
>title drop

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Dr Soap

Holy shit Senku has a big dong.

You read/watch it for Kars anyway.

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Good, your kind are always shit.


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I cant wait for this meme to die.

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This was elegantly executed

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I actually enjoy title drops it's cheesy but in the good way.

Chunni Eren is best Eren.

>imagine enjoying this shit show

Why does that presumably hand-drawn girl look like a terrible 3D videogame model?

Cause Boichi doesn’t know how to draw girls

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So is this a good series?

I wish people would stop spreading the misconception that Taiju was meant to be the main character.
I also wish people would stop hating Taiju. He's flat as fuck but he's so lovable and works well for Senku. Even if Chrome basically does what he does but better, I like that Taiju is just the reliable muscle.

boichi did nothing wrong

So how is soap going to beat the current arc boss?

reddit baby getting triggered

i miss venture bros

It'll be like the soap from Fight Club and work like acid

Hello my name is Dr. Greenthumb
I'd like to tell you just where I'm from
In the hills where the trees grow wild with weed fields
The fuckin' pigs with shields holding the blue steels
Greenhouse effect with the weed connect

It's even better because every single fucking english version of the title was wrong. Attack on Titan, Attacking Titans, etc. All the time it was just a singular title for the kind of Titan Eren became.

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>following Dr. Stone discussion as I read the chapters
>really enjoying the series so far
>every chapter with Tsukasa has people complaining about how shitty he is
I don't get what's so bad about him? I think he's an alright villain.

not the worst thing about the manga. It's just MC's cock sucking, and a fucking infomercial for science. Not to mention the overt feminist tones.

All in all, pretty gross

>overt feminist tones
what did he mean by this

>trying this hard

Women in a post-apocalyptic setting should have their limbs removed so they can't get into trouble and they should be kept pregnant and giving birth at all times to repopulate the earth.

it's like you skipped every pannel withh redditor kohaku in it. Also,
>le non binary Francois!!!!!

i see

Last season was less than a year ago. What are you talking about?

>It's just MC's cock sucking
I wish

Within the first 2 minutes.

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What, are you looking through the archives for our old manga release threads? Then it was because Tsukasa was hypocritical in his ideals, especially towards science, arbitrarily deciding which practices are okay and who gets to live while reviving psychopaths and scumbags. Like, what will his empire does when one gets sick? They'll wish they had modern medicine, which Senku could've created for them.

He's not my favorite of villains because he's not too evil to just be enjoyably "evil", nor is he too idealistic to believe he presents a legitimate rivaling viewpoint to Senku. But when there are others around he plays off them very well, and he honestly makes a better protagonist/ally than antagonist.

i hope you're not like this in real life

Well I seem to align with that line of thinking but I don't think he's shitty for it. What's so weird about being a hypocrite? And deep down he knows, that's why when he was defeated he says he remembers every statue he destroyed.

It was really when we didn't get much characterization for his antagonism beyond "Some guy hit me for collecting shells I HATE ALL ADULTS". As the series went on and it became clear that his ideals weigh very heavy on him, he was doing it for a completely different reason too, and he even remembered the names of the people he killed and who died in the assault on Ishigami Village, especially when the anons didn't care for them, that he became more likable.

To me, Tsukasa was like Taiju and Yuzuriha at first. They all needed more time in the oven, and Inagaki made sure to give them that time.

>Like, what will his empire does when one gets sick? They'll wish they had modern medicine, which Senku could've created for them.
Tsukasa would have been more than happy to stay with Senku if the latter wasn't obsessed with bringing back all of modern civilization but sacrifices must be made if one hopes to thwart the Eternal Boomer.

I mean when there were only like 40 people and you can't control what gender you spawn you might have to end up training a female as a warrior just to fill the ranks. Characters like Kohaku/Homura/Kirisame are exceptions rather than the rule.

You can't repopulate without securing food. Famine depopulated the village because the couldn't secure adequate food reserves.

But his single minded pursuit of science for science is as pure as you can get, that's why he's conflicted with killing Senku.

>triggered leftist
the absolute state of Yea Forums

>No build up

>continuing to reply for no reason while bringing nothing substantial to the conversation whatsoever
This whole string of replies and the thread in general seem pretty typical of Yea Forums, to be honest

agreed. I was thoroughly disappointed in the person replying to me with their tumblr phrase words.

>got to Chapter 81
holy shit this is becoming one of my favorite series in SJ right now

finally a non anime only thread

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what is this face trying to convey?

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It really takes time to appreciate Tsukasa. I remember being sort of indifferent towards that "if we met before you could have been my first friend" scene from the prologue, even called it forced. I reread it a couple of days ago and it hit me emotionally, knowing Tsukasa's current fridge status.

My problem with Dr. Stone is that it tries too hard. Feels dishonest most of the time.

Reading through it again, it seems like Tsukasa really wants to be friends with Senku, and it's just his experiences that put him at odds with accepting that friendship, due to his ideals. Once he accepts the cease-fire, Senku revives Mirai, and then he's ran through by Hyouga, he forgoes all his harsh ideals in favor of his desired friendship.

I bet if he were revived now he'd get pissed at Ryusui, but would ultimately let Senku decide the way the world should go.

It just stupider and stupider with the whole village thing and playing up basic shit as big reveals.
Too bad the anime fucked it up

Kidney stone.

Boichi draws men in incredible detail and relatively realistic because he doesn't jack off to them. His women look strange because that's what he thinks is attractive.

>He's flat as fuck but he's so lovable and works well for Senku
I didn't mind him at all until the anime. His yelling is extremely irritating when voiced over

I actually like him more now that he's voiced. That transition from him yelling loudly to snoring loudly last episode was really funny.

His voice actor actually made me love him more, and I liked him a lot already. He has so much energy it's great


yes goy buy the clothes

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>Revive Ryusui
>He immediately recreates money so he can start owning things again
>Senku and Gen use it against him

>Don't worry Tsukasa, we're the 1% now.

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That meat looks ridiculously good.

Chapter 89 is one of my favorites just because of how damn pure it is. It's like Castle in the Sky, a few friends flying around, enjoying the sights and riding the wind.

was this drawn by the same guy that did the thing about some guys in korea who just take over gang's by beating them up?

That's one of the things I love about this manga. It's nice to see everyone enjoying themselves while working together to progress. Feels like a genuine community.

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Evil masterminds.

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I will never understand why people miss unfunny garbage the series.

>Imagine Senkuu destroying your tight asshole with his massive dfong

When will best loli show up?

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Ep 10-11


If you mean Sun Ken Rock then yes.

That part was cute as hell.

He only draws, the writer is Inagaki


A lot of people make the mistake in thinking boichi does everything, relax.

The question literally asked if this was /drawn/ by (supposedly) Boichi and you hurried in like a smarmie asshole to correct the non existant mistake, just fuck off.

Not him but chill

I'm literally not bothered in the slightest.

>imagine getting so upset when someone adds to your post
You did nothing wrong, I just added to it cause Inagaki did Eyeshield which got a lot of people interested.

Jesus I just finished the Stone Wars which ended in Tsukasa and Senku vs. Hyoga and holy shit those last 20 chapters of that arc basically elevated this series from a solid 8 to a 9. My only thing is that it just felt kind of wild for Tsukasa to suddenly drop his ideals and not even apologize or admit he was wrong just because he got his little sister back, but otherwise this is a fantastic series so far and I hope it keeps up the momentum.

Sounds fun.

Just don't expect it to be a scientific published paper. It can be serious, but it's also very comfy.

I don't need peer reviewed manga chapters, I'll be fine with MacGuyvering.

He felt the boomers really fucked him over cause he gave them so much money and they said lol idk science can't do everything. That's why he was so opposed to it.

It can get more complicated and less asspull than MacGyver, but that's a good outlook to have when starting the manga.

Why does Dr Stone trigger people for such stupid reasons? I'm fine if you don't like it or find it boring, but the posts from people that don't like it are getting more nitpicky and pretentious. Also Dr Stone is the real final boss, this shit with the soap means nothing.

Tsukasa will eventually slip on a piece of soap and hit his head, which will turn him good

The anime kinda butchered him

Hypocrite villains aren't that rare, though I think that going murderous the moment that someone disagrees with you is pretty evil

The shell collecting story is just a microcosm of his broader problem of having to take care of an ill sister while being a highschool kid, and knowing the moment he stops being a cashcow for his trainers, his sister would be left to die by the world of adults

They don't like when people like thing, so instead of "ur wifu a shit" we get "muh emceesquare"

Tsukasa might have come off better if he at least had a shitty person revived to illustrate his point of view, because so far, he was basically
>Hey senku this is what I think
>Well man I disagree
>That sucks, now I have to kill you

No bargaining, no waiting, nothing, straight to be a villain. On top of that, the anime removed the few comfy scenes that Tsukasa and Senku had together to establish that they had some affinity despite their differences, so he falls even more flat.

I understood that much, I guess I just don't like how the tension was resolved. He never really renounces his mindset or admits where he was wrong or where his mistake lied. Senku just fixes his sister and then he helps Senku out of gratitude and no longer feeling rage at society. I don't know, it just feels like since he was the main antagonist for 70-something chapters we would get a little more closure after his buildup other than "oh shit it's my sister. ok im done"

Not mutilating women is considered overt feminism now?

jesus christ

But then again, he didn't admit defeat, it was a stalemate after the cave battle.

Axefags are still mad about PUSH.

It's pretty cucked not to be a misogynist.

You don’t even know what that word means anymore, /pol/tard