Name a more overrated series

Name a more overrated series.
Protip: You can't.

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My life.

SAO or Darling in the Franxx

t. Didn't watch it

Neither are critically acclaimed

2003 isn't that well kiked. Arguable for brotherhood.


My ass. It's objectively overrated.

Attack on Reddit.

HxH is just as reddit as SnK, huntard.

Shingeki no Yea Forums

The holy trinity of overrated shit:
Steins Gate

100% honest I can't say its overrated, at best you could whine about its popularity.
HxH production value was far above your average shonenshit and that's for 140+ episodes that were released weekly, the narrative doesn't cycle on generic shonenshit tropes like friendship power and every arc changes a lot, unlike bleach, fairy Tail and dragon ball which have literal identical arcs.

If I were to say overrated, that's SAO season 1, Steins Gate, Devil Man Crybaby and any Ghibli shit

It's not that much overrated. Maybe a little but it's still a very good show. And Chimera Ant arc is fucking sweet

nothing personnel

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No one actually rates HxH highly, it's just a forced meme that's gone on too long.

I love Jojo and all, but I think it gets talked up a bit too much at time.

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What do you like about it

Actually, it's cyclical and it's back to being underrated. Keep up, grandpa

I like the art-style, since it's pretty distinct compared to most anime i've seen. The music for the OPs and EDs and even the general soundtrack have been fantastic. I enjoy the over-the-top nature of the series as a whole, while still managing to have genuinely touching or sad moments and not feeling out of place. I like how each part could pretty much count as it's own story, with it's own unique characters and fights, and how no two parts feel the same. I'm kind of half and half on the asspulls and some bullshit. Sometimes I love it, and sometimes I hate it. That's all I got off the top of my head.

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Naruto. Holy fuck Naruto

The children episodes were decent but once it hits shippuden that crap is boring as fuck. Stories uninteresting and boring as fuck characters. Couldn't even force myself to watch more then the first season of shippuden.

Shingeki no Kyojin
Mob Psycho 100
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Madoka Magica
Samurai Champloo
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
One Punch Man
Sword Art Online
Made in Abyss
Code Geass
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Death Parade
Kimi no Nawa
Kill la Kill
The Monogatari Series
Death Note
Koe no Katachi
Cowboy Bebop
Spice and Wolf
Fate Series
Spirited Away
Boku no Hero Academia
Violet Evergarden

this wounds the 4channer

pseud's anime

According to autists like you, everything you don’t like is reddit.

What is it about this series that attracts the most imbecilic shitposters?

HxH is a fine manga, it's top tier shonen and has had two very fortunate adaptations. Is it overrated? In a sense, it is. Is it bad? No, it is not. You can do much, much worse than HxH.

If overrated means stuff that is unduly popular and critically acclaimed for the wrong reasons, then the only show I would personally consider worthy of that distinction is S;G. HxH and Brotherhood are fine shows, they are only overrated in the sense that most people who watch it and acclaim it don't generally watch more anime. But they are good shows nonetheless, unlike stuff like SAO.

>Ghibli shit
Ghibli isn't overrated, Ghibli produces God tier content for a specific demographic. They make non-degenerate entertainment for kids and they have objectively great production values for anyone that cares about that stuff. To compare it to SAO, Steins;Reddit or Yuasa sniffing his own farts is incredibly stupid.

Underrated you mean? HxH is gorgeous

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>Name a more overrated
Your taste.

Nothing's more overrated than Neon Genesis Evangelion

Do you really want to talk about HxH art?

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It's overrated but not bad at all.
I quite enjoyed it but it's not as smart and deep as the fanbase claim it to be.

But why you posted unfinished page?

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Why are hunterniggers so bad at banter?


they really killed the fanbase
it used to be peak comfy before 2011

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they are offboard newfags

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why did Togashi publish an unfinished page, ESL?

Literally every other series.

seething like never before lmaoing @ this cringe cucks

he can do whatever he feels like, third worlder



2011 HxH anime was a mistake

Quite literally:
EVA, FMA, Berserk, S;G, MP100.
Now kill yourself.

>Togashi can be a lazy hack but people aren't allowed to mock him for it

>people aren't allowed to mock him for it
just explaining why, little shit eater
you can OBSESS about him all you want, even though it's quite the CRINGEfest

>he can do whatever he feels like
What kind of explanation is this?

Yes, actually I want. If maybe you could stop cherrypicking I would love do that, but you are just a fag with PSTD due to being repeatedly BTFO by HUNTERCHADS, and now the only thing you can do is autistically posting always the same 4 pics.
I have just posted them for you. Are you happy now?

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i think you need to go back

wasn't the shitty one published in wsj though?

all great
and most of these to

he owes no explanation to the magazine, unlike all the other slaves
that's all you need to hear

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HxH art dabs on Oda, Kishimoto, Kubo, Horikoshi and Miura

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>owns the right to his series so they can't cancel them
>uses that to be on hiatus all the time so he can spend his whole life playing video games and busting nuts against the wall
this isn't something to be proud of user

Ow the edge

I'm not proud of anything, I simply answered your question truthfully

thats average

I didn't mean you, god you're slow

>tfw you're missing a 10/10 anime just because there are a lot of anime out there and you can't watch all

seemed pretty well directed at me
I was the one answering your questions, not Togashi
nothing I stated implies Togashi is proud of his habits
you literally need to kill yourself, my man

>you literally need to kill yourself, my man
pretty emotional over some guy who draws cartoons for children user

Hint it's because he's a child

kek, I bet you feel retarded now samefaggot.

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>some guy who draws cartoons for children user
the man you've spent all this time attempting to demean?
no, I'm emotional over the fact that you are very dumb and display it so nonchalantly

I mean you're not really proving me wrong

Berserk, FMA:B

It was. And it was corrected in the tankobon. But it still isn't the final product.


OP und DBZ

Cowboy Bebop. It is not bad but it gets so much attention it overshadows shows like Outlaw Star.

Kiss la Kiss



>assuming all HxH shitposters actuallly watched the show. Most are just posting copypasta memes.

Nice edit.

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Replace HxH with TTGL and you'd be right

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I started with the 2011 anime, then i watched the 1999 one and i agree it's better when it comes to the drawing style, the animations, the soundtrack and the story.

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Everyone hates it now.

>Popular=overrated shit
Found the contrarian retard.

It's a good series that likes to over explain things, this gives some below average IQ folks the idea that they are thinking for themselves and thus, assume they are smart, which gives birth to the most obnoxious kind of shitposter: brainlet snobs.


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>Needing a chart to follow the arc
Brainlet, reading a book would kill you.

How about a picture book?

Try again

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At least you stopped arguing that Togashi uses the visual medium.

Barely anyone knows about Hiatus x Hiatus it predates fucking Naruto in animation yet Naruto is the popular one.


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Is this a light novel? If so, is it canon?

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Shield nigger

It's kind of refreshing to see Japanese people getting over dragon ball.

JoJo 100%, it's the most reddit show out there, forgettable characters, unimaginative world, horrible soundtrack, below average fanbase. Why yes, it is indisputably a 6/10 show at best.

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anything that attacks pseuds like flypaper is reddit, it doesn't mean that it can't be good just that the fanbase is autistic, i.e HxH

That shouldn't be a factor of a series quality

You must be talking about Japan hunter chimp.

So reddit that literally every other anime references it and has been doing so for decades. Truly reddit. Now, when are you going back? You have to.

I don't know but I'm here to negate every single person saying Death Note

Death Note is the only mainstream hyper popular anime worth all the raise it gets

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Easy bnha

name a more useless word
Protip: you cant


Clannad easily takes the top spot.