So, how's that backlog coming along Yea Forums?

So, how's that backlog coming along Yea Forums?
Decided to take a break from seasonal anime and I'm crushing that backlog, why do I even bother watching 8 mediocre shows every season when I have great stuff waiting for me in that list.

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Oh yes the backlog... Yes it's been growing steadily, very nice.
You watch it because it's all we ever talk about here

I have had Nadia on my hard-drive for the last month and still havent watched it

Now you've done it.

The list of unfinished projects keeps growing and growing.

I've had Master Keaton encoded up to ep 25 since June of 2017.

The backlog is a pain in the ass. Like I don't think I'll ever finish all of it. But I don't have the heart to delete anything from it. There is always the chance that the show I delete will be a hidden 10/10.

Sure, but reconcile yourself with the fact that when you die you'll miss every hidden 10/10 you hadn't watched yet
don't think of anime like "I better watch this or I'll miss out" and don't build up a backlog of what anons tell you is good or isn't. The only time you'll ever miss out is if you spend your life waiting for that next hidden gem so you never take the time to enjoy the one you're watching

Steadly decreasing by the year, It'll probably be done in a few years.
It probably helps that I watched most of the new shit coming out and can filter out mideocre stuff

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>for the last month
Oh please. I have movies and shows I downloaded back in fucking 2011 that I haven't approached yet.

You summerfags disgust me

backlog sounds so fucking gay, i prefef to call it my "to-watch list"

I'm just rewatching some shows (SukaSuka and Katrielle Layton) very slowly.

I stopped watching anime and deleted my backlog
Theres been like 3 shows that I've wanted to watch in the past 3 years.

paipo paipo paipo

because you want to be relevant again.

Currently on episode 29 of Patlabor. Watching it in between some seasonal stuff. It's ok but I feel like its not as great as Yea Forums built it up o be.


OP my backlog has grown large enough that I've needed to buy several hard drives and create Plex server; I need like 3 months worth of free time to even put a dent in my ptw list. wat do

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I haven't even checked out Dumbbell or Granbelm yet
The only old show in my backlog is Dorukochan and I know I love it already

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I don't care anymore, man. I'm a WRECK.

>has grown large enough that I've needed to buy several hard drives
And you're still not going to be watching any of it

If I stay NEET and don't have another burnout I'll finish it within 6 months and then I'll be free.

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I just started symphogear and am on episode 2

It makes me wish for some sort of minor apocalypse where I could stop going to work and just hunker down and power through it all. Hopefully I'll be stationed in Alaska soon, it'll basically be the same thing


You and me both, so I can also start on my manga backlog that I also bought 2 new 2TB harddrives for, even if I already had 1TB worth waiting to be read. I'll be looking for you on /g/ where you'll be posting about your new 8x8TB NAS because your backlog grew even more, see you in a few months!

No need

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Watching Gurren Lagann once is one too many.

I find myself rewatching stuff more and more instead of trying new anime.

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What's the matter? Too DEEP for you?

Indeed, this normalfag kiddie show about giant robots and friendship was too deep for me.

Thank god 99% of the manga I want is easily accessible on mangadex otherwise I really would have to double up on my 4x8TB NAS

obvious bait is obvious

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I've often wondered about this. What's the ratio of watching : rewatching, for wise Yea Forumsnons who have seen loads of stuff?

I'm a newfag so there's almost no rewatching. But presumably that will increase as I slowly become a man of culture. (That's how it works for me with reading anyway).

Related question:- how good is the rule "never watch something you wouldn't want to rewatch"?

(Obviously sometimes you have to watch something to find out if you want to rewatch. But suppose, hypothetically, you knew in advance?)

>you knew in advance?
You don't.

Shit rule because there are some that I enjoyed very much but would be hard-pressed to rewatch/reread.
Like I've read Shut Hell but I won't be rereading it any time soon. I rate Shut Hell higher than Ares but I've reread the latter a few times already.
Or even for mysteries, I'm reading Usogui but I doubt I'd reread it any time soon. I've already reread Death Note a couple times even if I rate Usogui higher. I dunno, it's just like that, nevermind the fact that it's pretty much impossible to determine beforehand

I don't have a backlog. I've watched all anime. Im the king.

>Seen 400 anime.
>rewatched 45.
Only a the most amazing shows are worth a rewatch.

>Seen 400 anime

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Agreed; I don't usually rewatch but when I do, I rewatch multiple times

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Currently rewatching Space Runaway Ideon. The BD release is gorgeous but the entire show is seizure inducing. I love it.

Delete everything and forget about it until you really decide to watch it.
Otherwise just drop everything.

Things I finally cleared off my backlog in the last week:
>Kure-nai OVAs
>Nodame Cantabile Paris-hen
>Nasu no Andalusia
>Psycho Pass the movie

Holy shit Nisio's writing is an absolute, non-stop barrage fire of puns, double meanings where everyone speaks with a different, distinctive quirk