
>the ring did not work
what does this mean?
Tsubame is not "the love"? or just the beginning of the true path?
this is a great arc (again) in the manga

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Other urls found in this thread:


It was just a prayer, not magic

That not every myth is true
Gifting an heart-shaped item didn't pan out either

Cool, but there's no way Ishi would be that much of a Chad.

His Chadness comes later in life, when he gets famous for writing edgy coffeeshop poems and young hipsters flock to him.

Reminder that Tsubame is dying, hence why she wanted to fuck with Ishigami.

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>Gifting an heart-shaped item didn't pan out either
Are you sure about that?
>>the ring did not work
With Tsubame.

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I like how you permavirgins immediately created another thread, it’s hilarious

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Remember when this manga was good?

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>this chapter rattled Yea Forums so much threads are still being created days later

I remember when you did not keep posting this like an autist and everybody was 17% more comfortable

Go back to India you hack.

Miko 11n0.

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Imagine how rattled Yea Forums will be when Ishigami and Iino almost have sex but don't end up doing it

As a Tsubamefag, I gotta say, the salt I'm collecting from you autists about Tsubame's character development and role in Kaguya-sama: Love is War will never stop being delicious. Makes up for all the Maki shitposting we had to deal with. Tsubame WILL be the decisive winner of the Ishigami bowl, and your shit waifu will lose. The sooner you come to terms with that, the better. You Tsubame haters are nothing, absolutely nothing, and you will never be anything. You can easily tell someone is an adult male virgin when they are actually attracted to girls that are only has a nice body and offers no relevance at all to the story except to serve as a romantic plot device, like Miko or psychopathic selfish sluts who only seeks to pleasure herself, like Chika. When you kill yourselves or die of a coronary infarction before you turn 40, no one will ever remember you and the world will be better off without you toads in it. You semen slurping faggots will never amount to anything. You are garbage, and nothing will ever change that, just like Rei or Kei or Karen or whatever waifu you like has no chance of romancing Ishigami.

Also reminder that Tsubame is the best designed character in Kaguya-sama: Love is War. God it must suck to be you.

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I've been thinking about the India trip, could it be about a chapter focused on the prince?

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let's not talk about this it makes me sad

>Tsubame is not "the love"? or just the beginning of the true path?
It means all the magic tricks that Ishigami tries out will only truly work with someone who believes in that kind of fairy tale nonsense. As the heart talisman works on Miko, so too will the ring.

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Reminder that Ishigami will end up dying at the end of the manga

After the latest chapter, i'm honestly scared what spicy content Aka can deliver next.

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Tsubame believe in the shitty heart and the ring nonseneses, user
so, why did not work?

>"If you know the way to live, you know the way to die"
Is Tsubame the most complex character in the entire manga?

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She knows of it, but she doesn't actually believe.


Arm break next chapter.

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She does though, she tells Kaguya her brother got married from a similar type of proposal with hearts, and Kaguya came across as too much of a realist for dismissing it entirely (until she started talking about the whole "100% together if gifted" bit.)

Tsubame knows how she's going to die.

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yes, she's the EREN of Kaguya-sama

Her motives are complex

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She believes it the same way any normie believes some bullshit school legends. She gives it lip service as a nice idea.


>Vol 7 (Iino): Humans learn to love, even if they are not loved

I'd think they'd be more rattled if they did have sex for 4 pages

That quote is garbage though.

That basically foreshadows her falling for Ishigami while he's still pining over Tsubame, isn't it? Falling in love, even though she knows he doesn't love her back.

Iino Miko can't love (part 1), user

Does that means that she will end up loving Ishigami but he won't love her back?

Yeah but Miko shippers are too afraid to acknowledge that

Not exactly
Iino was ostracized and alone, yet she still fell in love

This is the most accurate summation of Ishigami's blueballs yet.

just like Ishigami and Tsubame
Ishigami will end up loving (more) Tsubame but she won't love him back

Jesus, this level of mental gymnastics is simply amazing.

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I dunno
Feels more like Tsubame will die

it's litterally what's written on the thing

I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about here. Is Miko properly in love yet?
Probably. It might change in the end, but she'll fall for him before he falls for her.

So, we know Tsubame and Iino's quotes in their covers.
Does Ishigami has anything?

Here's a better quote for her


more qoutes:
>Vol 7 (Iino): Humans learn to love, even if they are not loved
>Vol 9 (Ishigami and Prez): If there is no righteous love, then all love is wrong.
>Vol 12 (Tsubame): If you know the way to live, you know the way to die.
>Ishigami nad Prez
>not only Ishigami

Is it so strange to think that Prez wouldn't fuck Tsubame either?

This thread is in desperate need of more images!

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Will Kaguya be a good girlfriend for Prez?

Tsubame would have never acted like that without the alcohol.

RIP senpai tonight we charm kouhais

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escapism is not good, user
accept it and move on

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Here's a better quote for her

He didn't fuck Kaguya when she was delirious.
He knows the difference.

Not bad.


Is this being a success the only chance for Kaguya getting a second season?

Kashiwagi actually looks great.

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I sure hope not. Live action adaptations always end up being hilariously bad.

The best!

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Sauce? I reversed searched it and got that bullshit 'lineart' answer from google.

COME ON user

Any other anime/manga that suffer a complete tonal shift when focusing on side characters? Kaguya going off the rails is kinda reminding me of Prunus Girl, a cute trap shenanigans comedy manga that ditched it's charismatic MCs to go on a long, boring, overly dramatic yuri namek arc with side characters no once cared about and never quite recovered from it.

Figure we have more of an investment on Ishigami's character in Kaguya's case but it sure does seem like reading an entirely different manga these days.

google the full image instead of the thumbnail

I mean, this isn't any different than the sports festival arc

Come the fuck on.

>it sure does seem like reading an entirely different manga these days.
It's been literally 2 chapters.

Before we got that faggot pie end in School Rumble the tone was quite different from the beginning of the manga and the author was indulging in shit like NTR storylines with the side characters.

Then there's shit like Negima that just shifted genres halfway through.

We had plenty of suffering moments in the series already.

How fucking short is your attention span?

>not knowing the witch of feels

fucking newfags

Ishigami brings the suffering to the forefront. Mostly because Aka has a hard on for his male characters being suffering magnets. When we focus on Ishigami he is the sole focus rather than it being a joint focus of Kaguya and Prez.

>not recognizing the art
that user deserves a ban from kaguya threads

>ban from Kaguya thread

If such thing exists you know we all will be banned for like at least 9 times

For the Ishibowl, I would rank as best to worst
Maki, Fujiwara, Iino, Onodera, alone, Slutbame

But Iino is going to win, anyway.

>handjob next week
I'm ready

I will never understand why people say shit like this when we've only really been dealing with exclusively side characters for two fucking chapters, and this has been the only actual serious one so far.

She will die alone
Just friends, also she likes shotas and hayasaka
She ships Ishimiko

>Iino above Onedera

Fucking ew

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Anybody know who’s the editor responsible for Aka?

I have been shitposting for 24 hours compulsively and still cannot stop. Somebody help

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that's me what do you need?

There's no stopping, you'll be shitposting for the rest of your natural life

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>Tsubame is a crazy bitch
Yikes. Aka downgraded her real hard to make people root for Lino huh.

Every thread is a party.

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And webms.

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>155 chapters
>literally nothing happens
Bravo, Aka. Bravo.

Did someone said, party?

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Welcome back user, you get bored of doing this in the Spy x Family thread?

>the two main romantic leads start a relationship and reaffirm their bond after overcoming their emotional hangups
>nothing happens

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is this how IshiMiko going to be

it's a pasta you dip don't respond to it

But Ishigami and Iino haven't gotten together yet.

Censorship is more subtle now user, we have tech.

So, you're suggesting Ishigami slams the door on Miko's arm as she tries sexually harassing him to help him get over Tsubame?

Ishigami x Justice is the only true pairing. Anyone who says otherwise is a faggot.

what are you implying, user?

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no i mean when they are going out she will be the one who tries to initiate all the sex but she does it creepy and freaks Ishigami out


Ishigami has a horse dick

I am so glad we finally got an accurate tl

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death by bukkake?

'Tsubame' literally means 'swallow". As in a bird's name, thought.

From the thumbnail they both look like they just got hanged

How can bukkake kill people now

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Why do you think he's wearing the scarf? It's tucked up his shirt and trying to poke out his collar


What the next step in Aka's sexual comedy?

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There's a lot of people

we're talking about Tsubame user, not Miko the biggest slut of this manga

People talking shit about Tsubame when it's a recurring fact in the manga that Miko would get dragged off to a bedroom by the first chad who says she's cute.

Tsubame is just a normalfag, ONS is okay but group sex is just over the line.

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i don't think she would outright agree to sexual advances, she's just easily swayed by normal ones
she's rapebait more than anything

>it's a recurring fact in the manga that Miko

But no one ever says

>I cannot date you, buy I guess...I can sleep with you because I am grateful for your love


Not him but one drink is all it takes judging from the last chapter. The girl is rapebait indeed.

It means Ishigami asked the wrong people for love advice. Should have asked Shirogane.


Yikes. What was she thinking? Didn't Tsubame spend time trying to learn about Ishigami. What girls goes with that line right after a confession?

>unironically considering M*kofags people
they're monkeys user, don't bother

The night isn't over yet user

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>arm break
How hard is Ishigami?

Leave Ishigami to me

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Is Lino going to have to resign as public morals officer?

Fuck off with your harem garbage.

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I'm disappointed Tsubame just didn't reject him. Offering sex was strange given her demeanor after Ishi publicly declared his love. What a slut, I HATE IT

I can see that, given how awkward she's bound to be when she forces herself past the repression.

I'm your guy

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But is is just one person, Ishi's balls are basically Phthalo Blue at this point

What's with Llio recently?

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She wanted to give him a special x-mas and not not just blown it away with a rejection. The problem was that for any normal guy, that would be awsome, but not for Ishigami.

Tsubame just wanted to have sex.

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Nice try Aka, I still hate Kashiwagi the most. Fucking depraved whore, hope you like pumping out 20 babies by the time you're 30.

Just guessing, but I think Miko would probably end up taking the accidental cocktease route where you think she's willing with how cooperative she's being, until she suddenly starts freaking out when you take off your pants because she thought you just wanted to hang out and talk.

>so much semen your partner get drown other than vomiting it

Weird flex but okay

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Tsubame wanted to be broken in for her college bf who expects an experienced gf

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This. I used to be a Tsubamefag, now I don't care about this harem shit anymore. Fuck you Aka. I hope you get rape in India.

Would hatesex between them be amazing?

kaguya is miracle

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This. You don't want to be the beginner when a real partner comes around, practice makes perfect

>this 3dpd shit in manga

I want to die, so I am going home

It’s all amazing until prez has a stroke due to lack of sleep

>The problem was that for any normal guy
with no standards and self respect.
also, there is nothing wrong with casual sex (if you know what are you doing), but that has nothing to do in this story

>there is nothing wrong with casual sex
Fuck off whore.


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Being on the receiving end is stressful so many things can go wrong.

>not pictured: her tongue exploring his mouth

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Kinky. Also I love how Ishi can pick up smol LLno when he's weak as fuck.

Please elaborate

>with no standards and self respect.
Dude, I really doubt it that any normal guy would back out that one chance. The thing is that Ishigami wanted a lasting relationship. There is no wrong here in any decision if you are actually following what you want.

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Prez or Kaguya could probably carry her with one arm.

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Never unless you want Ishigami to hang himself the very next day right in the StuCo room.

Why though, b-because the sex is too great?

next chapter my dude

Nah. Miko would pester him to take responsibility and he'd be guilted into staying alive.

I thought dual confessions meant prez and ishigami, but I just realized it meant both of Ishigami's "confessions".

Ishi being the protag sucks when is prez coming back?

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>handjob first
>hate sex second
>no condom third
Pregnancy soon

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Took you long enough.

Yeah, Kashiwagi won't be able to go to an university while pregnant

I'm gonna be laughing for the rest of the manga if Miko doesn't get together with Ishigami.
I'm serious.

That wont be long. Axe soon.

I'm gonna be laughing for the rest of the manga if Tsubame doesn't get together with Ishigami.
I'm serious.

oh shit this is cute

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It's boku no pico.

Kaguya may be flat, but she's still love
When you hold her close your body is closer to her heart that way

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Breasts get bigger when you play with them.
So soon Kaguya will have massive melons that will outshine Fujitrashawa

I saw Tsubame's "dark" moments more as her being jealous of the attention and care Miko is getting. This is the thing that pushed her to do something irresponsible and aggressive. But still, she is better character now than the perfect waifushit.

Well said brother.

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Did prez start playing with them on their first date? I guess we'll see in a couple chapters.

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Who is in charge of continuity in this manga?


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Ah, that's a pretty good point. I have virtually 0 doubts anyone but Iino is going to win this unfortunately, but it'll be neat to see how this Tsubame crush wraps up.

That being said, Yea Forums needs to get a grip. You guys are getting far quicker to OUTRAGE over nothing by the month.

>Miko tries to attract attention in a childish way
>Tsubame tries to attract attention with casual sex

Power chart when?

So the other guys at the stuco meeting beat him up because he was poor? Wtf man.

You heard me. Maki a best

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This has to be related to Momo's debt, right? Prez shanked a couple guys for her, she repaid him with the balloons.

Will Prez ever finish a fight in one punch?

Ishimiko is incest.

But what has Tsubame actually seen of their interactions? Ishigami smacking Miko, Miko getting angry at Ishi on several occasions, him being a little distracted by her at the party, and wanting to take her home are all that I recall. And it was the first incident that led to Tsubame even considering his confession.

If his protectiveness towards Miko is what makes him interesting in the first place, and what she's getting jealous over, then was she jealous of Miko from the start?

RIP Maki tonight we're tsundere

So basically every single thread is filled with spergs that shit on slutbame and mikofags.

Holy shit this place is gonna be hell until the next chapter or until Miko spread her legs in from of Ishicuckgami.

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Shuchiin uniform outfit for Hitman when

I missed those kino flashback chapters. Next one when?

>Worried some major shitstorm happened, like Tsubame actually having a boyfriend, Ishigami fucking her in front of Iino, rape or whatever.
>Read the chapter.
>Literally nothing.
You guys are such drama queens, holy shit.

Can't wait for Shirogane to btfo all those rich fucks at the stuco election.

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>drama queen

Where have you been these days anata? We are always like this

Why does Aka have such a hardon for his male leads suffering?

Now say the same when you manage to get a girl, oh wait, you can't.

Sure, but I haven't seen purityfagging to this degree. Virtually nothing has even happened outside of a rejection, and even the advance wasn't anything particularly scummy or out of the ordinary.

Yet people are acting as if this is a major writing faux pas, or a 180 for the characters. Have you never read a romance manga before? Are people in these threads fresh out of kindergarten?

I had a girl once, was boring.

He just likes suffering in general, Kaguya and Hayasaka haven't been spared. The only reason we haven't seen F's inner thoughts is because she's completely broken inside.

Are you enjoying your first month on Yea Forums?

Cry Summer all you want, but it's a low for me. Name me a less justified outrage from your oldfag days.

Your hand doesn't count as a girl my virgin boy.


>inb4 animeonly fujiwarafags and maidcucks triggered

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90% of the people here are just having fun, my dude. It doesn't need to be "justified"

But user you don't get it! A woman! refused to have sex with Literally Me!

It's the other way around

More like refused to date but agreed to have sex with Literally Me


read the manga and not the shitpost replies in kaguya thread

That's literally the opposite of what happened, at least shitpost correctly.

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Concise, courteous, brutal.
10/10 bait

user, respecting a woman's wishes and stop pursuing any romantic connections with her when she's actually unwilling is what real men should learn to do. Thinking with your dick is fine so long as there will be no future repercussions that you're not willing to take.

All this chapter did was cement Ishigami as literally me.
I would do literally the same thing, with the exception of not being into a riajuu whore in the first place.
Also the final panel is pure kino.

If you add this together with the idea of this being prompted by jealousy of Miko, was she just trying to take Ishigami's first time before Miko could?

Damn JB are based.

Yes, this is more accurate
He was literally 10 second away from going balls deep so I was under the impression that him vomiting his feelings all over her turned her off

They'll start growing once she gets kinky with Prez

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Both did behave in a childish way trying to get Ishigami's attention

She clearly doesn’t like Ishigami that much. And that’s fine. No one should date someone they aren’t particularly invested in dating.

The problem is not telling the person clearly that you don’t want to date them. I would imagine for Ishigami, his first time is something that he values a lot. Sex can get people incredibly attached to each other, and if Ishigami didn’t ask her to go out with him and they had done it, his feelings for her would be much more magnified than before.

So then, what does Tsubame do? Tell him “sorry, I can’t date you” right after getting him so emotionally invested in her? It’s such a retarded decision to make with half-committed feelings and could easily hurt Ishigami badly.

My point is that she’s not honest or direct with what her actual motivations are, instead making excuses and retarded decisions that just end up hurting Ishigami. If she just said outright that she wasn’t that interested in him, I’m sure everyone would respect her choice.

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>not liking sluts

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Not when they hurt a bro's heart

Tsubame is shit, Slutbame is good.

His fault for not being direct.

But movies taught me that real men should pursue a woman relentlessly until she realizes I was the perfect one for her all along

>here lies Tsubame, she never scored
Thanks Ishi

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Did Ishigami respect her wishes?

He respected his own wishes, and that's what really matters.

Soon Miko will try to attract his attention with childish sex


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Amazing how quickly Tsubamefags turned on her while Mikofags like her in spite of her shortcomings. Makes me wonder why they even liked her in the first place

How does that work? Incredibly clumsy seduction effort, and she winds up crying for hours after he breaks her hymen before telling him they need to get married now?

Flower arc when?

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It's the opposite,
she likes him enough to offer one night with him.
It could even be her first time.

As it has been pointed out before,
Tsubame was still under assumption that there is still a 3 month deadline.
She just wasn't expecting to answer right in the heat of the moment.

She is just a dumb and drunk teenager making mistake.
From her point of view they can spent one night together first then their feeling can develop stronger after that.
She and Ishigami simply has a different altitude towards sex.

well she is virgin, after all


after the flashback during the 3 months deadline

>Taking flaseflagger seriously
Here's your you.

She just wanted to score with a cute otaku, literally did nothing wrong

Tsubame is just a normal person, she likes sex. Ishi is the rare one, his MUH JUSTICE and concept of love/relationship are extreme.

>She spurs out "do it faster daddy" in the middle of the fuck

Okay retards here is the thing, which one is better.

>Absolute slut that offered pity sex and rejected the best bro


>Revealed part of her feelings while being drunk, she wants to be treated the same way Ishigami does with Slutbame, actually jealous.
>Tight pink pussy, smooth at fuck

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>Absolute slut
You don't know what this word means, incel-kun.

>lshigami starts having dark feelings and directs them to the goal of destroying the world

For Ishi? Miko.



This makes no sense considering that Ishigami only confessed to her 3 days ago. Like some real hack writing. And either way, she’s still manipulating his feelings to come up with an answer for herself.

Go back to tumblr roastie.

>>Revealed part of her feelings while being drunk, she wants to be treated the same way Ishigami does with Slutbame, actually jealous.
You're seriously telling us to pick which is better between a girl offering sex and an annoying bitch whose nothing but rude and demanding of you, asking to be treated normally when SHE's the one who instigates the conflict

I'd pick Tsubame 11 out of 10 times than put up with that bratty, contradictory bullshit..

She feels the most realistic and mature character in the manga, and that isn't bad on itself.
Still, hopefully she won't be able to get with Ishigami again tho neither Iino


Putting up with shitty tsundere is the worst experience imaginable, so Tsubame.

too bad no one cares anymore

more like he'll dive deeper into his video games and otaku habits with the only saving grace being miko who will pull him back into the light

When she gets btfo, hopefully.

Tsundere's the worst romance trope so Tsubame, easily.

>SHE's the one who instigates the conflict
how many levels of headcannon are those?

He has convictions. Shitty teenager principles but you can't possibly tell me you didn't hold some stupid beliefs when you were 16.

>She feels the most realistic and mature character in the manga
Agree, i don't know why she is so unpopular now. Also sorry user, but i like Ishimiko.

She won't let him be a shut-in. He has to feed her lunch while she goes 'ahh'.

It better end with her finding out Ishigami isn't the one who gave her the flower

>Tsubame this
>Soobahmay that
>Tsubame Tsubame Tsubame Tsubame Tsubame
Can you all please talk about other stuff that isn’t Tsubame? This is getting so annoying and it’s making me angry. Tsubame is so fucking shit and I seriously can’t understand how you don’t get tired of talking about her without ever stopping. What about Maki? What about Kei? WHY ARE YOU IGNORING THE OTHER GIRLS, ITS NOT FAIR. Tsubamefags are the worst, I hate them and I hate Tsubame. Tsubame a shit. A SHIT.

>Tsundere's the worst romance trope
But most of the cast are tsundere, even the guys

that's my point. she'll cheer him up or at least annoy him enough to prevent him from being a shut in

Only Iceguya, Miko and Maki are shitty-obnoxious type, and since Iceguya is dead and Maki is a cuck, Miko is the worst contender.


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>Ishigami isn't the one who gave her the flower
That would be terrible writing no matter how you try to justify it

Is Miko good at handjob?

>pink tight pussy
>muh virgin fantasy

Unironically Tsubame

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It was very mature of Ishigami to stop when he knew it won't work out and that Tsubame is just giving him pity sex. Having sex then and there will just cause regret and may drive Ishigami in despair and it will be harder to deal with if Tsubame finds another guy in college.
Better break up the party now. Ishigami dodged a bullet there.

One man's trash is another man's treasure, thanks fags

She broke her fucking arm, what do you think?

Why the fuck does so many people believe her pity sex excuse.
This obviously isn't the case.

Guys, what flower are you talking about?

Maybe they like her social persona™

Projecting, she just got excited by being with a boy alone and wanted to have sex. She was thinking with her vag

They are speedreaders.

Then what was she trying to do? Beat Miko to his first time?

The flower Ishigami gave to her in middle school when she was getting bullied.

She might be realistic and all but she screwed up badly with what she said and how she said it

Yes it is.
"I'm sorry I can't date you. Let's have sex instead to make you feel better."
Tsubame came to him with that intention and end it right there. Ishigami had more self respect and refused it all.

Better than setting up a mystery and then having the most obvious suspect in the world be the one who did it

Care to explain?

She liked him but didn't want to be in a long distance relationship with a high school sophomore when she's in college. So the best she can do is have a single, special night with the boy she likes.

>Why the fuck does so many people believe her pity sex excuse.
Because unless she explains, that's all we know.
Now get used to people calling her a slut

Well, if you say it’s ””””obviously”””” not the case, propose what is the true intention under the “excuse”

Iceguya could not be called a tsundere. She was way too assertive and all but clear about her feelings. Spelling it right out to Slut. Her problem was that Prez wouldn't reciprocate, but THAT was a hole Kaguya had dug herself long before.

Look at these virgins, of course they believe in Tsubame

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>Great sex monster and pump & dump material
>A annoying fat midget with not a single redeeming quality
Tsubame, no doubt

It's not a mystery user, it's obvious because there was no intention to hide who it was in the first place. The only thing we're waiting on is for her to find out it was him.

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fucking hate jaiminis box reader lads

>Iceguya could not be called a tsundere.
She's very much a textbook shitty tsundere.
But it's kind of okay since she hides actual issues behind that.
No excuse for Miko, though, because Maki is at the very least getting cucked.

Accurate translation when

>Miko a shitty tsundere or Tsubame who makes everyones world brighter


>Tsubame was still under assumption that there is still a 3 month deadline.
>She just wasn't expecting to answer right in the heat of the moment.
This, by the way. Last arc made me lose any track of time in-universe, but i feel like this user is onto something.

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Yes, since today

This, gave me a fucking headache when I was trying to read Twin Star Exorcists.

I'd call every character a tsundere desu, with Miko in particular only becoming one recently. Ice is a special case that kinda frontloaded all of Kaguya's normal tsundere qualities.

>values career over a boyfriend
>doesn't see ishigami as a partner
>"Why are you trying to have sex with me?"
>it was a thank you for liking me

how is that not pity sex?

Dilate, THK.

you dont add elements to the narrative just for the sake of doing it

>Showed us that Ishigami would help her without her knowing
>Ishi knows the flower language and thinks anonymously sending them to girls is cute
>The chapter it's brought up is literally named after his character arc despite him not appearing
To set up all of these flags only to 'subvert your expectations' would make the whole thing pointless

>Miko in particular only becoming one recently.
Yeah. Just slamming her as a tsundere seems pretty silly. It's more accurate to say she's hit her tsundere phase, and is about to evolve into a smugdere.

There's a difference between normalfags attempting casual sex and that trainwreck of a christmas pounding.

Lino bros, I...

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>Character can't lie
Also in the original text it ends with a question mark.
Maybe Tsubame wasn't even sure herself.

She rejected him with the LDR reason which she said was a weak excuse.
Obviously she is hiding something.

As for my guess I think she said out of self loathing after she saw how sincere Ishigami's confession is,
she thinks she is not worthy/can't match up his expectation of her.

>confesses to Tsubame on accident
>fun misunderstandings
>now serious pity sex
Aka is a Haka

>It's more accurate to say she's hit her tsundere phase, and is about to evolve into a smugdere.
She's still a shitty tsundere.
Worse than Iceguya, since she has no actual issues besides being an attentionwhore.

g-guys, I think we should stop making threads, people are being mind broken...

I think this arc is going to be about idealized love vs companionship love.

That's what Kaguyas and Shirogane story was about (kind of). They had the perfect image of the other in their heads and now they are learning about the worser parts of each other.

In Ishigamis case it's about the person he put on a pedestal vs the person that can actually make him fullfilled. Sure Miko has her problems but so does he. Put them together and they could balance the other out.

*shits on tsubame*

Oh boy that would be very unexpected but good

If we're being accurate I'd say it she became one when she was interested in settling their differences in 140. Any time before that was mostly perceived mutual dislike, so tsundere is pretty inaccurate in this case, but I won't assume Yea Forums's weird hate bonor for her was meant to make much sense.

>Put them together and they could balance the other out.
They can't because Miko is permanent prime divorce material.

>Kaguya-sama manga goes on indefinite hiatus due to author's Health Issue.

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What's wrong with pounding on Christmas specifically?

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But nigga, it IS pity sex. For her and for Ishigami.
She wanted to have sex and then say "goodbye, thanks for liking me, I do like you too so we had sex and this will be all".
Ishigami wanted more than just a single night of sex, and since she said no to that, he said no to what she was offering (although she said it in a mean way)

Ishi should just accept wizardhood

What part of "excuse" do you not understand and do you think she shocking expression here means nothing?

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I think Aka needs to have sex.

ooff such a mood killer

literally me!

>no actual issues
Look user you don't have to like her but there's no need to be intentionally obtuse about her character.

It's about growing up for both of them, Ishigami got his rude awakening that his ideal love wasn't perfect and that's okay, I don't think Tsubame has any chance at this point but them reconciling will be important going forward, and Miko will be forced to proactively improve herself if she wants any kind of cordial relationship with Ishigami which forces her to reconsider her own ideals. It's good stuff.

best girl and you cant deny it :)

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>shocking expression here means nothing?
It means "Ishigami-kun is more serious than I thought." Too bad "I made up my mind. Sorry, Ishigami-kun. Let's have sex and say goodbye."

>that page
>"If there is no righteous love, then all love is wrong"

Nothing, I just said that it was a failed attempt at seasonal intercourse

>It means "Ishigami-kun is more serious than I thought."
>the rest of all that
no, the shocked expression does not convey that

>Sure Miko has her problems but so does he. Put them together and they could balance the other out.
Everyone who isn't a dumb waifufag or haremshitter already knew long ago that this was the way things were heading from the start. Shipping was a mistake

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Idk why this is an argument, they wanted different things out of their relationship. Tsubame does like him and wants to have sex but doesn't want a commitment while Ishi wants an actual relationship, want she did wrong was lead him on despite knowing he wanted to date but I would hardly call that pity sex.


but he was nearly a normalfag

She realized that she fucked up and backed off with the sex (because it will hurt him more), plus what Ishigami said is way off putting.
Still, this isn't a sad or a panic face of somebody who don't want to hurt the guy in front of her.
This is a face that shows disgust and regret. And this is why anons says that she's a slut

>Shipping was a mistake
True, Miko should've never existed and Ishigami should've stayed lonely till the end of the fucking manga.

>Ishi: unrealistic forever true love.
>Tsubame: Realistic high school romance

Whops forgot pic

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Holy fuck lshigami is actually handsome.


No she already knew Ishigami is earnest and serious.
It is just that the over idealistic image of her Ishigami presented in his confession wasn't what she wanted to hear.

Hurting him was the last thing she wanted so if Aka is a consistent writer then there is something more to it.

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How would their relationship even go on from there if they did bang?

So rood.

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that's just a face of awkwardness
if it were disgust she'd be furrowing her eyebrows

What the fuck can we do, the Lino Gang keeps getting stronger bros


Hang out for a couple of months then break up, and move on.

40 seconds

I don't think it's anything more complicated than her realizing that he was much more serious about her than she was about him and she wasn't prepared to continue without letting him know that they weren't going to work.

>since she has no actual issues besides being an attentionwhore.
Her parents are never around, and her entire justice complex stems from wanting them to come home. So she's incredibly serious about enforcing justice, and angry at people who rebel against her desires. They're keeping her parents away from her by being bad, after all.
I don't think they really balance one another out in every way. In some ways, they're both fairly gloomy people.
Initially, she saw Ishigami has a frustrating project who was wasting the opportunity she fought for. Now that she's seen his good side, she seems to want even more of it, but is still getting frustrated because she can't push past their prior dynamic. Past the arm break, she drops her open hostility almost completely. She's more teasing than anything, but fairly calm about it. She doesn't seem like she's lying when she says she's not mad at him for breaking her arm.
This will be their look when they become Prez and Vice, no doubt.

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Hope you all losers realize Miko has not suffer since her introduction and Aka will sooner or later have to btfo her.
I can't fucking wait.

Will my girl Fuji ever be relevant again?

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Her suffering is her unrequited one-sided love
>Humans learn to love, even if they are not loved

Miko will grow stronger after the rejection so it is fine.

Ishigami's self inserters refuse to acknowledge that he's in the wrong here. They think Aka isn't mocking this childishly delusional view of love and relationships
This. Ishigami and Miko are pretty much exactly the same when it comes romance. Theyre both in love with their idealised fantasies and they're gonna crash hard when reality hits them. Like Ishi this chapter

Does Ishigami really idealize Tsubame that much though?

I don't find they balance each other out as they are now as much as the people they will mature into will, since like Prez and Kaguya being tied together by the equality theme I think immaturity is what describes Miko and Ishigami.

And yeah I agree both of their initial hostility comes from them being disappointed after how much they've done for each other, though I don't think she's said that she's not mad about the arm breaking has she? Its an important difference from how she usually acts but it's only speculation for now.

We saw her through his eyes, just gauge the reactions of all people who took her "character" at face value

It's just simple puppy love, charmed by her outward apperance and endearing attitiude, especially as the result of the sports fair.
Nothing wrong with that, but as seen, it's a complex issue of actually trying to handle it

But we saw her from Kaguya's POV and she was still the same.

That's the point, they are not made to perfectly fit eachother since the start, but to clash and grow into it as the story progresses.

What happens when puppy love is reciprocated?

Usually, one side (the one who grows out of it the last) gets scarred.

A girl exactly like her was the only girl I ever "fell in love" with, back in highschool.
It's been over 10 years already and it still hurts sometimes. Being a depressed, weird, quiet loser when a girl like Tsubame starts giving attention to you is fucking dangerous.

But one of the Ishigami characteristic is that he is observant and he is able to see through people's true self.

Neither of them are wrong though. Yes Ishigami sticks to his ideals concerning love but that doesn't mean he's fine with casual sex like this. He wants a relationship, she doesn't.

You can make the argument for it, I'd certainly before now he didn't really see her flaws in this way, which is why some anons were thinking he'll be disillusioned in general after this.

Love makes people stupid

Storytime then, nerd

Miko had plenty of suffering in her backstory and is likely to reach round 2 after she falls for Ishigami, but he's in no condition to reciprocate.
>I don't think she's said that she's not mad about the arm breaking has she?
Oh yeah, I guess she hasn't. I misremembered a line. But she's not acting angry.

A shame certain chemicals in his brain cloud his judgement.

Also he just doesn't know Tsubame enough, he has only interacted or seen her social facade.

Wasn't she still using her social facade even while drunk?

Bravo user, that's when her true character peeked through. Thanks for proving my point.

Imagine being rejected by a girl.Then this girl keeps making this face while she forces you to hand feed her

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My mistress

Nah, literally the 3rd time I was ever banned on Yea Forums in my 11 years on this shithole was just a few months ago on a fucking Kaguya thread for the most innocuous fucking post.
Just know that I was a shitshow like Ishigami, and this absurdly social and popular girl started all of a sudden giving attention to me, talking to me, walking with me, so of fucking course I fell in love with her. Then as sudden as it started she stopped.

As it's a manga I'm sure Ishigami will be fine, while I don't think I can ever feel that way about someone ever again.

only a girl who has seduced ishigami could make such a smug face to him

>I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about here. Is Miko properly in love yet?
Maybe, maybe not. It's hard to say exactly how she feels about Ishigami right now, she's been acting jealous enough that she could possibly just be in denial about liking him.
Either way, the fact that Miko's been alone and neglected for most of her life is a huge part of her background. Her parents have never been around to love her, and her whole justice obsession is all to cope with that. Her quote and arc title could be about that just as easily as the unrequited crush predictions.

>Then this girl keeps making this face while she forces you to hand feed her
Can I sue her for that?
I hate tsundere bitches and I love money.

I don't understand user, I'm probably retarded but I'll probably want to kill myself if I think about it more.

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Reminder that this is Kaguya's manga. All side character events are filler that should be treated like commercial breaks during your favorite broadcast show.

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What will Kaguya do when she finds out Ishigami got rejected then?

That's the face of someone who knows your penis size

There's a reason why I'd make her so smug and she blush a lot when asked about how she got her amr broken
Lots and lots of hardcore sex

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these are some long ass commercials then. how do i get ad block?

He did say it was his fault but it was through a series of coincidences.

How about:
>elevator gets stuck
>Ishigami is still hard
>they talk about what happened in Tsubame's place
>Ishigami is still hard
>Miko is curious
>Miko wants to rub
>Ishigami goes full justice and restrains her
>elevator drops a few feet
>Miko is fragile

Probably giving Ishi a handjob under the table while asking if she makes him harder that Tsubame

Or it could be all of the above. I think the end of the three months will be her taking the heart Ishigami gave her. As a way of admitting her feelings to herself.

I feel it will become a plot point if it hasn't already. Just look at the way he pictures her and how it's all sunshine and rainbows when he thinks of her. The "Ishigami's imagination" on pic related was probably meant as a meme but I believe it holds significance now. He put her on a pedestal meant to be broken.

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Quick Yea Forums, your kouhai is asking for advice with a girl because he confessed right before they were about to do it but she rejected him. What do you say?

It did work, it's just going to work with Miko.

They're going to end up about to make out or something and then they'll fall off the bed or whatever they're making out on, and that's how she breaks her arm.

>Ishigami getting into loli because of Miko


O-okay, but don't die...

>All side character events are filler
But we haven't gotten Fujiwara and Hayasaka's chapters yet

have sex

Why does it feel like Mikofags are the same kind of people who visit harem threads?

The idea Ishigami moved on to Miko immediately and have rebound sex with her is pretty disgusting.
I don't know why would any Mikofag want that,
are they really that low standards?

I can see that. Since she's still drunk and is always horny, she might tried to force herself onto him

Because garbage characters attract garbage fans.
Miko is the kind of character who belongs in a manga like Bokuben or 5toubun, not Kaguya.

she's really not that bad

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Would any of the Bokuben or 5toubun girls be good for Ishigami?

Nah she's trash compared to the rest of the cast.

No one cares.

nice argument nitwit. that's based storytelling

This is exactly what'll happen, would give them time to become friends and be an appropriate way to transition into the next part of their relationship.

Because they're people you dont agree with I guess.

>Prez, I blew my chance at sex and am now forced to slave for a midget gremlin, so I'm going home to kill myself

Looks more like false flagging desu

O-okay, go for it...

at least it's a cute midget gremlin

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The ring is going to work. Just not in the way he would have liked. Kind of like a monkey's paw, but he won't be miserable at the end.

If hacka wants Lino to win then i guess he will just bring up the flower / letter / heart or whatever and suddenly they are now a couple

>Iino's ging to win
Worst timeline
That he should just end it all

But bro that gremlin has a cute friend named Onodera. If you help gremlin chan than you will see Onodera more often and impress her with how much you help. She'll definitely want to go out with you. It'll be worth it in the end I promise

After this chapter I think Tsubame is going to win.

>prez and ishi hanging out could've helped him recover
>but he's busy getting busy with Kaguya
Out of all of the possible moments

lino doujins when

That means it's the genius Chika Fujiwara (Investigadora de Amor) who can help him.

this chapter is a falseflag from Aka, user
it's obvious

>Anti-Mikofags on damage control

Miyuki (El observador estelar)
Kaguya(Reina de los musculos)
El Grande Papagane (Que pasa, papa llego a casa)

S tier
La Chika (Caos desatado)
Miyuki (Monstruo Virgen)
Kaguya gelida
Hayasaka (Secreta Lesbiana)
Kashiwagi (Monstruo sexual)
Ishigami (Dios del harem)
Kaguya tonta

Ishigami (Modo troll)
Miko Lino (Pervertida)
El Novio de Kashiwagi
Hayasaka (Modo la criada)
La Chika (Modo mama)
El Hermano de Maki
Tsubame (auténtico hermosa)

Ishigami (Neet)
La Chika embustera
Miko Lino (La abominacion pequeña)
Kei (Rebelde)
Hayasaka (Gyaru)
Karen (Fantasias eroticas)
Erika (Lesbiana)
Maki (Cuckeada)

Miko Iino
Momo (Gorro Kawai)


That would be cool. So far their relationship is fighting with each other.
It could help to develop Chika's character too

Montones de Risas

If anything is gonna lead to development for Fujiwara it's this thing with Hayasaka. She hasn't had much connection with the Tsubame plot so I'd prefer to leave that to different characters imo.


I'm curious to know your thought process that lead to assuming this, considering Tsubamefags are literally the only ones who think there is some sort of competition going on here
>No one cares
Same goes for your trash opinions

>This is exactly what'll happen, would give them time to become friends and be an appropriate way to transition into the next part of their relationship.
My guess is that as a middle stage, Miko's probably going to realize she likes keeping Ishi around and try to find a way to keep hanging out with him even after her arm heals. But he won't have any sense of obligation to keep around her, even if her attitude has improved, so she'll have to start actually appealing to what he wants and his interests. And the Tsubame thing will probably come back up, now that Miko can't monopolize him.

>That nose
Is Kashiwagi a jew?

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>no La Grande Mamagane (Puta Suprema)
>no Onodera Rei (Ojos Misteriosos)
>no Kozue Makihara Senpai (Forma Completa)
>no Mak-se (Forma Minima)
>no Gigako
>no Yoctoko (Degradada Ultima)
>no Yottako (Promovida Ultima)
>no Miko Lino (La Comedora de Universos)
>no Tsubame Koyasu (La Aprendiza de la Puta Suprema)
>no Ishigami (100% Suicidio)

Y'know, he could just put it onto one side.
It hurt when you hace a raging boner but at least it won't be that noticeable

>not SUBVERTING YOUR EXPECTATION just for the sake of it
top zozzle

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I want Iino to step on my penis

Pretty much, what happens next probably isn't too unpredictable, she has to change if she wants to be friends and these three months will be for that with her taking the heart back at the end.

LOng hair Momo was the best


I think it's more the details that are unpredictable. We knew that things were going to go bad with Tsubame, but not why. We know Miko's arm is going to break, but each scenario I've heard sounds ridiculous. Hell, it was obvious from the start of the manga that Prez and Kaguya would get together, but how it happened was a big part of what made this story stand out.

Miko because I'm not a cuck.

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Well yeah obviously I couldn't tell you the details of how we end up at "Miko picks up heart at the end of the three months" especially after the direction this chapter went in, but I'm just fairly certain that's gonna be the resolution.

>Miko goes to pick up the heart
>it's fucking gone

It doesn't really matter if it's gone or not. What matters is that she knows she wants it.

I'd laugh but there probably isn't a point to that. Also this

>Tatsu from Gokushufudou is married to a Miku
He's honestly a better catch than shitty Fuutarou.

Was Tsubame a slut for offering sex?
Was Ishigami a loser for refusing at the last moment?

Tsubame isn't a slut for just wanting casual sex because of her hangup with commitment, she is really fucking insensitive for leading him on though.

And no Ishigami isn't a loser for backing out once he knew he wasn't going to get what he wanted out of this relationship.

finally a good post

nah. Tsubame likes him but isn't ready to commit for whatever reason to a full relationship but feels bad about leaving him hanging so she wanted to at least make a memory with him.

I can already picture her panicking face

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sure buddy

It's possible, but Kaguya's the one who lost it. And she has no reason to look for it since she already got Shirogane.

Didn't even notice that it was kaguya who lost it.

what went wrong tsubame bros?

After so many complaints, Aka gave her an actually interesting and unique personality in the manga.

Nothing we are on the winner path.

Miko is not Ishigami's love interest, anyone who thinks she is is deluded.
Miko and Ishigami already has a deep relationship and romantics will only ruin that, the only romance option for Ishigami is Tsubame, they'll solve this misunderstanding and end up together.

se.....x chapters of Kaguya-Prez in the stuco when

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>that haircut
IshigaME is literally Aka self-insert

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Sports festival could have told you that, his backstory is cringe worthy.

It's really bad. This is arguably worse than the Ice arc.

This post actually makes me sad.

"I should have fucked her" Aka-sensei

>actually read Instant Axe


iino is the most thirsty character in the manga. she's like the bruce banner of cock lust, trying to hold back that perverted monster in her by being as prudish as possible.

but just like bruce and the hulk, they need to find the right balance and merge with each other. yu will be the one bring out the cock hungry she-hulk and he'll be the one who will help to tame it

>Que pasa, papa llego a casa
Lost early.

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>>no Miko Lino (La Comedora de Universos)

That's, literally, Kaguya, except they were all extremely thirsty in their own different ways.

>your favourite underwear

Attached: woah.png (341x151, 57K)

Mikolino le va a entregar el chicloso a Ishigami


>Onodera Rei (Ojos Misteriosos)
I'll be using this one, thanks.

Attached: 1555054972940.png (361x469, 131K)

>no Osaragi (La Novia de Chad)
>no El Hijo de Jefe la Policia (Rival de Momo)
>no Gan'an Shinomiya(Puto Supremo)
>no Maki (Forma del Seething)
>no El Hermano de Maki (Forma NTR)
>no Kei (La Mejor Hermanita)
>no El Medicucho (Bisabuelo a 51 años)

Kaguya is probably the ultimate gf desu

I seriously hope one of you anons is doing the power rankings image.

for what?

>Instant Axe

Attached: Selection_007.png (396x223, 113K)

Kaguya wants to be axed soon

>Ishigami (100% Suicidio)
I'd like to imagine Ishi in this one with lifeless eyes, surrounded by darkness, grim aura or shit like that, literal fucking final boss form

Ishigami without Miko in this chapter

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dead manga, dead thread

You can overdose on protein user