

Attached: 75742156_p0.jpg (1568x1532, 613K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: scooter.jpg (742x557, 25K)


kuro no raida~

Attached: 66732173_p1.jpg (744x1052, 587K)

she is cute

Boyish trap > Draw a girl, call it a boy

Attached: EEFB85A1-CCC2-4955-B0B3-DF4E0F6BEB6C.jpg (1107x1600, 766K)

She sees the Excalibur.

Attached: 1510423384907.jpg (2048x1150, 160K)

Attached: 1555116589782.jpg (1200x1697, 220K)

that one barely looks like a boy

What the fuck is this accent/dialect even called and why is it spoken by every horny trap

Attached: 1501194039942.gif (262x320, 1.01M)

Attached: IMG_20171108_183714.jpg (1136x483, 129K)

WHO the FUCK let you out of your cage?


Cute boys > Traps

Attached: ed10135d8eae26e557d33aeaecb68fc0.jpg (4092x2893, 901K)

cute boys and traps have a different appeal

cute boys are for girls or other cute boys, traps are for straight men

By my command seals I order you to drink that gender bender potion!

>turns into this, but with XX chromosomes

Attached: pzc7xd15qqj01.png (1416x2096, 678K)

I want to cum so hard in Astolfo's moist, unspoiled boiplum that he gets asspreggers with no less than four retarded buttbabies

Attached: 300586306161.jpg (1280x720, 351K)

They belong to fat old men only.

cute boys?

because only straight men on their physical prime can handle traps

This thread is hella gay.
And not in a good way.

There has never been an adage more true than "fap to a trap never go back".
I always thought it was dumb meme, but its a slippery fucking slope

fapped to some chick with a big butt yesterday

you people are weak

is it possible for a man to not like traps?

Attached: 1557170319403.jpg (640x1204, 113K)

>you people are weak
I don't think its a question of will. Traps are just hotter

This. My god I've even started imagining dominating some of the twinks I see in the locker room...

>flat chest

nope, they're fuckable but not as good as girls


>not liking feminine penis

>cute boys and traps have a different appeal
I'm not so sure. A very large contingency of people get annoyed when artists draw a girl and call it a boy. Artist that draw traps with masculine chests, wider shoulders, smaller hips and non-micro penises usually get a lot of praise. There is a difference, I agree, but its much more subtle

>thinks this is a bad thing
There was a time I thought as much, but its so alien to me now I can barely relate to it

The only shot when he looks like a man is when he uses Akhilleus Kosmos

A man must be pretty gay if he does not.

Doesn't astolfo only like cute things sounds like he only likes people being submissive

draw a girl, call it a boy trap > boyish trap

Attached: 1562863163318.jpg (670x417, 120K)

By that logic girls would always want submissive men because they like cute things. It doesn't work like that

There's this thin line where the boyish and feminine traits blur which makes traps a lot hotter. I wonder what's the psychology behind that, full masculine traits would otherwise turn me off.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Gatchaman Crowds Insight - 07 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_20.19_[2017.10.19_15.18.40].jpg (1920x1080, 503K)

FACT: Astolfo is straight AND my husband!

Attached: 63691187_p0.png (1024x938, 324K)

TRUTH: Astolfo is gay AND my wife!

this looks so wrong, now lets compare with pic related

see how much more natural it looks

Attached: 7289a635d066ee8184bd986e3d0ca1be.jpg (1082x1092, 462K)

flat chest and a small penis are more than enough masculine traits

small shoulders, thin waist and hips wider than waist are fundamental trap traits

Based and SCOOTER-pilled

Attached: SnA.png (1016x716, 336K)

>i'll never be a harem protagonist with a cowtits gf, a normal-chested gf and trap gf in my harem

why live?

shit fucking taste

>tfw no bf


That's not boyish at all. You're literally the only one who thinks that's boyish.

How is being sexually attracted to femininity in its purest form gay? Anyone would fuck them if they ever got a chance.

Attached: 1562627757054.jpg (660x336, 96K)

Miu's husband is so cute.

Attached: DL.jpg (183x275, 9K)

So did he win or not?

astolfo is a manly knight who fucks tons of pussy you fags

hot take: Astolfo X Girl is hot.

not really a hot take only fags think otherwise shame there so little

>mfw I read that as "he gets aspergers"
I need to go to bed

Astolfo transforms into the manliest man when seducing women and the girliest trap when seducing men. That's just how Astolfo is.

>What the fuck is this accent/dialect even called
"nips trying to speak english"

What is this and where is it from

i'll never understand what's the point of liking traps if you want to bottom instead of topping them

Attached: 1559975729279.jpg (598x498, 58K)

It still isn't gay so long as the balls don't touch

At the top of my head
One where he rapes some Saber face,
One where he's getting pegged by some Saber face
One where he's raped by gudako

The one with Gudao fucking him from behind with Gudako riding him on top

less to do with homosexuality, more with aesthetics

look at this cutie, he was literally made to be pounded like a wild animal

Attached: 6758c555f17e83fa77157059162c102b.jpg (960x1270, 239K)

>he was literally made to be pounded like a wild animal
Go back to /k/

Attached: astolfo_chan_wa_kawaii_na.png (1178x1694, 2M)

Attached: s1200.png (752x468, 234K)


Reverse traps is the ultimate straight man choice.

Attached: 4512376845231.jpg (603x1000, 55K)

But that's 50% gay

But that's a double reverse trap

There's a doujin I remember where a trap and a reverse trap are a couple and bang. Big fan of the dynamic.

Astolfo is trash. Could you trapfags at least post characters that aren't meme bottom of the barrel entry level ribbit normafag tier.

How's this?

Attached: 1522005463823.gif (540x652, 1.9M)

He's straight so it's no homo

Man that smooth skin... the slender bodies...

>straight trap


So what is this suppose to be? A girl pretending to be a boy who pretends to be a girl?

A boy (female) pretending to be a girl (male)(female)

I want to drink astolfos piss

How about his bathwater?

Pretty sure that's how you get AIDS.


astolfo is the queen (male) of all trap user

traps that
>don't crave a straight man's cock
>don't crossdress pretty much full-time

Attached: 1462498078714.jpg (937x534, 95K)

for newfaggots, sure

Why couldn't Yukimura be an actual trap? I wanted to plunge into his (her) yaoi hole.

Attached: 1533625241602.jpg (1366x768, 92K)

Here you go, friend

for all generations, too bad your taste is shit user.

Oh my brother. Thank you. i'm gonna have fun with this one!


Attached: 66968942_2313377438709276_2617155712140181504_n.png (600x849, 568K)

Don't mind me, just posting a legend nobody here knows about.

Attached: watakushinohusbando69.jpg (1200x1707, 1.99M)

Attached: 1562970887777.jpg (1200x1727, 372K)

Why does Astolfo makes my dick so hard? I'm not gay

pick one

When he's wearing the skirt, he's a girl

because you're a healthy young man

Attached: 1559331655633.jpg (4000x2828, 2.6M)

tfw still not translated

I don't get to post this image often so you have my gratitude

Attached: skurt.jpg (501x263, 47K)

i remember this pic from a screencap.
or is it one of those how to become trap guides.

Stop lewding Astolfo

Just split the difference and go for the XXY

He started it

Attached: 1552184439367.jpg (722x1944, 427K)

pick two

Attached: __fujita_mutsuki_ibekusa_makina_kurikara_saya_jiyuuni_enju_jiyuuni_mika_and_etc_shishunki_na_adam_dr (1536x1082, 350K)

>tfw you will never cum so hard into someone he gets asperger's

blame him

Attached: 1557245627100.jpg (640x1130, 63K)

oh you

Attached: 2016-02-09_19-58-39.png (147x232, 65K)

/k/ fucked a doe once

What is with you retards always hating anything that happens to be popular? Or maybe you're just butthurt because Astolfo is the sexiest trap in the trap kingdom.

shishunki na adam

Astolfo is the dream of any man: cute looks, girly manners and a bro-tier friend

a shame about the penis, but no one is perfect

>a shame about the penis

>Or maybe you're just butthurt because Astolfo is the sexiest trap in the trap kingdom.
Correction: Astolfo has the sexiest doujins. Because he's so popular all the best artists make doujins about him instead of other less popular but superior traps

Educate yourself

Attached: 1546973622141.jpg (748x746, 99K)

if Astolfo had a vagina (and also boobs) he would be the perfect girlfriend material

flat chest isn't great, but it's doable, but penis is a flaw, he still is a desirable girlfriend material, but not flawless (and that actually makes him more interesting as a character)

>penis is a flaw
Penis is the absolute best part of traps.

looks like a girl
>reverse trap
looks like a girl

what's up with that?


the only pro of the trap's penis is the fact you only have the ass to fuck, so it's 100% anal sex with them. seeing a trap cum after you give them a prostate orgasm is also arousing (as long as their cum don't fall on you), the vagina is simply superior objectivelly speaking

the best part of a trap = being a "girl" who actually enjoys anal sex

That other user is right, you are a casual.

>short hair
God it's perfect. I'm just gonna pretend it's a girl.


hung trap>>>mico penis trap
Convince me otherwise

this is the ideal trap body (+ a small hairless penis / ballsack and a feminine voice)

Attached: 1556933374126.jpg (952x688, 120K)

Why? You're right.

Attached: 1528205921855.jpg (500x436, 31K)

were they gay?

Attached: s-l500.jpg (353x500, 41K)

I wish traps didn't have such a terrible ratio of good stuff to terrible bottom of the barrel garbage.

Attached: __arjuna_and_scheherazade_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_zuwai_kani__6ab303dfbe776d4a2f09cac5cd46 (600x800, 560K)

Attached: 64292297_p0.jpg (3507x4960, 1.5M)


Astolfo is the sexiest trap there is. Why do you think these threads are always filled to the brim with Astolfo’s love.

He's not that bad, but to say he's the best is kind of silly

Come back in a few years, and he'll be another Jun, another Bridget, another Hideyoshi.

Attached: 1549904370962.jpg (956x1278, 471K)

if astolfo was a girl he would be consider used goods because off all the females he has fucked why like him??

Gays not welcome.

>Use Xlinks
>Only one result in this entire thread despite all the bulges

>another Bridget
I hope you're not selling Birdget too short here. Not only is Bridget great, but during the GGX2 era was a lot better known than some fateshit character

>implying twinks are any gayer than traps

I envy you old man, you sound like you're ignoring the gachapocalypse swallowing up everything -and most importantly eclipsing the doujin scene-, but people have forgotten about the OG.

Attached: 1554673486899.jpg (498x838, 415K)

Reverse traps is the ultimate closet gay because you want to fuck a man but don't want to be called gay.

I command you to show me your dick, astolfo

Why is she so sexy?

Attached: preview01c22290416f98950dc157c3b1156d98.jpg (1371x900, 162K)

traps are homosexuality for straight men

gotta be like 9 inches soft

>you sound like you're ignoring the gachapocalypse swallowing up everything
I try my best, but gachshit is a literal cancer that is spreading anywhere and everyone. Can't even look at Black-Lillith shit anymore without having to go through the timesink of gacha, which is honestly the worst thing. If they want 300 dollars I'd give it up in a heartbeat instead of actual months off my life.
> but people have forgotten about the OG
Used to be iconic, but that time's long gone now. Makes me sad that even Arcsys has forgotten about Bridget. I just want to perfect randoms as a crossdressing nun with a yo-yo and mechanical teddy bear, but apparently its too much to ask


Attached: 1554430211_2019-04-03 22-40-04.gif (696x392, 1.74M)

Astolfo's body looks terrible in Apocrypha.

Attached: 1554506115993.jpg (1600x900, 207K)

What ep was this?

This girl has a really cute butt.

Not that guy but really?

Attached: gay extended.png (869x2455, 965K)


Attached: SmugTrap.png (510x405, 205K)

that looks like a loli



she does

Attached: 1551155534213.jpg (686x1024, 180K)

without reading any of the words, it very clearly is just
>draw a girl, call it a boy


You're a brave soul, though I doubt anyone in the thread isn't reading all of MM3 newest releases anyway

This. The boyish bits of Pico and Chico make them far superior than Coco. Coco is the epitome of drawing a girl and calling it a boy with no care and Coco's by far the worst of the 3.

Attached: Untitled.gif (450x340, 36K)

i do.

Only real men choose Eve and Lilith

That's what I'm saying. I think its pretty safe to say everyone is up to date with MM3's releases

Is Chico draw a girl, call it a boy?

Tell me why I should't play Extella Link right now and fap furiously to Astolfo's model.

Astolfo is for plebians.


Attached: astolfo2.jpg (661x882, 113K)

having a trap in your harem is a deep mistake especially if they are dominant I certainly wouldn't have astolfo in one he would probably cuck you

Lucia > Astolfo

Is it cuckholdry if two female harem members start fucking?

Attached: Kotonoha_x_Sekai_kiss.jpg (800x450, 110K)

If your trap is trying to fuck women he hasn't be trained right. The only thing that should sexually arouse him is cock

Here, I fixed it for you.

Attached: 1561284489402.png (2276x3137, 2.84M)

>If your trap is trying to fuck women he hasn't be trained right
>not wanting to strengthen your bond by double-teaming girls in the harem with your trap
>not wanting to shove your dick in his ass as his dick is inside a girl
>not being bros with your male hoes


Attached: 032.png (1136x1600, 509K)

you are the worst person i have ever met on this god forsaken website


if you have a trap in your harem and they aren't locked in a chastity cage, you are doing it wrong.

if Astolfo was my trap gf, sharing the other harem girls with him would be a pleasure


Attached: 25.jpg (1104x1600, 689K)

>bisexual because of anime
Holy fuck, the meme was true.

How do I tell the Grail I want to be with *her* without being gay? What needs to be my wish to fulfill this? What must I sacrifice to accomplish this?

The grail will transform you into a girl

If fucking only

How else are you going to breed a new generation of ultra-feminine traps for your harem if you don't let the traps fuck the girls?

>protag never fucks his mom or any of his sisters

Attached: sad.gif (330x336, 2.67M)

Attached: RoyalDecree-DUSA-EN-UR-1E.png (687x1010, 1.05M)

Are you gay?


Attached: Cheeki2.jpg (482x570, 52K)

Attached: 1559099292022.jpg (1384x1188, 606K)

what are the absolute best astolfo doujins with as much bullying as possibly?

I want Astolfo to breed me


Bitch Servant no Shitsukekata

best boy slut

Attached: inranshonen2_001.jpg (1280x1815, 476K)

still some of the best logic in any attempted NTR

very nice, thanks user

When will that Aslam artist draw Astolfo? They have already done Alexander.

why delete?
aslam? who?

Probably doesn't appeal to their taste


This world would be so much better if IRL traps looked as feminine as their 2D counterparts.

Instead? 98% of all IRL traps just look like crossdressing dudes. :(

I prefer the one where it's a Trap and a Reverse Trap that are adopted siblings and the Reverse Trap thinks the Trap is blackmailing their mom but in reality she just wants to NTR her husband that she hates now and the two confront and fuck in a bathroom stall. And the trap impregnates both

You mean this artist? Their Alexander is literal perfection no homo but holy SHIT I would

Attached: biribiri_FDo_030.jpg (2094x3031, 2.39M)

Attached: 20190712_183829.jpg (1074x522, 165K)

It's known as "Engrish" and it's most commonly spoken by the mentally retarded and the Japanese

it's a loaned word for the japanese.

Does Astolfo wear panties or boxers/briefs?
none isn't an answer

they're not called deerfuc/k/ers for nothing

see for yourself

fuck those pits are glorious

Attached: pits.png (1200x1775, 1.94M)

Which trap would you say has a better design?

Attached: D8FPhyZUEAAcaxU.jpg (838x1200, 184K)

I would like a harem with Astolfo in which he is a co-master but we each have our favorite 2 girls that the other doesn't touch, but the other ones are fair game ( say if it was us 2 and 7 to 10 other girls). In orgies our favorite girls can fuck other girls but not the other guy. In this way I can have a cute trap to fuck, who also gets to fuck me and the other girls but at the same time no one is cucking anyone and we all just get along fine. I want Astolfo to fuck my prostate while getting a blowjob real bad.

Been waiting os a Astolfo from them.


>short hair
who is this cutie?

Robin from Batman doujin.

i'm straight, but i would obliterate Astolfo's ass, 10/10 girlfriend material despite being a boy

Attached: Yami-no-Serva-Fes.jpg (948x1324, 565K)

Attached: 0cbc5f3f4c8c547b60632e6455ecb2ce.png (800x1111, 234K)

How did it end anyways?

I'm pretty sure the "Reverse Trap" is really what you'd call a tomboy

Patrician's choice.

Attached: 1559421009433.jpg (500x500, 122K)

Astolfo needs one of these.

Attached: DJFOj5VV4AEqbbd.jpg (1024x576, 48K)

tomboys are only acceptable when they have boyish interests, but still look like and have the mannerisms of a female

Requesting source

>female form + vagina
>female form + dick
>male form + dick
unattractive (myself not included)
>male form + vagina

what's up with that?

Attached: 1551389049033.jpg (600x1341, 82K)

That's called being straight

Traps are a straight man's fetish.

Attached: 73973781_p0.jpg (2343x2618, 2.29M)

So since in the legends astolfo fucked hundreds of girls how are none pregnant how does he have no children???

This. People are attracted to facial and body features, not the genitals. I don't care if I thought it was a girl at first. If it's cute it's cute.

claiming Astolfo and d'Eon

>People are attracted to facial and body features, not the genitals.
both lesbians and gay men prefer genitals over facial and body features

I prefer Mordred

>both lesbians and gay men prefer genitals over facial and body features
Sure, that's how it works why not

Attached: 1432381251341.jpg (554x439, 106K)

Attached: 63886307_p0.jpg (2039x1378, 1.8M)


Attached: 1526680679901.jpg (564x797, 61K)

he's hot as fuck

Attached: 1563063091382.jpg (476x900, 68K)

I'd suck his dick no homo

I only like Mordred when she has a penis.

Attached: mordred.png (1192x710, 1.82M)

Attached: 64639076_p0.jpg (1457x1032, 1.25M)

trap guide
i used to have it saved but i cant find it, sorry user

>femininity in its purest form
>has a penis

Attached: 1563152010593.png (722x525, 598K)

>Draw cutest girl
>Call her boy

It's so fucking unfair bros

I only like traps when their fucking other girls. They both look like girls so it might look like hot lesbo sex but its guy so also still straight in the end. I dunno why but whenever I try reading trap doujins I can never get hard, just knowing he has a penis turns me off for some reason.

Why would you let a penis stop you from fucking a girl?

Everything looked terrible in Apocrypha

Post a better design then. Oh wait you can't

Attached: 9669f02a8adea44cab97ef43a260883c.jpg (1530x1872, 2M)

Sexuality is to do with gender. Gender has nothing to do with what genitals you have.

>Gender has nothing to do with what genitals you have
That's true, because the word "gender" is a grammar term. In language words are given a weight called gender that grant the word masculine, feminine or sometimes neutral qualities. In English you can see this with words like he vs she or actor vs actress or pretty vs handsome. In other romantic/germanic languages this is an easier concept to explain since many adjectives and nouns have gendered forms like beau vs belle. However biological creatures do not have gender. They have sex. Biological creatures can be described with gendered words however, which is an expression of language, but not a scientific category of said biological entity.

Attached: 62258894_p0.jpg (1000x1400, 548K)

You would think Iori would be able to relate to traps

The fact that you're focusing on the penis so much is the gayest part of all. Too bad you're too gay to appreciate a feminine girl (male) that actually knows what unconditional love means.

Astolfo has best mainstream design but there are alot of doujin traps that are perfect tier as well. I'd say Hacka is the second best mainstream design.

Attached: 3516ba2630a8d733c07b0648e6f58704.png (1752x2412, 2.45M)



>had the balls to let the femboy join his harem

Motherfucker's actually based. Only crime is that despite being a demon he looks completely human. I expect more from a literal semen demon.

Attached: The good shit.png (240x150, 2K)

Femdom for retards

Neo Ranga has a trap in it?

All this trap shit is pretty gay, luckily I still have my hyper violent and sexual classic mangas by Go Naka-

Attached: Violence-Jack-06-075.png (1185x1744, 2.44M)

good job user, keep strong, all these incels will be pushed back before long

Where's a NTR trap hentai manga when you need it?

Attached: Trap x NTR.png (373x888, 520K)

The numbers demand it

Tsukuru's dad stole his daughter's bf series

>Hetero harem gets NTR'd by the trap harem
>Hetero harem gets revenge by reverse raping the MC while the trap harem watches in fear and jealousy
>MC bamboozles both harems and fucks them at the same time by using clever strategies and the power of lust
How can a bisexual fuckfest of this level ever be topped?

Attached: 0ad46a286f42faab289b2150f6d5198c.png (1000x1526, 1.66M)

>Tsukuru's dad stole his daughter's
Is this a series? I can't seem to find it.


Attached: 1563046083974.png (549x280, 186K)

no astolfo-mordred doujins astolfo only ever gets paired up Jeanne fuck

(C93) [Seki Sabato (Tsukuru)] Tabi no Yoru no Himitsu
(COMITIA124) [Seki Sabato (Tsukuru)] Shikkaku Boyfriend
(C94) [Seki Sabato (Tsukuru)] Hanabi no Yoru no Himitsu

Attached: dad_ntr_daughter_bf.png (1279x1210, 1.4M)

I like boys who look like reverse traps, like Kurapika or Lio Fotia

Attached: 61856426_p0.png (2291x1700, 3.97M)

Attached: 63708511_p0.jpg (674x943, 859K)

Attached: 63709413_p0.jpg (1161x1578, 1.51M)

Attached: 64213939_p0.png (866x1014, 945K)

tfw sequel is not colored

Attached: 01.jpg (1280x1808, 458K)

How can one character be so effeminate and gay while being a freaking Paladin of the Church with one of the biggest penchants against homosexuality?

Attached: __astolfo_and_sieg_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_77gl__41e38a58cb640de14e5e0bf63bccc50d.png (2120x3000, 3.93M)

Astolfo with bald black man
That prunus girl doujin in wedding dress
Palco nagashima girlfriend's crossdressing brother
That cannabis series where the guy got divorced cause he found out fucking his brother in law
Another one I don't remember the name a yandere trap stealing his sisters boyfriend which boyfriend end up cheats from the older sister, but it all of it is actually according to the older sister's keikaku

>against homosexuality

last one seems interesting.
can you remember it?

Stop this thread, it's making me gay


But astolfo was only fucked once hes mostly heterosexual plus you can absolve your sins immediately lol


Agreed though? I wouldn't say hung though just bigger than micro. I'd say average.

Attached: 1553725300472.jpg (1280x1808, 242K)

Jack to Jack (male)


Attached: S1DYmcw.jpg (600x315, 43K)


>female-on-astolfo, pegging
>astolfo-on-male, ahegao

Attached: 1559842603700.png (600x650, 192K)

>Astolfo-on-male, irrumatio

Attached: Dumbell_Episode2.jpg (1920x1080, 774K)

my dick

Attached: Astolfo.png (500x506, 240K)


Attached: 1559816590942.jpg (1280x1837, 307K)

that is the cutest doujin i've ever seen, it's so sweet it makes it hard to masturbate to

hard pass

what's the name?

[San Se Fang (NekoWeapons)] Boku mo da.

thanks, i'll take a look

>artoria-astolfa-artoria alter sandwhich
>futanari, double penetration

Attached: 1560976800938.jpg (538x581, 112K)

double anal

Attached: 64240438_p0.jpg (1000x1414, 501K)

Attached: 58268268_p2.jpg (2238x1000, 1.2M)

Can’t remember the exact title but the author is Nagi Ichi.


Attached: b5d.png (601x353, 366K)

The best thing about traps is that you can get away with showing off their bare chest.

>large penis

Attached: 1501070306267.png (350x380, 91K)

I'll take the 183cm one, extra hung.
And a two litre pineapple juice bottle, please.

Attached: 1493060554346.jpg (458x674, 59K)

Attached: Fate (Astolfo and d'Eon).jpg (1000x1308, 430K)


Attached: 72020359_p1.png (2000x2829, 2.49M)

>Astolfo with bald black man
That depends on whether the MC is present or not but I meant a manga that's basically a long running doujin. I'd even take a series or an adaption without the sex at this point.

Astolfo is for getting dicked down not getting down dicking others.

Attached: Dick In A Box.png (797x910, 442K)

I want to put my hand in there and not remove it until there's so much cum in there it starts overflowing out of the hole.

I'm fed up with Asstolfhole, when would there doujins starring all of those other delicious boys?

The kawaisaw one have his master present, and assfucked by him

Attached: 1552615394102.jpg (800x1135, 168K)

When they actually look like boys, sure. But that just looks like a very girly face in a suit.

Specifically her or that description? Yes, tomboy.

Attached: 64504629_p0.png (2000x2458, 1.39M)

We need more Alexander dammit

There's still alot more vanilla doujins of them then NTR though. I'm surprised its like that even now.

Attached: 4.jpg (1280x1811, 719K)

Astolfo looks the best when he's drawn like a flat mid/late teens girl.

Not too fond of the art where he looks boyish or looks like a 10yo girl.

Attached: 64265089_p0.png (1500x2018, 2.73M)

astolfo is NOT a slut

He can become one

>It's my dick in a box!

Attached: 65543240_p0.jpg (1080x1528, 850K)

Attached: 65527756_p0.png (1544x1091, 606K)

Wow. A thread full of faggots in denial. The absolute state of Yea Forums.

The only faggot I see here is you

Kek. Keep sucking that dick and explain how it isn't gay.

what do you mean denial?

Hello newfag.

i'm not a faggot, i only like girls and girls with dicks


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Me on the left.

>i'm straight, but i would obliterate Astolfo's ass,
same, it's the hair that does it for me

Attached: robotti_bete_01010.jpg (1200x1657, 245K)

i once got banned on Yea Forums for posting this image

are Yea Forums mods faggots?

Saber has a smelly butt.

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Reminder that it's only gay to like traps if you wanna buttom/selfincert

Attached: DIE!.jpg (895x901, 66K)

Jeanne has the same hair and is a girl

Can't spell gay without Yea Forums.

not him, but Jeanne is also hot as fuck, even more than Astolfo

i prefer Astolfo as a character tho


Just when I think Nips bored of trap already.

Attached: 2019 Trap.jpg (640x1489, 549K)

(C95) [Inran Shounen (Jairou)] Yami no Serva Fes - Kindan no Rakuen ni Youkoso! (Fate/Grand Order)

Wrong pic for the 2nd one

Attached: lucky selfie.jpg (1280x720, 144K)

I'm too lazy when do that pic.

Attached: ab5afbbe077014afdb367870e24ed138.jpg (700x1064, 57K)

What show is the third character from?

Maou-sama, Ritorai!



I want Astolfo to dominate me and breed my boi pusy

Attached: IMG_41d4212e-555c-4acf-aff9-6250bf139c99.png (1920x1080, 2M)

what game?
face is too manly.

Soul Calibur VI character creator

I prefer Trap /ss/.

Attached: sunoharasou03-134.jpg (1280x1966, 158K)

I know, and I never said I didn't like her. I probably like her even more, but I'd gladly do both of them either way.

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How does Soma Cruz fare as a Master and who is his Servant?

Attached: D8dl5zrU8AA4R5_.jpg (1001x1079, 194K)

I want to marry Brynhildr!

Attached: bryn.png (250x375, 144K)

What do you think Astolfo's feet smell like after wearing his delicious stockings all day, anons?

Is Astolfo hung?

He doesn´t need to be hung, just bigger than you

Sweaty fritos...

why don't you smell it and see for yourself?

Attached: 1558154412374.jpg (1610x1734, 1.46M)

6" flaccid, 8-9" hard

Astolfo has a small and delicate feminine penis, it's 2'' tops

It's official, anons. I have now jerked off and came into my hands over the fantasy of smelling inbetween Astolfo's toes and whiffing up all of his appetizing footfunk.

See you all on the other side.

straight Astolfo art is also really fucking cute

Was it good?

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Best thread on Yea Forums in a while.

if you don't want to fuck this you're a faggot

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damn, be careful Astolfo

let me put some of my sunblock on you

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all traps and femboys should be in cock cages desu, preferably with no lock, just welded shut.

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Now time for me is nothing 'cause I'm counting no age
Now I couldn't be there
Now you shouldn't be scared

Attached: 0F8DF881-7750-42AB-88F4-EADA37D36275.jpg (350x219, 20K)

Astolfo is the biggest proof some boys are made for straight cock.

Attached: after 6 months hrt.jpg (1413x2000, 482K)

Astolfo is cute.

Attached: D_kAZoPVUAEkByg.jpg (1000x603, 113K)

Attached: 58273092_p0.png (1024x1024, 422K)

Coco is an angel. Go fuck youself


Attached: 1531968178355.jpg (668x960, 365K)

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A noble goal indeed.

Attached: 1536443463782.png (600x849, 210K)

So what should I read, watch, play if I want as much Canon Astolfo media as possible? Despite love at first sight I don't really know much about him.

It’s only gay when you take the cock. Even only giving the genuine penises the succ is defendable at this point.

Attached: gay.png (901x462, 416K)

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If having my throbbing ass full of Astolfos cock makes me gay, I dont want to be straight

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Traps are only good in their youth
The sad truth is they'll always lose their feminine appeal with age

but you just sucked my dick 5 minutes ago

Keep the dick and we have a deal.

How the fuck is anal stimulation better than penile stimulation? You're supposed to fuck a trap's brains out while giving them the ol reach around to double the fun in the first place.

Pick one user.

Before this thread dies I'm just gonna leave these here. The most detailed trap fucking in a series you'll ever get and also being fucked by the trap

Attached: shishunki.jpg (703x990, 140K)

Pretty low quality righting. Much better trap erotica on erotica sites like literotica and stuff.

Attached: 1560383119177.jpg (1080x1080, 774K)

I was not prepared for how genuinely fun and likable Astolfo was when I watched Apocrypha. Expected some dumb meme character, got someone who carried half the show.

The sad part is that Astolfo is actually fairly decent in Apocrypha, but trapfags have memed him to high heaven.

Where did his/her boobs come from?

is the manga good?
any trap sex in the manga?

Attached: __astolfo_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_angruoxin__sample-a7f104af3f8d54ff1be571c0f93b2f71.jpg (850x1063, 176K)

Attached: __astolfo_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_tihoro1609__sample-a2f6f0e6e42079102e95fc3e338cd4eb.jpg (850x1202, 102K)

>Astolfo and Jeanne constantly mentioned
>Semi never and Jack only sometimes
Feels bad being into the edgy girls more. Maybe Semi will get some more love when she gets added to US FGO next year.

Bodies in general looked shit in Apocrypha, not sure why. To be fair they were accurate in that they give him a swimmer body though.

Attached: [UTW]_Fate_Apocrypha_-_20_[h264-720p][955252FF].mkv_snapshot_13.50_[2018.01.14_20.57.59].jpg (1280x720, 80K)

I didn't realise Franky was so tall. Also god damn I want to headpat Jack.

Attached: image0.png (2208x1242, 2.66M)

When the FUCK are fgo adaptations coming? There are barely any kotaro lewds

Attached: __fujimaru_ritsuka_fuuma_kotarou_and_minamoto_no_raikou_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_mo_kireina (1012x1375, 210K)

>Fate/Grand Order (Apocrypha event, Agartha singularity)
>Fate/Extella Link
Agartha has a manga coming out for it, Apocrypha is available as LN (probably best version), manga and anime (worst version)

>How the fuck is anal stimulation better than penile stimulation?
You just haven't tried it yet. While I've never had dick and probably never will, I can confirm that prostate orgasms are far better than jerking it, even if it is more work.

We really need more Asstolfo doujin
Meme50 hurry up!

Attached: AstolfoAstolfo_14.png (1387x1217, 1.45M)


god i wish that were me under him

Best boi.

Attached: 297669f5dfff652a7076dec1742d3d7b.png (1000x1412, 1.1M)

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We should get some trap as actual MC

Ass. Classroom counts?


Attached: eb9a1d1ff1c9c409e9e84e80139d604dd1ce1a98r1-1188-2048v2_hq.jpg (594x1024, 40K)

Attached: D9A9lgYU4AAod64.jpg (1000x864, 145K)

>that smug
looks like I'm having my first Rare Prism tonight

Link to these? Some of them don't sound familiar.

Attached: __astolfo_fujimaru_ritsuka_oda_nobukatsu_oda_nobunaga_and_sieg_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_kod (850x637, 197K)

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Attached: 62968304_p0.png (1053x1345, 1.25M)

Too hot.

Astolfo + super crown

Attached: __artoria_pendragon_elizabeth_bathory_ereshkigal_jeanne_d_arc_scathach_and_etc_new_super_mario_bros_ (850x503, 145K)

perfect position

Attached: 1563069158907.jpg (894x894, 41K)

>that back tattoo
>that sideboob and squish
Good lord casual Jeanne is too erotic

is the

I want to practise sucking dick with Astolfo

I mean, he looks very masculine in the top right pic

>boy doesn't want to cum from his butt because it's embarrassing
is there a better scenario?

Attached: butte slutte.png (1280x611, 658K)

so many clues.
this one is easy to find.

Attached: astolfo_bi.png (1280x718, 1.98M)

you niggers have no taste, astolfos garbage, ALEXANDER IS THE BEST, And you fuckers cant convince me otherwise

why not both?
why not triple?
new translated doujin.

Attached: 001.jpg (1252x1816, 337K)

this jeanne >>>>>> fate's jeanne

Attached: 73.jpg (1280x1884, 570K)



this is legitimately one of the best hentai manga I've read.
and he draws very good looking boys

and the artist was new in trap doujin.

Attached: 045.jpg (1280x1808, 471K)

Good thing arslan showed him the light.

Danbooru mention Ikezaki Misa is female. But Misa has 2 pixiv account. One is 池咲ミサ for girl drawings and 池咲ミサ for shota drawings. So I'm not sure what his/her gender.

His Alex doujins are legitimately some of the hottest things ever

first is 池咲ミサ (female symbol)
the other is 池咲ミサ (male symbol)
4chin doesn't show the symbols
his arslan & alexander are really good, but i like this shounen jeanne most. that kurapika one hasn't been translated yet.

from ikezaki misa's pixiv

Attached: 72777829_p0.png (900x1324, 1.46M)

more from ikezaki misa's pixiv

Attached: 72777829_p1.png (898x1306, 1.6M)

>Pretty low quality righting.

The manga is whatever overall
Yes, he fucks the trap in the manga too

Attached: 025.png (1133x1600, 572K)

Attached: 026.png (1133x1600, 550K)

Attached: 74774689_p0.jpg (1740x1609, 1.01M)

Not gonna lie. Might have enjoyed that horrific sequence a little too much.

Alexander is extremely god tier.

>you will never see him on heels, wearing a thong
god why

Post some then, it's a pain in the ass to find.

based as h*ck

Astolfo x Sieg was a wasted opportunity.


Attached: 1508808347078.gif (300x200, 1.55M)

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I hate Astolfo and Sieg and Jannu for taking the spotlight away from the real MC.

Attached: DhUUSBWUwAAvr4j.jpg (800x1000, 156K)

Sieg x *insert anyone here* is always a waste.

Misa has no equal. goddamn

mordred best guy

he's fucking awesome,

Mordred belongs to chichiue.

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I wonder if people would care if he was a girl.


he's already a girl in my heart

Attached: 049.jpg (835x740, 347K)

>Coco is a shit

Attached: 051.jpg (6050x4312, 2.37M)

should have just been chico x chico x chico

do males really have hips like this?

is it ok to be gay for him?

Attached: Dkv1zRKXoAcVZX9.jpg (990x1200, 193K)

>This is an average poster on this thread

Attached: SA.jpg (944x2222, 1.21M)

What happened to that first guy who wasn't a trap?

I want to rape Reinhard.
He makes Mein hard.
I want to stick my finger tips.
Deep into his womanly wide hips.
I want to violate the Butcher of Prague.
I will do it in the style of a dog.
I want to rape Reinhard Heydrich.
With German Sausage, Snake and Dick.

Attached: Heydrich's hips.jpg (219x696, 50K)

Pico (with longer hair) > Coco > shit > Chico

also the only good Boku no Pico is the first one where the dude tops Pico

>wide hips like a girl
>high pitched voice he was bullied for
>feared public speaking because of his voice and shyness
>died in his prime
I too want to rape this billy goat.

>shit > Chico

Attached: Distain.png (832x968, 420K)

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>3 Days
Trapfags stronk

Attached: 0001.jpg (600x425, 311K)