Non Non Biyori

Why is this show so comfy?

Attached: non non biyori.jpg (900x900, 189K)

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comfy for my penis

Cute girls and countryside are perfect combination.

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S3 air date when?

Because the dream of the urban life is based on a grand lie, and to be reminded of this fact with moe moe cute and funny grills is an infusion of truth into your soul's dick.

sex with nattsun

To make you forget about the darkness that's hidden deep with in. That despite our idealistic lifestyles, within each and everyone of us lies a history of pain and regret that can make even the least suspecting person an absolute monster.

Attached: Non Non Biyori Repeat - 10 [480p].mkv_snapshot_04.02_[2019.06.02_02.08.59].jpg (848x480, 53K)

It's only comfy when you have nothing to worry about in your life. Otherwise, it's all suffering and pain inside.

I want to get my ears cleaned by komari on a hot slow summer afternoon

Is nii-chan going to have to impregnate them all?

It sounds as though I should give this one a try.
The landscape was one of the things I liked the most in Yuru Camp. And I remember the nice scenery in pre-industrial shows (e.g. Spice and Wolf).

What other shows are there for people (i.e. me) who like the countryside and hate BIG CITIES?

comfy witch
but nothing is as comfy as gentle piano music and ren-chon flute and scenery porn rolling into a NNB OP

The complete collection is on sale cheap right now.

As someone who lives in rural England, it wasn't that comfy...

It's comfy because they're just kids and make due with what they have. If they get a taste of city life and all the cool places to go and see, they wouldn't want to return to the country.

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>supporting the western anime "industry"
Not comfy.

Attached: [FFF-Vivid] Non Non Biyori Vacation [BD 1080p AAC] [3D65299C].mkv - 0001.jpg (1920x1080, 332K)

Based. That's the one I got.

Why aren’t there any boys

There's Natsumi.



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Them not worrying about getting the latest in technology.

That's how my aunt raised her kid.
>rural town
>no computers or smartphones

Won't this have the opposite effect?
Or does it work like with the Amish?

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When the western anime companies pay licensing fees this goes directly to the anime companies. Stop making excuses and support good shows.

I can actually hear the recorder glissando.

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It's one swastika away from Blood and Soil propaganda.

Also if you have a lot of random stress in your life it's great to relax with. NNB helped me calm down when I had a rage induced eye twitching tic.

No they still use technologies like gas stoves, air conditioning and all that. But their knowledge of the modern world is very, very limited. Biyori really reminded me of how they live and how I wouldn't want that lifestyle.

From a rural Ky perspective it was comfy as fuck.

No, import jap merchandise directly instead. This will give the anime companies much more money than buying dubs.

Non non has no dub. Plus I need subtitles.

So, would they grow older or forever stuck in time loop?

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Now that the dust has settled. Renge has aspergers right?

Attached: ren17.jpg (1280x720, 113K)

I can't find another anime this comfy. You can SEE the humidity in the summer episodes and the locusts/insects sounds are perfect.
t. Southwest Virginia born and raised

And Komari has imperialism.

Attached: [FFF-Vivid] Non Non Biyori Vacation [BD 1080p AAC] [3D65299C].mkv - 0006.jpg (1920x1080, 318K)

Cicadas have been quiet this year but I don't guess they are really due until closer to August.

She's just very smart for her age

Post your favorite tracks.

Comfy is definitely not the first word I'd use to describe NNB when there are wholesome, melancholic, profound, innocent, beautiful, harmonic, and masterpiece.

Attached: [Tsundere] Non Non Biyori Repeat - 04 [BDRip h264 1920x1080 10bit FLAC][89B497D3] (1920x1080, 310K)

She has PTSD from Nam.

she smart

Attached: renge math.png (1262x822, 2.14M)

Nah, I was watching it when I was finishing my degree and I was completely overwhelmed with work and stress. There is nothing quite like being able to forget all that for a while, so I don't get your point.

i fuckin wish

he could be the VILLAGE ALPHA BVLL and impregnate every girl in the show

that way i could self insert as him

Charlie was everywhere.
>select all images with mountains or hills

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renge is 7

She's definitely on the spectrum.
>shows no emotion
>good at drawing and math
>weird speech pattern
>weird habits

That just means she'll be 16 in nine years. Onii-chan is planning for the long game.