Yu-Gi-Oh! Creator Wants Fans to Vote, Lambastes Shinzo Abe's "Current Ad￶ministration"

>Yu-Gi-Oh! creator Kazuki Takahashi shares artwork of his characters on his Instagram account. One image, posted on Monday, caught fans' attention when they noticed that Yugi and the Dark Magicians had a message for Japanese citizens, "Vote!"

>"The current administration is betraying its own country, and I really wonder if Japan's future will be OK!," Takahashi wrote. The words are echoed by the Dark Magicians in the illustration. The post then quotes the character Atem, "All duelists! Now is the time to vote for justice!"

>Japan's citizens will elect 124 of the 245 seats of its House of Councillors on July 21. The House of Councillors is the upper house of Japan's National Diet. The House is currently dominated by Prime Minister Shinzō Abe's Liberal Democratic Party.


Attached: yu-gi-goh-to-the-polls.jpg (1000x1000, 178K)

Vote for what? Nuke chinks and gooks?


Attached: yugi.jpg (480x360, 18K)

Why does the anime industry attract these bitter old timers who refuse to accept that Japan's era is over?

Take my 5

The Japanese are a proud people and refuse to change. The youth are apathetic and despondent so don't bother to go against tradition. That's why Japan keeps fucking up their own society by repeating the same mistakes over and over again without changing a thing.

Sure hope so. Based nips are way better

What is Abe doing that's so bad? Outside of the birth rate memes I know basically nothing about him

We need diversity in Japan and in Anime. Can't for interracial couples in anime. Black bulls breeding your waifu while you watch.

He's basically chinese Donald Trump.

fuck off zoomer

Japan is still Japanese so they have fucked up their society less than anyone else, women's liberation is an insurmountable civilization-ending phenomena and despite being forced into it after WWII they seem to be resisting the inevitable better than the rest.

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This is neither anime nor manga. Stop spamming this shit

>YGO protags famously never end up with the girls
>creator is against Abe


you guys really suck at this

Attached: yugi5.gif (555x555, 555K)

We all know perfectly well who needs to be in charge of Japan.

Get free booster packs as a tax return and duel disks instead of passports.

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Speaking against a country's leader is speaking against everyone who put him in power. If the power was given through a majority vote, then it's effectively speaking against the country.

>who needs to be in charge of Japan


China is superior to subhuman japs.

>Speaking against a country's leader is speaking against everyone who put him in power
No it isn't, people are individuals.

defaming the president is a crime

Lmao neck yourself

i don't think there's a legal case for libel from this comment alone

Unirocally have sex

Right wing and being a bootlicker,why doesn't it surprise me.

There are only 2 genders.

Defaming someone who your country (and, by extension, you) elected is adminning to being a fuck-up.

>I love Big Brother

Attached: 1533511715620.jpg (525x861, 196K)

I'm not right-wing and I live in a shitty 3rd world country with a shitty president. But laws are laws

Is he a leftie?

More specifically it would be speaking against him in the terms of his most popular and direct campaign promises and moralizing against those popular sentiments as being evil, I don't know about Abe but the problem with representative governments in general is politicians being bought and paid for by foreign or business interests and campaigning in one way to get elected, or at least not signaling their true intentions, or even playing in a field unilaterally dominated by interests where the true issues of the day are not even open to mainstream discussion, and enacting policy in another way that is often diametrically opposed to what they were elected for and violating public consent to such an extent that even direct democracy and having endless referendums for every significant issue would be preferable and even fascism or absolutism would be less tyrannical, less exploitative and less despotic as the convoluted mechanism by which true power must be exerted by the true rulers is at such a loss in efficiency that it becomes infinitely more damaging and coercive than transparent authoritarianism.

I don't know enough about Japanese politics to say whether i agree, but I respect that he's urging people to participate. I don't see a lot of Japanese caring about the government

Dark Magician: sth sth the future will become a dark dimension
Dark Magician Girl: Truly, Japan has become a hard place to live

>atem telling you to vote
atem was a fucking tyrant
he send everyone who disagreed with him to the fucking shadow realm
either that or you became his slave
>what you don't have huge tablets that have monster spirits in them
>well too bad to the shadow realm with you

Probably, yeah. Shinzo is right wing and anti migrant.

But Pharaoh Atem was anti-migrant and he's praised as a hero. Atem needed a Japanese tit-cow to teach him that Old Testament style punishments were bad.

*sth sth is Dictatorial Regime.

Pretty disgusting to use your work for stuff like this, You can have political views but don't mix it with your works.

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Idk about his political ideas but I really like his arts, too bad he's drowning with money and don't draw that much anymore.
His Dark Magician Girl still makes me diamond, one of the best character design ever created

This post is advertising.

Well after his experience doing Yugioh you can't really blame him for not wanting to work if he doesn't have to

Yeah, I'd do the same thing, but it's a shame. I just want more DMG drawn by him.

>Pretty disgusting to use your work
You could do whatever the hell you want with your own work. The problem here is that it may be part of why Konami's stock has dropped.

Can't wait for Japan to get BLACKED and all anime be racemixing propaganda.

>atem was a fucking tyrant
who better to tell you what to do than a scary tyrant


People can fuck cuts of pork, but that doesn’t make it sanitary

Why do manga artists hate the Prime Minister? What is Abe doing that is making them angry? He seems like a normal kind of guy.

>hating right wingers
>new in any way

Attached: trumpsmirk.png (186x262, 51K)

Ultra Right Wing Nationalists in Japan tend do porno and right poetry.

Are Ultra Right Wingers even bad? Japan's brand seem to want to restore the county back to Meiji Era.

If anything, this has made me interested in giving Yugi a read. Went through his instagram and i had no idea his art looked so cool.

>Konami's stock has dropped.

Pick one, and only one.

Why would or should anyone be complacent with their nation fading into irrelevance? You don't make any sense.

My only question is, which side is most likely to abolish that stupid censorship law for porn? The left or the right? I'll support whoever side does it.

He's pro japan military and is an ultra right wing nationalist party/cult or something.
In the years he's been in office he's turned Japan into a major threat again by upping the budget and having navy drills over the entire SEA and india promising to protect and develop them.

Good, Konami deserves death

>anti migrant
Unironically nothing wrong with that

Attached: Abe System.jpg (1600x1075, 551K)

There's plenty of things wrong with that. Migrants want to move into Japan and live in the rural towns after being inspired by slice of life anime.

Yeah but Abe didn't get a majority vote, he got like 33%. Here in Germany, 26.8% voted for CDU and thus Angela Merkel became chancellor. So you could make the argument that 73.2% were against Merkel. And in America, Hillary Clinton got a majority (popular) vote but Trump still vote. So basically what you say is true, but has no real world application.

Trump still won* derp xD


Is that /pol/ or /int/?

t. Herocuck who celebrates Horikoshi shilling Anarcho-Communism in My Cuckademia

It's /int/. /pol/ has IDs.

You tell me genius

His art has always looked cool. Have you been living under a rock? Sadly we will never see him hand animate an entire movie by himself, which is a damn shame considering the brilliant job he did on those frames in DSOD

>right wing
>Liberal Democrat party

Still Nazis by Western leftist standards.

Then what, are the Japanese right wingers literally advocating for Meiji 2.0?

Terms like liberal mean different things depending on where you are talking about. Japan's parties are very "conservative" by American standards when you look on the political spectrum to my knowledge.

All Nazis

>has no real world application
Putin says privjet.

Takahashi is like literally the only thing good about Konami, so if he wants to kill them, he can go for it.

Guys Kaz is pissed Abe went back on his word and is making it easier for migrants to come for labor work

Abe is the Obama of Japan. Him and Obama were close friends after Obama 2nd Term.

Where Brazil?

worse Turkey

>having a military is bad
Do they prefer the US to be the world police?

You're talking about the Yakuza, the JAV will be soon taken over by the LGBT.

Abe is a total hypocrite and is the sole reason when Japan goes full progressive in the years to come.

>JAV will be soon taken over by the LGBT.
[citation needed]

Weak bait. Porn is too lucrative to change its ways.