Thoughts on Fire force?

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dropped it on the first episode. I have second thoughts about picking it up again, just for the girls but then I remember dropping soul eater for the annoying MCs that were not the girl.

Black Star was annoying in a bad way but Excalibur was funny.

Better than Dr. Cringe and possibly AOTS.

Trash with shit fan service like fairy tail

reeks too much of shaft. it doesn't mesh well with the source.

Is it the same faggot making the same thread every day? You have 1000+ responses on what people think about it what more do you want?

it's ok

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Worse than Hiro Mashima

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Nothing gamechanging but fairly fun with an interesting aesthetic and excellent animation. And the buff chick is 10/10.

The blonde boy is cute

It's pretty good, getting Soul Eater vibes from it

Previous threads summed up my feelings:


Another (maybe dumb) battle shonen.
Dr. Stone is better desu

The author can't writte comedy

I'm giving it 3 episodes but for now it looks like a drop. It's completely average. I was hoping it would be more team focused when I picked it up.

It's ok so far, gotta wait to see all the main characters and the first villains to say if it is kino or not

does he grab her tits and ass on purpose or accidentally?

It seems completely inoffensive as far as battle shonen goes, and the visual direction is pretty outstanding. I'll keep watching for that reason alone.

i love the sound direction

It's great. I'm enjoying the Shaft wild ride.

>great OP
>MC isn't a total pussy
>MC is only mildly autistic caused by a genuine trauma (and lack of parental roles as he grew up, I suppose)
>not over the top plot, simple world building with show don't tell until it comes to autism therapy (don't show weapons to next if kin, that would fly over my head if it hadn't been pointed out)
>selfles motivation of the MC
>hot catgirl fanservice
>great ED
compare it to Kimetsu no Yaiba, MC is highly autistic, but his autism is genetic and not something he got once all his family got brutally murdered, demon abilities are pulled out of ass all the time, no fanservice and it's OP and ED suck
Fire Force is a comfy shounen you can relax and enjoy, KmY is end on cliffhanger and tell everything that is happening like 6 yos could actually watch this and not get horrid nightmares
this was only done for comparative reasons since I do like both shows

I have found it by chance three weeks ago and like it very much so far. I currently just finished the "original country" arc in that village.
Not yet sure what to think of all the edgy cultists.

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She teleports herself into all kinds of erotic stuff on "accident"

garbage with >muh cool fights, perfect for 12 year olds.