Only post best VA

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Other urls found in this thread: Zesshou Symphogear G: In the Distance, That Day, When the Star Became Music.../ed/1

She's the best. It's in her name.

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These two

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Shit reddit seiyuu in the left

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Please tell me they do JAV

I hate this fucking manlet

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>does every voice possible

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I love Aoi!

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Horie Yui
Amamiya Sora
Hikasa Yoko

Aside from that girl in Love Live, not really.

Risa Taneda

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She's ugly and Megumin is her only really notable role.

>Aside from that girl in Love Live
Wait, one of LL VA did JAV? Really?

semen demon

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You already posted her.

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If only for the noises she does for Kumiko

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For some reason i always remember Kevin Dunn whenever i see her face

t. Roastie
There's also Takagi and Emilia.

Being from a famous anime doesn't make her role notable. She's boring in both of them and I still resent her being picked for Takagi.

This guy

Attached: akira kamiya.jpg (1108x1551, 679K)

Couldn't give a shit about any perceived lack of range, his voice is too damn smooth

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Yukari Tamura


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top cutie voicing a top cutie

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Sugita > All
She's too perfect

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It's true.

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It's Kikuko inoue forgot to add


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My waifu Marinka is so beautiful

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Yuuki Aoi
Kayano Ai
Minase Inori
Amamiya Sora

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Too bad she gets casted as little girls most of the time, I want to hear her in other roles

Wonder what nakahara is doing nowadays.
I like her a lot. She has great range.

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I'll agree with Emilia, but she's a boring character in general. She's perfect for Takagi, though.

my nigger

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>no watashi
What a shit chart.

I could listen to her voice all day. It's so soothing.

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The unrivaled queen of cold characters.

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Literally has the most voice roles in the entire anime industry

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My mom.

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>I can always recognize her no matter what voice she does
>doesn't take me out of the show, only makes it more based
I really hope David Pro keeps her for Jolyne in the anime


Chiaki's voice is unrivaled.

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>First post is number one best seiyuu.
Sasuga. OP isn't a faggot for once.

Can't wait for her JAV.

Is she really dating Giorno?

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Loyal to Hayamin forever.

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Does this NEET even voice anything anymore or did she go full shut-in

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>Implying she didn't married in secret and doesn't have children.

Attached: MV5BNGQyYTM5MGEtMDQ3Ny00NTI0LTk1MDUtZjE3MmU2YTc0YjE1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDQxNjcxNQ@@._V1_.jpg (840x473, 51K)

I can listen to her saying Orukuborgo all day.

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I'm more of a HayaminCHAD. The perfect balance of voice-acting, singing, and playing piano.

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part 6 when

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My wife cosplaying my wife

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If he doesn't voice Pucci I'll be so fucking mad

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Delicious armpit.

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If you haven't heard her in Houseki no Kuni as Phos you're seriously missing out.

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I think she did a really good job as a bratty teenager in sakura quest

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To be fair all the roles in Sakura Quest was casted perfectly.

>Ryo Saeba and Kenshiro
the 2 most badass/chad characters ever

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only fat burger are jelly that she's more loved than their sean shemale

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I liked her in Koe no Katachi. I watched the whole movie under the impression that her character was voiced by Kurozawa Tomoyo. I never would have guessed she could do a voice like that

She was Kino as Black


And Kinnikuman

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It was wired hearing Goku's voice come out of an actual elderly lady in Ping Pong.


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Kill yourself.

I wanna boop her nose.

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Who is this and is she dead?

Oh, nevermind. Put two and two together. This stings. Rip sensei.


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Mizuna Rei is my favorite AV.

I mean VA.

He is fucking awesome.

Totally fucked up priorities, but the man knows what he likes.

Tomokazu Seki

Yes definitely one of the best

Rina Hidaka

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>no kenta

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is she the only seiyu whose voice is international?

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she's definitely the most popular, but many Pokemon kept their Japanese voices (notably Togepi or Onix)

nice check my mommy

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/ss/ av when

the 2 legends

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Typecast for "best dad"

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You already posted her
Her best role is Boogiepop

>only post best VA
mayonnaise drinker can't read

>to hero Kenta to effeminate Shun to badass Vegeta

I like her a lot in Asobi Asobase, it's the first time I looked up a VA for interest in their voice alone, other times it's just to find out where else I've heard them.

I usually don't bother with EPs either but I listened to Asobase's for her scream

make place for the Queen

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She truly has one of the most unique female voices in the industry next to Satomi Arai

What's the story from this? I remember that image of the pins being posted before.


Lady, you are 31 years old

Fantastic choice

Can't believe she'll be 30 next year

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i would listen to araragi asmr for hours

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and she looks like 20

Tane-chan will be forever 20 to me

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Mai Nakahara has always been my favorite seiyuu.

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where are her lips?

Flat and unattractive

eternally based

>batman and Hayami
>all those jokes of 8man being batman of chiba

Take that back. She's very attractive.

She's pretty ugly desu.

You mean Mai favorite.

Ogura Yui

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She liked my comment on in*****am
I love her video with baby shark song

is she that small or just the xxxxxxl american products size?


>She's ugly
Tasteless fagget

Attached: Rie_Takahashi.jpg (2048x1534, 332K)

Somebody post THAT

and being ugly af.

For me it's Inorin

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Nobuyuki is fucking based

Lynn's Lynns

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Also a big fan.

The pantyshot? I had it saved before but I lost it.

Fuck it. I'm rewatching Hayate for her.

Not that. Ew. Gross.

I'm a Kaori guy but damn that's such an IMAGINE body

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the thumbnail makes it look like she's doing the :>= face

My VA wife is beautiful!

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Makes it look like she's giving head.

Souce please
Didn't know That theres a VA doing jav

Can we turn this into captcha instead of google?

What's that?


Attached: CGlL_LKUgAA-5Q7.jpg (599x697, 49K)

she has big hand

the worst girl that she played after fucking Louise

white pig not allowed

nice casting couch

her eyes being slightly off is so fucking cute

Sure is anime and manga here!

no one asked you

gugu always beautuful always fluffy never listen to them sad sad horrible horrible sad sad haters!!!1!1

Attached: DeSN3SYV0AAqUol.jpg (601x720, 84K)

but its the rule

>Yu Asskawa stil not doing JAV

Your VA wife is a slut, perfect for a cuck like YOU.

she's the sex addict

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Why would you lie on the internet

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Are you okay, retard

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For me, it's gotta be Ayaneru

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Can LL shitters and go away and have sex with each other please.

Last time I checked, I am still okay. Weird.

I wish good health and happiness upon you, user

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You too, man. Find a stable job and lead a happy life. Don't kill yourself alright.

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wait Barbapapa was known in Japan?

Yes, it was a similar situation with Moomin I think

that's what I just said.

wait a minute, on the it?

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I wanna fuck M.A.O

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Horrorman from Anpanman

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Oh no, now i want to fuck her too!
What a cruel world we live in.

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For me, it's KugiRie

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Why does she have such an oral fixation?

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because she's made for it


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Are all of her eggs dried up?

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>When I get better, I'll work hard towards getting married...!

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More subs when?

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Which seiyuu have been to Flipland?

Wow, all these posts and nobody still has posted KanaHana?

>Mai bisexual is confirmed

She must love the taste of cunny.

KanaHana is a terrible human being.

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>Are all of her eggs dried up?

Don't worry IPS will support her.

How come?

You posted my favourite female Japanese VA. Nakamura-san's my favourite guy.

Also good choices. Have you listened to DearGirls with Kamiya and OnoD?

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Isn't Yukarin gonna support her needs at times like this. Hell both women deserve marriage for each other.


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I have decided to protect EMTN.

No turning back. No turning back.

99% similarity. I don't care. I will always stand by and defend EMTN.

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Simply the best.

Attached: [DHR-Raws]NANA MIZUKI LIVE ZIPANGU - Part 1(BDrip 1080P HEVC FLAC_AAC).mkv_snapshot_00.41.03_[2018.1 (1920x1080, 163K)

It never stops hurting.

where is subway?

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>mfw her Shuten voice

Its fucking scary how her voice changes that much.

Allegedly Asuka's VA did JAV back in the day. There are some pics floating around and even the actual video. It's low quality though.

Amamiya has done one.

She has a nice range.
In that song, I only recognized her voice around the chorus.

The bestest choice.

Attached: sawashiro.gif (561x525, 13K)

>Naobou will never make you get even more lost when you're lost

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What is this shitty edit? Did the Maria bullying finally get to her?

I recognize her Futaba and Jinako voice, but almost every other character she did I pretty much only find out after looking up the VA.
She and Maya have some insane voice control that it almost impossible for me to pick up.

>still on maternity leave
>couldn't carry HxH 2011
this meme was due for an update

You forgot the part that is her character a lesbian or bisexual.

Yokofags steal from Sawashirofags like how Maria steals her abilities and relics from everyone else in Symphogear.

waiting for her next lead role

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Yoko was always a better singer. That's why she's a Keion and Miyuki wasn't

I hear now she's divorced is that true.

If she was such a good singer then why are all her songs in Symphogear shit?

Now you talking out of your ass.

not sure
> Zesshou Symphogear G: In the Distance, That Day, When the Star Became Music.../ed/1

Her songs are forgettable, at least Nana and Ayahi can sing.

Koshimizu Ami doesn't seem to get mentioned very often in these kinda threads. She is one of the best female Seiyuu imo, not many come close to her range and acting/performance.
I guess she doesn't really get to show it nowadays huh.

she's great but there's too much of a dropoff from her tomboy roles

Step aside, anons

Attached: Mamiko Noto.jpg (720x720, 99K)

Veterans get more support than the newbies. I'm seeing the newbies quit more than the veteran seiyuu's.

What going on with this industry.

came in here just to make sure she was posted
i'm kind of biased because she voices my waifu but she's extremely talented

I miss her. I hope she has a great marriage and family to hold for a long time.

Yeah she's getting less roles but I miss her wholesum.

The guy that does Goblin Slayer

Me to, she's always struck me as really kind.

She still gets work, and I think despite having a very recognizable voice has great range with it.

>Mamiko Noto now only does narrator/mommy roles

Sad state of affairs desu

Attached: 1456854874775.jpg (600x397, 31K)

>Dumbbell MC VA already has an upcoming role
>Spyce MC VA and Bocchi's VA still don't

>imagine tier sized shotacon

>listening to dubs

Because she always have the best girls roles

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I like him too, I was kind of surprised he did Goro.
He did a great job with pin senpai in Tada-kun; when he was hospitalized, sugita took over and his performance just felt flat.

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Not enough dicks sucked.

why do they call her Ten-chan? is it because ten is the number of execs she sucked off to jumpstart her career?

God I want Aoi to /ss/ me so bad

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She has nice bulk.

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Fun fact: Miyuki Sawashiro was the first seiyuu to voice the same character in both the Japanese and English dub in Leave it to Piyoko (skip to 2:00 in the video to hear her)

The kanji she uses for "Sora" is also read as "Ten".

>Implying it was only ten
Maybe per day.

Her name uses the kanji for Sky/Heaven (Ten 天)

stay mad faggot.
she's a goddess.

Asuna’s VA


Damn, her English is good.

Nope not yet. It still hurts.


RIP to her career.

What happened?

Kirito Va also very good

She is getting married, maybe?

No, marriage may or may not end VA career.

I'm pretty sure that's her IQ.

marriage. she married someone out of the industry. she still has her career regardless but I'm certain her career is winding down.

Her career was already winding down before the marriage.

Even if she's divorced her career will still wind down and SAO is probably her only money maker she has.

She got lucky getting a role she will likely reprise for quite sometimes in Aqua though.

She still has Sphere, which is coming back soon.

Kaiji is such a cunt.

Maria Inoue
Yuu Kobayashi
Yoko Hikasa

>Yuu Kobayashi
The 2nd bestest after Sawashiro.

Holo and Larry are great, you pleb.

Which male or female seiyuu will be coming out of the closet?

Has Miyano come out yet?

Miyano's married and has a kid


Nishiyama Koutarou one day.

Attached: 1539166691177.jpg (946x1011, 117K)

He's just playing up the gay for one guy thing.

Can marriage ruin Yuuki Kaji's career? Please?

Kaji is too big to fail now.

I hope so too but he has fuck tons of roles also he's set doing role reprisals for the long running series he's in.

Who cares but I really I would take Maaya Uchida or Mai Nakahara.

Anything can happen Miyano would divorce her and leave the kid to return back to his lover.

I saw him in real life once

Mai Nakahara

How faggy was he. He's the only one that appears to be legit while the others like Euguchi and Saito Soma are just straight dudes pandering their fans.

Attached: 1553304471685.jpg (1000x667, 105K)

Koshimizu Ami, Ayane Sakura and Yukarin.

He was with Wataru Hatano at a local con and the fujos in the hall were screaming. They were talking about eating at Jollibee and they gave him a cake since his birthday was coming up then.

Utada Hikaru

>Saito Soma is straight.
I wish this was true.

Ai Kayano is rumored to live with a female friend for the last couple years.

I agree that he can get really gay but he's too aware. He's like Eguchi and they all in the same agency and they probably encouraged to do more homo fanservice. You would notice they are also pushing Nakajima Yoshiki and Itou Kentou as a pairing too.

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Begone Yea Forums here comes the queen.

Attached: Hirano.jpg (1575x1750, 3.28M)

Yuu Asakawa has been the only openly gay/bi seiyuu. Aya Hirano is bisexual as well that's all I remember.


Attached: D_CloVfXsAMFhnt.jpg (800x600, 82K)

A hundred men, maybe more

Ayako Kawasumi and Aya Endo


Doki doki.

Attached: 17985.jpg (225x350, 29K)

Where is this Mai Nakahara gay stuff is coming from anyway?

>no one has posted /ourguy/ Matsuoka Yoshitsugu

When will TsuguTsugu marry Zakki?

Attached: 1549808213526.jpg (720x810, 145K)

>ctrl f
>only one Yui Horie
We do not deserve hocchan.

Matsuoka belongs to Kayano.


Kayanon is a beard.

Attached: 1540446668101.webm (720x510, 831K)

Yuka Iguchi

Hocchan needs all the love we can give her.

How many times have Matsuoka and Kayanon worked together? 8 times?

Attached: ae59d79db49b8dfc42bde72d36f7ffc8.jpg (680x598, 45K)

Will he ever meet Sugita?

No girl will get in the way of Matsuoka's true love.

Attached: 1552665806886.jpg (1280x1829, 778K)

I wonder how successful Kohara Konomi will become?

Chances are 70% your gonna see alot new seiyuu drop like flies because the older seiyuu have much more growth than the newer ones.

Already more successful than Morishita Chisaki

And all of'em are who's, none will make a mark to the industry.

Probably not.

Even Chisaki? Was Bocchi not enough?

>Kohara Konomi
Depend how many wiener she gonna suck.
Serious answer is depend how well her manager is. Remember Akane fujita, she managed to get a boost after voicing 3 main character last year but somehow her popularity dried now.

Spyce curse. Like how the MC of Spyce has yet to get another main role.

for me, its soramaru

Attached: DzIGKE3UwAcoAue.jpg (2000x2000, 389K)

Not anime.
Take your 3dpd trash and fuck off back to /jp/, fucking normalfags.

I like him so much

>Get cucked by DDT

Only for me

Loved her as all the Asukas.

Attached: 1541428032189.webm (1280x720, 907K)

I still love her.

Attached: YES ASUMIS.png (900x1182, 199K)

t. faggot

It's Yui Ogura and Kaori Ishihara were dating at some point.

After the duo broke up they're still in a relationship.

Thought this was Andrew WK from the thumbnail.

Oh please they were the fakest shit. King Records shouldn't just put any two girls just to yuribait, they need a certain extra spark to look "convincing".

Can't wait for BLACKED Japan to open for business so these bitches will suck hundreds of BBCs while watch.

At least Nachoco exist. Virtual Youtuber meme is not too bad i guess

Can’t wait for Mai Nakahara to return to form with Azur Lane. It will be performance of the decade.

They wanted another Nana X Yukarin badly. Yui X Sumipe X Inorin trinity is better than YuiKaori.

The ones who are half flip unironically

I knew she was short but i never thought she was THAT short


If she's a shotacon, she probably banged that kid.
lucky bastard

I'm gonna marry Gabu!

Attached: 6ea31b48gy1fhwh4wuaptj20zm0qo7av.jpg (1282x960, 311K)

haha what a cuck

But that's not Sally Amaki. She is the real queen.

Attached: D-wNs6EUEAAreBR.jpg (2048x2048, 374K)

Not on my watch. I guess I won't say this anymore on that other godforsaken thread.

Attached: D3dlX6BUYAA0u1y.jpg (1200x901, 145K)

But why? Is this because of the mindless spamming of that agugugu poster?


Based Sallyposter

It doesn't look her (virtual) idolgroup is gaining any popularity judging from the number of views on Youtube. At least she's the best looking one in the group

You just KNOW

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You guys watch too much hentai.

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>Not jumping on the wonderful ship that is Minase Inori x Mizuki Nana

They have the absolute spark of "that one stupid kid going after the older woman who's denser than the fucking universe itself."

She is cute.

Attached: 1559887537078.jpg (900x1200, 112K)

HAHAHAHAHAHA post that pic


Best VA right here

Attached: 1533824715855.jpg (1280x1619, 656K)

Very cute

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what the fuck she looks like that ugly protagonist in sorayori

Felt like she was the KanaHana of the late 00s
Based Shinkai picked a massive cutie for his film. Seriously, this might be the hottest 'VA' (she's mostly an actress) so far, definitely super model tier.

Yui still consider Kaori her friend despite being broke up their duo work.

Well you don't expect her to say she's happy King Records chooses her over Joker face publicly.

Do you think Yui eats her Kaori's pussy more often.

Are Chisaki Morishita and Yukari Anzai in anything this season? Even minor or background roles?

Why don't you check their twitter or agency page?

Mics tremble from his presence

Yuichan sucks CEO cock. Her business yuri with Hidaka Rina is way more natural.

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The absolute vocal cord destroyer

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His english and singing is superb.

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Had no idea marriage ended seiyuu careers. Though I did notice most women don’t work that much past mid thirties

>business yuri
what, I hope Kaori found a good girlfriend to spite Yui hard.

Yeah it's real not just business.

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Kaori is seething and getting cucked hared by Yui.


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>Had no idea marriage ended seiyuu careers.

not really Yoko Hikasa other female who are married or divorce still kept their careers strong.

If you have a good established career and connections as female seiyu being married then you are good.

Who is the most fappable seiyuu appearance wise?

Always felt Mercer was discount Troy Baker esp since he would voice whatever Troy left but his range is actually pretty incredible. Which is why i don't understand why can't dubs be good when they have talent that could make them good

It's basically if they choose to. Granted careers tend to slow down for female VAs around that time anyway.

Who the fuck is this ugly bitch?

>her English is good
Now you've gone user made me post this again.

Surprised nobody posted this yet

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>Barely taller than Nissan cedric even with high-heels.
BTW that car height is 1,4 meters.


Ishihara Kaori. Supported her since debut of yuikaori

I love her!

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6'0 on the left, 5'11 on the right.

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>her English sounds good in ones and weird in others
Is it just that she is just good at pretending to speak foreign languages?

Speaking of Kugimiya, when did this come-out?

Who's who in the pic?

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Shut up, retard

Inoue Marina and Itou Kanae

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I hope Kaori finds another good female idol to duet and seduce her. It will piss off Yui to the brink thus leading into Lesbian Wars (Idol NTR Edition).

Yui doesn't care.

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lmao, based

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Mercer is leagues above with Baker. I hope he doesn't walk away form doing english dubs.


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Well, she is 145cm "tall"

>Yui doesn't care.

Eventually she will care Kaori gets a better girl than her.


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I wish i could lick her sweaty salty armpit.

>Which is why i don't understand why can't dubs be good when they have talent that could make them good

If I'm watching a German film, I'm hearing German voices and reading English subtitles.
If I'm watching a French TV show, I'm hearing French voices and reading English subtitles.
If I'm watching Japanese anime, I'm hearing Japanese voices and reading English subtitles.

How hard is that?

>There are some pics floating around and even the actual video
Not just allegedly in that case

Liechtenstein a cute!
Does she really qualify as tsundere though?
That VA did a really cute cover of Ren'ai Circulation iirc

Kaede Hondo is very smart

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Simply unmatched.

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He only really does one voice but that one voice is so fucking great

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I mean, yes, he's definitely up there.

Aji Sanma

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