M.U.S.C.L.E / Kinnikuman

New chapter translated

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>When your opponents have a rad ass tag team name but all you can think of is Omega Glorious

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Any links?

>omega glorious

Good work anons. Love seeing muscle threads

Bump then if you do

More Nisei scans fucking when

should i dump? i don't have Yea Forums pass but i can save the pages and post

Do it or else I'll do it for you.

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Let's see how this goes

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Do you have a better idea for an Omega Centauri tag name?

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I'm really enjoying this series a lot. I hope they retcon Nisei out of existence.

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What was bad about Nisei that makes you want it gone? I'm guessing it's either unlikeable characters or the old cast being done dirty somehow.

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i think this is my favorite page of this story arc

Nothing that comes close to Full Metal Jackets. You can't top that.

>only a measly 19 chapters
>wishes there were more
>suddenly remember that it's a weekly series
Thanks for dumping. Ataru a best.

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Last Spears?



>Alpha Gamblers
>Last Centurions

I wish this didn't happen literally every brocken fight, but I'm glad they're getting it out of the way first.

I can barely remember his fights in the first 300 chapters but the reboot seems to be treating him fairly well.

I can't handle Brockens accent.

You haf a problem with zat?

Just to notice something, since the revival he's one with more fight at the moment too
Kinnikuman 3
Nemesis 3
Akuma Shogun 3
Brocken Jr 3
Psychoman 3*
Mariquitaman 3
Also fucking Mariquitaman is in his third fight in a row, that surpass Black Hole in the last arc