Could you guys enlighten me on how to properly watch this?
Is the Netflix version in any way watchable, for example with japanese dubbing and german or english subs?
From what I have gathered so far, besides the removal of the ending songs due to licensing issues, is that Netflix's new english dubbing has been critized for being worse than the old one and removing tons of queer stuff and that the new german dub (my mother tongue) for being substantially worse than the okayish old german dub from 2005.
Neon Genesis Evangelion dubs and subs
Man, shut the fuck up already. You're either a) baiting for shitposts or b) using this as a means to invite anti-Netflix circle-jerking. If not, its been over 25 years since this shit aired so don't even bother.
The Netflix dub is meh, but it's not like the old ADV one was any better but nostalgic dubfags will argue otherwise.
The Netflix sub is fine, but just like ADV's it's not perfect. There's a lot of inconsistencies, Misato calls Kaji 'Ryoji' in the sub even though she always calls him Kaji in Japanese.
Kaworu 'likes' Shinji in episode 24, but then he 'loves' him again in EoE.
It doesn't remove anything, the gayness of Kaworu/Shinji's relationship is still there.
But it switches back and forth with names which can lead to confusion, and sometimes it's too literal in translation with softer language that it takes impact away from certain scenes.
tl;dr People are overrating.
Opinions on the new English sub and dub vary, but from what I've heard everything that isn't English or Japanese is unwatchably bad (the Italian version actually got taken down because of its quality).
>all of these reasonable, measured replies
The best solution for those who care enough to ask this question is always to watch it subbed in 1080p.
What about the movies
Which subs?
The rebuilds aren't on Netflix, use the THORA or Coalgirls release
Thanks, I will look them up.
>use the THORA or Coalgirls release
Are there any differences between those two?
Probably not because both are very likely shit and contain errors. Get the subs Sephirotic released and comibne them with an uncorrected BluRay video source.
I ripped the subs here:
You will have to find files to the original 21-24 episodes someplace else, like here:
I thought the Netflix version was good
except for the final 2 episodes, EoE still best
Why ask an English board instead of Krauts?
>series take place in Tokyo
>english dub
why ?
>Probably not because both are very likely shit and contain errors. Get the subs Sephirotic released
Are the differences really that large?
>combine them with an uncorrected BluRay video source.
Where could I get them?
I don't really know where to ask.
We're talking about Rebuild, not NGE. Seph never did a Rebuild release.
>Are the differences really that large?
Most subtitles borrow the translation from the official Platinum DVDs, but due to errors in transcribing bitmap titles some of them are not good and have awful mistakes. Sephirotic's release takes care of that. The other two I guess aren't all that different.
whoops didn't read
just watch the original english dub, it's good
What do you guys mean?
Is this the defining evangelion ost playlist?
The one and only way is to watch it with the Italian dub for Netflix.
Too bad it got removed after less than a week and the masterpiece is lost forever
What exactly was the issue?
>except for the final 2 episodes, EoE still best
Which subs are now the best, I'm slightly confused?
Fuck off normalfag. If you're bumping your own thread to ask these stupid questions you're likely not intelligent enough to understand EVA.
>Is the Netflix version in any way watchable
So long as you aren't beyond autistic, yes.
did you forget you cant get upboats here? Wrong site newfag