
That's what you perverts get for baring my exposed chest to the whole board!

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Did he die at the end?



I don't think so.

I always liked how she is the biggest pervert in the show even as she scolds everyone else.

She only bad eyes for Suguru.

Closet perverts are the best.

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Well her biological clock is literally ticking. She has needs to fulfill.

>literally ticking.
Don't remind me ;_;

Lock me up even though I've done nothing wrong

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You're just asking for it.

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I'm asking for mahoro's tiny tits in my mouth.

It's not her fault though.

What's wrong user-chan? Yearning for a baby?

No, I mean the "X days until Mahoro stops functioning"

Was there a way to properly please her master without proper hardware?

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Does a strapon count?

Yes. It's implied he bled out from his wound and Mahoro returned as an angel to escort him to Paradise.

No, because he isn't a mentally ill faggot.

Don't be rude.

I miss when anime had casual nudity.

They started it by making a supremely stupid comment.