Yandere or Tsundere?

Yandere or Tsundere?
What characteristic traits represents people lovin one or another?

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Easy I want to have sex then be murdered

Futsuudere of course.


Both extremes are terrible in real life.

Give me a nonchalant, poker-faced kuudere any day of the week.

based and blackpilled superior taste


Kuudere >>> Everything else

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Anything between Holo and Haruhi is the goldilocks zone.
And even though it's been said already, kuudere is good too.

These niggas get it. Have a Noel.

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Is Holo kuudere? She certainly knows how to keep her cool

Nah. Kuuderes are disinterested and mellow. Holo is lively and teases Lawrence too much.

But the OP didn't ask which was better but
>What characteristic traits represents people lovin one or another?
In which case kuudere is still probably the most realistic relationship between two adults. Only children act tsundere

Yandere preferred

Yandere. I like to live life a little on the wild side. I can't get hard unless the sex has a 50/50 chance of turning into a murder-suicide.

Not always, some kuuderes are overly interested if the MC is being an idiot enough. I'd she is a blend of kuudere and something else

They're both shit. Hajidere is where it's at.

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Tsundere is wholesome.

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A good yandere is the one that always promises to murder you after sex but always keeps you alive to have sex with you one last time.

I like Tsunderes who have a hidden Yandere side. They are the best. The best!

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Holy shit I am fucking old

Yandere is basically a doormat with a mentall illness.
Tsundere is literally your average woman.
I'd rather take a softcore yandere.

Right is backed by SCIENCE. People are receptive towards a person warming and opening up to you once they have gotten know you better. Left is batshit insane that's and possible only in anime.

>that's disturbing*

kuudere with horny yandere alter ego master race

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Yandere for NTR
Tsundere for healthy relationship

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Teasing, i guess.

right, who wants to father a kid with a crazy bitch.

heh you'd think that wouldn't you

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I'm sorry what?


how did you miss this?

God I want to NTR a Yandere

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I just realize she looks exactly like Kobeni

god i wish that were me (the guy)