everyone realizing that Touma is the one who is hurting the most, and their issues are secondary to that. In the end, Touma never wanted any of this to happen, and it's only a little his fault that things escalated to where they are now.

Are you serious? Everybody knowing he's gay changes everything for him. Most if not all of his friends at school who loved him and thought he was the coolest dude ever are going to want nothing to do with him now. He might not even be able to pursue those jobs the baseball graudates offered him now because of this. He literally went from the top caste of the school to the bottom. It's probably why he wanted to move away as soon as he gradutated so that he could live freely where nobody knew what he was like.

>really fucking boring chapter.
Yep stupid conversions that led to nowhere, I get it's trying to give it natural feeling , but ened just being meh.

>either a fag or a woman
It would be vice versa in that case
Either a man of a lesbo

>This kind of a boy should only be embraced by another boy!
Stop right there fujoshit

Shingo, his girlfriend and her friend, Mami, Masumi and probably Futaba all seem to remain his friend though. Taichi is a question mark though, but I don't think he harbors any disgust, hate or pure resentment towards Touma, just confusion.

*Either a man or a lesbo

>Stop right there fujoshit
what manga do you think you are reading?
the only reason this manga has any hype is because of gay, and that's the only thing people care about, point blank

>the fact that others were affected negatively by his sexuality, his feelings for Taichi and the gossip surrounding the whole situation, don't you think that'd send Touma off onto a crisis by itself?
That's my point, if people didn't have a problem with his sexuality and realized that nothing had changed then nothing would be affecting Touma.
I know it's easier said than done, it's just hypothetical

>that's the only thing people care about,
Speak for yourself, I care about Futaba and Taichi.

you are literally the only one

In the end of day it's another regular romance manga just spiced with more "exterior" drama.

it hasn't been a romance manga in a loooong long time

>Futaba and Taichi aren't in relationship
I did say more "exterior" drama.

might as well read something better and be done with it

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i thought the chapter was nice, though it did feel a bit preachy

This started off pretty cute but went towards the usual yaoi cliches anyway in the end.

>everyone is disparaged about how Touma being outted is so tough on THEM
in a way it is. him being kicked out of the closet is forcing everyone to take a harder look at themselves

>Nobody seems to fucking care about how in the shit he is right now
the skinhead guy does

>I care about Futaba and Taichi.
Same. I care about Touma too but I'm more concerned with what is going to happen with the smol couple.

After what Shroomhead said to Futaba I think it could be her inner thoughts. Is it okay for her to be happy to be with Taichi while Touma is suffering. Would it be easier if she hated him for confessing to her boyfriend and making herself and her bf a mopey pile of shit. It could just as easily be Taichi's thoughts as well along the same lines, wondering if it's okay to be happy and appreciate the super cute hamster sitting in front of him.

Yeah, what's with the angst lingering for days, it's not like he killed someone.

Ao no Flag?
More like Ao no Fag.

came up with that yourself, did ya?



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