Today is Syaro's Birthday and it's mine too!

Today is Syaro's Birthday and it's mine too!
M-maybe I'll drink some herbal tea in her honor?
You had at least a couple reminder's,
What did you get Sharo?
What will did you get me?

Attached: Cuddle me instead!.gif (500x391, 1.19M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>What did you get Sharo?
A pair of melons.
>What will did you get me?
Nothing. Go back to Twitter you attention whoring cunt. Don't even talk to my wife agian.

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Happy birthday, user. I got you this (you). Have fun with it.

>What did you get Sharo?
>What will did you get me?
Nothing but if you’re up for a game of pretend...

Thank you for the (You)
I will enjoy it.

You're very welcome. Have another one.

Thank you, I'm going out for Matcha later,
While I do very much love Syaro, I like Chiya too.
I like her Matcha very much.

Attached: Chiya Ujimatsu.jpg (646x686, 433K)

Here is a Syaro for starters.

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Syaro was sexually repressed as a child.

How so?
I wonder what makes her so anxious all the time?

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By me.

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I always stop when she's about to cum.

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You're gonna get her new character cd, right?

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Yeah I should do that.
Except I'm a poorfag.

i want to punch in the fucking face every faget that write like this

I hate Shya'ro

Attached: kissu.jpg (1440x1080, 397K)

Syaro get's a Rize and that's all she wants!

Attached: GocchiUniform.gif (500x281, 1.98M)

I want to milk this cow.


Birthday kiss.

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gween tea

Attached: gween tea.png (1920x1080, 1.67M)

Why is shxrp frowning?

Attached: sharx.png (1103x1080, 631K)

happy byrtday

Attached: 2.jpg (700x393, 235K)

Turn that frown upside down , by me.

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Happy birthday Slorpo

Attached: [HorribleSubs] HenSuki - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.56_[2019.07.15_15.03.38].jpg (1280x720, 103K)

I love my wife Shampoo. I am going to buy us a house and support her and our 4(four) children!

Attached: syaro_pc.jpg (1920x1080, 421K)

Happy birthday user!

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>implying sxcarp isnt celebrating alone
H-haha w-what a loser

That is a very tiny bite

I'm gonna sexually abuse Syarp on her birthday!

It was I. I committed the crime!

Attached: 2006112.jpg (259x195, 11K)

Syaro is so lovely, She doesn't know it but, she always makes my day.

Attached: Shy Sharo!.jpg (1280x2160, 855K)

She can be so eloquent when she wants to be.

Attached: Snazzy Syaro!.png (1473x865, 1.83M)

sxarp lost house birthday edition where

I'll definitively be drinking some mate in Sшapo's honor
It has a lot of caffeine so i'd love to drink some with her and take advantage of her

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cute alice

merry birthday

Omelette Tan job!

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I will listen to one of Sharo's character songs to celebrate her birthday! I will give you a (You) and I hope your wishes come true!

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Thank you friend this was a good song!

Attached: Kirima.Sharo.full.1718002.jpg (627x886, 397K)

aaaagggh my wife chino is so cute and yes we do THINGS fuck, I wanna a wanna I du laikeu somah moah cawfee I du laikeu somah moah gweentea cawfeeeeya one cup of Chino bien caliente please by me I want to fuck chino tippy sippy desu gasoween gochiusa? more like gochiuzbekistan megu's voices telling me to burn sxarp's house hi daisuke

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Sxarp! Sxarp! Sxarp! Sxarpooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
Ahhhhh… aa… a, aahhh! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!! Sxarp Sxarp Sxarpooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
Ah Kunkakunka(sniff-sniff)! Kunkakunka(sniff-sniff)! SuuHaa(Breath in and out)! SuuHaa(Breath in and out)! Good smell…Kunkun(sniff-sniff)
Nhaah! I wanna Kunkakunka (sniff-sniff) Sxarp Kirima-tan's(tan = chan: add arfter first name) dreamy golden hair! Kunkakunka (sniff-sniff)!AhaA!
Mistook! I wanna mofmof(fluffy-fluffy)! Mofmof(fluffy-fluffy)! Mofmof(fluffy-fluffy)! Hair hair Mofmof(fluffy-fluffy)! Karikarimofmof! Cuincuin(onomatope)
Sxarp on visual novel was Cuuuutteeee! AaaAA!…AAA…AhAaAAAA!FaaAAAnnn!!
Congratulation 2nd season was on air! Sxarp-tan! AaAAAAA! Cute! Sxarp-tan! Cute! AhAAaAA!
Comic volume 6th was sold and I'm happ… NooOOOOO!!! NyaaAAAAAAAN! GyaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA(Aaaarrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh)!!!
GahhhaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAA! Comic is not real! Oh…visual novel and anime is too…
S x a r p I s N o t R e a l? NyaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN! UwaaaaAAAAAAAAAAA!
GetchaaaaaaaaaAAAAAA!!! Noooooooo! HaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAn! Uwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!
This! Fxxk! I give up! I give up such a real(life)…te…what? Look? Illustlated Sxarp-tan is looking at me?
Illustlated Sxarp-tan is looking at me ! Sxarp-tan is watching me! Illustlated Sxarp-tan is looking at me !
Sxarp-tan on anime is watching me! I feel relieved… The world is not that bad!
Iyahhoooooooooooooo!!! Sxarp is with me! I did it, Kety! I can do it!
oh, comic's Sxarp-chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAaaaaaaaNnnn!!! NooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!
AhAnAAhAAna, Ms Kirima!!!! Co, Cocoaaaaaaaaaaaa! RizEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! ChinOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
UUtUuuUUU!!! May my wish to Sxarp! To Sxarp on Fleur de Lapin!

Sharo evolved this season

Attached: 0007-001.jpg (1115x1600, 885K)

I can't believe you'd say that. I take this as an insult for my wife. Just look at what you posted:
*ugly green ribbon
*lifeless hair, fucked up bangs
*tits too big, bra ugly
*who tought that skirt was a good idea, especially with that fucking pink blazer
*zettai ryouiki too big
consider suicide

>What did you get Sharo?
A baby.

I was the one!