Danberu Nan Kiro Moteru

Have you been trying to make Machio proud since the last episode?

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>Become macho
That's so 20th century

I hate this anime. All I've managed to do is exercise my wrist.

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but we haven't gotten to the hammer curl episode yet

>mfw I actually went to a gym because of this manga

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>Bad for your body even with proper form
Wait, can you elaborate further please?
I've been trying to redo my home exercise routines and situps are one of them

I ran roughly 3.7km twice today. That's something.

Situps put a lot of stress on your lower spine.

not them but I guess that explains why I get back ache in my damaged area

Unironically agree with this guy as I thought the exact same thing, in 1st episode when she's doing the squats her legs look like twigs.

Where are his nipples?

What's the better alternatives then? Would crunches work?

Thanks to all these fighting mangas and danberu i got more motivated to do exercise and started to do 2 hours daily in the gym every day and stopped eating like a fool. I lost 9 KGs in 2 month, i still need to lose 20 more but we're getting there

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thanks to this mango I learned that what I have been doing up to now is called calisthenics. got to get a dumbbell to up my game.
Also Sensei best girl, Zina second

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I started a few months before this aired, I do calisthenics but added a weighted vest which you might want to try. I do running and extra core exercises on other days.

>had to skip leg day because of knee hurting
I'm not gonna make it bros

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how should I onegai for muscle today bros? my right hand is borked atm so no gripping stuff

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use your left hand

What is his endgoal?

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Reminder that 70% of men over the age of 20 in the US are overweight. Don't be part of the 70%

Who has some bodyweight training guides? I'm moving at the end of next month and I'm not ready to start a gym membership, but I'd like to do some bodyweight training in addition to my walks outside.

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Of course.

I'm a sad excuse of a human being

I've just been going to the park and using the equipment there. Doing push ups, chin ups, pull ups, dragon flags (before it was shown on the anime), squats and dips. Also been carrying kettlebells and dumbbells around to do farmer walks. I added a weighted vest for everything except dragon flags and plan on doing harder variations when I get stronger.

at least exercise both hands user

They've been fine for me. Just get/use an ab machine and roll your shoulders off the ground.
Or use a machine you can sit in that helps you bring your knees and chin in.

Fuck you muscleman. I've had sore muscles since the last episode aired

I made this 'cause I was bored and didn't think younger folks would get more than about 6 of the references.
"The Same" (The Shark) is actually a reference to "Sin JAWS" a kaijuu movie, not Spielberg's "Jaws." And, of course, "Barnold Shortsinator" and "El Possum" is outright bad anime-subs. Also, the monkey isn't orangutan "Dunston Checks In" but a monkey-in-overalls gif popular in Japan.

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More to show up soon. Lots more.

I'm overweight too with a BMI over 30. Only thing is I have a fat percent of about fifteen, and my weight is high because muscle weighs more than fat. BMI stops mattering when you start working out.
Just do a proper program such as starting strength, stronglifts, greyskull lp, or PPL and you'll be ok.
When I do deadhangs, I do leg raises at the same time, because why not? Leg raises is the only abdominal work I do besides the basic compound lifts. Deadhangs with thick bar really works great on my pinkies' grip too, those have been a weak point for me for years. Now my calves need some work out, haven't really worked out those ever.

...I tried.

>4 Bulgarian splits*
>Attempt at 3 *20 squats**
>3*20 Deadlifts with 7kg dumbbells
>3*20 Curls with 7kg dumbbells
>3*20 Overhead Press with 3kg dumbbells
>An attempt at tricep extensions with 1kg dumbbells***
>The ab routine from the most recent chapter (minus the V-bends)

*Quit because they were too hard
**My knees hurt, so I stopped after the first set
***My elbows hurt, so I stopped halfway through the first set

Help me Machio! My joints are perfectly fine for daily activities but they're killing me when I'm exercising.

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Start lightweight.
Don't over-work.

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Is this manga really good?

I think so. Why don't you check it out for yourself?

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Inconsistent scanlation release dates, but yes. Really good.

I opened a random Danberu chapter folder and added a random page. You tell me.

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Great job getting motivated and attempting to stick at it!

I was a skinny ass twink till started the /fit/ life years ago too.

Unironically recommend 'Starting Strength' (read /fit/ sticky). Start light, work your way up.

>> Joints will 'ache' a little if you've done nothing before, just ensure you take a rest day between each session.

>> Practice makes perfect. You'll make Machio and yourself proud!

>> Once youre comfortable with SS, add some supplimentary things like curls, ab workouts etc. You'll find after only a few weeks of SS, all these movements are far easier.

>> Eat well. Protein is a must for recovery.

Hope this helps user-kun. We're all gonna make it

It will arrive in 47 hours and 45 minutes, user.
Check back Wednesday morning, she'll be here.

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Err, in 35 hours. I forgot am/pm.

This manga has so many cute girls. Abs is the best tho.

>Abs is the best tho
That's not how you spell hibiki

I said I would lift for Aniki, user.
Here we are after 4 months, still a slob, still a disappointment to him.
Somebody recommend a fucking wrist brace for tfcc so I can finally make him proud, Yea Forums.

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How? There's not enough porn yet.

There's plenty of good material

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>Also Sensei best girl, Zina second
Based. I want that dumb russian to appear on the anime soon

>Yea Forums unironically discussing lifting programs
another smashing success, now go procreate

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Funny enough, I tred to add situps on my exercises today and I couldn't do a single one because i felt I was putting way too much pressure on the spine (and neck). Hated that shit when I was younger and I still hate it now. I'll just do any other exercise that accomplish the same thing instead