Girly Air Force

You hear it you lose

Attached: gripen.jpg (1920x1080, 165K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Rewatching it now.
Gripen is useless.

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>Ywn have an autistic planefu

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I always imagined it was a metaphor for the current china assimilating everything in their Han-chinese hivemind and how the rape of Nanking was justified


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barbie01. ready for. take-off.

oh jezz i hear that

CLEARED for take-off, surely?


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As expected of Gripen

I miss the weekly dose of chink suffering.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Girly Air Force - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.29_[2019.02.28_12.15.16].jpg (1280x720, 84K)

Just like real life.

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Why are Gripen faces the best?

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Let's rape Gripen


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Let's not.

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Gripen is dumb

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Rhino did nothing wrong


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Gripen was dumb even *before* she suffered crippling brain damage from a sneak killer whale attack.

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Eagle is also dumb, Phantom is a hag and Minghua can't even win against a dead plane. What's new?

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Beating up Gripen


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At least Eagle is not unsexy.

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Why couldn't we save her?

dumb cute plane

Ugly and looks like a boy.

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You didn't try.

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Gripen CHADS rise up

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Reminder that Eagle is objectively the best plane.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Girly Air Force - 04 [720p]_001_1110.png (1280x720, 992K)

Nice eagles

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>Cute retard!

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best girl

Say "Ahh"

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Attached: gripen eating.webm (714x460, 1.15M)


this is clearly a girl

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What a retard.

Nobody is buying her.

The Brazilians are.

Attached: gripen eating a pizza pie.webm (960x540, 912K)

>calling gripen dumb

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Girly Air Force - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.21_[2019.03.28_12.47.20].jpg (1280x720, 84K)

She is very special

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Oh no, Gripen is dead.

It just shows, big-titted blondes can get away with MURDER. As they should.

Best girl of her season

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Nice, someone actually put in the effort to do it properly.


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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Girly Air Force - 10 [1080p]:00:10:10.986.jpg (1920x1080, 176K)

a dorkish and very cute alien

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I miss the chibis. All cute girls anime should have chibi scenes.

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Cute autism

Yep, she is unforgettable

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Have sex with Gripen.

Best chibi shot

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I want to refuel her fuel

But she looks like a boy.

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I wish I could.

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Sexy retards

Why did it flop so hard?

Maybe because the author fucked the ending

Was the last episode of this show the closest we will get to an horror anime to date? Someone got some webms of that?

Episode 12 was actually as good as it could be, given the mess it was in at that point. Tying up 50 lose ends and resolving 10 plot arcs was always going to be a tall order in 20 minutes.

Well, I meant the LN ending

Love it. Can be both can be a laugh inducing comedy or be deadly serious in a moment's notice. I still remember the part where Rhino was assimilatrd into the Xi, really fucking cool and sorta tragic

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This show had no right to be as good as it ended up being.

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Rhino ended up being pretty much exactly like HAL in 2001:A Space Odyssey. In 2010 (the sequel to 2001) they fill in some back story - basically, in the mission to Jupiter, HAL was given orders that the crew were expendable, but was told to conceal this from them, and because he was completely logical and moral, trying to come to terms with this lie essentially drove him mad. He is treated really sympathetically and allowed to redeem himself by sacrificing himself at the end.)

What did she mean by this?

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You know, stuff Gripen can't do.

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I'd release my combat load on Phantom, if you know what I mean.


What happened in the LNs?

Look for the spoilers in the archive, was very shitty.

Minghua didn't deserve it.

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she didn't but it was hilarious.

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She is a chink.

Yes, she did.

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"Stop streaming, you stupid fuck."

All Anima disappeared when Zai was defeated. Kei didn't even ended with Minghua. He became a Gripen pilot instead. Rhino was confirmed dead even though she was in Volume 7(more like flashback chapter).

The author seems to have wasted the characters and the concept of the story..

All in all it was dissappointing or at least one person's book review of Volume 11 in amazon japan..

Kadokawa still publishes newer volumes but it seems useless as the story was already ended in Vol 11.. It would be more like prequel backstory or flashback stuff now.

The ending of the LN is absolute fucking GARBAGE. I can't think of a worse way of ending it except killing everyone and having the Xi win.


All Anima disappeared when Zai was defeated. Kei didn't even ended with Minghua. He became a Gripen pilot instead. Rhino was confirmed dead even though she was in Volume 7(more like flashback chapter).

The author seems to have wasted the characters and the concept of the story..

All in all, it was dissappointing or at least for one person's book review of Volume 11 in amazon japan..

Kadokawa still publishes newer volumes but it seems useless now as the story had already ended in Vol 11. It would be more like a prequel backstory or flashback stuff now.

Useless? She'll kiss and hug you, will take off her clothes in front of you, eat lunch with you in secluded places, and sleep in the bedroom with you. She's willing to talk about any topic with you. What more do you want?

The songs from this show still get stuck in my head randomly. There's going to be s2... right? I'm not reading a light novel.

Best dumb flat autistic girl and plane!

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>Kei didn't even ended with Minghua.
That's just cruel. She was just there to be bullied.


Do they make nuclear cluster bombs? America should have glassed the Xi bases/China, as part of a metaphor about how sometimes useless lesser cultures need to be sacrificed for the greater good

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Gripen looks like THAT?

I watched Kotobuki instead during that season, should I go back and watch this one aswell?

It's pretty fun. The ending was underwhelming. A lot of people hated the first episode.

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As someone who watched both, no.

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As someone that watched both, this one is billion of times better, but this user is kinda right I don't think it was bad but it was a very big "just go read the LNs bro".

Is she equipped for boom or probe and drogue?

Ikr.. just my theory but i think the concept of Girly Air Force was just shoved/ordered to Koji Natsumi, the author/writer of Girly.

Looking at his previous works.. which seem to be romcom stuff, for some reason i think he aint cut to do this military theme stuff.

Perhaps Dengeki wanted a share of the military shoujo market, sadly it failed. Coupled with the fact Kotobuki aired at the same season..

That's Rapier, the anima of the XF-108-ANM of the USAF. She's featured in the latest Volume 12 novel.

Rather than a continuation, Rapiers story is more of a prequel side story.

Dropped kotobuki for being CGIshit, so I would say yes.

Never even picked up Kotobuki because I dont give a shit about piston fighters.

Attached: Rapier.jpg (960x640, 111K)

I watched both being an aviation fan. I'd say go watch Girly Air Force if time and will allows, so you cant judge it yourself.

I see, thanks. Gripen is still surprisingly pretty

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Literally who cares anymore, it was terrible and flopped

Anyone has that Rhino crystallisation webm? Surprised that such a (forgive me for using such a shittyword for the lack of description) Kino scene for a fairly low budget LN adaptation

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>discount yuro F16

I dont want to search for it because immense sadness, Rhino was a cute.

I love Rhino

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The best

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>Delivering payload

The sexiest

>america fuck yeah

>caring so much about sales that you get upset when people want to talk about a show they like just because it didn't sell well

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smug hag

best plane

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Animeonlyfag here
Do they reveal that gripen was made out of kei's mother pieces in the ln?

I want to deliver multiple payloads into phantom

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