I'm tired of isekai harem with edgy MC

I'm tired of isekai harem with edgy MC.
Aoi spider when?

Attached: spider.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Literally satan
>when will I get this less edgy Isekai

That's much later.

What happened to the anime? Didn't it get announced last year?

Don't know. I was hoping someone here would know.

The 3D shit and the LN designs killed all hype.

Who cares, it's Aoi being a cute spider.

I figured they're waiting to let the manga catch up just a bit more since the anime will probably end a bit ahead of where the manga is now.

same with Bakarina and Average loli

industry hates isekai femMCs. Discuss?

last year i think i said i'd ntr everyone in japan if they didn't announce iris-sama's anime by 2020

i really want bakarina to get made and be successful so it can start an era of otome isekai anime

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Can't believe they turned Claudia the nigger white.

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>Average loli
scheduled to air this Fall season.

Attached: AverageAnime.jpg (1252x1562, 219K)

its all boring girls doing boring things tho

Are you sure? It might actually be funny. The issue might be with the WN translator instead who keeps inserting his own jokes into it (and had very broken English back when he started off, which got better overtime but is still far from fluent). Well I'll see myself if that's the case once I get around to reading the official LN version myself.

Kumo-chan isn't edgy! She is pure! PURE!

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Why are you showing the Triple Frankenstein Monster in the focus? I prefer the Double Frankenstein Monster in the background.

Am I the only one who preferred the LN designs?

Let's be honest, femMC isekai is better when MC gets fucked.

qt bear when??

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I like it but its pacing is making me angry.

Have her an kumo scissored yet?

I just want more isekai with hand drawn mechs and shit

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Anime when

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This. I should've stopped buying the LN two volumes ago.


What? she is edgy, she kills everyone without remorse even those who don't need to die, and she saved the life of a boy just so she could farm him for EXP when he grows up. And the story itself is pretty edgy, the world is collapsing and most of the population need to be culled to halt it so she creates mass atrocities, the whole story went to shit once she unlocked Taboo and left the cave.

Soon, hopefully. I hope Miyu Tomita voicing her because it fits and so that we can have kuma gabu.

Yuuki Aoi is voicing her, user.

Enjoy your edgy, powerlevelling MMORPG grind MC then. Spider is literally "Watch numbers go up - The Animation".

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Pure sol isekai when?

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>scissoring with your grandma/half soul clone

Everyone in that story bar a couple exceptions is a idiot with no self-preservation skills.

Nah, I'm right here with you.

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die, koebuta

>Dying gurgles, painful cries, and fearful shrieks rang out. She was too fast, too strong. She was tearing throats, crushing necks, and stabbing hearts so effortlessly, as if the men were balloons and she was the needle.
>tfw no Shedy LN, mango or animu

more like >watch my number go up, then learn the truth about the dying world and become a normal person outside the system - aka powerless human until I realize that I was never human in the first place.

Especially her mother.

that's not my cute kumo!

I can't wait to see Aoi Yuuki to eat junk and talk to herself for 12 episodes.

The real question is when can we get a jesus Tatsuya-tier isekai MC

Fucking this.
Studious, smart, fit, handsome, hardworking. Hes everything anyone could ever want.

literally no one want this in self-insert crap.

Wait, it gets better?

>he doesn't like jesus
no wonder you like uggo shows like this thread

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tell me more user does she become human I hope not that would kill it for me

She becomes SpiderStallman and tells people about the evils of proprietary software.

That's cool bro. I got your back.

Yep, that's towards the late chapters, the adaptation probably wont probably reach it though.

Well, I guess I know what to do on my free time for the next month. Thanks.

sounds like a chink isekai

Any isekai with good romance?

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There's that cooking isekai where the summoned girls brings her motherly sister and this sister is the actual mc

Otome isekais.

Hardly a pure SOL. Though the fairy queen and dryad(?) is really cute.

>they literally bleached her
Fucking dropped

>world book is literally just dnd stat sheets

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>and all stats are determined by d20 rolls

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Is this worth reading again? Read the wn, everything gets convuluted when shiro's identity revealed and the robot shits and I dropped at point.

Erica is much better DnD inspired series. No blatant gameplay shit like this though

Isn't it gay?

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>rolling a d20 for stats instead of 4d6 and dropping the lowest

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the hook for this one is he rolled a natural 1 for his hp
i wish they took it further and had all the goblins literally rolling dice for their saving throws

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I reckon S1 will end

1. With Kumo about to leave the cave

2. Hugo's coup during the field trip

Most otome isekai is very straight.


>what do you mean beastmen, elves, dwarves and all other nonhumans are people?
Gold, you suck.

Sure my

I hope it ends with Kumo killing the Hero and Shun inheriting the role I'm really hoping we get a season 2 though so we can get Wrath killing Hugo

While she does gain a human appearance she’s not exactly human.

Read The Wandering Inn.


Is there a translation of the WN that isn't shit?

If I remember correctly blastron's translations were pretty good, at least better than Turbo

Nah you gotta read them both, since blastron localizes so hard it's like he's from yenpress. Misses out on a lot of subtle nuances and a lot of times the way he localizes ends up biting him in the ass later cause he doesn't realize what he changes impacts something down the line.

It's shit like people only reading one that results in people always ending up misunderstanding shit and rambling on Yea Forums like retards, and this happens to more than just Kumo.

Ah, okay I did not know this. I've only read a few of his translated chapters a while ago so I couldn't remember exactly. I'm really only familiar with Turbo's which are pretty awful but still readable

Where did the threads go this last week?

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This a KUMO thread okay.

The janny really, really hates us.

>“Such a rude and arrogant Chinese! Who do you think you are!?”

cuter than cordelia

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Smelly assassin peasant.

I wish Cordelia's story would progress faster. Why is the best Otome shit always progress so slow? Erica and Eliza also take tons of time before they finally meet the original heroine.

What's her problem? .

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Some of them were bad threads, and there were multiple poor quality ones at the same time that spread activity.

Nothing special. Just Warcrimes. And Sheke- no, I mean Gold Coins...

>powerlevelling MMORPG grind MC
People should be ashamed for promoting this generic tripe.

Word Danmachi is utter garbage.

>“My eyes! You despicable Chinese!!!”

Yeah, but I want to fug the genocidal bug person so I don't really care.

>tfw there's so much isekai this season you're not even sure which thread is the thread
How are you enjoying the golden age of isekai?

Can you blame D for making a "system" that resembles RPGs? D plays them too, after all. And D is an Evil God too, so D will make whatever D feels like doing.

>Spider character
>2 eyes and some retarded-looking Deviant Art tier character design
What the fuck is this bullshit

Are you blind?

The "design" is how she imagines herself to be, since she can't see how she looks and can only base it off a "sibling" she ran into, but for subsequent evolutions she doesn't have any clue how she actually looks side from what she can actually see. Note that the "main storyline" we follow the most is from the spider reincarnator's 1st person perspective, so her own design is to a great extent a case of "unreliable narrator" visualized. Though it might be that she IS beautified due to a certain "thing" that was fused into her when she was isekai'd.

The LN design is terrible and in the trailer the VA sounds like she's medicated. The manga is vibrant and expressive without ugly as sin CG dragons.

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She doesn't actually look like that, it's just her retarded self-image filter that we're forced to put up with for some godforsaken reason. She looks like this: minus the woman torso.

Nah, the manga's art quality has declined over the last 10 or so chapters.

Are we also going to ignore the fact that the manga is very far from being completed? We can expect the pacing of a snail and tons of flashbacks.

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>Faggots thinking Tanaka the Cuck is a good isekai

I guess some people never checked the first ending and the bullshit the author is pulling out now.

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People are still excited for the spider anime after the ugly CGI and butchered designs?

anyone translating this to english?
isekai from the hajinete no gal author

It's fallen to the fate of all isekai manga, it's just an ad for the anime and isn't allowed to progress anymore.

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>tfw no operator gf
She was extra cute this chapter inbetween killing sprees.

That looks metal.

Not enough Japan chapters of these guys.

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Fuck spider, the story is incoherent shit and it constantly time skips back and forth.

I don't know if its my high school spanish making it funnier than it is but this is alright.

He needs to bring more non-humans too.



Speaking of timeline fuckery what happened to word master why did it go to shit? Did the author run out of ideas?

i'll just leave this here

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>run out ideas
>ditch sidecast characters
>new arc
>repeat ad infinitum
wait another arc until we can slap a powercreep bulletpoint on there too

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>Get a strong familiar
>Start a coup

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>Speaking of timeline fuckery what happened to word master why did it go to shit? Did the author run out of ideas?
The RAWs themselves are bad? I thought the reason the TL of the WN stopped was due to translator drama though...

>Look at this girl! Her chocolate skin is sign of her being in contract with the dark spirit king!
>It is so powerful it almost destroyed the world in the past and only the light spirit king can compete
>Let's ostricize the shit out of her so she will cry herself to tears in her room
>Later we will accuse her of hating us all and wanting to curse the world

>"I am very sad that you don't love me, daughter. Also, i know you're underage and all, but can you go and use your big scary spirit to win us the war?
>"Some shady nobles asking you because nobody will cry if you die to surprise arrow and that light spirit girl is too much of a cowardly bitch to enter herself. They will likely make her a saint anyway"

Shut the fuck up
You know what really tires me from shitty isekai? It's not the tropes or the pieces of shit MCs or the plot of being transported to another world.
The problem is the same overly repeated shit tier generic fantasy setting.
At this point I can't even see the difference in non Isekai garbage like Goblin Slayer or Danmachi and actual Isekai, shit's the fucking same.

Meanwhile other Isekai like that one of a girl that got isekai'd to the Sengoku period to serve Nobunaga Oda is such an amazing breath of fresh air despite being an Isekai too mostly because they actually chose a different fucking setting.
Even if it was a shit tier generic male MC fighting samurais or whatever garbage instead of this girl doing cool farming shit, it would still be better than most other fantasy isekai just because of the setting.

God I'm so fucking tired of generic fantasy.

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But user, you can't shit on the natives if the native is actually Japs too.

Only notEuropean are stupid enough to not know CORP ROTATION or DOUBLE ENTRY BOOKKEEPING. Plus you can't impress fellow Japs with AMAZING OISHII S O Y SAUCE or RICE like you could with those barbarian white pigs.

>scissoring with your half soul clone
Or in other words masturbation

alright, let's see what new ideas this isekai has for otherworldly religions, surely there's a whole range of fantastical possibilities
>it's a catholic nun again

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>ywn have a threesome with spider and slime
It's just not fair

They just like the aesthetic, most nip author knows jack shit about Christianity. Hell I doubt most of them know more than superficial understanding of Shintoism or Buddhism.

Kumo starts off as a generic fantasy, only to be releaved that the world is actually a post-apocalyptic sci-fi future with all the generic fantasy races being the descendants of genetic experiments of the previous advanced civilization and the RPG Mechanics Verse and accompanying magic system being literally powered by an angel strapped on a supercomputer

Heh I just realise Mob Otome is kindda like that too.

Guess it sounds cooler than the regular fantasy isekai but it's still mostly a generic fantasy series isn't it

I am reminded of the Ride-On King as an example of how fresh the generic fantasy can feel if the author actually puts an effort into worldbuilding and all the other various details.

And speaking of Putin, you might also want to take a glance at russian isekai if you don't care about your sanity. Plenty of popadanets stories are about super prepaired people getting sent into the past.

It eventually transitions into sci-fi.

Funny how probably not the best but one of the most entertaining Isekais I've read lately was a korean manga called Her Summon

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I’m not so fuck off comfynigger.

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Speaking of world building. I'm surprised that some otome work actually had some really wonderful world building, granted most of the time it's adventure stories masquerading as otome.

There’s tons like that retard, it’s the same shit.

Why not both in their Patrician forms?

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Name a few that were actually popular enough to get an anime then, cunt.

>“I’m sorry, Claudia-chan. I have caused you various troubles. This isn’t an apology by any means, but please accept it.”

>Saying so, Grace held her hand over my head and sent the particles of light down.
>I was shocked to see my arm. My brown skin had changed to same milky-white color as Grace’s.
>All the people in the venue speechlessly opened their mouths wide.

>“Oh my, I’m sorry. I didn’t intend to change your skin color too…”

Man this is really fucked up.

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Fuck toonily garbage website even with adblocker.

And then you pick up a random chink thing and people start shooting budha stands at each other.

The manga adaptation to Kumo is an affront to the WN and the anime can only make it worse. I can already see Yea Forums shitposting it out of existence and missing out on an insane meta political adventure

But why though? That's the first one I've read in a site that reuploads them by the way and it was surprisingly decent. Much better than the average shit isekai at least.

Bruh, at one point Kumo rides a dragon in her arachne form to shoot rockets at UFOs from a bazooka.

Man Chinese people are such chuunis. I wonder if that's just wuxia/xiaxia tropes or is it the commies fault.

How long into it for shit like this to happen anyway? I might pick it up only because that bazooka shit sounds like digimon

Well Athy is pretty beloved over these threads here.

When your government is busy shitting on you chuuni fantasies are your only form of escape.

Which part are you talking about? It did remove the side-stories, yes. But that's it. Everything else is in it. Though "everything else" refers to the LN, not the WN. There are more differences between WN and LN as it moves along. For example the LN removed the whole part from the WN where Kumo goes REEEEEEEEEEEEE after getting Taboo.
The mistake of making a non-sensical comparison between WN and manga is on you in the first place.

The people on that novel deserves to die, they were warned multiple time about using M.A energy but they completely ignore it until the whole planet start collapsing and they decided to use that one person that repeatably warned them as a battery to stop planet from collapsing until she dies because they doesn't wanna take responsibility for their mess.

After I read the origin, I lost all my sympathy toward them.

Should be the next LN volume if YP releases it the 20th of next month.

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Green leftie scum. Resource are meant to be exploited.

i glad she finally woke up from her hibernation length nap

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That's the main problem of this story imo. It has a long prologue that's mostly generic fantasy with some subtle hints it isn't and only after she learns the truth about the world it transitions into sci-fi. In the LN the transition officially starts at Volume 5 when the MC gets attacked by a random robot that ignores the rules of the RPGMechanicsVerse, and in the WN it starts 150 chapters in, IIRC.

She’s written by a hack.
>With such thoughts in her mind, Mitsuha reflexively stood up and checked her condition. Yes, “reflexively”. Whether it was habit or some sort of adaptation, Mitsuha had been like this for as long as she could remember. In most situations, she prioritized action—thought would come later. She didn’t feel it was entirely normal, but cursory research attempts to label the condition had not been fruitful.

Not if its kills the planet and everybody on it

The manga at least fix it.

I think I lost interest when I learn Kumoko was never a human to begin with, she was a spider in the classmate that gotten some of Hiro's memory

Short-term profits > planet

Doubt the manga would remove the literal whitewashing

So like Van?

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It completely changes the tone of the story with all its weird visual metaphors and Shiro doing wacky poses and shit. She's supposed to be slightly witty at most. The author went to great pains to establish her as an awkward antisocial brooding loser, so seeing her unabashedly dance around like a mahou shoujo and have joke banter between her personalities feels wildly out of character and removes what made her distinct from the usual isekai trash. Also the pacing is scuffed like you mentioned, but there's no great way to 1-to-1 replicate how the narrative did that in panel or animated form, so whatever

>muh side stories
The only good one was wrath but he then got a fujo garbage design.

Isekai Nonbiri Nouka anime when?

New Chapter? FUCK YEAH

No planet = No profit

based japs bleaching her into a jade skinned beauty

Meet pre-isekai Kumo.

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To be fair the dragons completely fucked them over.

That's sensei right? Who's the punk trying to kill her?

Pre-isekai Kumo had a brain the size of a bread crumb


Not sure what you are talking about. These supposedly "wacky" visuals happened in the WN/LN as well, just in the form of a monologue instead.
The way you seem to have forgotten about the early parts, makes me wonder if you read that part in the WN like 3-5 years ago and never read the LN and are simply misremembering because you compare it to current kumo.
I can only say that manga Kumo is depicted perfectly accurate to the LN. I won't speak about the WN too much since I never re-read it either. But I read the LN a few months ago and, again, the manga is an accurate adaptation of the LN aside from the missing side-stories.

What is the relationship between Kumoko and Shun?

There is none, Shun is just a homolord.


Also, did Kumoko ever fought Hugo?


I am a bit sad, what's wrong with the delicious brown villainesses, nips?

Amelia managed to suprass Claudia's mother during this chapter, the villain didn't even want her as a pawn.

If you can call sticking a puppet spider inside his brain a fight.

Funny, I was interested on how two protagonist of isekai series with opposite personality would have act.

He gets upset at her for being a genocidal nutcase while she either doesn't give a fuck or threatens to nuke everyone in the class even if he doesn't stop being a whiny cunt while she's in the same room as him.

I just wanted to see him trying to use his rule of lust on Kumoko only to fail laughably.

Shiro doing wacky poses and shit are her coping mechanisms. Did you even read the WN?

Shun : Generic Isekai harem protagonist
Kumoko : The cold, ruthless, selfish and genocidal isekai protagonist.

Its like Shun only exists in the story to show the difference between Kumoko and a generic isekai protagonist.

Ruler Skill don't work for Admin only Hero Skill.

Dragons didn't do anything wrong, the humans and elves killed the world with their greed and bad tech.

He dead yet?

Read The Wandering Inn.

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So only Shun's skill would work on Kumoko?

Ah fuck I've been spoiled, when was this chapter out?

Where the fuck are those discussed anyway? I tried starting a thread about that isekai one the other day and the mods nuked it

And I wanted to see the generic isekai harem protagonist falling for Kumoko instead of his harem only for her to ignore him completely.

Yes. Tho Shun will destroy the world if he do that.

3 weeks ago

Shun doesn't have the libido for that.

I forgot to add that Shiro is master of space Mage craft just like D so it's basically meaningless

Isn't Kumoko stronger than him? I am pretty sure she will kill him without remorse if he step out of the line.

Well, here. But it all depend on the janny's mood, and how cancerous the threads are. Last week too many retard are making multiple shitty threads so janny said fuck it and kill it all.

Sorry for being a faggot but where do you even read those? I mean read the whole thing yesterday and the site I was using sure didn't have that chapter


thanks user

Shiro can't kill Shun the easily because if she do that all her plan will get a massive sit back

>depend on the janny's mood, and how cancerous the threads are.
Sucks that we get a million cancerous bait threads about shonen jump manga like hero academia, hxh or dr stone now that get a pass all the time but shit like that gets nuked so easily

But she is stronger than Shiro which mean he should not able to land a scratch on her.

I mean general and LN discussion isn't supposed to be allowed on Yea Forums at all, they are being generous by allowing us to exist in the first place.

What is the relationship between Shiro and Ariel?

the two-fold Frankenstein Monster and the three-fold Frankenstein Monster.


not otome Fem MC going around fucking shit up when


go ahead and hang yourself

Next season will have average and if it will get to vol4 there will be some serious shit later on.

Here's your Digimon.

Attached: Vol_7_shiro.jpg (1200x1471, 587K)

If you really want to see her human form here's it.

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I always figured she looked like this most of the time, just more fantasy.

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When are they going to fuck!? Make a mother out of her!

That's too far above more mortals.

Her low tier forms yeah, higher tier spider monsters are edgy doom spiders.

>tfw no operator gf
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

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That cat thing looks like it's next.

That's what I hope. It's a good way to keep them safe. Is it female too?

Who cares about the cat! Bring back dragon waifu!

Japs cannot into tabletop

You know with as popular as it's getting in the west, I would love to see D&D sessions with a bunch of Japanese players. Would be a interesting character study too.

Japs can into tabletop but it's mostly weird homebrew shit that went wild and stuff built around one-shot sessions.

>Strongest and the Fastest
Not even picked up.

>Why is the best Otome shit always progress so slow?
Because they progress slow, that is basically the reason they are good.

I love that one too. She is just very loveable.

>Athy is pretty beloved
Yeah, no. Those are only a bunch of autistic that yell " MUH ATHY." They probably aren't more than 4.

cu ck

>implying that the flashbacks (which are actually flashforwards ) aren't also in the novel
The manga actually has less of what most people would consider as flow breaking "flashbacks" than the novel. But it doesn't even matter since that's just the way the author structures their narrative. I wouldn't be surprised if we even got a spin off anime just for those "flashbacks".

That's a digimon all right


Same here- Kumo LN design, but not Chibi Kumo LN.
I want them real shit.

Do you understand that "D" is a fictional character?

The anime will be garbage, but at least it will be interesting.

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>cloud kill / death fog / incendiary cloud
>shut door
The solution to about 1/3rd of all difficult fights. With the announcement of bg 3 I've been replaying bg1 and 2 as a solo sorcerer and done this more times than I wish to admit

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That could happen later and have high food costs. When is someone going to try memorizing information to bring basic science/technology over? Maybe the dragon could be capable of memorizing enough with proper motivation.

>that arsenal bird in the background

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>Pre-isekai Kumo had a brain the size of a bread crumb
thats a pretty generous brainsize for a spider

I fucking love double ledger accounting holy shit

gonna be that guy name of novels for Erica and Eliza?
seen the one otome chart but only has MC names

Excuse me user, have you bought my latest book yet?
I need more shekels for new gardening tools that my mom won't let me get.

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Pretty sure if you type Eliza and Erica in the NU search bar it's gonna give you the novels.


D is real in the story, cope harder retard.

What the fuck

I am saying that the "RPG system" is an in-universe sub-element of the actual plot and not just a generic setting.
If you still think that counts as an actual generic setting then you might also call "the one ring" from LotR "just another generic RPG accessoire".

how far will MT get with 12 or 24 episodes

someone just put the guide out of his misery already, everything he does just improves liam's life

gief Arachne milkies =3

Attached: Arachne-San2.png (826x920, 667K)

I want to eat mushrooms grown with Bakarina's shit!

Attached: Drunk_Shiro.jpg (451x578, 75K)

Don't just sit there and waste your precious time. When you want to do something, do it right away. Do it when you can. It's the only way to live a life without regrets.

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Hot living armors!

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Explain to me. My invisible girl fetish is piqued.

Attached: 2186881.jpg (600x600, 238K)

>2 ghost sisters, they died
>Van can do necromancy+golem making
>Ghosts has no skelly/body
>Create living armor using ghost sisters.

What do you want me to explain you, my boy?

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I can only write edgy things and 1st person view of things.

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Oh, for once we agree with each other. That's right use your time meaningfully. Don't waste it on garbage like those "homebrews". Leave the writing to the proffesionals, anons.

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Series with spider snuggling all end up cursed, user.

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She kinda does, first she becomes an arachne - spider bottom and human top, and when she becomes a goddess and break free of the system, she can change forms to become kinda human but with 8 red eyes in 2 sockets and full on white everything else - it's kinda creepy and she doesn't like to be seen so she makes some magic so she cannot be recognized.

She also walks around with her eyes closed, normal people would die if they saw her eyes.
And she also likes to eat little girls limbs and then heal them back when drunk.

I hate them too, so it's a good thing.

later on when they level up they get see through bodies

Anyone reading the sword saint isekai?

The way he got married was way too quick and awkward.

That was adorable.

so where are the reversed humiliation doujins?

Is it the "Plain Faced Sword Sage is Strongest in the World"?
I can't even self insert as this guy. So bad.

I never read the LN, just the WN, but Kumoko definitely didn't come off as spritely to me. Not willing to cite shit right now, but when she imagined herself up some pop reference, it felt a lot more like Kuroki Tomoko having some cringey fantasy than an actual joke the reader was meant to laugh at. This habit of hers extends into her later life post-ascension, and practically everyone she speaks with confirms her mannerisms are extremely uncomfortable. It's not the content of the manga that bothers me since it's technically accurate, it's the presentation.

>To me, humans, demihumans, goblins, they’re all equally life.

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>War criminal killing farmers desperate to survive

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New Ole illustrations

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The trope of edgy MCs has been going on for too long now. What do you think the backlash against it will look like?

Will we see a return to more straightforward hero's, or perhaps see more manga where the edgy MC just gets shit on constantly?

oh boy, it's going to be magical alright

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Farming and all around city building is popular.

With any form.

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I feel like recently, Aoi Yuuki has been voicing the best roles in literally everything. She's fucking perfect

Season 2 fucking when!?

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The presentation is a visualisation that exactly fit the WN contents I remembered. "Mahou Shojou Kumoko" was, indeed, in the WN as well. I remember that part escpacially. And in case you didn't notice, the "dances" are all in her head, just like her own appearence. She is just imagining it. What's wrong with that? Kumoko is oversensationalist and has silly thoughts all over the place. I am talking about pre-TabooLV10, by the way. Taboo is where Kumoko's WN/LN self are a bit different. I remember in the WN she showed some serious rage, completely stopped making her jokes for a long while and seemed like a different person alltogether. In the LN however she maintains her "playful" personality and seems more disgusted rather than enraged. Also from that point the plot completely diverges from the WN. The dragon revenge fight still remains mostly the same, but the arc where Kumoko deals with "Mother" and "Demon King" are completely revamped. I can't remember exactly what happened in the WN, but I know it was different from the LN that I only read very recently.
And obviously the manga follows the LN and not the WN, so the comparison might not be quite right in the first place.

Read The Wandering Inn.

Old-school shounen bonehead MCs

hanakana is old and busted
it's all about Aoi "Shota Hunter" Yuuki

Ah, I wasn't aware of that LN change. I did feel like the impact of the taboo in the recent manga chapters was a lot duller than I remembered. The earth dragon fight was the highlight of part 1 to me because of how emotionally charged it was, and I was really excited to learn what mysteries had been revealed to her.

I guess the story just overall felt darker to me than the manga is. The later parts of the story involve a lot of being jaded to tropes, conflicting ideals, and the like, so the transition was seamless. I feel like this more standard isekai will have a harder time making that same shift.

>self insert as this guy
You're not supposed to. You're supposed to self insert as Brauer. Sword Saint is marketed as a women's manga in Japan.

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Neck yourself

going through some backlog, this is how every isekaied power fantasy mc should react

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How did you get to this page? I can only find the full yearly rankings, but not half-yearly ones like this one.

Tsuki ga is the worst since even the raws are dead.

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Here. bookwalker.jp/ex/feature/2019fh_ranking/

Read it, hated it. The sword saint is the purest definition of beta.

It helps that the manga is still ongoing and there are enough volumes to last for years, but no status updates on the WN or LN don't make the wait easy.


And shun despairing when wrath shows up is glorious

Thanks, now I can backtrack the earlier half-year rankings too.
And damn, Slime is killing it. They won first place in overall Oricon physical media sales for the first half of 2019 and now Slime also trashed the competition on the digital bookwalker sales by taking overall #1 with Slime manga and #2 with Slime LN. It's a shame that MAL doesn't translate the weekly oricon manga/LN rankings anymore.

I thought that was exactly the point of his character and the only reason he is there is to watch him fail.

or this

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What kind of self respecting man actually reads series with female mc's.
Please remove yourselves from earth if you do so.

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>no status updates on the WN or LN
Yep. Author posted back in January that was going to be writing again then nothing since.

>It's a shame that MAL doesn't translate the weekly oricon manga/LN rankings anymore.
Yes, that's annoying. I can read them on the Oricon site just fine but they only keep the last two months or so viewable. Found this for the manga rankings at least. forums.arlongpark.net/showthread.php?t=39647&page=54

Oh that helps. So Slime really is converging toward 500k sales per volume, huh?

some more quality isekai ive missed out on

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Oh, this one got a manga adaptation? I hope one day PLIC gets one.

jesus this is dumb

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Who is that man with Maine?! Kill him!


What's this called?

Is this a motherfucking evangelion reference!?

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Is the Kumo WN officially on some kind of hiatus, or is Okina just taking a long time?

which one will you look at Yea Forums?

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Murderbun is the Nest.

Okina is just slow.

There will always be this one guy who would constantly push this betacuck mc. Kek

Kino Healer has a similar power and drawback

you average chink isekai protag at max level can easily kill Tatsuya

am I the only one that imagines Boss Lan with an eyepatch every time I imagine her?

didn't have time to write my chapter since I spent all night playing Starcraft 2 and am doing it again this night

Minotaur mc when?

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>“Your soul as a child was definitely beautiful, but after a certain day, it started to get defiled.
kinda sad the actual heroine's soul got fucked by a retard

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You've played too much metal gear.

>They unironically made her white as a way to solve everyone being racist towards her

What the fuck was the author thinking

It's the simplest way to do it, but man, shit's about as subtle as a sledgehammer.

I mean, Mushoku Tensei might qualify for "romance"

Yeah but he specifically requested it be good as well.

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asian things

Transmigrating into a Mob Character to Rehabilitate the Villain Plan

Don't believe his lies.

what is the better female isekai MC, gender swapped dude or female almost 30 cake?

Why is one of her hands so huge

Oh that makes so much more sense now.

Cakes by far. Genderbendering in isekai is just a shitty fetish fuel that drags the story down, whereas most otome MCs were cakes.

You wouldn't lewd your pet.

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She is still going for the manservant route right?

That is adorable as fuck. Where is it from?

Not in that form.
Also remember that she needs to be totally naked to transform into the dragon form.

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Kumo desu ga nani ka?
This is her human form later in the story

Alright, I guess I am watching spidergirl anime this season.

Reminder that Amelia is a filthy prostitute.

But would you choose your pet over your best bud?

As far as I know my best bud already wants my D, then I go for the other one and I get 2 for the price of 1.

I don't think Katia would be willing to share.

One of the lasts chapters of the WN. Katia already accepted that Sue also loves Shun and didn't said nothing when Shun said tha he will find a way to make this work.

Many mentioned Kumo-chan was edgy, but that was much later.
Earlier on when she was still fighting for dear life her internal dialogues were cute. Aoi Yuuki's voice will certainly make her cuter.
As for the later part of the story that involved mass murder, I doubt the anime will get much into that. I'm guessing we won't even see White's face, she will only be revealed at the finale, so to make all the animeonlys go "wait, what? impossibru!"

Meanwhile, in Skill Taker

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That shit is still going?

also actually have to pay since there are no pirates

fuck this shit, manga almost caught up to translations of the LN/WN

As far as shitty fiancees go Elliot ain't that bad.

>unless you live in the west where being white is increasingly illegal

what a terrible multibox setup

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Oh no, he's retarded

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NovelUpdates says its on hiatus. Not sure why or for how long

This is probably one of the retardedest post on Yea Forums right now.

This is a brain at negative IQ.

I do, we finally moved past the fantranslation. I'm excited over future volumes especially since Yea Forums said it'll get as good as the first two volumes.

pretty based

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Too much drama, too few fluff.

Man I really hope Kumko will eat him alive. Harem isekai protags are scums that need to die.

>“What color of underwear do you like best?”
Arrodes is the best mirror.

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>grandma is yelling at me again.


Okina usually rotates between LN work and WN work, and the WN has had lower priority for the last two years. We only get about 10 WN chapters between 1 LN volume now, I think.

>tfw no yandere berserker waifu

Anyone reading "I’m the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire"? New chapters are being pumped out and it reminds me of "To be a Power in the Shadows." The writing style is a lot different from the author's other works.

can't wait to see how the guide's latest plan will backfire completely and cause liam to sing even more praises to him.

Why are you still reading isekai shit if is so bad?

Looking at it, the girl of the Razel house is a cheating bitch that he avoided, he meets a new friend, and gets a good education. More than likely something is going to happen to the Razel house too.

~ Mahou Shoujo Kumoko-chan ~

>air force bombings are a standard part of warfare
>no one uses bunkers

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>welp, since they have dragons our castle is completely useless, guess we lose the war, gg

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Well yea, because that was the plan to begin with.

literally everyone in the world's fortifications are like this though, their main defense against aerial warfare are siege engines that wouldn't be very effective in my opinion.

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She's so fucking based, more '''''vilainess'''' should beat the fucking shit of shitty male target.

Admittedly all woman in that series, including Rachel, is screwed in the head.

That's just how '''''''realist'''''' hero is. Everyone but the MC is incompetent fuck.

IIRC the anti-air defenses are enhanced by magic.

Why are there so few isekai with an air force as part of the army despite those world are filled with flying beasts and mages?

the main problem is they leave the ballistas completely exposed so even a bomb that doesn't land directly on top of it can still disable it if it's in the blast radius.
some basic defenses like extra walls around the emplacement or putting it in a turret would improve their survivability.

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They are making Ole cuter now.

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I wanted to see the generic harem protagonist that all the girls fights for ended up falling for our spider protagonist who does not give a dam about him.

What else should they have? The magical version of S400 or Patriot?

but even MC-kun doesn't really have much in the way of protection for the ballista on his ship

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I saw a pic of Gligames....... I mean Wrath facing off against Kumoko. So did Kumoko defeated him?

Yeah, but Shun has like zero libido and Kumo scares the bejesus out of him because he can literally feel how alien she is when he's in the same room as her.

Cooking with Wild Game is good, if you don't mind decompression.

i already said, just something basic like extra walls around the emplacement to improve their survivablity against bombings since it's the main line of defense.

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Because they aren't expecting air-raids. Who would even attack them from the air? They didn't expect a civil war with these defenses and their neighbouring countries are unlikely to attack from air, so they only got "basic" anti-air measures.

There aren't any nearby threats known for using air-based attacks though, escpacially on the west-side of the kingdom.

Read The Wandering Inn.

I'd tell you to google it, since it's not a crop, but I'll do it for your trips.

>the old English kicketh in

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How long did he spend with Kumo in that room?

They had a short deliberation while Shiro explained herself and the world. Was at least many long minutes to a few hours perhaps. But not the whole of a day.

>pirates swearing revenge on liam
they're already dead

>Good romance
In a better world there would be my boy.

But, alas. It's all fuckin' dog shit with aids whip cream on top.

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How many time did they met? Was it their first time meeting? Did he still mistakes her for Hiro?

They meet face to face at the end of the elf village battle where he sees her as Wakaba Hiiro. Then he spends some time recovering and she tersely explains the circumstances to the rest of the class, and he wakes up partway through where he adds very little to the discussion beyond some vague moralizing. That's it so far.
All the other reincarnators still think she's Wakaba Hiiro, and she's decided to not clarify the matter to anybody, just basically ignoring it.

What am I looking at?

im sick of isekai shit even (most of) otome isekai, but somehow I'm eating up a bunch of korean shit

it's crazy how much content is hidden behind that super-sekrit-club discord which includes princess athy translations

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