I will never forget the day I used my old college's restroom and I found this written on a trash can. Props to this man we'll never know what Makoto he's talking about so that means every Makoto is trash
I will never forget the day I used my old college's restroom and I found this written on a trash can...
Why was it uploaded on its side
That's a trash can. Trash cans are not trash, you fucking idiot, they store trash. You don't throw them away. God you're retarded.
i got you tech illiterate user
write OP on it please
Now invert the colours!
thats not how you spell takagi
Quality thread
Where do you put a trash can if it's a trash trash can?
the landfill
Why is this the shit being posted on Yea Forums
The dumpster
You put it in a larger trash can, bin, or dumpster.
If it's too big for that, you draw a large red X on it and leave it next to the other trash. A note taped to the can explaining the situation may be advisable.
If no garbage collection service will take the unwanted can, it must be personally delivered to the dump or tip.
Native dumpster.
I like this thread
Why does the bag kinda look like lingerie at a glance
nice, really nice.
Now make one for Yea Forums
Put another trashcan rotating inside
Both are often made of nylon or polyester.
Why is she in a washing machine?
Trash thread.
Nice trazel floor, user.