>tfw you go to akihabara and this show is everywhere and you feel like you missed out on an entire season of anime because you didnt watch it
Tfw you go to akihabara and this show is everywhere and you feel like you missed out on an entire season of anime...
It's just generic haremshit.
it's quite good for generic haremshit
It's pretty wholesome generic haremshit.
Ichicute a best!
Cute dating couple!
We were supposed to be AOTS kaguya bros...
Generic =/= bad. All anime is generic. People obviously like watching the harem class of things.
I rememer when I went to Akihabara Re:Zero was fucking everywhere and I still hadn't watched it at the time, made me feel left out
Pick one, because it can't be both.
Yots is best girl
See autist san. You're literally posting on a generic image board.
>falling for marketing ploys
Mate, just read it. It's highly addictive.
It's the best harem of the decade
You missed nothing because the anime is a waste of time. Read it.
rezero was actually good though
The food you eat every day is mostly generic, but it may be also good or bad.
Go read the manga.
Autists like you who constantly whine about good things being "generic" or "bland" are the most annoying shitposters on the board.
Oh yeah I sure fell for it by ilegally downloading it and never spending a penny in merch
Just watch nisekoi and bokuben.
The anime for this show was abysmal.
Actually no. Despite it consisting of generic archetypes and plot points the ending result is rather unique and interesting to read.
>it can't be both.
There are plenty of shows that are both good and generic
I've read the manga up to date, is the anime worth watching?
watch the second to last episode
shaft helped animate that one
all the other episodes have bad cases of QUALITY