I'm about to binge all 152 episodes of this, what am I in for lads

I'm about to binge all 152 episodes of this, what am I in for lads

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a Bizarre adventure.

you have 2 weeks to catch up, so hurry the fuck up

I'm doing this all in one go, no breaks

Doing the same with stone ocean here

Danny dies
Speedwagon dies in Part 2
Joseph dies in Part 3
Okuyasu and Rohan die
Mista, Abacchio and Fugo die


I don't even know who these characters are

A bizarre adventure unironically. Things get weirder every part

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>Fugo die

An ultimately mediocre fiction not rewarding the reader, P5 is the SAO of JoJo.

Basedness unless you're cringe

Just watch the first season. Read the rest

Good shit


>the anime is 152 episodes long now
Damn. I wonder how many episodes will it be if they do all up to JoJolion. 300 episodes maybe?

Hope you like bullshit, cause theres a lot of it, and thats great

Depending on what you're into, you're about to go through 9 to around 20 episodes of boredom. Then part 3 sets up what Jojo is. If you don't like it by the end of part 3, I don't think you'll like the next parts.

A boner.

Just finish part 1 (9 episodes). Then move on to part 2.
I'm saying this because a lot of people get stuck at part 1. I love part 1.
Part 1 is where you get introduced to Dio who, directly or indirectly influences all other parts.

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Part 1 okay but i f you don't like it just slog through it, its only 9 eps
Part 2 is fun you'll like it
Part 3 is monster of the week and will drag so if you get bored just read the manga
Part 4 is good but you should defeintly wathc the torrent the blu ray version as the animation in the original is pretty bad at major points
Part 5 is probably the best adaptation so far

A great time from a series that makes Yea Forums salty as all hell. Have fun user

Caesar dies in part 2
Kakyoin and Avdol dies in part 3
Bruno, Narancia and Abacchio dies in part 5
Jotaro dies in part 6 failing to kill the main villain and the universe reset
Gyro, Diego and Hotpants all killed by Funny Valentine
Josuke is Josefumi kujo and Kira Yoshikage fushioned

God I love part 1 Dio. Where did part 3's freezing technique and laser eyes go?

Is the crunchyroll version the one with shit animation

Yes just torrent it

b a s e d

Araki forgot.

>Ger btfo everything
>not sao

this. homosexual overtones and homosexual undertones and occasional accidental heterosexuality