
Confession when?

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Other urls found in this thread:

never, you're on this ride forever

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didn't it literally just happen

no, but it was very STIMULATING

stimulating like having a good coffee

or stimulating like taking crack cocaine?

What I'm trying to say is I think it's okay to tell your normie friends you like Nagatoro. It's not something like your hentai or porn collection that you have to keep secret.

Along with that note, I think you can openly talk about any anime shows on the front page of Crunchyroll. But some of the more obscure/weirder ones you'll still need to hide because nobody knows about them except you and a few others.

You can talk about anime but you can't reveal your porn collection.

this series sucks because once you get over the loli brown spats-wearing fapbait you realize it's just like twilight.
shit's gunna be 100's of volumes before one of them even goes as far as h*nd h*lding.
it's like jesus christ just fuck already you stupid cunts.

didn't nagatoro originally begin as a doujinshi

there's not even any bait on this one, you're just trying to catch fish with a sledgehammer

at least try man jesus christ

What's the name of this manga again?

is it even possible to tell whoever posted this to fuck off when any answer you could possibly give would be construed as an answer to the question, nagatoro?

>Now I'm stimulated, Nagatoro

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RBMK reactor cores don't explode, Nagatoro.

i want /rbmk/ to never go away

I'll cut you Nagatoro

It's over, Senpai!
I have the high ground!

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confess to what?

that he lied about wearing a condom

His name was Guillotine Gorilla, Nagatoro.



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Not my edit, but relevant.

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about wearing it or not wearing it?

tough question, whichever is hotter

Brevity is the soul of wit, Nagatoro.

not wearing it is literally hotter because bodily fluids are warm when they first come out.

Get thee to a nunnery, Nagatoro.

you're just mad because I'm right.
enjoy reading another 400 volumes to maybe see them almost kiss at a summer festival fireworks show, then pussy out.

Nanashi is gonna show full penetration and you'r just jealous

shut up you dork

Don't you dare try to pull that shit on me again, Nagatoro

Never. She'll probably start cucking him beforehand.

And how many normies even now what the fuck that is

Wrong order. It'll be sempai that cucks her with nagafriends

I want to see this crossover now.

I always miss the dump threads because they hit bump limit and 404 in less than hour

Sweet justice. NTR is the thinking man's fetish.

nagatoro was so cute this chapter

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Liar. Threads only 404 on Yea Forums, /bant/, /f/ and /trash/.

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Same difference to me I can't be assed to check the archive

he means on most boards, Yea Forums included, there's a grace period to view the thread normally after it's pruned before it 404s and you'd have to go to the archive

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Pron user, what else is in your porn drive? This folder only has images and about 9GiB of Umemaro. Animated stuff is elsewhere but nowhere near what you have, I find animated hentai pretty bad most of the time.

Attached: 2D porn directory Screenshot from 2019-07-16 03-13-46.png (537x536, 81K)

>Calling it legit
That's just begging for people to look at it.
No, user. What you do is find a boring game. A really fucking boring game. And make a fake folder for that game, and put all your porn in there.
I use Geneforge. No one in my house would give a shit about an isometric, story heavy RPG. Well, no one besides me.

It all comes full circle.

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I know, I just still use 404 to refer to archived threads. Screw technicalities.

of course, I just assumed that's what that guy was talking about, who's either a smartass or a newfag

What is this series called again?

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This was cute

Fuck this shit, I'm just going to import.

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>that title
What the fucking actual shit

How do I get assaulted by a cute noodle girl?

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why does he run like there's a 5 foot pole up his ass

Did they change their minds on the title?

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They lurked the threads

>Don't Tease Me, Nagatoro
>Don't Mess with Me, Nagatoro
>Don't FUCK with Me, Nagatoro
>Don't Stop Sucking, Niggatoro

Ranking Powers has to be updated, now noodletoro enmorada con ultra instinct has appeared

You just posted the pageright after the confession, jackass

Stop Breaking My Balls, Nagatoro.

Please dont fuck me, Nagatoro

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Non mi rompere i coglioni, Nagatoro

Murder when

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This is precisely the point of confession. In what sense? In the sense of the masochistic relationship professing itself, of becoming explicit to itself and the world. The mystified schema of dominatrix abusing the male victim, the one that we were introduced to, is turned on its feet: it was all along the male "victim" who was orchestrating the "play", the charade of masochistic abuse, in order to get stimulated. The stimulation comes from a multitude of sources: physical abuse itself only plays a secondary role; it is the staging of the act, where the "victim" is actually the one in control, where pleasure is derived from. At this point, the dominatrix, ironically on top, has "fallen", literally and figuratively; she has been completely dominated, enclosed into the "victim's" web and obliged by his request. Unless an external factor saves her, she -will- pose for him, naked if she has to. It is interesting how her abuse has been rendered completely ineffective and only furthers his stimulation. She has absolutely no way of escaping this relationship on her own and she will continue suffering for it.

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you forgot to fill it with ch's and sh's

It wash way too borrring, I shpent long enough time thinking of apprrroprrriate academic terrrmsh. *sniff*

>That's just begging for people to look at it.
user, what? It's in plain sight, whoever uses my computer and opens the file manager will see folder thumbnails of girls losing their minds with ahegao. That's implying anyone is in my house, ever.

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end of the series when it can't possibly be milked any more

>He doesn't have multiple terabytes
absolute peasant

I remember reading a handful of chapters for this. I already know what's going to happen. He's gonna get the girl. He won't be able to have kids, though, because he's likely to have his family goods too damaged for that by the time he reaches that age.

I don't know user. Even with the ungodly inefficient pieces of shit scans bloating translated series, having more 100GB in eromanga starts to not be normalfag at all. If it makes you feel better, I have about 18TB of animu and about 16TB of vidya.

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>it's been 2 weeks please let me cum, Nagatoro

Are you aware of the existence of 4chans own archive?
Click on the archive link in the catalog and press CTRL+F and type in Nagatoro
Then click on the chapter 41 link

Attached: Screenshot_Clover_dev_20190716-114550.png (1440x2880, 192K)

How do you access this?
I have clover too but I don't see this anywhere

In the catalog the 3 dots in the upper right corner

I put the latest chapter on imgur

Still cannot get over the image in my head of Zizek unironically shitposting on Naga chapter drop threads.

user going all in I see

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Marry Komi
Fuck Aanjo
Anal Nagatoro
A nice dinner date with Sanpaku then an 8 hour-long session of mindbreaking BDSM

These always get me, and I don't even watch Dragonball.

It's because the spic

Oh yeah, I remember those faces all too well.

They show up in his other stuff, but they were used to the max on the ship that put him on the path to vanilla

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He's in!

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Man that's cute

Even if you don't like Naruto, all of 774's Naruto and Hinata stuff, even the Non-H ones, are gold.

NaruHina actually happening broke him hard

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Broke? Isn't that bad?

Considering his previous output it's probably for the best.

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It broke him so hard it looped back round to fixing him.

I mean, broke in the sense that it broke him out of his degeneracy state and looped back into vanilla which led into Nagatoro getting serialized

I think he still does his usual rape stuff on the side though.


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Where's the Gabagool, Nagatoro?

>You're Breaking My Balls I Said You're Breaking My Balls Miss Nagatoro M-My Balls

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>please dont stimulate me, nalgatoro!

Why do Italians get the best translations?

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Because italians are not white


*teleport behind you*
nothing pizzanal kid

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were there ever even any translations for these?


They're just even louder Mexicans

Okay, I see buttloads of posts of this series as of late. Is it just as repetively boring as 'Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san' or is it actually interesting.

Part of the charm is the TL threads but the manga is pretty great too.

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It's like takagi, if takagi suddenly started to get teased too

Is there a more powerfull enemy than sweet vanilla?

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what does Marsellus Wallace look like? Nagatoro


say what again, Nagatoro


So this should end pretty soon I guess? Unless some retarded asspulls happen they should pretty much have a confession in a few chapters and 99% of non shoujo manga don't go beyond this point unless it's a timeskip to them married with kids years later for the epilogue.

Italians occupy that cursed spot in between
Not white enough to be rich, but not black enough to say nigger
truly, a most cursed existence

Not even brown enough to be sandniggers

what country are you from? Nagatoro

is this a shoujo manga?

Not sure about any of this, I think you are simply acting jaded while being completely devoid of the slightest spark of imagination.

Would kys myself if it ended so soon.

Compulsive tanning is bad for your skin, Nagatoro.

Wasn't this about bullying?

>2 weeks per chapter
It still is, we are getting bullied.

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>You were supposed to bully me, Nagatoro

>El Presidente con Rinnegan

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Do you think you can feel the shape of the bottom of her eyeballs in the top of her mouth. Is that her secret weapon to counter lacking paizuri power? Eye-zuri during blowjob.

dont fuck with forces you cant comprehend, nagatoro

Don't remind me of that faggot

There's a 5 foot pole up his ass. How else is he gonna hide his boner? You saw what pres was wearing.

chapter 60

He's literally me though.

>Senpai's nipple is censored

stimulated paisen managed to block an attack by ultra instinct noodletoro
where does that put him on the powerrankings?

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Takagi if takagi was more of a bully and if the MC started to actually grow a spine over time

Stimulated paised is Z rank confirmed

Finally this battle manga is getting somewhere

Don't think you can get away with this, Nagatoro

You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain, Nagatoro.

What does she see in him?

He's smart, cute, talented, motivated, has fluff, and also a massive dong
now the real question is what he sees in her

I really like it so far but... yeah basically

He probably, on some level, likes that she's encouraging him to go out of his comfort level. If Senpai has it his way he'd only draw, eat, and study by himself. But with Naga, he's not just staying in his room all day. Also, Naga is does care for him and stick up for him (in her own way) and that's a feeling he's probably never felt before. Also, who can say, maybe Senpai likes having a cute girl boss him around.

based žižek poster

Takagi if the bully got a taste of her own medicine, there were more characters and the MC actually developed

>it's real

She's smart, cute, has the potential for talent, is nice to him and has a great butt

Noodle Genesis Nagatorion

that's just noodle jerking

When is the next chapter out again ?

Some time in the near future, Nagatoro.

Which of the following ideas would you want for a future chapter?
>1. Naga and Senpai go to the zoo/petting zoo together
>2. Naga and Senpai watch a movie with lewd scenes
>3. Naga and Senpai get lost in the woods
>4. Naga, Senpai, and friends go to a bathhouse. They won't see each other but they'll be able to talk to each other.
>5. Senpai somehow wins two tickets to some popular event and Naga, Yoshi, Gamo, and Sakura all want to go with him.
>6. Senpai and the group somehow accidentally drink alcohol. Senpai has to deal with the girls when they're drunk
>7. Nagatoro BUT IN SPACE!

Attached: naga with phone.png (900x500, 355K)

All of those options are equally likely.

>Noodle jerking

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>accidentally drink alcohol
You meant "get drunk from fumes".

No user.

>El senpai chad modo (forma del ultra instinto)

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>Nagatoro wearing a yukata for senpai at the usual summer fair

That was just noodletoro, no ultra instinc

These are my favourite types of scenarios. Don't forget to add in how there's no possible way they could have consumed alcohol, but are still clearly under the effects.

It's not going to suck itself, Nagatoro!


>Don't stimulate me, Nagatoro

And God said: "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself", Nagatoro-san

a literal baboon girl

Let's go see the monkeys, Nagatoro

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he is nazi

>no ass
>weaker than a woman

he won the genetic lottery

You forgot "Confesión Yoshi desnuda en la playa"

That's every Mediterranean country except maybe France


She obviously can't compete with Prez naked, so what's the next best to naked? Whipped cream and a seductive pose?

the French are niggers in their heart though, so it balances out

cute innocent pose handh*lding with ther senpai

>8. Nagatoro gets kidnapped

>Great shape
>Chad as fuck
>Good at sports
>Bang Pres

man, nagabro is soo unlucky

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the power of love

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i'm a filthy mediterranean mutt, this is just banter, you double nigger

That's for their private time. It won't win the competition. It has to be something lewd or provocative. Maybe finger in a mirror censorship, whatever that's called? She'd simply wear a very revealing swimsuit and paisen would fill out the rest.

Two nukes weren't enough, Nagatoro

>it's just banter i swear
>can't take the bant
must suck being retarded, pay debts

Purpose yfw the confession chapter is just the original image pack, shot for shot

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I want to see them kissing!

>It won't win the competition.
this arc is a metaphor for 774's progression as an artist and him realizing after all this time that cute vanilla shit evokes stronger feelings than the most provocative lewdness
That's why people still fawn over the Joconde rather than the Origin of the World
Of course an adorable painting of two cute dorks in love would win over some nude that already won last year

When will we get long haired Sakura back?

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> series starts wrapping up
> Turns out in the end Senpai wasn't a virgin
> banged 12 different girls throughout middle school, including a few teachers
> He's been fucking club pres regularly since his first year of high school
How would Nagatoro react?


choose one

I'm going in dry Nagatoro


This looks like one.

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That's an interesting opinion, paisen. But who said anything about the Prez's old work being on the exhibit this year? Obviously she'll try to outdo herself. Nanashi's porn features a lot of exhibitionism. If not Naga, then hopefully she'll do the mirror pose. That would easily win.

4, but they see each other.

At this point I hope something absolutely absurd happens and the manga ends abruptly, just to spite the vanillafags.

They do 1, but 3 happens on the way, they reach a bathhouse in the middle of the forest and 4 happens, after that 6 happens and then we end with 2 then it's revealed it was 7 all along.

how? I need details, user.

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Senpai and Nagoto end up accidentally in the bath together, possibly set up by her friend, and Nagatoro tries to act like it doesn't bother her. Senpai doesn't want to get up for obvious reasons, which she comments on or suggests he would be showing her things gross things if he tried.


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>This but the person who is actually exposed fully is Senpai
I like the idea of Senpai being hung like a horse.


I thought it would be implied she would get to see plenty anyway. He just would try to cover himself and visibly care more than she would.

>Don't change my title, Nagatoro!

2 as is and 4 but they see each other

When we get a Yoshi that can speak in more than monosyllables again.

Where does Sakura (cabello largo) fit in the power level chart?


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It's like takagi-san but things actually happen


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No, no don't do it, I'm a virgin, Nagatoro

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Which alternate version of Naga would you like to see in a future dream chapter?
>Big boob Naga

Attached: Nagatoro.jpg (1280x720, 208K)

>not nyagatoro

>not nekotoro

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Senpai meets Mamagatoro.

Nagatoro POV chapter where?

Or Ma-Gatoro if you want, your choice~

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Loli Naga where we see her and a young Senpai promise to marry each other when they grow up.


Senpai having a wet dream with all the Nagatoros.

Mobile Noodle: Nagatoro

>we get to see Senpai crying and mucus and tears dripping down his face

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>Senpai and friends go to the bathhouse and his towel falls showing everyone his massive soft dong

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>next chapter is nagatoro struggling with constant daydreams about senpai's monster cock

Not until after a love triangle is formed and resolved; it'll be either Yoshi or Ms. President

does that count as holding hands?

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i read a couple of chapters of this and uh yeah
its gay
its hella gay and so are you for liking it

t. raging homosexual

And Gamo seeing her distracted and asks her if she's thinking about how that could possibly fit.

Nagatoro will accuse you of rape and ruin your life forever!

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>asks her if she's thinking about how that could possibly fit.
you forgot the the part where she implied, that it'll most likely fit her much better. just as a prank of course

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Naga did nothing wrong, senpai was being gross.

Maybe holding a hand at where it should be reaching.

"most exiting" makes a lot more sense

Stimulating is better though.

but he didn't mean stimulating as "makes my dick hard"

*sniff* based

Maybe not intentionally.

Big titty Nagatoro

No me toques los cojones Nagatoro

Nobody says "you are the most stimulating person I know" It just doesn't fit

>marking on their stomachs how deep it would reach

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I'd cum

You have to go back, Nagatoro.

Holy shit you are right. That's fucking cute.

Senpai could walk in on that too.

>they go to the zoo
>they see the pigs in that doujin

My tanned classmate is bullying me and suddenly I'm the center of a harem of school girls, Nagatoro?!??!?!?!

What would they even say to him?

When will Nagatoro get his turn:


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Vanilla sure heals a man

right between nagatoro (gato) and gamo

"Ao Naga se non la smetti chiamo er pupone de Roma che te apre er culo in due" Star Comics

Post slappy noodle

I want to slurp Nagatoro.

So how did that four-hour erection go?

I want to slurp Noodletoro!

as long as this manga doesnt go the way of Tomo chan i'll be happy

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For real tho, how big is Senpai's cock?

I like this crossover

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>wanted good tomboy shenanigans
>instead got wasted potential of tomboy love story

Well I still have Saotome.

first time hearing about it. will pick it up.

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Boxer tomboy confessed to her love in first chapter on the first few pages. Follows them developing each other and their shenanigans...also boxing.

as long as Fumita isnt the author I dont give a shit. I need my tomboy fix, man.

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It's funny cause Komifags were upset that they removed the "-san" from the title and didn't replace it with something like Miss so it's just "Komi Can't Communicate"

Same energy

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It's been years I stopped following it. What happened ?

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Nothing, that's what.

Just keep forgetting about it, user. It was probably one of the worst endings i've ever read. You probably want to find out now, so I'll tell you. They kiss and finally start dating. The end. No Mizusu arc or Carol arc. No real closure. Pure fucking trash. Wish Fumita died when he was really sick so I didnt have to sit through this trash for like 5 years.

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I've only looked at nagatoro threads for the past month. Who started this reading thing? Why is it in Spanish?

DBS memes

Dragon Ball Super memes.

Giant big tiddy Nagatoro

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The Fuck do we say about south Americans? Pretty sure we can't call ourselves white no matter how pale we are, but we ain't black either.

you are from south africa, so you are south african. same if you were from new canada you call yourself a canadian.

Why so abrupt an ending?

You'll get your tomboy fix.
Extended actual development for these two till the fucking final arc. Side characters basically disappear and then manga does a Shoukugeki whatever ending like it accomplished something.

No me andes chingando, nagatoro

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Nagataro’s escape methods reminds me of an anime I can’t remember. Something about a nerd chick bringing a delinquent his stuff only for him to jump out a window.

It's almost like it was originally written in another language and compromises have to be made when translating.

Fruits Basket?

It's a spur-of-the-moment confession, not a prepared speech. People say stupid things when they're put on the spot and they don't have time to prepare.

Stimulating > Your Shit

You stimulate my penis and my heart, Nagatoro, please do it more!

Fumita was sick for months during chapters. He aslso used to draw porn, so I was thinking he wanted to go back to that. He left a few major characters in the wind so it feels like he just wanted to end it.

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That’s regretful but Cest la vie

cest la fucking vie

Say "lovey", Nagatoro.

Can't be helped.

Kiss when?

When the win the bet agains Pres, they'll both be so elated that one will kiss the other in the heat of the moment.

better happen or i'll track you IP

I still do not understand why are these power rankings made in filthy spic talk instead of mighty Latin.

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So, this is the power of Gamo.

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Because Mexicans and lesser Mexicans are obsessed with DBZ.

You better start digging now because it's not gonna happen.

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Regular-sized (or shrinking) Nagatoro who gets bullied by the giant tits of giant Gamo, giant Yoshi and giant Sakura.

like this?

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I'll see you hang for this, Ms. Nagatoro-san!

It keeps getting worse, Nagatoro!

I'd really like to see 5 happen. Having the girls cozy up or intimidate Senpai into relinquishing his tickets only to have him buy more tickets for all of them to go together would be sweet.

Don't tell new ledditfags our secrets, keep them =)

Can't wait for it to go the same route as pic

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Stimulate my Prostate, Nagatoro

The ride never ends, Nagatoro!

So this chapter is Senpai realizing he's in love with her right? Or is this just realizing that he's had a lot of fun with her around.

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he realizes that he draws best when he's drawing her

Swag, swag, punch a bitch, Nagatoro

all of the above

The worst part is that this is a real possibility

At the very least I think its him realizing that she's been a positive influence on him even though she's a pain in the ass sometimes.

Why are there so many /rbmk/ posting in these threads?

she is stimulating. You have to realize that for most artist "stimulating" is just the fuel to make art. It doesn't mean love.

Yea Forums crossboarders

She's basically perfect.

Attached: ourqueen.png (805x332, 290K)

afficionados of superior reactor design philosophies also seem to enjoy the pinaccle of current romcom manga


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Yes. Be he doesn't realize that it's "love" so to speak. just that she's his inspiration.
It does, though. It's called dramatic irony. The president established that true art comes from a place of love, and Nagatoro is the source of Senpai's art. We, teh audience,a re clearly meant to make that connection, even if Senpai and Naga are to embarrassed and dense to do so.

You flip a tortoise over on its back. Its belly is baking and it needs your help to flip over, but you're not helping, Nagatoro

love something doesn't mean you are in love with it. It's an artsy thing.

If you're trying to argue that senpai and nagatoro's feelings for each other are non-romantic, I think you're being silly.

STALKER started it

>Senpai never confess and both go their own way
>10 years later, reunion
>Senpai brings another girl with him. It's her wife and she is pregnant.
>"Thank you Nagatoro, thanks to you I was able to be a person you and I can be proud of."
>Naga is conflicted with sadness and joy but at the end, she smiles and said: "Come on senpai, don't be gross in front of your wife"

How is Yoshi still the cutest and best friend? Is it because while simultaneously carrying out her daily life she is using 99.99999999% of her mental power in order to halt the metaphysical onslaught of demonic forces clawing at the inter-dimensional border between their realm and the earth?

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Fuck you. FUCK you. Go FUCK yourself.
I will KILL you.

I can see a time-skip reunion but the one I want is them admitting their feelings for each-other instead and Naga teasing him for not having a girlfriend all that time.

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What is this gag nagatoro?

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It's over NTRfags, you've lost. You've held out longer than anyone expected, through either sheer willpower or denial you've clung to your deplorable fantasy but it's time to wake up and smell the roses. Friend C has been beaten, president is beaten, and now a full-blown confession is right before your eyes. You can't deny it any longer, they're in loave, they have been for months, they always will be, and there's nothing you can do about it.

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>they're in loave

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he makes her anpan go doki-doki

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>NTRfags are Yea Forums cross boarders
makes sense

How does she do it? Is she a mahou shoujo, an esper, a reformed succubus who uses her powers to stop other demons from coming to earth?

I'll defeat negatoro and become number 1

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praise the immortal (and cute) emperor of retardkind

>1. Zoo shenanigans, Naga and Senpai wind up conspicuously next to a pair of animals mating
>2. Movie has an unexpected, but predominantly lewd scene and both of them try not to look at each other, but look at each other at the same time, which leaves them both horribly embarrassed
>3. They get lost in the woods, which makes Nagatoro cry out of fear, but Paisen piggy back carries her to safety
>4. Bathhouse episode, they wind up accidentally both in the men's pool, they are both too embarrassed to get out. Paisen mentions he's already seen Nagatoro nude before (over the phone) and she comments about how it's not fair unless it's even, so Senpai gets out of the pool and leaves, where Nagatoro mentions how they're fair. All of Nagatoro's silly goons were listening intently on the other side and rail her the next day.
>5. Senpai wins tix to a concert, it's earnestly really good and both of them have excessive amounts of fun and buy matching shirts after the show
>6. Nagatoro and company all get piss drunk by mistake and realize they shhouldn't have done that, but all of them immediately attempt to undress Senpai, because Thing 1, Thing 2, and Thing 3 heard Senpai has a massive cock and they all want to see it. Nagatoro starts fighting with them and they all start rumbling, but in the middle of the wrestling, Yoshi accidentally pulls down senpai's pants and they all go wild. The next day they all have headaches and stomachaches (hangovers, but they're too young and dumb to realize it) and they also forgot all about the day. Only Naga remembers because she was markedly less drunk than the others
>7. Senpai draws another little comic about Nagatoro being a Nono/Noriko expy and blowing up shitloads of aliens. Senpai is a comparable Kamina/Ryoma expy and they set out to do something and as the story starts up, the goon squad all barrel in and try to steal his artbook, which accidentally gets destroyed, except one page, which Nagatoro keeps.

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So perfect, why can't she be real bros?

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So who is Yukko? Friend D or E?

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maybe she's someone else's friend so she doesn't get a letter


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>156 posters and no chapter dump.
I’m let down , you dumbasses disappoint me

It was dumped the other day.

t. speedscroller

too late into the thread to post it now and it was dumped in the last thread

Short chapter of Naga idly watching TV while her thoughts wander and she starts thinking about Paisen, about his passion for art, about her memories with him, his hands, and then his body. She realizes what she's thinking about and calls herself gross. The next day Paisen greets her at school and she turns bright red for no reason at all. Gamo, Yoshi, and Sakura see her and look smug.

Laugh at him.

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Are there are Tomo-chan refugees in these threads?

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Imma need sauce on this boss


>still no confession

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It'll be in the last chapter.



You stimulate me

Don't axe my manga, Nagatoro-san!

Your reterded

Remember Pearl Harbor, Nagatoro.


I'm still just waiting for Nanashi to finally lose control and make some fucked up shit with Nagatoro

Nah, 774 realized hand holding and dorky romance is 1000% lewder than his worst zoo exhibitionist doujins could ever be.

Looks like a pathetic little faggot. May as well just be a woman.

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Take that back

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Marry Sanapku.
That's all.

What are your ideal Senpai-Naga dates, Yea Forums?
>Senpai brings Naga back to the Summer Festival and they actually hold hands
>Naga invites Senpai to her house to play vidya and to have heavy lovemaking
>Naga and Senpai sneak out during the night and walk around town talking about the future
>Senpai brings out Naga to a nice restaurant, but finds out his reservation was canceled. Senpai freaks out and Nagatoro feels bad for him. Nagatoro brings Senpai to a fast food place to have their date their instead.
>”Nagatoro, are you sure this is fine? I mean...”
>”Everything is fine when I’m with you, Senpai~”

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I want to see them go kissu kissu

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Just read the series a few hours ago and the first chapter is by far amd away still the hardest to get through.

Gas the kikes race war now, Nagatoro

as her breast size increases her intelligence proportionally decreases, it's a known fact.

Wrong. "Stimulating" is likely meant by Senpai in terms of artistic spirit; she stimulates his creativity. Obviously she also stimulates his dick and that's where the double meaning joke comes from.

NTR phone chapter where senpai wakes up from the nightmare and the same guy in his dream turns out to be nagas brother

your hitting my cervix forcing me to ovulate, nagatoro


What happened to Tomo-chan?

It ended for real a couple days ago to lukewarm reception from what I've heard.


I moved on her, and I failed. I'll admit it.
I did try and fuck her. She was married.
And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, "I'll show you where they have some nice furniture." I took her out furniture—I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn't get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she's now got the big phony tits and everything. She's totally changed her look.
I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything, Nagatoro

It ended. That's the best way to describe the ending. It ended.

When you don't reply to this post, your mother will die, Nagatoro

>”Everything is fine when I’m with you, Senpai~”
This is the antithesis of what this manga is supposed to be about though. Even if we're barely keeping the veneer of bullying at this point, at least it makes a vain effort to keep a little bit of casual name-calling in. If Nagatoro just goes full doki-doki over it that defeats the entire purpose of it. If it's a brief scene in a chapter that's whatever, and I'm not one of the sadistic anons that was really into the original pre-serialization release, but it still needs to stick to its theme at least a bit.

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I fucking hate you

My cousin just texted me that she missed her period, nagatoro

Nogatoro Negatoro Nigatoro Nugatoro, Nagatoro!

The thing about Saotome is that it's purely an excuse for the author to indulge in his fetish for drawing abs on girls. The actual boxing isn't even the focus when most fights end in a handful of punches stretched out to 2 chapters more or less. The focus is more on the romance of the two main characters juggling between wanting to be more intimate as a couple, keeping their relationship a secret from the eyes of purityfags, and actually advance the titular character's career. Also, nearly every chapter the author finds an excuse to show off Saotome's abs in the most convenient of ways as if the universe just bends over to make it happen.

because luchador wrestling like names are amusing.

Please stop self-inserting, Galge-toro

You make all that sound like a bad thing paisen. Sporty girls are my fetish and the abs just come with the territory.

you fucking bitch.

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Worship the eldritch

Scam when?

Are we off Namek yet?

Nagatoro POV chapter when?
>Nagatoro wakes up from a dream where she dreams ab her and Senpai being happily married
>She mumbles about Senpai to herself when she runs into Gamo on the way to school
>Naga confesses about her feelings for Senpai to Gamo and they have a heart to heart conversation
>At school, Naga starts teasing Senpai about how he would be a gross husband, but he brushes it off.
>Naga tries to get a reaction out of Senpai the whole day, even purposely running into him the whole day
>At the end of the day, Senpai accidentally tells Naga that she would make a good wife and both of them turn red
>Naga screams into her pillow and thinks about Senpai all night

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Wooden doors on a gas chamber
, nagatoro.

You're worse than Hitler, Nagatoro.

But did it end, or did it simply stop?

Not even a one page epilogue, anything would have been better.

Tank release will most likely have some extra stuff but probably not much.

It ended in the most lukewarm fashion still recognisable as an ending.

Senoai wakes up to find he has a super power. Which one has the best material for a chapter?

>1.X-ray vision
>3.Mind reading
>5.Mind control
>6.Can rewind time by an hour

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Made in Heaven

Either invisibility for the girls discovering and hunting for his invisible fluff or mind reading for seeing each of their thoughts, with B having none whatsoever

>Not Heaven’s Door

>Senpai reads Yoshi's mind
>See's a vortex of pure evil with a 1,000 faces staring back at him

>But did it end, or did it simply stop?
Dad barred Jun from dating Tomo unless he could beat him. After a whole arc of him trying to he finally lands a punch. Dad counts that as a loss, Tomo and Jun immediately start fighting about who's the one taking the lead, they kiss. the end.

Nagatoro is cute and all but I wish she had a jealous streak. That'd make her perfect.

Would Senpai have the guts to even mind control anyone, or even read their minds. Also, would he trust Naga enough to tell her about his powers?

Mind reading and rewinding time by an hour would just end the entire manga because senpai would either learn naga likes him or test out telling her his feelings. Mind control would also be completely worthless because senpai's way too much of a coward. X-ray vision would be best, because you could have senpai awkwardly seeing through all the girls' clothes at first, but then eventually he'd start only doing it to naga, and not be able to stop whenever he sees her.

Dude, like, have you read the manga at all?

That would be absolute kino

>only doing it to naga, and not be able to stop whenever he sees her.
user, please... my dick


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this fucking sucks. She doesnt even fucking bully him! fuck this generic shit

>X-ray vision would be best, because you could have senpai awkwardly seeing through all the girls' clothes at first, but then eventually he'd start only doing it to naga, and not be able to stop whenever he sees her.
Who wouldn't want to be superman in puberty?

ShotaArePathetic7 hours ago
If you are reading this comment your parents will die within 5 years. To undo this curse you need to copy this and paste it on 5 other manga. i'm so, so sorry,please forgive me

You serious?

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This was one of the few chapters that give away that this was made for a sexual fetish and not just to be a cute manga, preventing you from recommending it to anyone.

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heh jokes on you

they are already dead!

She was keeping an eye out for him.

It's a "no one can pick on my kid brother but me" sorta deal. It wasn't jealousy.

>This was one of the few chapters that give away that this was made for a sexual fetish
user all women are possessive of their men to a point where they see them as their pet. No more a fetish than real life makes it out being.

.Can rewind time by an hour
Okay, picture this. Senpai can rewind time for a day, so he does whatever he can to make sure Naga has a good day.
>Rewinds time to save her from falling down and getting hurt
>Rewinds time to get her the last juice she wanted
>Rewinds time to help her on her homework since helped her get the answers first then went back to give them all again
>Maybe there's one scene where he rewinds time to dodge all her noodle arms.

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bruh sound effect #2, Nagatoro

>She was keeping an eye out for him.
She was keeping an eye on Sakura.

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meh, I am Christian, your pagan shit doesn't work on me.

Christians are extra vulnerable to pagan curses and witchcraft, otherwise they wouldn't have tried over and over again to exterminate them in mass panic fear campaigns

She already died years ago


She was jealous when she thought some other girl gave him chocolate


why does everyone confuse roman catholicism with christianity?


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because catholics aren't magically not christian just because other sects of it exist, and it doesn't make them them no longer the most well known part of it either

Because they're the fucking same.
Listen to God.
Don't like what God says.
Listen to Jesus instead.
Disregard what Jesus says anyway.
Behave like sociopaths.
Pretend you followed either one.

Because perfection can't exist in 3D.

Taxation is theft, Nagatoro

>You look like a Puerto Rican whore Nagatoro!

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The only way senpai can win is if he draws porn of himself fucking nagatoro

>Naga sees Senpai playing around with his phone all day
>Snatches the phone away from him and makes Senpai chase after her
>She hides in the bathroom and goes through his phone (which is still magically unlocked)
>Goes through his browser, photos, nothing sus. Goes through his notes
>Finds a speech that Senpai was going to tell Naga about how much she meant to him
>She starts crying in the bathroom
>”Hayacchi, are you there?” It’s fucking Yoshi for comedic relief
>Nagatoro gives the phone back to Senpai and she plays off that she saw something lewd
>Senpai wonders what Nagatoro looked at
>Nagatoro wonders when Senpai will confess

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Senpai is gay tho

ur gay

She looked more horrified and scared than anything.

Gay for Nalgatoro.

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I think it could be localized as "interesting", which certainly fits the mood and has an alright translation. Also works well in the follow-up joke where Nagatoro's friends comment with the same word.


Would Naga ever spy on Senpai changing?

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Maybe only to see his back, to make sure he doesn't have a spine. She cares about his personality (or lack thereof), not his body. The same isn't true of him.

Right here. I haven't read Tomo ever since Jun had to beat Tomo's dad to date her. Why would you waste precious volume space on that shit? I hate it.

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Well shit, it really ended? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>Manga went from a legitimate bully torturing some hopeless dweeb to condensed brown-girl tsundere
I ain't even mad.

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Senpai has a 12 inch dick, right?

Just read a bit more cause the end is right after he beats him.

I'm guessing like 8" in length and 6.5" in circumference but I could be wrong.

I've come to make an announcement:

Nagatoro's a bitch ass motherfucker. She made fun of my Kouhai. That's right, she looked at him and called him creepy and that her love for him is "this big" and I said "that's disgusting".

So I'm calling her out with the school's announcement speakers: Nagatoro, you got small tits, they're as flat as this plank except way flatter. And guess what? Here's what my body looks like.
(Female moaning)
That's right baby, all curves, no surgeries, no pads, look at that it looks like two melons and a peach.

She insulted my Kouhai so guess what? I'm gonna fuck him. That's right this is what you get, MY SUPER COWGIRL SQUAT. Except I'm not fucking in private, I'm gonna go somewhere else, I'M FUCKING IN THE CAFETERIA. HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT SCHOOL REPRESENTATIVES, I FUCKED IN THE CAFETERIA YOU IDIOTS!

You have twenty-three hours before my Kouhai's cum floods the fucking Earth, now get out of my fucking sight, before I dominate you too.

What an absolute pile of shit.

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Flip this, it's Nagatoro with one of these. What's the best potential now?

Which bully method would you most like Naga to do in the future
>1. Naga teases senpai by removing his belt buckle because they need it for a project or something
>2. Naga takes his house and key and puts in in her bra
>3. Naga takes a shower at Senpai's house
>4. Naga brings senpai back to her place and tickles him to death
>5. Naga forces senpai to give her a foot rub
>6. Naga makes senpai feed her, her lunch.

I want more Nagatoro stepping on senpai

Is that ear thing a piercing or just clipon?

Only this time let it be only her
\Friends A, B and C need not apply

>1.X-ray vision
10/10: Naga finds it hard to concentrate on being the dominant one when she can see Senpai getting more and more naked
7/10: Naga just spies on Senpai doing a boring day. Later he's sad when she doesn't turn up which makes her smile.
>3.Mind reading
5/10 if she only reads senpai's mind 11/10 if she reads her friend's mind and we see how Yoshi's mind works
8/10 She uses her power to mess with Senpai in small ways. Uses her power levitate herself into the air in a way that makes senpai see her panties
>5.Mind control
1/10 she wouldn't dare.
>6.Can rewind time by an hour
7/10: She teases Senpai in different ways and goes too far with it. Instead goes back as far as she can to be nicer to him.

it's a hearing aid, poor nagatoro is deaf

Probably. There's never been any mention about it. The things always just been there.

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God I want to see her leglocking senpai so bad

This is some high level wholesome material.

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Nice fan fiction, nerd.

I will end you, Nagatoro

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What a fucking bitch you are, Nagatoro

You are a fucking faggot, Nagatoro

I guess its every man's dream deep inside to be mindbroken and tied up by a hot girl.


Fuck you too, Nagatoro-san.

Do you kiss your mother with that mouth, Nagatoro.



It's come and gone user.

Arbeit macht frei, Nagatoro


still mad

i want a chapter with just the girls minus naga

Why are these threads filled with retarded niggers who ask this fucking question over and over insteaf of taking 20 seconds to check the fucking archive, or any scan site, or anything really

Where's Takagi ?

Takagi doesn't really fit since we've only seen her in elementary and as an adult. Maybe her daughter will get added to the list if her spin-off really is happening.

>Takagi doesn't really fit
How about now?

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>he thinks I didn't already read that chapter
Lurk moar

Does he have sheep-like pubic hair too?

>I can't express myself it's your fault

My Dick is Stimulated, Nagatoro!
Swim in my Jizz, Nagatoro!

I want to pet and ruffle Yoshi's hair while going YOSHIYOSHIYOSHIYOSH

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Remember Reach, Nagatoro.

Absolutely based Presidente!

I am okay with that. Fuck you

show needs NTR, girl needs to get BLACKED and boy needs to get turned into a sissy.

Stop organizing the best parts of the proletariat into a vanguard party and seizing the means of production, Nagatoro

.Can rewind time by an hour
This would be absolute kino if each chapter was longer.

But Nagatoro is already black.

Really it's senpai who's about to get BLACKED.


. Naga takes a shower at Senpai's house
This, but mostly because I want Naga to go to senpai's house.

kill yourself