Are you still lifting bros

i do
thank you dumbbell nan kilo moteru

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Other urls found in this thread:

yes, but I started with a different show

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we Yea Forumsll gonna make it

>Eat like shit
>The last time I exercised was back during community college
>Now I'm 35 years old and still alive while thousands of fitness addicts die every year due to burning out their bodies or all kinds of steroid abuse

Fuck lifting and fuck the people that lift. Mentally ill freaks using exercise as a temporary escape from depression not unlike alcoholics and drug addicts.

>thousands of fitness addicts die every year due to burning out their bodies
This goes beyond cope, its delusion

dying from fitness/fucking hot girls>>>>>>>>>>>>dying from drugs/being a shut in weeb

Just upped my reps today.
Boy did my fucking back scream for the face pulls

I don't exercise.

Instead of acknowledging you are a lazy sack you instead lash out at people who are trying to eat healthy and exercise. Well played.

Good, never stop doing them.

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you could also not use steroids

Yeah about to head to the gym. Fucking hate it tho the bars are warped and free weights are slim pickings. Who fucking thought that was a good idea?

Shut up Carl

Sure, switched this week to full body work out. 3 times a week 2 times abs workout on rest days.

b bench press 4 sets, b squat 4 sets, pullups 2 sets and then assisted pullups 2 sets, machine lying hamstring curls 3 sets, b overhead press 3 sets, b curls 2 sets and of course face pulls 2 sets. This workout is for monday and friday for Wednesday different one.

>Fuck Girls Feel Good Eat Good die at the peak of your life right before shit turns sour
>Live a long miserable khv life as a balding fat sack of shit

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I can't do a single pull up. and i've been trying at it for years.
it's really embarassing struglling to pull myself up in the gym and barely getting an inch above the floor.

Boy, I really want to practice some ground grappling with Judo-chan.
If you catch my drift.

I'll gladly die as a sack of shit


Is this Jeff Cavaliere?

Just do negatives.

Lose weight. It will become significantly easier. Also, do negative reps

Jeff Cavaliere ATHLEANXdotcom*

I've done squats for a while now but I still hate doing them. Doing diddlies are a lot more fun.

Why would I work out if I'm not gay?

after watching the anime i thought about incorporating a 60 second plank every morning because they were fun and i felt good after them but this dude made several videos shitting on them right? are they really as underwhelming as they make the out to be?

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as he makes them out to be*

I'm currently mostly doing manual labor, but I managed to get a work out in the schedule today. Haven't been going regularly to the gym in weeks because of vacation, which I usually use to do work around the house.
I do 5/3/1 BBB, but I'm currently just alternating bench press and overhead press because I have some weak accessory muscles in my legs that needs training, and I can't advance in squats or deadlifts before I strengthen them a bit.
I've also learned that I need to put in some calves work, going around in uneven terrain really requires a lot of calves. I've been neglecting them for.. well always, I've actually never trained calves.
Currently bulking, no summer body for me. At manlet king 5'10" and 210 lbs, I think a cut will be in order in fall.

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They're completely fine if you're just getting into fitness, you can do other variants or different exercises once they stop being challenging.
I like Jeff but he tends to put a lot of stress into the training like an athlete thing, which if it's not your goal, doesn't mean an exercise is underwhelming.

>Now I'm 35 years old and still alive
Good thing 35 is the average lifespan of a human. It sure would fucking suck if you spent the most active years of your life becoming a fat slob just to find out you're not even a third of the way done yet and are entering a period where all damage you've done is near enough permanent and irreversible.
Sasuga, Fatty-kun!

Do you really need hamstring work if you do deadlifts. Assuming you do deadlifts the other work out.

keep me posted for those final 7 years user, try not to die in a bathtub, people cleaning your souped remains would have a bad time

Based Lord Wamuu poster

Do lunges instead of squats. You'll start loving squats after a while.

You probably should take Jeff's opinions with a grain of salt, though I do face pulls at the end of every work out and neck exercises.. a bit irreguarly, but I try. But to be frank, if you do compound lifts such as squats, deadlifts, overhead presses, rows, power cleans, lunges etc you'll work out abs enough. I only do leg raises, and that's just because I do deadhangs and figured out I might as well do leg raises hanging there. Deadhangs on wide bars really do wonders on my pinkies grip too.

He probably has diabetes, losing his sight, his feet, and his kidneys. Fatty fat fatties lives by the sugar and dies by the sugar.

reminder for /fit/shitters to fuck off

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Have Exercise. And then sex.

/fit/ used to be the best board on Yea Forums hands down eight years ago. It's pretty shit now with a lot of fatty fat fatties, but there are good threads once in a while. I'm kind of sad losing /fit/, I don't care that much about Yea Forums slowly and steadily dying, but losing good old /fit/ stings a bit.

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>Says this when the Watamote threads are nothing but /r9k/ cancer

Yeah, totally dude. I've been getting ripped to make myself more desirable so an attractive virgin girl will fall in love with me and we can raise children which I'll provide for with my well-paying job and I'll teach them all about the problems with the West and, hopefully, during their lifetime we'll have kicked all the brown people out, killed the liberals and taken our land back so we can finally progress as a civilization and create a stateless society which churns out products even superior to Japan's.

Or not; or I'm not doing that, because that's an investment I'll never make my money back on.

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Just say you're lazy, it's okay.

I haven't browsed Watamote threads in a long time and stopped reading it months ago.

Planks are good, they are just sub optimal once you reach a certain point because you can't increase intensity, only endurance.

Well, see, I can shitpost on Yea Forums, read science journals, play video games, or work out. One of those isn't enjoyable, but it at least gets me...what...the ability to lift heavy things more easily?

Do you prefer Hibiki's body or Beryl's body, pic related.

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So should I add anything to my weight training workout?
Currently I have
Normal Curls
Hammer Curls (I am going to start doing side hammers tomorrow)
Face Pulls
Tricep Extensions
Tricep Kickbacks
Dumbbell Press
Close Hand Dumbell Press
Namely I want stuff that works muscle groups I'm probably ignoring

You do you, buddyboy.

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Left or Right, Yea Forums?

Who would you hug from the back or front?

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Left, no contest.
I'd add at least one compound movement to that. Namely, squats or deadlifts.

.. how about squats, deadlifts, bench press, overhead press, chins, dips, back extensions etc you know the basic lifts?
I'd advice you to do a proper starter program like Starting Strength, Stronglifts 5x5, or even Phraks Greyskull LP if you don't want to get them dinosaur legs.
>Namely I want stuff that works muscle groups I'm probably ignoring
You're ignoring legs. That's not a muscle group. It's your whole lower body.

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Left is perfection.
Shoulders+Lats > Abs

Flys, deadlifts, shoulder raises/shoulder press, anything for your legs. Also, I don't know if you mean to do this everyday but be sure you're sorting these exercises for different days user.

yeah started like 4-5 months ago doing a cut right now

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at least you accept it lol

fuck I like both but I'll throw a vote for right

>I don't know if you mean to do this everyday but be sure you're sorting these exercises for different days user.
Am I not supposed to do as much lifting as possible?

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No, I'm too lazy to lift.

you need to add some legs in there along with shoulders do some squats and flyes

I'm testing my squat 1RM later today, attempting 495. Doing it for my red-headed wayfu

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fight on!

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No. I've never lifted and I have no intention to for many reasons:
- Main one: I'm 1.68m (5.5f) so exercise would be wasted on me even if I wanted to lift.
- Having to live around performing certain exercises at certain times at certain times while counting every calorie on every thing you eat for the rest of your life is a life of slavery. Slavery of your own body but still slavery.

You're the faggot from the Eva thread yesterday that was telling people to garden and do BJJ.

>counting every calorie on every thing you eat for the rest of your life
I do it rather easy because I can't stand counting calories. I just know that I have to eat a little above 3000 cals to bulk, and I don't really count that much, only do regular meals and eat until I'm full. I gain a bit too much weight and fat, but at least I can evade the counting.
>I'm 1.68m (5.5f)
General well being is a good enough reason to work out as any other. I started working out because of bad posture, back pain, and tension head aches in my mid twenties. I had the choice of working out or killing myself, and I chose to work out. Years later and my body is almost as new.

You too brother
Yes I am

This is significant cope. Strength training is more about improving your physical body, it helps cultivate your mind and spirit. Once you start lifting heavy enough it's basically the same as meditation. Plus the point of lifting isn't so others validate you, it's so you can validate yourself internally and learn to respect your own individual person. On top of that it helps develop discipline which, in my opinion, is the single most important aspect for being 'successful' in life. Success being defined by every distinct individual since everybody has a different idea of success.

You don't need to autistically count calories or do things at highly specific times. You are just making excuses for being lazy. If you want to gain weight just eat roughly over your maintenance which involves maybe 5 minutes of grade school level math a day and hit the gym 3 times a week for 1.5-2 hours concentrating on the big lifts such as squats, deadlifts, bench, OHP, etc.

Good luck user, you can do it. Don't be a slave to your mind. Train your body and your mind will follow suit.

meant to say 'more THAN improving your physical body'

didn't read lol

Excuses excuses.
Counting cals and diet are a meme. just don't shovel food down your face every 40 minutes and include more greens and you'll be set for life with little chance of rebound.

going to the gym takes about an hour of your day. assuming you'd be going three times a week, that makes 3/168 hours of commitment.

Being a Strong manlet is better than being a Fat manlet.

Stopped reading here. Someone who uses seriously that word is not worth listening to.

I don't exercise because I don't want to, spiting /fit/fags is just a plus

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I hope you don't have any regrets when you grow old. Making excuses for your own stagnation is never going to get you anywhere. It is all something you can control. Unfortunately too many people on this board are stubborn and lazy and nothing short of a near-death experience will get them to change their point of view.

lift weights and procreate

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How are those sour grapes?

>Being a Strong manlet is better than being a Fat manlet
Not really. I'll still be a manlet, an inferior creature. Exercise won't change that.

I hope I die before I have a chance to grow old.

>"The only way to find happiness and success in life is lifting"
Yeah, nah. Maybe that bullshit works with your fellow gym rats but not with me.


Both are delicious, but I have to go with left.
That back is just hnnnng.

>mistaking spite for pity
sorry you never get to 'mire yourself for 55 minutes in front of the mirror everyday. those bitch tits must be a real eyesore.

You get strength/growth by working a muscle group to failure, letting them recover over 1-2 days, and then working them to failure again. It doesn't matter how many exercises you do if you're not working them to the limit. You should do your all your chest exercises together for the day, for example. You only need like 3-5 exercises MAX per hour at the gym. Look into push-pull-legs (PPL) routines if you're confused what exercises and muscle groups compliment each other.

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Been lifting for over a decade now but I think I am going to start actively try to put on muscle instead of just maintain/be in good health. My age is beginning to get to me and I want to before it becomes too annoying

>198 lbs 6'1
Going to try and drop 10-15lbs because I know I probably need to this summer and this fall gain 5-10lbs of muscle back minimum.

Any recommendation workouts? Been doing my own thing for the last few years but I remember doing Starting Strength when I first started back in the day.

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>Someone who uses seriously that word is not worth listening to.
You're just full of excuses. If it wasn't for that word, you wouldn't have read it anyway. You're just being in your comfort zone, living in a husk shell, saying that what everyone else do is for losers and that you're king and the only one who knows what right.
You won't get anything right in life before you change your attitude, understand that you're king of a kingdom of rubble and shit, and that your excuses aren't even worth the spit that leaves your mouth when you utter them.
You choose to be a loser, living in your comfort zone, living but not being alive. Remember that when you blow your head off. It was your choice, and you blew the chance away.

>Mentally ill freaks using exercise as a temporary escape from depression not unlike alcoholics and drug addicts.

It's almost like one brings positive change when done while the other two only hurt and hinder your body and recovery. But you're a fat weak clown on Yea Forums so why think logically when you can just rationalize your laziness.

I look like an auschwitz prisoner, if I had tits that'd be odd

Lick that back

You can run, rock climb, bike, hike, etc. Just be physically active. That is the take a way. Our bodies were meant to move and struggle. Don't sit inside 18 hours a day on a chair, that is the path to rot.

The one that can still get a ponytail.

5 day split has worked out pretty well for me I used this one and tweaked it as necessary

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Guess I'm happily rotting then

Well said, I was going to just ignore him. Too many people on this board are beyond hope unfortunately.

Except /fit/fags are as depressed as your average user.and lifting only gives them temporary reprieve, because they aren't changing those parts of their lives that makes them miserable.
If they were improving for real, they wouldn't be here. Yea Forums is an unhealthy community and a miserable waste of time.

as long as it's your choice. you be you. you'll pay for it later though, but then again if you hang around here you probably don't have a life to ruin anyways

you're letting /r9k/ memes get to you brother.
it all depends on what you want of exercise really.
Do you want to be more attractive to women?
Going from fat to fit always earns you at least 2 points, moving from 3/10 to 5/10 is a huge difference because it means you have an actual chance of being attractive to the opposite sex now. Some girls legitimately fetishize muscles and will be willing to overlook your other shortcomings if you can provide what they want.
do you want to feel better about yourself?
looking in the mirror every morning and not seeing your hanging bitchtits and love handles goes a long way.
Do you want to feel healthier?
that one is self explanatory.

What are your lifts at? Squat, bench, deadlift, OHP? For how many reps also?

I can give suggestions. I generally reccomend focusing on your big compounds for most of your Novice/Early Intermediate lifting and getting to a nice 285-300lb bench, 405lb squat first and then transitioning into more specific routines.

user! Calm down!
You heart is weak due to all of those performance enhancers. If you get too angry you'll have another cardiac arrhythmia! And you don't want that, right? It would be a shame to die because you would stop lifting forever...

I don't and never will exercise

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taking a week break, been over doing it with the squats.

You idiot. Being /fit/ isn't a fucking magic pill that instantly cures your autism and depression. It's a path to follow that helps cultivate your entire person. You feel more confident in your body and the ways other perceive you, you respect yourself since you learned you have the dedication to change your life for the better. It's a path to improvement.
The other option is to waste away doing nothing and making excuses. Why not try and see if the journey changes you? The journey is all that matters, not the destination. I literally changed my life around as a result of lifting, Brazilian Jiu Jutsu and my recent hobby I got of gardening. It gave me the confidence and self-respect I have now to actually embrace reality and tackle it head on. I've never been happier.

Of course I'm not perfect or completely out of the funk. I still sometimes have problems interacting with others, get anxious in large groups, have problems with procrastinating, etc. But the person I am today is basically a completely different man from the child I was 3 years ago. The same can happen for you. Stop making excuses. I had the same mentality you did back when I was weak and soft.

you seem upset.

I'm sorry you will never get to experience what your body is naturally capable of doing because of your self-loathing and learned helplessness.


Keep in mind I'm no longer at my old highs as life got in the way making not go as hard
325 max probably
Either 3 sets of 8 or 4 sets of 5. Like I said, not been following a routine, just been doing what I need to stay healthy. Also I'm a slut for Cardio, I can't quit it.

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just for personal reference, how old are you user?

most lifters only use protein powder, which is, in all earnest, just food. coffee if you count that as an enhancer.
you are kind of getting a bit pathetic when you have to attack people like that instead of looking at yourself and what you're saying. projecting and denying are rather primitive defense mechanisms, and you're really getting defensive right now. when you can't have a proper conversation and defend yourself, you know that you've lost the argument. we know that you'd lost the argument when you started being immature, but you should know by yourself now.

good lifts man as I said I tweaked the routine so I've been doing 6 days a week with day 6 being cardio/core

Are all those numbers maxes?

You're a sad person

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Friendly reminder to pig out every Danberu episode. Cola, chips, ice cream, pudding, and other various junk foods go great with anime! Afterwards spend a few hours browsing Yea Forums, watching more anime, or even just playing a video game for maximum comfy.
Might try to eat an entire Oreo box next episode.

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user being fit doesnt mean you cant play vidya, browse Yea Forums, or be comfortable all things in moderation

I never said or asked that you gross /fit/man

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27 so just at the point where my body is showing the beginning signs of getting older.

Probably will start at 5 days and try to push it up to 6

As far as I know, been going to the gym piss early in the morning so I'm half-asleep so chances are my body is not fully awake yet.

Don't deadlift unless your goal is to deadlift.
Literally one of the top 10 strongest men in the world said themselves 'Don't'.

but.. but.. deadlifts are my favorite lift ;_;

I'd run a Heavy Light Medium program and try to take your bench closer to 3pl8 and squat closer to 4pl8. You're OHP isn't bad.

I like Andy Baker's Garage Gym Warrior. It's a 'paid' program' but you can find free pdf copies by googling around. I'd run it for 2 cycles, each cycle is 3 months each. Once you finish running those you should be significantly stronger and muscular. After that cut. At 6'1 you can bulk up a little more to 205-210 and then cut. You will look significantly better with a 3pl8 bench and 4pl8 squat once you cut bf%

Unless your goal is to be a strongman and enter deadlift comps DON'T

yes but Jeff "ATHLEANXdotCOM" Cavaliere said that you should only substitute them when your goal is to powerlift so i don't know what to think.

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Is Jeff on History Channel getting History Channel money?
No he is not.
I think I trust someone who says 'No' and is currently making real money of his strength than a youtuber.

b-but i can't do a powerclean....

So? I can't do 10 proper push ups. Know what I'm doing? Working the muscles groups needed to do a push up. Do that. Work the muscles needed for a powerclean

I prefer dying ugly and old. At least I'll have watched more anime seasons.

Can confirm this. Did Overhead Presses for a while and now I can do push-ups.

>/fit/ memes on Yea Forums
This is the most bizarre timeline

The worst timeline desu

At a minimum you should be able to power clean the bar, who cares for if it looks silly work your way up. Power cleans fucking suck but they’re good for you.

If you can’t do the bar look up the muscle groups that power cleans work and engage those w/ dumbbells

A year ago I couldn’t do a pull up either, you’ll get there

only a year ago i couldn't do a single push up, started off with knee pushups and within a week i was able to do a proper one, currently i can do up to 25, 30 on a good day. for any anons struggling with their first push up i can confirm that knee to regular push up is the most natural progression.

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You mean the best

thanks i actually only ever did like a couple with just the bar and it wasn't all that hard but i never put weights on it because it felt scary :(

how do I stay motivated bras?

just never exercise

Cleans are retarded, just do deadlifts, twink.

There's a saying that goes "motivation doesn't last forever, much like showers. Which is why I recommend both daily". Find something that inspires you and use that daily to "charge up" your motivation. Something that reminds you of why you're doing it, why you're going to eat lean chicken breast instead of a pizza.

watch manime.

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Retarded reasoning. Cleans need perfect technique and good joint mobility to do them properly so telling newbies to do them instead of deadlifts is not only irresponsible but also a cunt move. Shame on you.

I actually want to gain weight and it's working. I've gained 10 pounds since January.

for me it's looking at pictures of when I was a 300lb lardass 2 years ago and reminding myself of all the progress I've made so far

Motivation is fleeting. You need to teach yourself discipline.

I haven't watched the show but I can do like 4 pull ups now though.

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IMO it's easy to stay motivated when it comes to lifting if you make it your goal to always break some kind of PR.
It's simplistic advice but easy to follow.

Guaranteed (You)

Reminder that every /fit/izen is obliged to at get at least one L/a/rdass motivated enough to hit the steel temple during their lifetime.

Good job user.

Based, fitkeks are dying before 70


You'll regret it.

And perma shut-in Yea Forums cucks are dying before 50 because of being 200lbs overweight or eating nothing but sugary shit into an early grave.

The patrician's choice is /fit/ Yea Forums /k/

>He thinks the years between 70-100 are worth living
enjoy not having anyone around to clean the shit leaking because of your loose sphincter, constant articular pain, and dementia, gramps.

is masturbation cardio?

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I have a weight lifting routing but its nothing special just your normal 3 day method but I have been considering trying to add a daily routine as well which is a bit tricky since hardly anyone talks about it in terms of what you should do, how many reps/sets, etc.
So far I've been considering on doing the following
>Push ups
>Leg Lifts
>calf raises
>hand gripper
Trying to workout a good number of reps for these (and might add one or two other exercises) but like I said I'm a bit clueless when it comes to a daily routine

If you're actually lifting hard on a beginner program like SS I would just use the offdays to fully rest desu. Maybe so some cardio 2 times a week or so but don't overdo it.

I personally like doing 5-6 sets of chinups throughout the day for 60-70% of whatever my rep max is and every week add 1 rep to all those sets.

A grip strengthener doesn't do much unless you're experiencing wrist discomfort. I only use one because because I fucked my wrist up in a way that can't be surgically repaired.

yes but sex is the non babby mode version of the exercise

Can confirm. I was a regular there until 2013.

What a sad state it is now.

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it got raided by lookism

I mainly use gripers due to being somewhat self conscientious of having bony fucking wrists (also why I added wrist curls/extensions to the 3 day routine)
Maybe its just me tricking myself into believing it but I have notice that some workouts are a bit easier on the wrists after starting them

reminder for /fit/friends to stay forever

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This is a strange thread.

Legit question. should I pick up DDP Yoga?

>do planks
>"planks are useless, don't do them"
>do upright rows
>"upright rows are bad, don't do them"
Fuck you Jeff.

post sweaty gyaru armpits

Yesterday I did cardio, tonight I'll lift.

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Upright rows are actually bad though.

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This but unironically.

I laugh every time some /fit/cuck has a heart attack.

Am i /fit/?

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It feels good tho. Why?

i hate cardio how can i motivate myself to do it

Dont, skip it

inb4 shitstorm

hmm... can't really tell, in order to make a conclusive decision i'm going to need closer inspection of your feet


1pl8 squat soon bros

These threads are utter cancer and should be deleted on sight.

>Yea Forumsnons losing their shit at fit bros giving other good advice and encouragement in a thread about a lifting anime.
We need less crab bucket threads.

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Well if you think about it, you've been giving your meat and one (or both if you're wild like that) of your forearms a good ol workout.

I managed to do 2 push ups today.

t. fatty

How do I train my upper back?

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no thanks, I'm not gay. Join me for a slice of cheesecake, though.


no my arthritis is making it too hard to lift

I laugh that you are still alone and a virgin

Umaru no! You will gain the Diabetes

I started lifting back in college but stopped, started 6 months ago and I never felt more happy looking at the results. Managed to bring my BMI back to 24. Feels good.

russian fag oh no

Left so I can have a son with her whose back looks like pic related

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>Did upper body strength training + core
>It was not so bad, abs and arms a bit sore the next day
>Did legs strength training + core yesterday
>Rekt'd me completely and I could barely walk properly

Is this the reason why people skip leg day?

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>can't increase intensity

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why is she so perfect

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[hehe boi intensifies]

Pulling your elbows backwards, with a progression of weight moved.

Please remember that bending your elbows is not a way to train your back, just a necessary side effect of the movement - full range of motion does not mean going from streight arms to fully bent arms. Full range of motion for back training is going from protracted scapula and albows as far in front of you as you can, to elbows as far back as you can.

This can be achieved with minimal bicep flexion.

delicious gyaru cellulite is why


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I cycle. But I skip upper body.

>just took a shit and lost 3 pounds

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alone and virgin are not really insults here, user...

>yes, but I started with a different show

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imagine the smell

Attached: <[AnimeFreak] Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru - 01 [1080p].mkv00:02:36P mpv-shot0008.jpg (1920x1080, 249K)

Japanese people generally don't smell much when they sweat.

>lifting for women
cringe, ngmi

I think there are reasonable options in between using a mobility scooter and being a roid junkie.

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl. >mfw thinking of you hurting

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Honestly, this is one of the biggest bugmen anime of 2019.

If you actually unironically started 'lifting' because of this, you are automatically an emasculated cucckold. Even if you somehow end up successfully using steroids to look similar to this dead Arab that all the Yea Forums virgin males worship, you're still a cucckold at heart.

Real men start lifting because they want to become like Goku (if they have a double digit IQ), Jonathan Joestar (100-120) or Netero in his prime (120+ IQ) and they're confident enough in their heterosexuality to not be afraid to do proper team exercise with other half naked men (the Western numale is afraid of contact beyond "spot me bro").

Keep going

>reverse search image
>it's from some hispanic skank's facebook

/fit/ is the 3rd biggest golem board after /fa/.

this thread is gay as shit, you /fit/fags would be a lot more tolerable if you didn't vomit out corny ass lame platitudes like
is everyone on /fit/ a room temp IQ Joe Rogan nuthugger?


move this dogshit thread to /fit/, zero anime discussion here

I keep getting bored but If I try to listen or watch something, I end up distracted and start slacking.

>forced to take unscheduled deload week
>blisters all over my shoulder and neck, can't sleep due to awkwardness and pain
>can't make sudden, quick movements so can't lift hard

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>posting this on /fit/ thread


So what's the appeal of posting a literal /fit/ thread on Yea Forums anyways?

>is everyone on /fit/ a room temp IQ Joe Rogan nuthugger?
Unironically yes.
There hasn't been a single fit and intelligent man in the history of humanity.
Gymrats are not even about being fit, they're about looking like disgusting diformities, it's obviously a very low IQ activity.
Being a gymrat and a fucking basement dweller shitposting on a chinese cartoon website about it is probably the lowest a human can get. Basically, /fit/ are not even ordinary gym monkeys, they are bottom of the barrel, /r9k/ crossboarders.

shoo shoo gains goblin

I think it's a reaction to giant hogweed and sunlight but I don't know for certain and Dr. is clueless.

It was at that moment he realized the man was a schizophrenic - one of those crazy psychopaths. I suppose that is why he didn't bother to ask where the rest of his things were. I was surprised when he realized there were two pieces of metal from the table he was in. I knew it was the right place, but it was still kind of awkward.
So much for the mystery. He just sat there in the same spot with the pieces of metal with him. Maybe we can move on from this story, right?
The rest of the day the night continued to be kind to my father and brother. A couple of times they looked at him. They were not shocked. Not once did they say anything. This made me happy from a business/social perspective.
The day became very late and when the time came to head to bed we headed straight to the car. The headlights of the car and the night lights were both on. Dad put on his coat and went inside to look for the place where Dad's and brother's things were as they went by. He could smell his dad's cooking and decided to leave the house.
After going through the house a couple of times he thought he was right. His son and I were right in the middle of the house. Both of us had our things there.

>completely stalled on all my lifts even though they're shit
Ok what now

>this coping fatso is still seething
It sure feels nice living rent free inside your head.

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Eat more and sleep more.

I already sleep 8h/night and eat above maintenance, so that doesn't seem to be the problem.

Then you probably milked out your newbie gains and need to switch to an intermediate program. You could also just deload and focus on volume, there's no definitive answer.

You still need to eat more. If you aren't getting fatter you aren't eating enough.

I am in fact getting fatter.

>I don't have any coordination or explosiveness ooga booga
Musclefatguys are only good for lifting. Enjoy being a third-rate athlete with a dumpster fire for a physique and high blood pressure. You sound like a guy who is fat as fuck with above average strength and barely any definition, but isn't anything approaching a strongman either.

The only fat dudes on the planet I know of who are actually worthwhile athletes are actual professional Strongmen, Sumo Wrestlers, track and field athletes (Throwers) and some football positions. All the regular people are just fat fucks too lazy to do cardio and lift to pad their fragile egos. Can't get pussy, can't fight anyone who isn't a total bum, and can't do anything special with the actual muscle you have.

Stop being lazy and learn how to power clean, or just be a pussy who makes excuses for the rest of his life

Then you need to lift more

Better than me and my forever virgin body, despite being able to do season flags ten times.

t. 1 pl8 diddly

right, look at those fit legs, her endurance must be through the roof, fun for ages
i'm honestly a bit surprised everyones picked left, left could crunch bones, but it'd be high impact short lived snusnu

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Lol fag

I can't either despite being in pretty good shape. It's OK; I recommend find an "assisted pull up" machine that takes away some of your weight.

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I'd take right if no one else wants her. Dat cute tomboy scruff. Would ruffle.

>be skinnyfat
I already lost

>Sauce , my ass

It's in their genes.

try mixing it up do 5 min of running, 5 min of cycle, and 5 min of stairs then repeat I find this gets the blood flowing while adding variety


>if you somehow end up successfully using steroids to look similar to this dead Arab that all the Yea Forums virgin males worship




Sandnigger worshipping cucks BTFO

God I want one of the girls from this show to either stomp on my balls or squeeze the hell out of my balls with their hands

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The only ab exercises really worth a damn are hanging leg/knee raises and stomach vacuums. Your abs get plenty of work from the main lifts like squats deadlifts and cleans.

Any "endurance" exercise is a meme.

maybe if you discord trannies actually put effort into trolling you wouldn't have to reply to yourselves for (You)s

Horrible routine. Buy a barbell, do starting strength and add accessories like curls, chins, face pulls, and leg raises in after you get past a complete novice level,

>using exercise as a temporary escape from depression not unlike alcoholics and drug addicts
Everybody needs a temporary escape from depression, you just label people who are good at escaping from depression as not being depressed at all. And exercise is a good escape. Try it. It will really make you feel better.

6'1 you should be cut at 200lbs. You need to lift and eat better.

Where is your back work? Add in chin ups

Your little ball would implode from being squeezed and become useless mush

reminder for trannies to fuck off and die, you subhuman

how often do you drink whey shakes?
i started drinking them post workout and before going to sleep but i think its a bit too much

left as op posted and i want her to beat the shit out of me while she sits on me

As often as you need to meet your protein goal for that day if you didn't get it from your meals.

>Real men start lifting because they want to become like Goku (if they have a double digit IQ), Jonathan Joestar (100-120) or Netero in his prime (120+ IQ)
Real men started lifting so they can become like 80s action heroes.

no one can eat chips and cola while watching that


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>calling anyone gross
like pottery

listen and watch to the OP and ED of dumbbell

they smell rotten from their mouths tho
t.was in japan 2 times

Yesterday I improved in bench press hehe

stop this meme
calculating calories is hard enough
i wont calculate also my protein intake

I started going to the gym a week before this aired, got in 3 sessions before i fell ill for 2 weeks. Finally back to it now, feels good.

Jesus Christ how pathetic

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Do australian pullups user, then do variations of it after you get used to it or get a resistance band and use it for assisted pullups.. I literally cannot pullups and I went did that until I could do pullups. Now I can 8 and pushing for 10.

>Go through army
>2.7k cooper, march easily more than 89 kms in combat gear
>Still cant do a pushups
Im not overweight either, wheres your god now?

I worded that wrong, I cant do a single pushup

I'm in very similar situation.

I don't workout but i do psychical work such as scaffolding.

I'm a poor fag so buy cheapest things that provide a lot of nutrition dense food.

At my 30's and fucking a lot of bananas and chicken kidneys right now because of they were at sale.

Guessing being poor is good thing.

>stopped lifting 3months ago, after more than one year going 4x a week
>this anime comes out
Fuck I miss going to the gym so much.

Found the fatty.

>”b-but steroids”
>he thinks you can only gain muscle by drugs or abuse

Haha sad 30 year old loner can’t even lift a 5kg dumbbell. Enjoy ya gout kiddo.

>every single one of these fags who fell for this obvious bait
well done user

Easy list for all you nerds.
>do compound exercises mainly then isolation exercises
>do cardio circuits that use whole body
>watch diet
>get plenty of sleep and water
>don’t forget to stretch and take breaks between sets

Easy peasy. Hardest thing of all is your addictions, correct form, not to over exert yourself and thinking some guy at the gym gives a shit what you do when he does his own workout.

You’ll thank me later.

>Real men are golems who want to die for Israel.


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Weebs lifting because of anime is the cringiest shit ever. Lift for yourself.

that's sad user.
>28 yrs old
>13 year NEET asperger loser KHV
>fat, weigh 139kg
>im over this, if I don't do something now, I'll be in my 30s still here
>start drinking water every day, no soda, no snack junk food
>have 2 meals a day
>after 1 month, lose 8kg, now weigh 132kg
>start lifting dumb bells only 5kg
>can barely do each arm 10-15 times a day
>after a week, can now do each arm 20-25 times a day
>its been 6 weeks since I started, I feel like shit still, but I am improving slowly, and it will pay off
>plan to start walking too next week
You know what my only regret is? Not doing this when I was 20 years old instead of 28 years old now.

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But you're still a NEET leeching his parents / his country's welfare system. Your worthlessness hasn't changed even when you lift now.

it doesn't take 1 month to undo 10+ years of damage. And if you do nothing, nothing will change.

Talk for yourself; I'm not a NEET.

let's get this shit started

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>You know what my only regret is? Not doing this when I was 20 years old instead of 28 years old now.
That's always true: the best time to change your life was 10 years ago, the second best time is right now. In 10 years you'll be grateful that you started now.

>Celebrate mediocrity

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Watamote threads now full of /u/niggers.

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Lifting for pussy is still cringier than lifting for anime.

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>NEET asperger loser KHV
>fat, weigh 139kg

Holy shit that is literally unironically me

Is that his full name?

I really hope this is just bait.

>I could go to the gym too

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I love this binary thinking
>if he goes to the gym, he does literally nothing else but gym
The various ways people make excuses for themselves is hilarious

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>No one actually cares.

People who don't care wouldn't write a fuckin' three page comic about it.

It's a tough choice but right. I'm more into that slender but hyperfit look even though the back on left is superb.

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You're that guy from /tg/ aren't you?

I'm just reposting because it's relevant

>8 pack

This achievable IRL?

I'm not complaining, my man.

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