Daily Sketchbook Chapter

Torikai-san and the Suzukaze Combo

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That's all for today. The joke is actually that it's shortened to "Digi kame", and they say that's short for "Digital kame". "Kame" also means "turtle".

Tomorrow's chapter will be posted an hour early.

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I love Bird's clothes.

I like how they get out without even seeing their reactions. I wonder if they had that tape done beforehand.

Thanks OP, is there anything the Suzukaze combo can't do?

Well, that was strange. But it had an aboundance of Asou (and other assorted cutenesses).
Thanks a lot, user!

Hold a soldering iron properly.

Donations please~

Hey, at least they're not grabbing it by the heating element.

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Did this stop being a 4koma?


But they could, using their cooling wind powers.

Only temporarily.

Thanks for the chapter OP.
What do you think Kamiya would do with that CD Player?
I remember having a CD Player with plug and a place to put batteries on it if you don't wanted to plug it in.

Do girls with autism really exist? If so, how do they act? How do they look like? I don't understand autism

>I don't understand autism
That's okay. You're probably just too autistic to understand autism.

Should be the same as a guy with autism.

How do a guy with autism acts like?
My knowledge about autism comes from here, anons that are really really dedicated to a topic

Depends on how strong the autism is. An autistic person might act perfectly normal.
But I guess autism became a meme word for anyone who's a little eccentric.

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Yeah, I was thinking that too, then what are the most basic traits of an autistic person?

>Difficulty interpreting what others are thinking or feeling
>Trouble interpreting facial expressions, body language, or social cues
>Difficulty regulating emotion
>Trouble keeping up a conversation
>Inflection that does not reflect feelings
>Difficulty maintaining the natural give-and-take of a conversation; prone to monologues on a favorite subject
>Tendency to engage in repetitive or routine behaviors
>Only participates in a restricted range of activities
>Strict consistency to daily routines; outbursts when changes occur
>Deep knowledge of one particular topic, such as a certain branch of science or industry

Which sketchbook hits the most points? I don't think it's Sora.

I know a guy who seems to have a pretty bad case of autism. He's always restless, loves being talkative about the same topics over and over, and focuses a lot on the small details.
Kind the opposite of the sketchbooks.

>Difficulty regulating emotion
Im normally calm so its hard to make me mad but when I do its like a domino effect were I get more mad
>Trouble keeping up a conversation
>Inflection that does not reflect feelings
>Difficulty maintaining the natural give-and-take of a conversation; prone to monologues on a favorite subject
>Tendency to engage in repetitive or routine behaviors
>Strict consistency to daily routines; outbursts when changes occur
>Deep knowledge of one particular topic, such as a certain branch of science or industry
This are the traits I have, what do I have?

>This are the traits I have, what do I have?

>Obsession with the idea of having a serious but undiagnosed medical condition.
Wait what?

Isn't not being able to detect sarcasm a trait of autism too?

Sketchbook in a sketchbook.

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Actually, it is.

Ah damn, i wasn't expecting sarcasm on this thread, you got me
but I do fear that somebody is watching and judging me everytime

>Isn't not being able to detect sarcasm a trait of autism too?
Well, I can't not confirm that it isn't not a non-trait of anything that wouldn't be the opposite of not autsim.
Doesn't that help?

Sketching a Sketchbook sketching a sketch in a sketchbook in a sketchbook.

Sounds like a great request for the drawthread!

But it already exists.

>But it already exists.
There could be more. Or you could go a step further and request a sketch of that sketchook with the sketch of a sketchbook sketching a sketch.

Did they just wanted do cosplaying?

Can you blame them? Miko are great.

What the fuck did I just read? It's like Tori-chan is having a fever dream.

Thanks OP.


I want them to work on my dick.

They'll make it play CDs

Sounds hot

I actually remember the anime version of that chapter was even better.

Did they use a soldering iron in the anime because I can't remember. I like how they probably fixed a blown capacitor or something before Tori and Asou got back


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I would trust them with all my electronic devices.

Please mail them all in for repair.

〒810-0051 福岡県福岡市中央区大濠公園1−6

so are they geniuses or just trolls?


>What do you think Kamiya would do with that CD Player?
Use the lid as a mouth and make it a puppet.



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Is she melting?

He has a name!?

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I was in a class for kids with asperger's for two and a half years and there was only one girl there. She was by far the most awkward and socially retarded of the bunch. She was also very rude, didn't have good hygiene and wore Iron Maiden shirts every day.

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What's wrong with Iron Msiden?

Thanks OP, I love this chapter was one of my favorites from the anime too.

Sky bump.

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so many oddly empty picturres

It's the everyday part.

not the band but the shirts


I was in a IT-school for people with Asperger for 2 years and we had 3 girls in our class. One of them was in her older 20s and I could never tell she had autism if I met her outside of class. She was married and very easy to talk to. Liked Java, music and some light gaming with her husband and niece.

The other one was a large woman in her early 20s who also wore iron maiden shirts and the like but her hygiene wasn't bad. She never put that extra effort into it to make herself look good either though. She just kept it at acceptable standards.

She almost had no filter at all. But because she was never rude or toxic it actually worked. She mostly just blurted out inappropriate jokes at random intervals or during lectures and they were pretty much hit or miss. The ones of sexual nature usually got a laugh but most other jokes were very kindergarten-tier. And that's not an exaggeration. She's probably the student who matured the most during the two years I spent there and in the end she had worked hard to improve not only her programming(she excelled in C#) but also her personality.

We bonded over her dog and her tasteless sexual jokes as well as her passion for raising chickens. I now buy all my eggs from her.

The third one was a girl in her late teens who was very immature for her age. She seemed to have some serious inferiority-complex as she would mention that she's better than everyone else on basically everything every chance she could. It was impossible to hold a conversation with her since she would always steer it to her being the best or to how hard her life is.
She would also cry loudly if she didn't understand something. During the Linux terminal course I think I saw her crying like 7 times and even her boyfriend stopped consoling her.

>I could never tell she had autism
>Liked Java
Telltale sign right there, mate!

Still better than C#

No, it's really not. C# is basically C++ with a few inconveniences caused by too many safety features. But if you know what you're doing and are willing to use unsafe code, you can practically do everything you could in C++, safe for template metaprogramming, of course.
Java, on the other hand, gives you no freedom whatsoever and forces you to write clunky, overly verbose, and partially redundant programs.
Your stance seems shortsighted and shows that you don't know as much about C# as you claim to know.

Hahaha, yeah. Maybe I should have noticed earlier. She was heavily into web programming so java, JavaScript and HTML were basically the only courses she took.

I didn't touch java myself though. I prefer C#.

I have no love for Java. But anything MS produced gets ranked even lower.

Not a developer, I'm in security.

>But anything MS produced gets ranked even lower.
See, that shows that you have no idea what you're talking about. Just your bias.
Microsoft is great for developers and towards developers. Their compilers and development environments (Visual Studio) are pretty much the gold standard, the most comfortable tools you can get. Their support, both for their products and "their" languages is exemplary.
You can think of their business model (still better than Apple) or their operating systems what you will. But to dismiss their development tools for no reason whatsoever is just stupid.

Well, part of the problem is that I can't reasonably try it, since Windows is not a target environment. And you can't say how great their toolchain is while also saying I have to use Mono.

But no matter how good something might be, avoiding vendor lock-in is more important to me.

Personally I liked Java more.
The process of how you program is much more retractable that C# for me.

Mono is an option and in no way more limiting than having to use the Java VM, which is in fact worse on multiple accounts.
In fact, I consider dependency on the Java VM more of a lock-in than Mono. And, of course, you can just opt to fully compile the program for your target system instead of making it a .NET application.
If you want a Visual Studio that runs on platforms other than Windows, you can use "Visual Studio Code". It's more lightweight, of course, and misses some nice features, but it's still better than most IDEs and comes with compilers of the same quality as the real thing.

Anyway, you shouldn't rate a language by how easy you found to learn it. Because, naturally, you'll understand those languages better that are higher-level, abstract more, give you less control and autonomy and are in other aspects less preferable.

I wouldn't know. I learned C# from the IT-school I mentioned earlier and I learned Python 3 in my free time afterwards and I know absolutely nothing else. I'm not even practicing my skills to keep them up to date because I can't figure out what kind of program I want to code. How do you guys do it?

>How do you guys do it?
Well, working as a programmer helps. It doesn't really leave you much of a choice other than practicing your skills. Often in languages you don't even like that much. (For example, I've had to write a lot of stuff in PHP and Javascript for web development. That's pretty much the worst programming experience you can have.)

The difference is that the JVM is an official supported thing on multiple platforms. The only thing stopping me from adding Windows support is the lack of demand. A third party tool like Mono is not the same thing. Even if they have a relationship with MS, if Mono doesn't support something that .net does, then you're just out of luck.

As far as I can tell, the only way to not use .net is with .net native, which supports Win 10 only.

>VS Code collects usage data and sends it to Microsoft
I'd rather not.

Depends what your ultimate goal is. Are you looking to do it for yourself or for a career?

>worst experience
Now that's something we can agree on.

Mostly for myself even though I can probably make use of some programming in my future career. I'm currently a fully educated network technician and next year I will finish my network security studies and become a white hat, more or less. So my future career is probably that of a network security technician or a system admin, I guess.

I don't want my knowledge about programming to go to waste and risk getting forgotten since I find it enjoyable and useful to know. I just can't find a project I find interesting enough and easy enough for me to tackle and grow with.

Currently I'm just playing around in Unity making triangles move and whenever I'm bored I just write a calculator or something in C#.

>if Mono doesn't support something that .net does, then you're just out of luck.
You're always "out of luck" if you use language features that don't work with the target OS, for whichever reason.
If you're not working with Virtual Machines at all (and that's what you'd traditionally do), you'd also have to be aware of the pitfalls of different systems (software and hardware!) and port your program appropriately.

Even if you use Java, if you ever plan on using shared runtime libraries on some system (for example to communicate directly with the Linux terminal or the Windows command-line) you're losing any and all platform-independency anyway. Or if you want your hardware to do fancy things for you, you'll have no option but to write for specific hardware, no matter the language. (Can't use CUDA without a NVIDIA card.)

>VS Code collects usage data and sends it to Microsoft
I have no idea about what exactly it does, but I assume it sends bug reports at most.

>the only way to not use .net is with .net native
All you need to do is to find a compiler that can (pre-)compile .NET code to your system of choice. Yes, for Windows that's trivial and for everything else, it can be a bit tricky. I myself don't have much experience with that, because, honestly, in those cases I'd use C++ with its abundance of different compilers. (Not that having this much variety can't be a huge problem as well. Not all of them are necessarily up-to-date ... the same problem you have with Mono.)

>interesting enough and easy enough
Well, you can only have one or the other. Interesting problems are not easy, and easy problems are not interesting.

Well, you don't have to see it in such black and white terms. I believe since I used the word "enough" it invalidates your entire reply.

To clarify, I'm trying to find a project that's interesting but not so hard that it becomes impossible for me to finish. It has to be easy enough for my skillset to handle but hard enough for me to grow in. Do you understand what I mean now?

In short, I'm tired of writing calculators and programs that input and output text into a database.

For that career path, you'll probably want more scripting than traditional applications. One I've always wanted to do but never gotten around to is an application to manage my manga library. Something that keeps track of what I have, and whether it's downloaded or physical. Associates individual volumes and chapters with their parent series. Scrapes data from MangaUpdates and Amazon, etc. You could start with just a basic list and add on additional features from there.

But really, try and find something that would solve a problem that you have.

Right, but the fact that it's officially supported means something. There is no guarantee that Mono has the same level of robustness as an officially supported platform. Generally if you're making a low level call, you're aware of that and do so knowing that you're making it platform specific. With an third party framework, you could be doing it inadvertently.

>bug reports at most
I don't see a complete list, but it is more than that.
See github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/49161 as an example.

>find a compiler that can (pre-)compile .NET code to your system of choice
I only spent a few minutes looking, but nothing looked good.

Thanks for your input! I usually use bash scripting to solve pretty much any problem I have. But I like your idea about sorting your manga. I don't save stuff like that myself but I have tons of unsorted random images I guess I can do something with. My teacher actually mentioned that there are no good programs for sorting photos and encouraged me to write one. I've forgotten about it until you jogged my memory.

Since they're random photos and doesn't have names, authors or even filenames other than numbers I guess I'll sort them using tags or something. I'm gonna draw up some psuedo code after dinner.

>With an third party framework, you could be doing it inadvertently.
Well, you're always doing the same thing when compiler support for language versions varies. (And Java is extremely sloppy when it comes to updating their compilers and framework to their most recent language standard anyway. I remember them having a lot of support problems when they introduced their version of delegates/function-pointers/lambdas.)
It's just that with .NET, your compiler is divided in two: A .NET-compiler on your side, and the precompiler and VM on the user's side, and those can be geared towards two different language versions. So you have to mind both of those (mainly the user's side though).
Not that different from browsers not supporting the same HTML standards.

>I don't see a complete list, but it is more than that.
Interesting. But nothing I'd personally consider alarming.

You may also want to try to contribute to a bigger project to get used to working with other people. In this case, maybe something like hydrus network.

how does one efficiently rip from mangadex or other hosting sites? there are anumber of series I'd love to store including Sketchbook but manually saving every page is tedious and erro prone.

Which programming language would each of the sketchbooks prefer?
Hard-mode: No esotheric languages (Brainfuck, Shekespeare, etc.) allowed.

My guess:

Sora: Python
Kamiya: Java
Kuga: Haskell
Asou: Plain C
Kurihara: C++
Tanabe/Himuro: Basic
Keito: Logo

Assembly, so no one else understands.

Sora = whitespace

You're right. It would fit them.

Hey, I said "no esotherics". But you are right, Sora'd like them.

Yea Forums doesn't like whitespace
1 2 3



Sora should be html and Kamiya feels more like Python.

HTML is not a language! Even though it says so.

That's the joke

It's a language, but not a programming language. If you haven't had to study formal languages, be thankful.

Sugyou Ujou Buchou

>If you haven't had to study formal languages, be thankful.
I have. Actually, I've taught them and other formal aspects of informatics for a while. It's not as hard a subject as you make it out to be. Pretty systematic, actually, so you just need to get the basics once.
As for my statement ... maybe you should have studied sarcasm and comedic hyperbole?

time does wonders

I didn't find it difficult. Only very dry and boring. I'm not really into those theoretical topics.

>Likes: Spending a fulfilling day.
>Dislikes: Nothing really.
Cool guy.

Serious lack of Kate so far.

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>Only very dry and boring.
Not if you make the connection to their practical applications. And decidability (+ complexity). That's pretty much the bread and butter of informatics, and what makes the difference between an average programmer and a good one. "Theoretical topics" are what give you the ability to quickly analze problems and evaluate how difficult they are to solve.

That's not been my experience at all outside of academia.

Kajiwara-san and the Rainy Mountain

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Well, problem solving is theoretical, outside academia as well as inside. Runtime estimations are a question of complexity, optimization relies heavily on that. Knowing when to use which kind of data collection or how to represent data makes programs run more neatly and easier to read. Knowing and determining which problems can't be solved (or take too long to solve) is vital, as well as having an approach to approximate solutions or identifying solvable instances of those problems. Security and compression both rely heavily on discrete algebra.

Languages themselves mainly have their application in parsers and regular expressions (type 3 and Dyck-languages). But the differenciation between types 1 and 0 is basically the same concept you have to understand when mutability palys a role in pretty much every programming language that's not stateless (as long as it's turing-complete, at least.).

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That's all for today. In the summer, I like going to the mountain in the rain. There's no one else around, and you can stay cool.

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You're early today!
Thanks for the chapter, I like it. Rain is nice.

I loved that episode.
it had that one song in the middle of it that went on quietly in the background and it was just so very comfy.

That's all the kind of thing that has never come up. I'd rather develop a new feature than chase small gains optimizing. I'll always go for something existing and audited for security.

Thanks OP. I wish Sketchbook wasn't 4koma this chapter and the last were great 4koma is good but there's only so much to be gained from the format, this felt a lot more like YKK.

>That's all the kind of thing that has never come up.
It comes up in software architecture, debugging/refactoring, optimizing, and so on.
The fun stuff, you know!?

>I'll always go for something existing
How do you know what to select though? Easiest example: Sorting. You have to know which sorting algorithm to select in which case. Speed, stability, even space matters when you have to sort large amounts of data.

>audited for security
But security requires you to have an exact understanding of the mathematical background of data-analysis and comptability times of certain functions ("practical irreversability"). Well, maybe ot as long as everything work. But if there's a problem of some kind, that means you'll have to get your hands dirty yourself.

We've got different definitions of that.

>get your hands dirty yourself
No, if you've modified it, it's not going to pass an audit. Rolling your own is just asking for problems.

It's my favorite episode too.

In the show Kurihara makes a note of how the swallows are flying low and so it's gonna rain soon. She explains that due to the increased humidity in the air water droplets stick to the wings of insects so they can't fly that high and therefor the swallows are also flying low in order to catch them. It's a way of seeing if it's gonna rain soon.

I think about this a lot when I'm in nature and see birds flying low and have even managed to impress some friends by making us find shelter before the rain comes. I've never told them I learned it from an anime though.

This chapter captures what I love about this manga the most. Shucchouban really seems to benefit from not being a 4koma. Thank you OP.

I've spent so much time outside that I can feel it in the air. I don't know how, but I can tell about an hour before a storm hits.

>if you've modified it
I'm not saying you should modify legacy code (unless it's bugged, too slow or doesn't do what you want it to do). I'm saying that you have to have a detailed understanding of the code you use, especially if you haven't written it yourself. Because incase something doesn't work as intended, you'll have a much easier time pinpointing where it went wrong.

The point I'm making is you should never be writing that yourself. Always go with something that has been used and proven by many others.

>I'm mature
I wonder.
Thanks as always user.
Thanks for the trivia, I haven't watched the anime yet.

I can feel that too. My guess is we feel the static in the air that builds up before lightning strikes.

But if there's no storm or lightning all I can go by is humidity and that doesn't always lead to rain. I have to look at the clouds or the birds in order to be sure.

>The point I'm making is you should never be writing that yourself.
Well ... depends on the exact thing you're working on. Don't forget that some people DO have to write that so you can use it. And you have to write other things using it - things that might then become legacy code themselves, that other people will use. That's why everything has to work neatly and why everyone involved needs to have a proper understanding of the code that others have written.
Yes, ideally, you'll never have to change up anything. But you never know what might happen one day. You might not be the kind of export the original creator of that code was (and, well, he definitely needed all that algebraic background), but you do have to understand, at least in thoery, why he did what he did and why the things you use work.

Kurihara is too precious.

Iya iya iya iya~

I absolutely love those pages. So comfy and contemplative. I wanted to see more Sketchbook stuff like this.
>Feels like I've seen this before.
What did she meant by this? Feels like it's mistranslated.

Thanks, user. This is definitely one of my favorite chapters. And my favorite episode from the anime.

>Always go with something that has been used and proven by many others.
Not that user, but more often than not you'll need to understand how stuff works even if you just use an already existing solution.

I love how Sketchbook threads seem to deviate to random topics, but always manage to stay civilized, unlike the boards for those respective topics.

>I love how Sketchbook threads seem to deviate to random topics, but always manage to stay civilized, unlike the boards for those respective topics.
I find it astonishing how many programmers seem to be drawn to these threads here. I doubt most other threads have enough people who'd even be willing to entertain such discussions.
And, yes, /g/ would be a better place if it was still dedicated to guro.

I like how she's pretty much the most competent and well-adjusted of the entire cast despite looking like like a complete freak most of the time.

Yeah, I'll leave all that to the academics. In my opinion, using anything else when real data is involved is a lack of professional responsibility. I will admit I'm more sensitive to it than most, but I deal with medical, and there are major consequences to anything going wrong.

Similar to how there are proofs for everything in math, it's down at a level that's just not practical for most people.

We identify with the socially odd characters.

Well, I get where you're coming from. Guess we just do have different definitions of "fun". There's a reason I always end up being the one debugging other people's codes when I work on a project in a team.

>We identify with the socially odd characters.
Probably, yeah.

Really good chapter, thanks OP

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It happens from time to time. I usually manage to announce it the day before.

>Feels like I've seen this before.
Not much more to it. Maybe somewhere between deja vu and nostalgia.

>most competent
I what regard?

Biology and nature/outdoor-related stuff?


I think I've run out of Sketchbook images.

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So I guess Shucchouban was the main motivation for the anime director then. I wonder if they even discuss a S2 or the Sketchbook anime was just a quick filler project in the end.

If only there was some way to summon more.

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Generally calling her the most competent is kinda weird.

>What do you think Kamiya would do with that CD Player?
Fix it, but change the CD player into a interactive, robotic kappa.

I somehow suspect she has motivations other than painting...

Thanks OP. Looking out over a magnificent vista, listening to the patter of rain is so comfy.

Dammit. I meant "Bump!".
Oh, and: Bump!

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Thanks, Sora. I'll try to remember.

That's not a .bmp!

You could make it one.

Have you done other dumps, OP? I'm interested if it's just one dedicated user that posts daily sol manga on Yea Forums. I remember there was YKK but managed to almost always miss it.

He took over the daily YKK threads from the first user who did Yotsuba and Azumanga before, and continued it since.

He's done YKK, Planetes, and Aria.

YKK was started by another user (who had previously dumped Yotsuba and Azumanga Daioh). OP took over midway through it when the original user couln't spare the time anymore.

Rainy mountain.

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Sometimes I wonder if he ever checks in.

I do hope so. But probably rarely. He has a life now.

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Pour one out for the fallen weebs.

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Bump ...

Thanks OP!


Oh, now I know why he made that pasta 9 years ago.

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>9 years ago
Where does the time go?

>Where does the time go?

I was hoping liking relaxing art clubs doing art things would slow things down but I guess not. Right, Natsume and J in Heaven?

Attached: 1487712298669.jpg (1500x904, 193K)

What a depressing pasta.

I wish all quick filler projects were as good as Sketchbook.

Sketchbook has some really high production values. I don't think it was just a quick filler project.

Attached: 1446785697011.jpg (600x710, 57K)

Sora looks uncharactaristically thick in this artpiece. Is she pregnant?

She's just too sensitive to cold. I also look like that when it's cold.

>I also look like that when it's cold.
Are you pregnant?

I'm comfy.

Attached: 1446794625535.jpg (620x437, 32K)


Hot water bottle and 4 jumpers, might also have a cat.

>Hot water bottle
You mean a bottle of hot water ... or a hot bottle of water?

Attached: 40296415_p2.png (357x1000, 87K)

it's a thick rubber water pouch you fill with hot/warm water and can cover with a jacket like a cute fluffy animal.
You can sleep with it to keep you warm or carry it around with you

Attached: Hot-Water-Bottle-Red.jpg (700x500, 52K)

you must be from a warm place if you've not heard of them

Attached: Hot-Water-Bottle-whale.jpg (320x240, 52K)

That's not a bottle. That's a plastic bag. It's a hot water plastic bag.

No it's a sealed bottle
it's literally a hot water bottle.
maybe you're thinking of an insulated flask?

I'm from a warm place and we actually use something similar but fill it with freezing water and let in the freezer so it can treat wounds and such.

like an ice pack?

>sealed bottle
It's still not a bottle. Let's just say it's a hot water sealed plastic bag.

Like an ice plastic bag?

If you fill a bottle with hot water the bottle will get hot as well due to thermal conductivity.

What's the difference between a plastic bottle and a plastic bag?

A bottle has a (solid) bottle shape and a bag has a (wobbly) bag shape.

>her passion for raising chickens
Hgggg my heart

except they're hotwater bottles
this isn't that big a deal

Come on, do you also get so agitated when the sketchbooks question stupid names for things? Calm down a bit.




Loved this /g/ discussion AND the chapter, gonna watch that episode tonight

What about those squishy low plastic eco bottles?





Would they add another ~ for a second season?

>a second season?

Attached: 1560887550643.gif (336x256, 401K)

I'm sure it will be announced any day now.

they would add another ~ though
or so i'd hope at least, it makes enough sense.

dump user time draws near.

Attached: [SpoonSubs]_Sketchbook_full_color'S_04_[720p][A137C3CD].mkv- (1280x720, 530K)

Art Club's Training Camp

Attached: Sketchbook_shucchouban_063.png (961x1400, 63K)

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Attached: Sketchbook_shucchouban_068.png (961x1400, 131K)

Attached: Sketchbook_shucchouban_069.png (961x1400, 123K)

They'd add another apostrophe.

Attached: Sketchbook_shucchouban_070.png (961x1400, 207K)

Attached: Sketchbook_shucchouban_071.png (961x1400, 231K)

Attached: Sketchbook_shucchouban_072.png (961x1400, 151K)

Attached: Sketchbook_shucchouban_073.png (961x1400, 135K)

That's all for today. Even more shocking than all the bugs is Kuga with her hair down.

Attached: Sketchbook_shucchouban_074.png (961x1400, 99K)

Seriously, why at school? You just went to the mountains the other day.

No way you can get that many snacks for Y3000 in my country now.

Look at the size of that thing. And I thought the two inch moth that smacked into me last night was huge...

>I'm glad I'm in the art club
Did they do any art?

>The next day we were sleep deprived
I can only imagine the screams.

Thanks OP. I agree, sexy bed hair is something only her husband should be allowed to see.

Attached: 1490039395895.jpg (844x480, 242K)

>Did they do any art?
Fireworks are art.

I LOVE this scene in the show. When everyone is disappointed they have to do the training camp at school Sora is visibly excited.

>Kuga with hair down

Attached: 1562800096856.jpg (605x806, 47K)

Kurihara looks pretty excited too.

Attached: trip.webm (852x480, 2.88M)

Kuga nearly did get a husband on the trip too.

Attached: NegiKuga.webm (852x480, 2.86M)

women have a lot of power

Thanks OP.
>Kaga with hair down
My heart went doki doki there. Btw, what happened to the other sensei assigned to the art club?
Oh god, when I read the manga page I thought they were just random insects. Now I see why the girls couldn't sleep.

she's so small she has to angle her arm to a 45º angle to reach the light switch

Shucchouban doesn't fit in the timeline, notice there's also no Kate.

Why are japanese schools filled with cockroaches? There's no food except in the cafeteria.

>no Kate

Thanks, user! Nice chapter.

Asou's so cute!

The real Kate were the friends we made along the way!

I never noticed it until now. I want to see Kate now.
>The real Kate were the friends we made along the way!
Then, what is the Kate on the manga?

It's pretty freaking hot out right now

Attached: hot.webm (1000x562, 2.4M)

Want to trade with the Sketchbooks? Hot with thunderstorms, then more hot.

Attached: 23.5 degrees.png (557x684, 64K)

Thanks OP.

Have they added a lot more to the anime compared to the manga?

It doesn't look like the others are much taller either.

>Then, what is the Kate on the manga?
Yes. Exactly.

>Have they added a lot more to the anime compared to the manga?
This chapter became a full episode (with about 5 minutes being flashbacks).

Not that user, but that's exactly what I'm in right now

Then you can suffer through the heat together.

I love this page SO much.

Thanks, OP.

>Have they added a lot more to the anime compared to the manga?
Yes, it's pretty much completely different overall, just picking up plots and jokes from the manga and making it its own thing.
Still comfy.

Attached: calender03_1280.jpg (1280x1024, 1.19M)


Iya iya iya iya~

Attached: 1562827217946.jpg (477x627, 61K)


Cutest sketchbook.

Damn cute.

>Kamiya still fast asleep

Suzukaze could sense the danger and left, apparently.


VERY mature sora


Powerful image.

The power to command animals.

Attached: 0ffc195268a0df7400bb2537fef8855fabf7da5cc6394b0200e755b9174e20f4.jpg (428x502, 54K)


with all the kyoani threads this is in danger of getting bumped off but it's a good thread so I'd like to see it survive at least another day

Agreed. And bump.
(Gonna be worse once all the Americans wake up and stark spamming threads.)

so why is Sora happy to be at school? is it the whole autism and unfamiliar environments thing?

Shit I forgot that, we've only had to deal with their expats, insomniacs and late browsers so far


I need to actually watch this anime at some point.

are torrents still up? which version should I go with?

I think the west coast of the US has woken up now, we're probably going to see a lot of new threads

*east coast

Alright relax, being non American doesn't instantly make you a fine gentleman with refined tastes when it comes to Sketchbook.

Attached: 1443677523649.gif (278x258, 713K)

just accepting the fact that once america wakes up the thread rate rockets.

She just really like school. Especially the art room.


I think she wanted to see what it was like at night.

>what it was like at night
The same, but darker.

And spookier.

>And spookier.
Well, Sora would be the spookiest thing there ...

I don't think she could manage to scare herself.

Heh ... sounds like a challenge!

more insecty

oh thank god it's still here

Attached: Screenshot 2019-03-07 18-12-09.jpg (432x431, 119K)

>oh thank god it's still here
God is an arsehole for burning down Kyoani in the first place. And he did nothing to keep this thread alive (unless one of the bumps is from him).

At least 6 of them were from me though that one when someone bumped it from three away from the edge of page 10 might have been divine intervention

>God is an arsehole for burning down Kyoani in the first place.
No gods, only man.

It's the Greek gods' fault for letting Prometheus steal fire and giving it to humans in the first place.

But without fire, the best we would have really would be Chinese cave paintings.

>Chinese cave paintings
Nothing wrong with those, user.

But you can't download them. Imagine having to walk to a new Chinese cave every time.

Good way to get exercise.

>But you can't download them.
There'd certainly be some way to do that by now anyway. Maybe someone would simply have stolen the internet from the gods?

Then why not cut out the middleman and just steal 2D?

More difficult. Higher security.

been a good thread I suspect I'll be unable to post for the next few days
pray to the sketchbooks for me

>I'll be unable to post
>pray to the sketchbooks for me
Everything alright, user?
Do we have to worry about you?

got a little enthusiastic in the kyoani threads I suspect the mods to not be gentle

It's a great time to take a break from the internet.

or at least from Yea Forums
this is literally the only thread I have open currently

>this is literally the only thread I have open currently
But there are some others that are worthwhile!
There's the 3x3 thread and a ZLS thread. And the Kyoani threads are "interesting" to lurk in at least.

Sketchbook threads are the only reason I still visit here.

there's a fushigi thread up

I have the sketchbook threads highlighted, so by default I notice these before anything else and currently nothing else.

There may be a handful, but after going through and hiding every thread related to the fire or obvious shitposting, I got
>83 hidden threads

Sometimes It's just not worth wading through the trash.

that's generous, I only have three open 148 hidden

word filters? or did you filter them all by hand?

I did it by hand to see how many there were. Trying to keep up with filters is going to be a losing battle.

I manually hide threads I don't want to see whenever I browse here, just hold shift and click the image, rarely are there more than 10 decent threads up at one time. never really bothered with filters


Still here?

Everyone fell asleep early after spending last night with the bugs.

>after spending last night with the bugs
I have no regrets. I'd do it again, actually.

I don't think anyone else would. Would you do it again even if you're alone this time?

>Would you do it again even if you're alone this time?
How would I be alone when the bugs are with me?

I thought the whole point was to be with the sketchbooks.

That's nice as well. But bugs are bugs.

the Sketchbugs

Ok, Kurihara.


Next chapter soon!

Attached: gero.png (1280x720, 724K)

Bump. Keeping the thread alive will be difficult tonight.

Mike-san and Haa-san

Attached: Sketchbook_shucchouban_075.png (961x1400, 141K)

Attached: Sketchbook_shucchouban_076.png (961x1400, 128K)

Attached: Sketchbook_shucchouban_077.png (961x1400, 124K)

TL Note: 飼い猫, kaineko: pet cat.

Attached: Sketchbook_shucchouban_078.png (961x1400, 150K)

甲斐犬, kaiken: a breed of dog.

Attached: Sketchbook_shucchouban_079.png (961x1400, 131K)

That's all for today. I always found it surprising that Sora doesn't buy cat food.

Attached: Sketchbook_shucchouban_080.png (961x1400, 110K)

Thanks, user. What a strange chapter. I didn't quite get the part with the different breeds.
The cats are right about Sora though.

Haa might be the cutest cat in anime/manga history.

And the smugest.

What a fat cat.

Thanks, a weird chapter. So Sora is trying to kill cats, huh. I wonder what Sora and the cats would do if he's gone. Actually, I bet that the cats would just go to another house to beg for food.

With cats, smug is cute and cute is smug.

I still vote for Maya.

>smug is cute and cute is smug.
Hover through the fog and filthy ... bug?

Attached: hits.jpg (580x335, 49K)

>sensei bents over..

That was cute

You ain't seen nothing yet. Wait 'till we get to Kuma.

Of course, it's Kuga.

Thanks, OP. Feels like we haven't had a cat chapter in a long time. I guess that's the downside of having a huge cast.

Imagine Kuga like this but with her hair down.

Attached: 60716627_p0.jpg (480x1000, 176K)

Sora doesn't recognize her.


Kuga is the sexiest sketchbook.

I disagree.

Attached: 1835025_p0.jpg (667x800, 326K)

Kuga is the smallest sketchbook.

Kuga is the sketchiest sketchbook.

>those hips
user stop
>that underboob

Attached: 1563369826386.jpg (383x700, 21K)

I was waiting for it to reveal Tanabe and Himuro making up the conversation on the spot and doing the voiceovers, but no, this is apparently a conversation that cats have. Quite surreal. Thanks OP.

That's a sideboob, user. With a pit!

Attached: 2378594_p0.jpg (659x800, 271K)

It wasn't strange enough for those two.

My bad, to distracted to writ-

Asou is exactly the kind of girl who'd know what she's doing there ...

Quick bump.

Hazuki > Asou

You're not making sense, user. Are you drunk, maybe?

President > *


Alcohol is way too expensive.

Attached: 2472438_p0.jpg (600x600, 156K)

needs more Ooba

Attached: Ooba.jpg (560x870, 168K)

The Suzukaze combo are way more sketchier. You never know what the hell they're up to.

Of course I do, they're always up to no good!

Why did you posted a blank image.

Is there any other series like Sketchbook to fill the hole in my heart?
>light-hearted and simple comedy
>unique and lovable cast
>extremely comfy
>little to no fanservice

I think she looks better and her Jewish antics are endearing.

GA Geijutsuka Art Design Class

I was thinking about seeing that one. Looks pretty Sketchbook-like.

Attached: 40296415_p3.png (357x1000, 114K)

What does he say in the last bubble of the third koma?

Also actual SoL and not just school life with the same shitty pool of event episodes.

>thread still up
honestly impressed
also apparently I managed to avoid getting a three day involuntary vacation

All proper adults in the world disappeared,didn't they?

Where is Mike's feline decency?

I expected to be something among those lines, but I'm always uncertain when it comes to somewhat long phrases like that.

Has anybody compiled a single collection of chapters and fanart for Sketchbook?

Attached: 1348522494827.jpg (960x800, 354K)

Bump ...

pinky and the brain more their style?

But they fixed Hazuki's CD player! And gave it an exorcism! Your typical repairman doesn't give you that service


A what?

I think he meant that he avoided to get banned.

What happens if you snip off her hair antennae?

She releases a very deadly poison.

Imagine the smell.

I'm pretty sure their exorcism actually put demons in.

They were good demons though. Putting in good demons is basically the same thing as taking out bad demons.

What if they were only acting good because the Suzukaze was powerful enough to control them?

Does it matter whether a demon is actually good or just acting good? They'll behave the same way in the end.

Yes, because they stop acting good once the Suzukaze leaves.

You gravely underestimate the range of Suzukaze's demon-controlling powers.

>Putting in good demons
Installing Linux?

imagine a cartoon about demons getting destroyed by daemons

It would get pretty boring after the MC learned kill -9


Attached: Hey.png (388x271, 47K)

I want Kurihara to bug me

Why do you want her to spy on you?

explain pres to me, how does he see?

I thought he mean't he got into trouble at work

Pic related

Attached: 1562950189341.jpg (350x346, 31K)


Check out this spooked Kuga

Attached: 28781010_p1.png (357x1000, 178K)

These are cute, but why are they so small? Especially the text in the first panel.

Because it's a pixiv preview of a doujin.

Mike-san and the Foreign Cat

Attached: Sketchbook_shucchouban_081.png (961x1400, 57K)

Attached: Sketchbook_shucchouban_082.png (961x1400, 93K)

Attached: Sketchbook_shucchouban_083.png (961x1400, 123K)

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Attached: Sketchbook_shucchouban_088.png (961x1400, 100K)

Attached: Sketchbook_shucchouban_089.png (961x1400, 101K)

That's all for today. There actually are passports for cats, though Japan doesn't recognize them.

Attached: Sketchbook_shucchouban_090.png (961x1400, 105K)

the smuggest

>Thing have come to a pretty pass.....
What did he mean by this?

>Sir, do you realise you are a cat?

come to a pretty pass: To encounter or develop into a particularly difficult, troublesome, or bad state or situation.

It's correct english, but very out of date.

Hey, that cat looks like Hitler.

For the past ten or so years I just thought it was some random engrish. You just blew my mind, user,

Those crazy Canadians say some strange things, eh?

How racist.

Thanks OP.

>very out of date.
I assumed he phrased it that way because he was posh, same as how his speech is polite and formal.

Hitler cat wants to keep Japan pure.

Mike's image is being degraded on the internet

Another strange cat chapter. Interesting.
Thanks, user.

>oout of date
depends where you are in the world

Mike is a girl.

I'm not sure of what should be more surprised: at this chapter, the fact that there are passports for cats, or the fact that Japan doesn't recognize said passports.
The Hitler cat is in Neo-Venezia.

Where in the world is that still common?

>Japan doesn't recognize said passports
This should not be surprising at all. Japan loves weird and difficult paperwork. Even better if you have to fax it to them.

I think in the EU all pets are technically required to have a passport if they are crossing borders. It's not so much to keep out immigrant rats and cat burglars, but to keep track of their vaccination history.

Buckingham Palace.

I've used it before...

Apparently the queen reads these threads.

Attached: [silence].jpg (1080x1204, 179K)

I certainly hope so.
Everyone should.

This thread can still fit one more chapter.

Weekends are the biggest challenge though.

Not really. We would need keep bumping for another 18 hours and we only have 50 posts left.

>We would need keep bumping for another 18 hours and we only have 50 posts left.
One bump per hour. That leaves us with 30 posts to go. The chapter would need half of them. About 15 left for comments. That could work.
The only alternative is to force it over the bump limit before that. We can do that, we just have to post more. Maybe find something to talk about. Or post Yotsuba GIFs. I've done that before in a YKK thread that got that close to the limit.

Let's discuss Kuga then. Why does she not have a mouth?

Attached: 1562614341904.png (362x256, 13K)

>Why does she not have a mouth?
Well, why would she need one?

To complete her human disguise.


Also even if we manage to do another chapter, there won't be enough space for comments.

But she's cuter without one!

Attached: no_mouth.jpg (830x1000, 127K)

She can blow fine without a mouth.

Attached: kuga_spider.gif (431x386, 215K)

She doesn't need to have one, she can just cast illusion magic to make it appear as if she does.

40 posts you say...
lets see if we can max out the thread

This is kinda dated since their dad actually showed up before the end.

An impostor!

Is she just exhaling out of her nose really hard?

Whatever she does, it's working.


It's actually magic.


looks like ueda hajime

Attached: 5152853_p0.jpg (800x800, 417K)

Are they getting a ride from Korbo?

Glad to see that sketchbook has good fanart from a good artist
And draws really well lewd

Attached: 6380967_p0.jpg (700x525, 372K)

Attached: 4123847_p0.jpg (400x600, 50K)


>And draws really well lewd
I'm sorry?

Already posted

my mind didn't even consider they were from the same artist when I saw Kurihara and Juju just enjoying their time

What breed is that? long haired but striped features?

Is there any more interest from translators? summer holiday would be a good opportunity

Those are barely lewd.

Although I don't think I've ever seen any actual 34, so I guess that does count as lewd by Sketchbook standards.

any handholding in this manga?

Worse, there's incestuous scarf sharing

Isn't it a maine coon or something similar?

Attached: asou_straw.gif (386x344, 174K)

Attached: chris_vs_straw_by_captainseby_d34u870-pre.jpg (921x868, 72K)

Don't. Just don't.

for a second I thought in the thumbnail she was holding a filled condom

Juju is a healthy girl

left or right?

The fish.


Right on left

"Juju, this isn't a bug."

>this isn't a bug
Prove it!

>autism in anime vs autism in real life

Asou is by far the least autistic of the girls. She's just an innocent girl who has to deal with everyday problems and some crazy artclub memebers.

Attached: asou_walk.gif (383x341, 29K)

Well, bump. Just because it's no use letting the thread die two posts before the limit.

final bump
It's been another good thread hope someone picks up the rest as a summer project.

>It's been another good thread
Yep. It's great to always have a refuge from the harshness that's usually prevalent on Yea Forums .
(Right now I just wish the Kyoani threads stopped, or at least the sticky went away. I don't want to always be reminded everytime I see the catalog.)

hold shift and click each thread it should hide them. might depend on your browser.

Well, I could. Maybe I should. But I don't like hiding threads. I don't want to put myself out of the loop, but I don't want to be depressed either. (Kinda feels like there should be a Sketchbook 4koma about that kind of situation.)

I hide most threads I don't like on Yea Forums which makes the new threads much more visible, do check the hidden ones occasionally to see if something blew up in one of the threads
or you can pin threads

Just wait a few days and look up the details in a Japanese newspaper. All you'll get here is speculation at this point.