Why yes I only watch 4 anime this season, how did you know?

Why yes I only watch 4 anime this season, how did you know?

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Back to your containment board

ask me how i know you're under the age of 15

>Vinland Saga.


imagine watching tejina-senpai and thinking your mature or any better. How many times a day do you ask:
>would you like fries with that?

You should be watching Granbelm, Symphogear, Joshikousei no Mudazukai, and Machikado Mazoku instead.

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The virgin genre is my favorite too.

>you should be watching moeshit
Cute girls really aren't that interesting.
There is more to anime than MUH CUTE.
You fucks have no right to call anybody else childish.

>No Joshi Kōsei no Mudazukai


Man I fucking hate moeshitters.

Dr. Stone is the only good anime on that list.

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What's wrong with moe? Not flashy enough for you?
Wasteful days is not moe in the slightest
It's the equivalent of calling Yotsuba edgy

>the fat loser picks

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>implying anime isn't the fat loser pick

no its moeshit. Seriously imagine someone walking in on you watching your virgin moe cartoons soilent consumer? Embarrassing. Have sex.

Anime is for everyone user.

stop projecting fatty go watch
your moe cartoons and drink your soilent.

>i'm a fat loser so everyone must be too

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>not watching Kino Craft
shit taste

only Machikado Mazoku looks good, and that's only because of the potential for futa impregnation doujins

>have sex
really shows the crossborder in you.

Watching a girl talk about furious gay sex while her friend bullies a child after eating an algae sandwich is not particularly moe

I've never understood the Yea Forums comebacks of "have sex". How is having sex supposed to change my perspective on what entertainment I like?

Hello /r/eddit

>haha so wacky a girl talking about gay sex woah i cant believe that and a girl talking as well that is something i havent been around in a while haha

how hurt are you right now, to even write this?

does Yea Forums have a definitive watch list this season?

dilate, cope, seeth, have sex, ____chad. What else do the retards spam these days?

they're spamming it, it's getting kind of annoying
it's even worse than their stupid frogs or photoshoped chin man

It's not cute nor is it funny
Her character is actually a pitiful representation of degenerative youth. It's not supposed to be funny. You're supposed to dislike her.

>virgin that watches moeshit
>calling anyone else retarded

reddit called they want you back

based hunterchad showing retarded dilating tranny seething copefag moeshitters how to have sex

>mu-muh moe boogieman

>furious gay sex
Hot. What ep was this?

imagine sitting in your room alone watching some bright color full show about girls doing nothing. How sad does your life have to be?

You're shitting on moe for being unfunny and pathetic cute, but when it's neither it's automatically reddit?
My God it's like I'm in Yea Forums again

Lurk for a year before you ask again summerfag.

You need more buzzwords in your sentence Yea Forumsermin.

Only a hunterfag would mention hxh when no one else has. Stop projecting.

404 no reading comprehension to be found.

>timeskip 1 year
does Yea Forums have a definitive watch list this season?

Uchi no musume
Mama isekai
Kanata no astra
Tejina senpai

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Imagine complaining about what anime other people watch on an anonymous chink image board. How sad does your life have to be?

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Tell me, Mr. Intellectual
Should a series be cute and """funny""" to be bad (as seen in: ) or not (as seen in: and )?

>imagine sitting in your room alone watching some (...)show about (...). How sad does your life have to be?
>muh passtime activity > your passtime activity
Go choke on a bag of dicks or something fampai

wouldnt be as bad as sitting a lone in your room watching a mindless show about cartoon girls doing nothing. Embarrassing to say the least desu

It never had and never will, now go fuck off to MAL

Honestly bluepilled and cringe if you don't want to fuck little girls

Hello, ESL-kun.


>Imagine not watching Tejina-senpai.

only good things worth watching are case files and danmachi.

Fire force manga was boring as fuck.
Vinland saga adaptation is years late.
Takagi-san is okay but I can’t even remember any of the scenes from the manga because that’s how memorable it is, no plot

>no argument
Seethe harder dilating trannyfag cope harder desu cringe cunny pedo resetera MAL reddit reddit 9gag gay

Mate you are watching a show about cute cartoon girls doing honestly nothing. Go outside and have sex for once in your life you low T faggot

Is what you are doing right now any less useless and embarrassing? There are many better things you could be doing with your time like watching anime.

Dumbbell is for virgin chads
Tejina is for chad virgins

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an argument for what? that fact you sit in your room a lone and watch cartoon girls do nothing for hours on end?

That's some cancer


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Yea Forumsedditors need their mindless buzzwords as a crutch to fill in for their lack of logical ability
Here you go pic related

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>It's not cute nor is it funny
Her character is actually a pitiful representation of degenerative youth. It's not supposed to be funny. You're supposed to dislike her.

You're shitting on moe for being unfunny and pathetic cute, but when it's neither it's automatically reddit?
My God it's like I'm in Yea Forums again

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>the /pol/tard pretending he's any better than the Yea Forumsedditors

I don't use /pol/ though? That's what we call a leap in logic

Yikes, the pseud that watches moeshit and who asks "would you like fries with that" on a daily basis, apparently has a lot of logical ability.

f-fuck off! stop asking perfectly valid and normal questions!!

What shit taste, holy shit.

Hey, teen.

go back to facebook spic

>projecting this hard
I'm in double E by the way. All the shonenshitters I knew in HS could barely get into college if at all.

I can smell your virginity
go back incels


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are Yea Forumstards/shounenbabiesnunder the impression you must be watching moe kawaii uguu shit if you shit on them? Hilarious.

The incels and pedos are out in full force today. Yikes

>projecting this hard
>no u
Wow look at all that logical ability. Very witty reply genius.

Have sex

Hello Yea Forums.

oh yeah, the mass reply, that'll really prove how you don't spend all your time shitposting on Yea Forums

It's much more likely for a shonenfag to be an underage retard

>doesn’t deny
Yikes! back to incel containment board