Am I the only one who wants david pro to keep anasui as a girl?
Am I the only one who wants david pro to keep anasui as a girl?
If David Pro is truly based, they will give us fem Anasui.
What do you mean by them being biased?
I want them to be entirely faithful and have both.
He'll be a dude from the beggining and that's a good thing
it would be the best possible change they could make, but i guarantee they won't do it because there's alreadya ton of merch of male anasui
Yes and no. Yes because the female one looks better. No because it triggers the trannies and fake lesbians.
I want them to introduce Anasui as a girl with a female VA, then change her into a boy with a male VA and for there to be absolutely no explanation at all. Just to BTFO secondaries
Be as faithful to source material as possible just to assblast trannies and animeonlys alike.
I liked the headcannon of anasui using diver down to change his appearence from male to female for unsavory purposes in prison and just decided to stick to male because he wanted to get in jolynes pants.
How does Diver Down work? Its ability was to store impacts into objects and release them at command but how does that let him change his sex and even switch the brain of that enemy stand with a frog's brain?
That was dropped.
Now it dives down into things and fucks them up from the inside.
You have the gay.
Fucking Araki
dumb shigechi mfw.jpg poster
I like your way of thinking.
that would be effing BASED
it just works
>transition goals vs reality
male Anasui is a total bro, female Anasui is a top tier waifu
Either way it's good because it's based Anasui