
Realistically, what would've happened if the series had ended at 423? Maybe with an extra chapter or two to tie up loose ends.

Attached: Bleach Ending.jpg (475x589, 27K)

Ichigo would have still fucked Orihime

Imagine how awkward this must have been for everyone. Everyone can see her except for Ichigo, who just sort of stares at the general area that Rukia fades away from.

Honestly a better ending

>Rukia sneaks into his room sometimes just to watch him get dressed/strip

>Renji and Rukia are fucking in Ichigos room all the time

I like to think she haunted his closet for a while during that time.

I personally already consider the series to have ended here.

That's when I dropped off. I'll take a bittersweet end with a bunch of loose ends as opposed to a rushed one where Ichigo basically becomes Naruto based on all his new bloodline powers.

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Unpopular but Bleach should have went into the Thousand Year Blood War arc immediately after the Soul Society arc.
Maybe the whole thing should have just been the Blood War.

>Ichigo basically becomes Naruto based on all his new bloodline powers.
And still barely does fuck all except job.

Jobbing means he would have intended to lose.

That's not what it means.

I want to fuck Rukia even though she's a useless incompetent bitch
Actually, I hate women, and I'm starting a race war

They should have stretched the first few arcs to be the whole series.

That's the fucking opposite of jobbing

Jobbing means that a character who is normally considered strong gets BTFO by some literally who to show how much stronger the literally who is when the character could probably actually win the fight, normally because of something stupid like the author "forgetting" they have a busted power or something

Rukia is my anime crush

Monster of the week is shit

You can keep Ichigo as a delinquent ghost buster for long without needing to keep using monster of the week, by introducing Hollows with more complex motivations, plans and powers that require arcs to defeat.

The Soul Socity characters and their relationships and fights were what gave popularity to Bleach

You could read the two last chapters right after 423, skipping the Fullbring and TYBW arcs, and nothing would happen at all.

The ending is kino, but only because Aizen won.

The Aizen setup was kinda lost on me ever since the whole "I planned your existence since before you were born" retardation. Kubo pretty much stretched out the meme too much.

Even then, for me the canon ending was either Ichigo dying to save everyone, or as we saw losing his abilities (preferably along with all the others, through some such bullshittery) and being forced to live a normal life from that point onward.

rukia doesn't feel so good

Going by the novels, the fullbringers were SUPPOSED to be far more important than they ended up being in the manga.
Apparently there powers all come from the soul kings body parts (nails, veins, etc).

We would get LN sequel about how Ichigo still ended up with Orihime while Rukia ended up with Renji.

The Blood War arc should have happened before everything with Aizen was dealt with. Not sure how they could have fit it in when such little time was covered in Bleach before the timeskip though.

It would be classic Japlike bittersweet ending and everybody would praise Kubo for being the greatest.

Every end would've been shit except the one where Ichigo and Rukia fuck like bunnies forever in SS. Ichigo's human friends were a mistake. His dad is a Shinigami and technically the daughters have the potential too. Literally the whole family could've been moved to SS by the plot if Aizen destroyed Karakura.

That's that actual twist Kubo should have done if he really wanted to shock and awe. Aizen actually wins the Karakura town conflict and created the key and the heroes start from a handicapped position and the tone of the show shifts. None of that stupid quincy garbage and pulling 11th hour themes out of the show's ass about death and immortality. The show's themes were about law vs morality up till that point, and the soul king fit perfectly into that and so did Aizen's goals, and he was a popular fan favorite villain. The quincies were unnecessary.

Imagine the Royal Guard getting kicked the fuck down of the royal palace and the whole training playing out like that.


>Every end would've been shit except the one where Ichigo and Rukia fuck like bunnies forever in SS
Imagine unironically believing that.

Oh for the love of
I can understand why they chopped SK into pieces, but why did they throw all those pieces somewhere anyone could pick up?

>that one thread where someone started posting writefaggotey where invisible Rukia came into his bedroom and whisked him away leading to them starting to bang in a public park only for Ichigo to suddenly realise it was actually Grimmjow and get violently raped before being split in half with a dick-launched cero as Grimmjow finished
I miss those days

Not that user, it's not literally pieces that humans transplanted into themselves, more like fragments of his soul

He still married Orihime.

Attached: IchiHime.600.2442312.jpg (600x502, 46K)

The whole soul king body part shit is probably the stupidest shit Kubo has ever written and the fact that the novel writer is doubling down on it just really shows how absolutely nobody involved with this ip has any talent at storytelling at all.

It all reads like some kind of MGS shit Kojima would write to test the furthest extents of the unconditional dicksucking his fanbase does over literally anything he writes.



It'd be remembered more warmly, that's for sure.


But Renji likes Byakuya

Attached: renji_is_homo.png (1280x1600, 994K)

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i find that interesting
like collect the body part to summon cosmic horror 'n shiet
i feel like the entire bleach is inspire of Lovecraft

And you like cock up your ass.