What did she mean by this

what did she mean by this

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so many trash threads today



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What a cute LESBIAN moment.

kumiko gettin ready to smack that ass

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She's ready for C U M

God I want to see Kumiko suck Reina’s gay pussy dry.

i am literally kumiko

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Cute uniform.

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Went to the dub tonight and the manager ran up after I scanned my ticket apologized and said they were running sub tonight. Gave me a free pass and THEY STARTED THE FILM ON TIME. Best manager ever. I have some of the "did you know" pre show pix if anyone wants them. I was kinda loaded though so they might be fucked up angle wise.

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Free pussy! Come and get it!

if its about ice cream girl, post it

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i fucking hate you people so much ;_;
it's not fair



What happen outside US or no theaters playing?

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Nah Regal wasn't handling it locally. I ended up heading up north and getting juiced at the nearby gooka.

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>i am literally kum

minister you satoshi

brb drink

Just yell at me if I load any dupes. I am just dropping into shell to reduce so I aint really looking at them.

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Did you get the Ghibli preview? Not a Ghibli super fan but I loved how it was edited like a trailer for an anime film from the 70s-80s with the text effects and everything. Pretty neat stuff.

Yeah I have a bunch of those from a previous Fathom. It was total Daicon style.

This is one of the ones I snapped this time.

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i hate u

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You know in the past I used shooped usb760s to stream to friends overseas. But they never said I HATE YOU. Mean thing to say. I go to 7th floor to find my sister now.

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Might buy those when I can.

I have been buying more media. I gotta get everything organized though. I have Ghibli BDs next to fucking Halloween IV and shit.

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I wish Hibike had a physical US Blu-Ray, I keep hoping we'll get one at some point.

You know what is really pissing me off and it shouldn't is the fucking Hollywood Your Name live action. There are many reasons and it made me even more enraged when I read that the creator was shifting it to AINA shit. And I say that as a proud drunk fucking injun. Dildos.

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I should scan that SV free merch magazine at some point it is probably up somewhere but this is motherland channer shit.

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