>JoJo fags WILL defend this
JoJo fags WILL defend this
anime only mistake, doesnt happen in the manga
Too bad it never works like that again.
>he still thinks gold experience has any consistency
lmfaoing at your life little man
>JoJo fags WILL defend this
>a shitty plot device only used in the first few episodes and is trashed after that
no one is going to defend this
who's feet is that
Mine, you footfag
I don't like Giorno or GE, but that's legitimately an anime-only mistake.
Here's the page, he never stomps it.
>uses feet instead of foot
spot a footfag 101
Wait wtf what's with that arrow?
That's a shovel my man.
What about when mista ripped up all that grass?
No no, look closer, same shape as the arrow except it's not golden and there's no beetle.
Would you just stop?
God, this is getting sad.
It's the super deluxe pre-order requiem arrow.
Is that from the manga or something? I've only ever seen the animes.
Yeah, it's from a very hard to find bonus chapter.
Dang, that's way above my level lolb
Silver Chariot stole his power.
This was clearly foreshadowed by the shovel Lucca is holding, which resembles the arrow. Sasuga Arakai.
Stand powers are usually nebulous when they're first introduced and become more defined as time goes on. I guess GE had its attack reflection removed for the sake of simplicity.
Oh no no
Yeah yeah, the damage-reflection shit was dropped like a rock. Same with the slowed consciousness thing. I don't think anyone wants to actually defend Gold Experience, just saying that the OP was a bad example.
I think it's still a valid criticism. The Jojo anime is Jojo, just because the mistake was anime-only doesn't mean that it never happened. People praise the anime-only additions all the time so I don't see why they can't be criticized as well.
This. If i criticize an anime, who cares that the manga didn't have that problem? If i wanted to criticize the manga, I would.
Fair enough. I'd still call the anime additions a net-positive though. A couple throwaway frames further retconning an ability everyone had probably forgotten about doesn't outweigh stuff like Fugo's backstory or the added scenes for Narancia's death, even if the latter was a bit dragged out.
Only absolute retards defend anything in part 5
This is just depressing.
Infinite Ammo
Giorno's powers were the most poorly defined of any Jojo.
This. Giorno had a rough start because Araki gave him way too big of a toolkit.
Good thing I don't like Vento Aureo so I feel no need to justify all the inconsistencies in the part.
It was still an entertaining part, but not because of Giorno. Who the fuck could tell what he was capable of, especially after he learned to heal people by turning random shit into body parts?
GE had a different power every fight, I'm pretty sure the only power he reused was the healing
Reaching hard are you?
Thread not doing so well?
Perhaps I could salvage what's left of it for the pro-jojo side.
yeah yeah
GE turned out to be a great disapointment...
Based SBR poster.
Jojotards are truly retards. They eat whatever shit Hackraki does.
Yeah well that wasn't even in the manga so try again.
why didn't giorno just make an armor of frogs? literally unbeatable.
There actually is invisible frog armor in Part 6.
Yeah no, its a constant meme in the community that Araki either forgets or drops shit constantly. No one's clamoring to the first 6 parts of jojos for the writing quality
based hairposter
All Giorno ever had to do was cover himself and his friends in ants, or vines/grass wrapped around them like a jacket.
eat shit, Huntertard
Giorno's powers were still developing at the time
I mean, part 5 was already a shitty part with shitty characters and the shittiest jojo, what did you expect.
KC reaction pics are the only good thing in this part.
I'm pretty sure that "Araki forgot lol" is something every Jojofag knows so any real fan wouldn't bother defending that.
>Same with the slowed consciousness thing
Damage reflection was too op so it was dropped but the out of body experience thing didn't happen again because Giorno didn't directly punch humans again, and when he did he basically killed them on the spot, like Cioccolata or Diavolo. He either fought long range stands like baby face or black sabath or stands that countered his abilities like White Album and B.I.G.
Araki could have prevented the problem of damage reflection being OP if he decided at the start of the story that it only works under specific conditions. For example Araka could have made the rule that Giorno only grants damage reflection to living things he is directly touching. The frog was on his chest in the Luka scene so it remains entirely unchanged. Giorno was sitting in the tree that Koichi punched so it still works too. The only scene that would need to be fixed is Bucciaratti slapping the fly.
Furthermore, the slowed consciousness isn't really a relevant ability, since it only affects the perspective of the victim. For all we know, all people he punched with GE went through that feeling. By the way, it's actually shown to be used against Black Sabbath too.